Cisco WAN :: Setting Up Correct NAT Configuration Of 1921 Router?

May 20, 2012

i'm having some trouble setting up the correct NAT configuration of a Cisco 1921 router. The NAT is not working as I want - I think my configuration is wrong somewhere. All clients in have the correct outgoing address of But the NAT for (and, is partially broken: Ping and ssh from the outside world to is "natted" to and works as expected. But from inside ( ssh to should be "natted" to, but doesn't work (ping works). ssh from to (without doing NAT) works. 
network design:
=============== network for normal use network for specific clients and servers


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Cisco WAN :: Enable GUI For Configuration Of 1921 Router?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a Cisco 1921 in place with the security IOS so it is also acting as a firewall.
I am wondering if I can enable the GUI so I can configure it remotely.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 1921 Router LAN Configuration

Mar 27, 2012

I have recently configured a cisco 1921 router for internal routing on my network.  Here is what i am trying to accomplish:
Main network   mask all office devies and computers.
Second network  mask - All plant equipment machinery and production lines
i have configure gig 0/0 for my company network and gig 0/1 for my plant network.  I can ping the router from both networks but am unable to route traffic betwenn them.  what am i missing?

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Cisco Switches :: SG300 Correct Configuration For Redundant Link Between Two Switch

Mar 9, 2012

I have two switch SG300-10 that need to be interconnect togheter with a simple redundant "cable fail safe" configuration.My idea is use the two uplink copper port of the first switch, connected to the two uplink copper port of the second switch.

How to create a working setup configuration? The first setup that i need, is with only one VLAN1 for all ports,
The second setup is with the VLAN1 assigned to the ports 1-2-3-4 of all the two switch, (linked togheter by uplink ports)
and the VLAN2 assigned to the ports 5-6-7-8 always linked togheter with the same uplink ports.
Is possible use the two uplink port at the same time, as cable fail safe? or use a uplink port 1 for the first group and the second uplink port for second group?
I need to use this configuration for audio cobranet transport, and i need to test the correct configuration for the primary and secondary audio stream, if can work togheter on the same VLAN or i need to separate the two stream, from start to the end.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 2950s / 3550s - Correct Spanning Tree Configuration?

Jan 12, 2012

The network in my building consists of several 2950s connected back to 3550s using redundant fiber links and MST.  Recently one tenant decided they wanted to run their own switch and use the existing building network for VoIP only which is on a dedicated VLAN.  I was thinking about creating an access port on the 2950 and setting it to the VoIP VLAN as I do not want to give them a trunk port.  The client can take this link and connect to their switch.  So far does not seem to be an issue.  Now what happens if the client configures spanning-tree on their switch?  I have no control over their device and cannot manage it.  Is there a way I can protect my edge switch and access port to allow them to run their own spanning tree without it interfearing with my existing MST instances? I was thinking BPDU guard but if they turn on stp and my switch sees a bpdu then the port is disabled and they lose VoIP access.  At the same time I dont want them to be able to create a loop on their switch and have it affect mine.  But since the is only a single cable from my device to theirs?

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Cisco WAN :: Setting Up 1921 With Two Ethernet WAN Ports Going To Two Separate ADSL ISP

Feb 17, 2011

I am setting up a 1921 with two ethernet WAN ports going to two seperate ADSL ISP's (via bridged modems) and one connecting to the internal LAN. There is a single e-mail / web server behind the router.
I have been reading the following which is exactly what we want to do, but I have questions. Maybe failover would be better because Load Balancing seems a little too quirky without BGP. url...
How do we define public static IP's, the example seems to show DHCP?In order to detect if a line is down, it has to ping an IP address that is specific to the connection - correct? So could I use the gateway for the ISP? The issue I have with this is the gateway might be up, but the Internet down. Next, we need to make sure that when someone visits one of our public IP addresses, the return data is sent through the connection requested. What we don't want is a situation where incoming connections are not working.From experience, load-balancing causes certain websites and SaaS applications to break because requests are coming from two different ISP's. Is this the case with OER? Finally, any links, config or something to advise how a fail over only configuration would work given we have internal servers (PAT/NAT inbound would need to translate properly with the failover IP)? Basically if ISP 1 goes down, I.E. router cannot ping then it switches to ISP 2, until ISP 1 comes back online and switches back? This would need to change the NAT rules for inbound as described. 

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Cisco VPN :: How To Convert 881 Configuration To 1921

May 31, 2013

Here is a copy of my cisco 881 easy vpn config. What I need to modify so this will work on a cisco 1921.
 hostname BTLvpn
boot-start-markerboot system flash:c870-advipservicesk9-mz.124-11.T3.binboot-end-marker
no logging bufferedenable secret 5 XXXXXX
no aaa new-modelclock timezone EASTERN -5
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-733417695enrollment selfsignedsubject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-733417695revocation-check nonersakeypair TP-self-signed-733417695
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-733417695certificate self-signed 01  30820244 308201AD A0030201(code)

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Cisco WAN :: 1921 - Configuration With IP Base Software

Jan 31, 2011

I'm having a problem when configuring this cisco router 1921 with an ip base software. Accordingly with the Cisco software adviser this software allows to configure the l2tp Client Initiated  Tunneling. But configuring the router the commands are not recognized:

Router(config)#pseudo wire-class L2TP_PSEUDO
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Router(config)#interface Virtual-PPP1.

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Cisco :: Configuration Of Terminal Server On 1921?

May 18, 2011

Since Cisco 2511 is out of sale now and Cisco 1900 series are recommended to replace for the purpose of terminal/comm server. How to configure terminal server on HWIC-8A module?

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Cisco WAN :: 1921 NAT / Remote Access Configuration

Dec 15, 2011

I have to open several ports from the WAN to LAN on a 1921:
For example:
Say I need port 41795 both UDP and TCP to go from the WAN to the LAN, can some provide me the context I have to follow?
Currently I have this in place
Another piece of this is that the devices that will need to be accessed remotely are on VLAN10 - will that cause a problem?
is installed at a clients home for a very complex Crestron network that included 5 Cisco POE GB switches, 2 VLANS, with VLAN10 utilizing QOS and is the AV network (VLAN1 is the computer network), 8 1142 WAP's, and this 1921.
=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2011.12.16 19:52:41 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=show runBuilding configuration...
Current configuration : 3340 bytes!! No configuration change since last restartversion 15.1service timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msecno service password-encryption!hostname DHOWE_Router!boot-start-markerboot-end-marker!!enable secret 5 $1$JuTn$zn6CnXIm1bJGgPhtRCfB0.enable password ********!no aaa new-model!!no ipv6 cefip source-routeip cef!!ip dhcp excluded-address

[Code] ........

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Cisco WAN :: 1921 / Internet Failover Sample Configuration

Sep 22, 2011

sample configuration for internet failover . i  have 2 ISPs with one coming in thought a serial cable and another through internet and would wish one take over after the other has failed .The router is Cisco 1921 .

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Cisco WAN :: New 1921 Doesn't Display Running Configuration

Apr 28, 2013

I've recently received this new Cisco 1921 routers with Cisco CP loaded, so it comes up with the annoying change username and password at first access. I've removed all of those files from the flash memory, and rebooted it, and it came up with the proper initial configuration dialog, which is what I wanted. But, whenever I configure the router with a set of basic configuration, like interface, routing, and snmp loggings, and hit wr mem, it doesn't display at all when I do "sh run". It's weird cause when I do sh run | sec rip  or any other stuff that I have configured, it shows up , but not in sh run at all.
What's the deal with the new routers? Even sh version doesn't show the config-register or memory allocation details.
xxxxx#sh ver
Cisco IOS Software, C1900 Software (C1900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.1(4)M4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: [URL]


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Cisco WAN :: 1921 Frame Relay Bounded T1 Configuration

Feb 24, 2013

We have frame relay T1 circuit at one of our remote site. Which is connected to our core frame relay router which have DS3 circuit.Now we bought second T1 line at remote site and now I have to configure Bounded T1 with Cisco 1921 router.good config  example or document on how to configure frame relay bounded T1 ?

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Cisco WAN :: 3560 Switch Configuration - Setting Up As Edge Router

Nov 27, 2011

I have a cisco 3560 switch set up as my edge router.  It is working as my external demarc switch and edge router.  It is sitting between the ISP's switch and my ASA firewall.  It's a very basic configuration with port 1 set up with a fixed ip and switchport turned off which is connected to the ISP switch.  VLAN2 is configured with an IP address and 3 ports, two of which go to different firewalls.
I found that I cannot ping a specific address from the inside interface (VLAN2), but I can from the outside interface Gig0/1.  I have a few deny commands in an access list, but they don't apply to the network i'm trying to access, and I haven't had any other inaccessible networks otherwise. 
Here's my config minus passwords and full IP ranges.  There are two ranges, one with xxx and one with xx.  The xxx is set as secondary, but is the one we really use.
Current configuration : 4808 bytes!version 12.2no service padservice timestamps debug uptimeservice timestamps log uptimeservice password-encryption!hostname my-rtr-ext!boot-start-markerboot-end-marker!enable secret 5 !
!!no aaa new-modelsystem mtu routing 1500ip routing! 
[Code] ............

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Setting Up Triple Router Y Configuration Using RV042?

Mar 3, 2013

i am currently using 2 DSL WIFI modem and wants to combine them to my RV042 dual wan router but as i set them up using WAN1 and Wan2 as "Obtain IP Automatically" there is no internet connection?

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Cisco :: 1921 - DHCP Configuration / Assign Fixed IP To One Device While Assigning Others?

Jun 19, 2012

This is IOS 15.1(4)M3 on a 1921 router. The LAN is (DHCP config is further down.) We have a small range that we want to assign via DHCP to devices; .200 through .220 . At the same time, we have a handful of Macintosh systems to which we want to assign a specific address that is not in that 200-220 range. I don't want to configure the assignment based on the Ethernet MAC addresses because these systems might connect via UTP or wireless; that is to say, they have more than one MAC address. They only ever connect using one interface/MAC address at a time, but it's their choice; in some areas wi-fi is available, and in some areas they have to cable-up.
The Mac OSX network settings has a field for "DHCP Client ID". It would be much easier to tell the users of these systems to put their Mac's name in the Client ID field for both their wired and wireless DHCP configs. (As opposed to having them all lookup, and then give me their Ethernet MAC addresses for both of their interfaces.) I tried this with my Mac's (named "shrike") wi-fi interface, but I don't get the address that I expected. I get an address from the .200 to .220 range.
Here's the DHCP-related config from the router:
router#sh run | s dhcp
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool OurOffice

Is "client-name" the wrong place to configure the DHCP Client ID?

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: IP SLA Support On 1921/K9 Or 1921-SEC/K9?

Oct 5, 2012

We want to puchase new Cisco ISR 1921/K9 .   i want to know does it support the following sample IP-SLA commands
ip sla 2icmp-echo 500frequency 1ip sla schedule 2 life forever start-time now
track 10 rtr 1 reachability
delay down 1 up 1
track 20 rtr 2 reachability
delay down 1 up 1 
ip route track 10ip route track 20
Im asking above question because we will need to enable ip-sla  on  the mentioned router.   as i read on the cisco webside, it says Cisco-ISR-1921/K9-IP Base  support only  IP-SLA RESPONDER  feature nothing else. If  Cisco-921/K9  does not support the above commands , should i go for ordering Cisco-1921-SEC/K9 ? 

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Cisco Wireless :: Configuration For Setting Up WAP4410n As AP?

Nov 24, 2010

Is there a recommended configuration for setting up a wap4410n as an ap?
The reason I ask is that I have an rvs4000 with a wap4410n as ap and a second wap4410n as wds repeater and it seem I have to reboot one or more of them every couple of days due to various users being unable to connect wirelessly or being able to connect wirelessly, but with no Internet access.
Starting with a reboot to facory default, the rvs4000 gave the wap4410n ap an address of so I just left things like that. Similarly, the wap4410n wds repeater was given an address of, which I did not change.
Given there seems to be some kind of intermittent problem, would it be better to have the rvs4000 reserve an ip address for the two wap4410n? Note that I did try this, but after adding the two reserved ip addresses ( and clicking on "save", the rvs4000 rebooted and came back up without the two reserved addresses...

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Cisco VPN :: ASA5505 - Bad Cryptochecksum Ignored And Setting Default Startup Configuration

Jan 9, 2012

There are two issues which are testing my resolve.
1) Bad Cryptochecksum Ignored error
2) Unable to boot to a save startup-config file.
I want to take the configuration from one ASA 5505 and move it to another ASA 5505. I copied the startup-config file from an ASA 5505 running asa821-k8.bin to an ASA running 8.222-k8 to flash using tftp. I set the boot config parameter on the new asa to flash:/startup-config which is the location of the startup file. If I use copy run start command, I over write the startup file. When I copy the startup configuration to the running configuration I get a Bad Cryptochecksum Ignored error and the startup file does not copy over to the running file. How can I resolve this issue?

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Asus Pce N13 - Wifi Password Correct But Router Not Accepting

Feb 22, 2011

I have installed a new ASUS PCE-N13 network adapter. My problem is this: The network adapter easily detects my wireless router (full strength) so I click connect and it asks me for my p/w. I type the p/w in and my computer instantly tells me it is wrong. I know full well the p/w is right because I live with 2 other people and they both have laptops which connect no problem.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G2 - Get Correct Key Number?

Jul 30, 2011

I have recorder my Security Key number incorrectly, how can I get the correct key number? This is for a Wireless-G router WRT54G2.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1000 To Correct Given Password

May 20, 2011

I think I used an incorrect password during setup. When I setup the router, I was asked for a username with instructions to use my login ID (name@ISP) and system password. I entered the password I would use to get to my email, not the system password. How can I get back to that screen to correct the password? Now, I have no internet connection without disconnecting the router.

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Cisco WAN :: 5510 Pickup Correct Device / Router For Multiple ISPs

Apr 3, 2011

We have plans for multiple ISPs and need to pick the correct device/architecture for that. single site: 3 ethernet hand offs (1 From ATT Fiber/10Mb pipe via their managed router, another one from ATT via Copper T1 via a separate circuit & managed router and the 3rd/last from Cable Modem/Comcast)
1.WAN hand off from another ISP from I will use ASA 5510 (already have) to use all the above 4 as inputs and then use the internal interface of the ASA 5510 as the default gateway for all the employees to browse the internet etc. so that1. If one one or more of the ISP lines die, we continue to operate (albeit lower bandwidth)

2. Also, we take advantage of the added bandwidth (even though it may not be the arithmetic sum of all the above).

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Routers / Switches :: Access Router Webpage With A Correct Address?

Apr 29, 2011

I try to access my router web page with a correct address ( but on my computer i have this message {Network Error (tcp_error)} but i can access this page from another computer through the network (WHY)

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610Nv2 Setup From Scratch - Recovering Correct User Name?

Jul 26, 2012

I'm trying to access the web setup page and I'm being asked for the user name and password. I have the password from the initial setup written down but apparently didn't also record the (changed) user name. It's not "admin" (tried that - and just leaving it blank - already).
Is there any way to recover the correct user name short of resetting the router and setting it up again from scratch?

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Cisco WAN :: DNS Regarding A 1921 Router

May 18, 2011

I have installed a Cisco 1921 router in our company and i have stumbled upon an issue with the DNS.
We have a internal DNS server and an internal WEB server. In the DNS server there are records pointing to sites on the WEB server, this is working just fine.
The thing is when i use a public DNS such as (googles public DNS) i cannot resolv the external IP of those sites. I do not want to access the sites and i do not want to send any packets to the sites. All i want is to query the public DNS and resolv the public IP where the site is.

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Cisco WAN :: Possible To Upgrade 1921 Router

May 3, 2013

I am really stuck with router requirement for one of our client. I need 891 SEC router. I think this comes with advanced IP services. What I have is 1921, with IP Base. can I upgrade 1921, so it will become alternative to 891 SEC.

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Cisco WAN :: Traffic Going Across The Router Is UDP 1921

Feb 23, 2011

I'm attempting to set up a Cisco 1921 router running IOS15, and am having trouble with the NAT - it might be that what I am attempting is not possible. The only traffic going across the router is UDP, and the outside of the network canot be changed.

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Cisco WAN :: Router 1921/k9 Features?

Jun 4, 2012

I wish to use a 1921/k9 as a router on a stick. Inside interface interconnects up to 9 VLAN, and performs the routing. Does the 1921/k9 supports trunking and VLANs (I think it should support 16 VLAN, but I am not shure) or I should choose 1921-SEC-k9? Routing performance is the same both on 1921/k9 and 1921-SEC-k9? (I think I'll use static  routes or RIP, it is not a large network)

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Cisco WAN :: 1921 Router Won't Route LAN To WAN Traffic

Feb 18, 2012

The router passes the Interface test for the WAN port in CCP but it still we cannot access the internet.  Here is my configuration:
Building configuration... 
Current configuration : 3663 bytes
! Last configuration change at 09:29:52 Chicago Mon Feb 20 2012 by fbcpekin
version 15.1


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Cisco Infrastructure :: Configuring NAT On 1921 Router

Jan 31, 2012

We are having problems configuring NAT on our Cisco 1921 Router. Below is the running config. The problem we're having is for example our FTP server, cannot be accessed from its outside IP address, which is NATed on the router. The server is verified to be up and running and when we do a show debug ip nat, we see the router is translating outside users attempting to access the ftp server to it's correct internal IP address.

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Cisco WAN :: 1921 - NAT On A Single Router With 2 WAN Interfaces?

Mar 17, 2013

I have a 1921 with 3 interfaces. One for the LAN and the other 2 are wan each with a public address. The 2 wan interfaces are used for redundancy. I would like to know how I can static nat the same port and inside address on both wan interfaces.So if the request comes in on one or the other it works. I know if I do a static nat to one of the wan interfaces and then add the same port and inside address to the other wan interface it replaces the previous configure.

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Cisco WAN :: Gigabit Ethernet Does Not Come Up On 1921 Router

Aug 14, 2011

i have a cisco 1921 router and it has ge0/0 (LAN) and ge(0/1) WAN. ge 0/0 is well connected and i can ping it and the LED light is on but ge 0/1 has failed to come up.Ge0/1 is connected to an IDU and has a public IP address. The LED light also does not light on ge 0/1.Where could the problem be?

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