Cat 5 Cables :: Connect Comcast Modem In Wiring Closet
Feb 11, 2013
Moved into a home that has a wiring closet in the basement. Typical wiring closet setup, Cat 5 cables and Coax cables from the house outlets terminate there. There is a Suttle sam v8m voice distribution module installed. Looks exactly like the one in this user manual:Page 5 of 8, Wiring Diagram.URL,However, there is NO Sam D8 switch below installed in the wiring closet. The Cat 5 cables from the home outlets enter the wiring closet and plug directly into the Sam V8m.Can a comcast modem be connected to the Shuttle Sam V8m to make the Cat 5 outlets hot? Or, does the Sam D8 (or similar) need to be installed?
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Jan 4, 2011
I bought a DIR-655 last week and have a very odd problem: have set up the DIR router after my Modem/Router Netgear DG834 when i connect a laptop with LAN cable to one of the LAN ports on the DIR i can access internet without any problem.When i search wireless network from my laptop the DIR turns up and have excellent reception(4-5bars).
This works fine when i start for ex. google, but then after clicking on a link or trying to access any other webadress, the internet disconnects?? (i still have excellent reception between the router and laptop.)It also seems that the internet connection is reestablished automatically after 1-2 min, but disconnects again after a few minutes. I have the same issue with WII, the WII console finds DIR but when I'm trying to update the firmware in the WII console the connection stop working.
One more Q: when i connect LAN cable from modem to DIR i get no internet access, should it be that way? How u are suppose to connect LAN cabels between modem/DIR/stationary PC?
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Jun 29, 2011
I have a comcast business class cable modem and am trying to connect it to my cisco 2821 to route only certain types of traffic.
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Jul 28, 2012
My ZyXEL modem/router does not detect my ethernet cables. it has one that runs to the main computer and i have a cable connected to my xbox. the light does not turn on when i try to use the internet for my xbox and the xbox does not detect ethernet. the other port works fine for the computer.
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Oct 17, 2012
I'm looking to upgrade my SB-5100 Motorola Cable modem that I now rent from Comcast. My main objective is to increase my internet performance.
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May 25, 2011
I cannot get my computer to recognize my Netgear WNR1000. I have called Netgear to explain the issue and was on the phone with them for 45 minutes.They did get the laptop to work but my desktop still does not. They told me it was a browser error. If I disconnect the ethernet cable from the router to my computer everything works perfect.I tried to reinstall the CD that came with the router and as I try to get through step 2 it says no router detected.I think this is my hold up but I have no way to know how to fix this. I tried to go on the Netgear website and they tell me that I have to be able to connect to the internet to download through the router. Well I can't do that because obviously that is the hangup. If I click on my Network Connections. It shows my computer connected to a Network with limited capability and then a big red X going to the internet.
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Jan 17, 2012
Just got home from the Comcast store with a $7 rented modem just to last me until I do research and purchase one. I realize that this modem has only one Ethernet port with no WiFi support so I have another PC and a laptop sitting idle because there's no internet access. Did a quick search using Comcast's authorized modem's list and all of them only have a single Ethernet port and no WiFi. Is there a modem with multiple Ethernet ports with built in WiFi? I am getting almost 20mbps with a download speed of 4mb/s which is a HUGE improvement over my ATT DSL service that I've had since forever at 3mbps with a download speed of 300kb/s. I have no idea what technical specifications to look for in a cable modem to get 100% of full potential speed from my service without disconnects or other various problems.
I have a ATT U-Verse router sitting here right now, I am wondering if I can somehow connect it to my Comcast modem. I tried to connect the ATT router into Comcast modem via Ethernet cable, but I couldn't get past the "Your DSL service is unavailable" in the browser, but in my desktop system tray, it shows I am connected to the internet. If I could use this router, I would rather spend money on a modem instead of getting a combo.
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May 28, 2010
Life was great with my DIR-615 and Motorola Surf Board SB-5100 cable modem, but my D-Link refuses to recognize the Internet signal from the Thomson. The Comcast guy spent an hour trying to get it to work, but I'm stuck watching on a 24" monitor in a stiff office chair in my study, instead of on a 47" LCD in my living room. How can I force the DIR-615 to accept the Thomson ACG905? If you advise me to check settings or manually change them, please do not "assume" that I know how to access those settings.
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Jul 17, 2012
UTP cables are crossover cables or straight through??
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Jul 24, 2012
Our small business just moved into a new building and I am in charge of setting up the network infrastructure. I am not new to computers or networking but I have never had to deal with this set up before.
Our current set up.We have a cable modem from comcast that has the Coax cable connected to it.The modem has 4 ports on it. The ports are connected to a built in 24 port switch that was already in the building. The switch has it's ports connected to outlets in the walls. Currently we have 4 computers on our network and since the cable modem had 4 ports it worked fine.
What we need? We will have another person join our office so I will need to activate one additional port on the switch that already exists. However, since all 4 ports on the modem are already taken, I have no way to add an additional port. They also want us to get wifi in the building.How I think I have to solve the problem (most likely wrong).I have to get another switch (like 8 port) and connect the cable modem to the switch using a cross over cable (if there is no designated internet port). Since I have the modem connected to the switch, I will have to move the 3 remaining connections to the switch.
Then I connect the 4 remaining ports on the switch to the existing 24-port switch that is already there. I will use one of the outlets in the building to connect an AP for Wi-Fi for better signal. Currently the modem and switches are hidden in a closet away from the office space and would mess up the signal.
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Feb 15, 2012
I hav a laptop conecteted to the internet with comcast service and a netgear wireless router that works fine. but bought a desktop and when i hook it to the router i get no internet. im running windows 7 ultimate on both machines. i am gettin a thing saying unidentified network in my network settings and i called comcast whent through resetting the modem and router with them and nothing then they tell me i have to pay them to run another machine of of my router this is ridiculas i have the machine pluged into the port on the router with anethernet cable everything is hooked up right i know this im pretty computer savy as ive built many machines in the past.
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Oct 21, 2012
I switched to xfinity and I really don't feel like renting their gateway for $7 dollars a month. Gateways are crap anyways. So do any of you know of a good router and modem that can be paired up to work well with xfinity and has good speed?
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Feb 6, 2013
My router is a Dlink Model DI-624
My modem is an Arris Model TM502GI don't remember how to set it up. That is what cable goes where & is there anything to do on the PC With WiFi for it to connect with my router?I am 70 years old with a limited knowledge of computer and other electronic gadgets.
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Jun 28, 2012
We have a rack with a Cisco Catalyst 3750 that is networked with other racks in the data center and uses bandwidth from the data center co-location (which is also an ISP). We had a need to install a Comcast Business Class modem in this rack and want to be able to manage this modem remotely. What I have done so far is.
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Apr 7, 2013
We have kids in the house and I'd like to limit their internet access to certain times of the day but because of the great amount of devices they use (phones, tablets, laptops, etc.) the only way I could think of doing that easily was to set up two wireless networks: one that the adults could use 24/7 and the other that the kids could access during certain set hours.
Here's the equipment I'm working with:
DLink DIR 615 wireless router
DLink DIR 515 wireless router
Motorola Surfboard cable modem S85101U
I plugged the DLink 615 in, set it up for DHCP client and plugged it into the cable modem. I lef the default IP address for the device. On that router, I also reserved the IP address and assigned it to the DLink 515.I also gave the DLink 515 device the IP so I could administer it.I set the DLink 515 to static IP and made the IP and the default gateway plugged the DLink 515 into one of the LAN ports in the DLink 615.I set a schedule on the DLink 615 to shut down internet access to the DLink 515 at a certain hour and turn it back on at another time.Everything seems to work ok, but at least once a day we have to unplug and plug the routers to reset them.
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Sep 21, 2012
I bought this wonderful voice gateway off the internet from someone. So not sure if they ever used it with Comcast.So far I hatve had no internet once I plug it to the cable. I have asked Comcast tech for activating this device. However they say it is not supported and they have tried sending it the Activation signal but they say it fails. I can see all lights lit up and go green when I connect this device to the cable, is there a firmware upgrade for DPQ3925 ?
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May 27, 2013
I've got a ASUS AC66 router plugged into my Comcast cable modem (regular dumb modem), it's running the Merlin (OEM-modified) firmware.I've got a Netgear 3400 router flashed with DD-WRT (latest build), it's a replacement for another N router that died on me.
Anyways, I went to set client bridge like always. Main router is so I set DD-WRT router as, set the wireless modes to client bridge with matching SSIDs for my 2.4/5GHz radios, input the correct security keys on the security page (AES), then I put the router in router mode (from gateway) Basically, I followed the instructions on DD-WRT's website, which worked perfectly until the other router died.
This time around as soon as the DD-WRT router reboots with its bridge information saved it immediately causes some sort of conflict on my network and kills the internet and all network connections. All devices lose their IP address. It's like the DD-WRT router is somehow shutting down the network and my default router.
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Nov 2, 2012
On my closet's patch panel, there's one ethernet jack that is labeled "IDF5", I was just wondering what it is used for.
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Nov 27, 2011
My neighbor is using my Belkin Router the basic one and has comcast. We both use his internet and have had no problems until the past 3 days. He just got the home phone service from comcast and the phone line is setup through the modem. Ever since comcast came to his apartment and set this up the home phone service to his modem the router is connected but there is no internet access. What is going on and how can I fix this. He has an HP with windows Vista and I have a Toshiba Satellite L675 that has Windows 7 Home premium edition on it.
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Jan 12, 2010
I have a need to have 2 seperate networks from my comcast cable modem.I was hoping to plug a 5 port hub into the cable modem and then plug both the wrt610n and the wrt54g into the hub. Seem that only one of the routers will get an ip assigned from Comcast.Is there a way to have one ISP cable modem and create two different home networks with the two linksys routers, thus two separate independent networks?
-Network 1: public household use and family (Jane's wireless laptop, household PC's etc).
-Network 2: private household/company use and separate from the public family network (company wireless laptop/company PC, un-secure media server).
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Aug 17, 2012
I have an ARRIS Docsys3 modem from Comcast which has a built in WiFi router. I also have a DIR-655. The Modem is in my office and I have a 100' Ethernet cable running through my attic to my front room where the dir-655 is located.
I use the DIR for WiFi as well I have it connected to my TV and Xbox.I use the ARRIS Modem for WiFi as well I have it connected to another Xbox and a Desktop computer.I want to have everything on 1 network, Dir-655 uses IP address and the ARRIS uses ranges I want to be able to connect to the dir-655 and have the IP for that connection join up with the 10.0.0... network so that I will be able to transfer files freely throughout the network.
I want everything on one network. Right now when I connect a laptop to the DIR-655, I can not access the printer that is connected to the Desktop on the ARRIS modem. I have to connect to the ARRIS modems WiFi to then use the printer on the desktop.Likewise, I want to use the media extender on the Xbox connected to the DIR-655 with the Desktop connected the the ARRIS modem, but I can not because of the to different networks.
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Mar 23, 2011
Every day for the past week my Internet access goes down. I have a netgear router connected to Comcast modem. I have to reset the modem then the router constantly and it gets irritating. I called comcast and they say reset them. But why should I have to constantly reset.... Sometimes I just ignore it and it comes back up later... what is going on??
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Aug 9, 2011
Comcast had us unplug our modem in order to upgrade to their new faster speed. now our wireless router won't work. We've reset the router twice. we can set up the wireless network but we cannot connect to it. The connection last for about 5 minutes and then we get an error, cannot read IP address. Comcast says it is not their problem and linksys says they can't assist either.
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Jul 24, 2011
I have an RVS4000 V1 router connected to a Comcast Extreme 100 mbps cable modem.The port setting for the port (number 4) is 1000Mbps Full Duplex, auto Negotiate.why the RVS4000 is throttling the port?
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Aug 24, 2011
What is it called when you use two cables to connect two switches together.
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Jan 1, 2012
i want to connect 2 ethernet cables together threw a wall jack but i dont want to wire it. Do they make a wall jack that you can just plug in each side
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Mar 3, 2011
I have two computers in the house which are linked by an ethernet cables, my wireless router only has one ethernet hole,so I would like to know what I need to buy? such as an adapter or something, so I can have two ethernet cables to connect to my router.the type of router I have is called a Hauwei echolite HG521 broadband wireless ADSL2+ router.
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Feb 6, 2011
I have two buildings. In first building I have network with internet. In other building network without internet. I need to connect buildings to the same network using two WAG320N modems by the phone line cable. Is it possible and what configuration I need to set up?
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Dec 11, 2011
At a customer i've tried to add a new 3750 switch til a running stack.I used the following proccess:
1. connect stack cables to the new switch
2. bootup new switch.
Normally the new switch will become a member of the stack, but here, the switch says its the stack master. I can see that the stack port from the old switches connecting the new is up.The only way i could make it work was to provisioning the new switch as switch nr x, save, power off and then connect it and boot it up.The IOS i the same on all switches.
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Apr 15, 2011
Is it possible to access the internet directly using the provider's hdmi cable routed through a generic device?
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Jul 26, 2010
I have tried to connect Comcast to my new E2000 router, with negative results. I did perform the firmware upgrade on the router (to 1.001). My old Netgear WiFi router works fine, so I know the configuration works.For testing purposes I have the following:
MacBook Pro > E2000
Comcast > E2000
Both via Ethernet cable.
I do have access to the E2000 via web based interface. I have tried a variety of configurations, including the use of the "static" configuration using the current Comcast ip, gateway, subnet and DNS that currently exists. I am unable to get the Auto DHCP to work - Comcast ip's do not appear (in the "status" window.)
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Feb 23, 2011
Can An ISP Filter Traffic within the VPN Tunnel? Sounds weird but..We have a Avaya IP Office 500 Head end Phone Server. Several 5610 IP Phones.I've setup a PIX 501 to Connect to our ASA 5510. In the Office, going from one Public IP Subnet to the Public IP on the ASA 5510 I'm able to connect up the 5610 IP Phone through the PIX 501 through the ASA 5510 to the IPOffice 500 Server and place calls.I take the same setup home and connect it to my Comcast Internet connection anf it does not work. I can connect a Laptop behind the PIX501 and Connect to the HQ network just fine. I can see the Phone do a TFTP Transfer to the VM Server, though it stops short can cannot connec to the Call Server.
I then gave the unit to 4 other Comcast Users, all of them do not work.I then gave it to a AT&T DSL user, works Great! then another local DSL ISP (Sonic.Net) and it works great.Same hardware, same VPN, Same everything except ISP.Both With Comcast we tried directly to the Cable Modem, or behind a edge router. PCs connect, Phone does not.The thing I do not understand is If Comcast is filtering something, how can they filter something that is in my VPN Tunnel?
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Feb 4, 2012
I'm considering wiring my house for Ethernet (I've chosen Cat 6 cable.). I've read some online guides about this. However, I can't seem to find any that would work with my house, which is a Pueblo-style flat roof with parapets. However, I want to tear out as little drywall as I can. There's already wiring for coax and phone.
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