Cisco WAN :: 1941 - Unable To Browse Websites Or Receive Emails Via DSL Router

Dec 2, 2011

I am facing  a problem that I can not browse the websites (or receive POP emails, but I can send emails) via the DSL router CISCO1941/K9, the DHCP is configured at the Switch (not on this router) and actually the PCs are able to do a ping for the hosts (like [URL] and so on) but they can not browse !!
Below is my DSL router configuration if u would to give a look 
Router#show running-configBuilding configuration...
Current configuration : 3434 bytes!! Last configuration change at 19:26:41 UTC Sat Dec 3 2011 by bilal!version 15.1service timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msecno service password-encryption!hostname


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Windows 7 - Unable To Browse To Google Websites?

Oct 24, 2011

Computer is Win 7, SP1 fully updated.I can browse to most other web site, but cannot go to Google or YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Tried a bunch of stuff like flushdns, winsock fix, clearing cache. Nothing works.Cannot ping to Google either.Gives in ip address but times out.Even when typing in the google ip that returns from the ping cmd it will not go to the web site.

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Broadband :: Can't Receive Emails From Specific IDs

Jan 13, 2012

Can't receive emails from specific emails. This happened after a Windows update in December ,A and did not correct after the update on Jan .B, 2012

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Wireless :: Cannot Read And Receive Emails

Apr 9, 2011

cannot read and receive emails

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Wireless :: Can Send Emails But Not Receive Them?

May 5, 2011

I recently migrated keeping my original email address. All went well, except I am unable to receive emails from one of my contacts. I can send to this individual successfully, but when the contact tries to respond the reply kicks back to him telling him that there was a delivery notice failure. Email addresses have been verified by both of us and both are accurate

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Broadband :: Receive 0X800CCC0F Error Message Downloading Emails?

May 1, 2012

I recieve 0X800CCC0F error message when trying to download emails with attachments. My ISP is BT. BT say they cant fix it on my computer but many people are having this problem. They say their technicians are trying to fix it presumbably on the servers.

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Can't Browse To Some Websites

Nov 12, 2011

Well actually now i have another problem. I easily works to like search on google. for example wikipedia works too. But from the moment i want to go to facebook or something similar, it doesn't work?

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Dell Latitude D620 Connected To Internet But Can't Browse Websites

Jun 8, 2011

I have an old Dell Latitude D620 and have Just upgrade my wireless deal with BT to Infinity with a new BTHomeHub3.0. The Dell will connect to the internet and I can see it's working because some of my programs can use the internet to function but when I try to use the internet it just stops loading at 5 bars on IE but then stops. I have tried a system restore but this has not done anything and tried a different browser but the same thing has happend.

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Cisco VPN :: Unable To Browse From LAN Desktops Via 887 VDSL Router

Sep 3, 2012

I have installed a CISCO v887 router in Amsterdam officeI established a VPN tunnel between AMS office and Edinburg office.

1. The VPN is up and running

2.  I am unable to browse anything from LAN computers in Amsterdam office.

3. From LAN computers I can traceroute to but from browser I cant browse and web page hanged out in this situation  (website found waiting for reply). But nothing comes over and LAN users are unable to use internet.


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Unable To Send Emails

Feb 6, 2012

I can receive emails, but I cannot send emails.

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Unable To Send Emails When Connected To Vpn

Sep 14, 2012

Unable to send emails when connected to vpn.if vpn is disconnected can able to send receive mails but when connected to vpn Unable to send emails.from outlook or any other mail.

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Broadband :: Unable To Transmit Emails To Friend

Mar 13, 2011

I am unable to transmit e-mails to a friend , using "" as her provider, and get no assistance from mailer-daemon at this end.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Unable To Access Most Websites Using EA4500

Dec 4, 2012

I have had my router for about a month and all the wireless lan stuff seems to be brilliant. Recently I signed up to an ISP (Plusnet), and can't access most websites. The ISP has told me that I should take this up with my Router company. I seem to be having the exact same problems as this guy was having [url]....

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Unable To Open Few Websites Using E4200 On LAN

Jan 16, 2013

Been more than 2 years since I purchsed this router from US and has been working flawlessly till now. Lately I have been facing issues with few websites not opening when my laptop is connected to the router using a lan cable. Sites like (I get the download speed but when it needs to upload it is stuck there forever), [URL] is another which just does not open.
I tried opening these sites using e4200 wifi and everything works perfectly. I even updated the firmware to the latest 1.0.05 build 7 Aug 23, 2012 but still the same issue.
My router set to Automatic configuration - DHCP...
Also when I directly connect the internet cable to my laptop lan, everything opens without any issues.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 V2 Unable To Access Most Websites

May 24, 2012

I recently bought the E4200 v2. When I first installed, I ran the firmware update and then performed a hard reset (push reset button for 20 secs). I then began to enter all the PPPoE information and network settings into the new router (verified these settings with the existing WRT54GL router I'm current using and they all matched). I then disconnected the old router, and powered up the E4200. I was able to access the new router (, I could see all previously shared files/computers with the new router, but I could not access most websites - usually I got a timeout error, or they eventually loaded in 10x the usual speed. This was typical of both laptops - one wired, and one wireless.  My wireless handheld device could connect to the wireless network, and ran a test, and upload/download speeds were normal - but I could not access the internet from the device. When I switched back to the old router, everything worked perfectly again.  I have tried some suggestions on changing MTU values, but that did not seem to make any difference.
As a work-around, I have ended up keeping the WRT54GL as the main router and using the E4200 in bridged mode for wireless only (not what I ideally would like)..

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Unable To Access Most Websites With E4200

May 3, 2012

I've been on DSL with British Telcom Infnity (FTTC) since March and had no problems with the service.  My router,  however, an Apple Time Capsule, was not so reliable and needed a reboot every few days,So I just purchased the E4200 V2The Setup completes OK and PPPoE logs into my ISP fine.  But then I hit the problem.Most of the websites I use simply won't load . In Safari on my OS X Lion, Macbook, I get an error like this "Request Timeout. The server timed out while waiting for the browser's request. Reference #2.525fdd58.1336048435.0" In IE on my Windows XP laptop, the error is "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"But some websites still load fine.  So [url]..., loads instantly. Most other sites I try, including [url]... - won't load at all. (Plusnet is my ISP)If I connect to my work VPN, I can browse as normal

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Unable To Login Through Console Port On 1941 Router

Mar 12, 2012

I have a strange issue that I am having an issue figuring out. I am trying to login to the 1941 router through the console port. When I enter the username and password, which I just set, it fails. I am able to login under a different login but when I try to enter the enable mode the enable password doesn't work, which I just set as well. I can login with the TACACS+ login from a SSH session. Here is the line config:
line con 0
exec-timeout 15 0
logging synchronous


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Broadband :: Hotmail Is Temporary Blocked / Unable To Access Emails

Aug 29, 2011

My Hotmail is temporary blocked for more then two weeks all my work related email I cannot access it?

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Linksys Wireless Router - E1500 :: Unable To Access Certain Websites And Game Servers?

Feb 17, 2013

I've been having a strange intermitent problem with my E1500 wireless router.  When we first bought and installed it everything was working well with no known problems.  After several months no one using the router was able to access certain websites as well as a game server that we play on.  No one had made any changes to the router settings and I assumed at first that it was an ISP problem. After talking with our ISP tech support they finally suggested plugging my PC directly into the modem rather then the router. I did and found that the websites and servers that previously wouldn't connect while using the router were now reachable. Any changes to the router settings since installation.I decided that just in case someone unauthorized had made changes to simply revert the router to factory settings and reinstall the software.  After doing this I found that I could again reach the websites and servers that I previously could not. So time went on with no problems until a few months later when the same websites and servers were again unreachable by anyone on our router. I again reset the router to factory settings and changed passwords as a precaution, but this time the websites and servers were unreachable even though I had just reset the router. 

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Unable To Browse Anything

Oct 21, 2011

I have just bought a new router and am trying to connect it. I did the basic set up with an install disc to the problem is that when I connect to the Wireless network it only gives me limited access to the internet for instance I am able to use Skype and other applications that rely on internet connection, but when it comes to web browsers (both Mozilla & Safari) it shows the url section loading but only ever makes it mid way (the page always stays blank) .

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Connected But Unable To Browse

Jan 15, 2011

I've tried almost everything but nothing is working for me You see my wireless connection indicates that I am connected with Excellent Strength but when I open any site it doesn't let me and says that the system is offline. I tried MSN and the troubleshoot tells me that Default Gateway is offline


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Cisco VPN :: 5502 - NAT-T / Unable To Receive Data

Nov 21, 2011

I've got clients using the Cisco VPN Client (version, and an ASA 5520 set up as the endpoint.  99% of the time this works great, so I'm pretty confident with the config, but there is one specific user who is having a problem (although sometimes it works ok for him).  This user is connecting to the internet through a 3G dongle, and then trying to VPN in.  I can see the connection being established, RADIUS authenticating his credentials, and the tunnel being set up without issue.
No data seems to pass through the tunnel however.  Lots of packets are sent, but none are ever received back.  Looking at the VPN statistics on the client, I can see that Transparent Tunneling is inactive, so I'm presuming I've got a NAT issue somewhere.  The output of sh vpn-sessiondb remote seems to confirm this (user 1 is the problem user, user 2 works fine):
Username     : user1                  Index        : 1332
Assigned IP  :          Public IP    : xxxx
Protocol     : IKE IPsec
License      : IPsec
Encryption   : AES128 AES256          Hashing      : SHA1
Bytes Tx     : 0                      Bytes Rx     : 0
Group Policy : Tunnel-Group-1
Tunnel Group : Tunnel-Group-1
Login Time   : 06:18:57 UTC Tue Nov 22 2011
Duration     : 0h:14m:41s
Inactivity   : 0h:00m:00s
NAC Result   : Unknown
VLAN Mapping : N/A                    VLAN         : none
As you can see, for the problem user, just plain IKE IPSec is negotiated, without NAT-T.

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Connected To Internet Unable To Browse?

Apr 2, 2012

Basically, my internet claims to be connected (via wire to router, computer isn't wireless enabled.) but when I open a browser (I normally use Chrome but no browser is working) it came up with the Error 105 no matter what address I try to accessSo far, I have tried resetting my router and waiting, using cmd to reset winsock and resetlog, I've fiddled with some of the proxy settings and immediate downloads Of course, I'm not entirely certain what half of those things have done, but nothing seems to have worked properly. I've uninstalled all of the firewall/anti-virus programs I had installed, which hasn't changed anything either.I have had the 'connected but not connected' issue before since it happens quite often, but usually I disable it, restart the computer and just connect again, then it'll work - but this time it hasn't.

I noticed to have the information given from ipconfig/all, so I've copied out what I get from that below.* I've just noticed that the host name has changed to STACYSC, when it's not supposed to be. I think this is from me attempting to connect to a wireless connection before I realised it wasn't enabled - could this be an issue[CODE]

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Connects To Internet But Unable To Browse?

Oct 7, 2011

My flatmates and I recently got Sky broadband - their laptops connect just fine to the internet and they are able to use it without any problems. Mine also connects, but I can't do things like browse or use Skype, etc.When I go into Google Chrome, I'm told there is a DNS error that was unable to be resolved. Mozilla tells me that I have a problem with my server, and IE doesn't work either. Also, I am receiving very few packets. For every 2,000 or so packets that are sent, I only receive 2 or 6. When I click 'repair' I am told that my IP address cannot be renewed. The thing is, the internet works on my netbook at my mother's house, yet it doesn't work in my flat or other places like wifi spots.

I've tried so many things, such as clearing the DNS cache, releasing and renewing IP address, I've set the properties of the wireless connection to obtain DNS and IP automatically, I've tried pinging, I've turned off all my firewalls, I tried system restore, I've fiddled with certain keys in the registry, I even rebooted my entire hard disk last night and it still doesn't work! I'm really at my wit's end with this and I don't know what else to do. The problem is way beyond my comprehension now.

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Internet Accessible But Unable To Browse Anything

Apr 19, 2012

My pc (windows7) will say its connected.. It even says internet access.. But when I click in the Internet?THE WEB PAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE. It says the DNS lookup failed. But the thing is... all my friends bring their laptops over (Mac & Pc) and try work fine. Even my phone catches the wifi perfectly in my house. I started to think maybe it was the laptop but the laptop word great on wifi at my job, my friends house, and pretty much anywhere with wifi but my house. I have wifi through bright house and they came to my house one day but they ended up not doing anything because they can only make sure there device (router) works perfectly. Ok.. So I took the laptop to best buy's geek squad and the guy "reseted my network card" & told me it should e fine when I got home.. Nope. Didn't work. I have spent hours looking trough the Internet trying things that people recommended I do. (start, run, cmd) I've tried it all. It just won't work. I really need this laptop to work at home because I do a lot of work from the pc. I hope somebody on here could point me into the right direction before I give up & toss this laptop in the shed and be forced to purchase a new one.

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Unable To Browse An Intranet Computer

Jan 22, 2011

I have been stuck in a strange problems which happens occasionally--but too often to be ignored.I have a Windows 2003 Server running as a virtual machine via MS Virtual PC 2007. The host machine is a Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. This setup used to run fine where I had no issues accessing the guest OS (Win 2003). My development environment is Visual Studio 2005 and 2010 based, both running on the host machine.Some days ago I started working on a ASP .NET application which had a lots of files on the guest OS. That would cause the dreaded 'Network Bios Limit Reached' error in VS. So tweaked a few Registry keys on both host and guest and that problem went away. But then I started to get a new kind of problem: Occasionally, within VS 2010, I could not save files and that would be so bad that the entire guest OS cannot be browsed (but can be seen in the Network Neighborhood and be pinged as well).I have undone all Registry changes in both guest and host but I still see this problem. Only the virtual machine running Win 2003 is occasionally un-browseable but still ping-able by other intranet computers: Win xp, vista, Win 7 but cannot browse until the guest win 2003 is re-started.Is it some kind of network buffer being too full? So far I only see this problem when working inside Visual Studio 2010 but it could be happening elsewhere. The guest win 2003 is assigned a static ip of by the router, btw.

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Unable To Browse Collection On A Tablet?

Apr 24, 2013

i have all of my music/ films on PC running windows 7 (might upgrade to 8) i would like to be able to browse my collection on a tablet (using it as a remote) and be able to play it through my stereo / tv. i would like this done with as few wires as possible none would be best im guessing i will need some from the pc to the stereo and tv

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Unable To Browse Or IM But Connected To Internet?

Sep 5, 2012

Upgraded my OS from Windows Vista Home Premium to Windows 7 Ultimate. When all was done and over, updates installed and so on I upgraded the Internet Explorer as well from IE 8 (included in the Win 7 install) to IE 9 (I used to have IE 9 before on Vista). A little bit after that I had to uninstall re-install the VPN client for my work and things started going south. Currently after I start the computer the MSN Messenger is not working, the Yahoo messenger is not working, IE, Firefox and Chrome are not working.

IE just hangs, sometimes is displaying [<endif!>] but it seems to find the sites because I can see the icon of the page changinghrome is not able to connect even to but it let's me down nicely (doesn't hog resources like IE does)The Internet connection is fine because I can ping, I can connect to my work's VPN, sometimes even some https pages are briefly working.Once I connect to the VPN everything works great.Now comes the weird part after I connect to the VPN and disconnect, the browsers work, the IM works ... so something gets reset in that process and makes it fine but I have no idea what. (NOTE: IE9 is still barely moving - you request a page go get a snack and maybe it has loaded)

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Connected To Internet But Unable To Browse?

Aug 30, 2012

I am using a Dell Latitude E6400 Laptop and have been wirelessly connected to our home internet for several years without any problems. However, of late I have been having problems browsing despite my connection being OK and signal being very good. I am able to still listen to music on spotify, as well as chat on facebook, but cannot load web pages or search for anything on youtube/google etc. I use google chrome but experience the same problem on IE.

I have checked whether it is a problem with malware and have removed all threats, but still the problem persists. the only way I have found of temporarily fixing it is disabling the wireless and reconnecting, whereby it will work perfectly again for anything between 5-50 minutes.I have not changed my router recently so do not think that is the issue. I'm beginning it may just be a hardware fault with the laptop.

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Connect To Internet Yet Unable To Browse

Oct 2, 2012

I am connected to the internet wirelessly with an "excellent" connection; however, when I open up IE or Firefox I receive an error message that I'm not connected to the web.I've tried everything.. every internet setting.. taking away all the security, etc..

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Unable To Receive Files From Phone Via Bluetooth?

Jan 21, 2012

I am unable to receive files from my phone via Bluetooth.Never had a problem before on vista,but my hp pavilion g6 will not receive files.I used to rgt clk on bluetooth symbol + receive file.Don't have this option on 7.

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Unable To Connect To DNS Server / Browse Internet

Jan 4, 2012


Unable to connect to DNS server/browse internet

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Laptop Unable To Web Browse With 2wire Modem?

Aug 6, 2011

since the past week, I have not been able to use my home internet network properly on my laptop. I'm experiencing a really strange issue with it. Whenever I connect my laptop to my home network and try to use the web browser, I get a message from my modem that says that my laptop has been blocked by parental controls and cannot access web browsing. However, this is incorrect, my laptop has full access with parental control restrictions. This only happens when I try to use the web browserWhen I use a third party application such as Windows Mail it works fine.

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