Cisco Wireless :: Pass Thru DHCP With Aironet 1231G

Jul 1, 2012

We have 12 - AP-1231G access points in our warehouse with 2 SSID's, both on different VLAN's. We would like to set one of the VLAN/SSID 's to use DHCP from a windows DHCP server.Is this possible to do with option 43 or is that only for lightweight AP's ? Sho ver: Cisco IOS Software, C1200 Software (C1200-K9W7-M), Version 12.3(8).

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Cisco Wireless :: Connect Aironet 1231G To 3G Hotspot

Jul 13, 2012

Where I live there is no DLS or cable to probide me with Interent access so I use my Verizon 3G/4G smart phone (Android) as a hotspot.  Right now I am using an old Vista PC and ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) to provide Interent connectivity to my home network and Cisco lab.  This works fine but I must have my smart phone near the PC for it to work.  When I go to other rooms, I end up missing calls and texts since I have t oleave the phone if it is providing Inerent access at that time.  If I can get the Airnet's to connect to the hot spot AND provide Internet access, that will provide me additional mobility.  This would also be good for small businesses as a backup Internet Connection.
Is there any way that I could elimanate the Vista PC and have my Aironet 1231G Wireless router(s) automatically connect to my phone's 3G hotspot to provide Internet access to my lan?
I have 2 Airnoet 1231G's running the c1200-k9w7-mx.123-7.ja  IOS and a C3550XL layer 3 switch.

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1231G - Missing Channel Command?

Jun 14, 2011

I have two Aironet 1231Gs, that are both running the same version of fimware: Version 12.3(8)JEE
From the gui, I try and change the channel on the main radio interface--It works from one, and I get just a blank page on the other.  When I try and change it via the cli, I use the "channel" command in conf int mode, and it works one the one, but the other one, the "channel" command doesnt exist.

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1231G - Cannot Access Default Username And Password

Jan 3, 2013

I am resetting my Aironet 1231-G access points and cannot access the default username and password.  Here is the information I am getting on the Console.  I reset getting the amber light.  Attempt to use Cisco as the Username and Password.  It replies that authentication fails with the below log information.

*Mar  1 00:00:04.591: %SOAP_FIPS-2-SELF_TEST_IOS_SUCCESS: IOS crypto FIPS self test passed*Mar  1 00:00:05.868: %SOAP_FIPS-2-SELF_TEST_RAD_SUCCESS: RADIO crypto FIPS self test passed on interface Dot11Radio 0*Mar  1 00:00:05.969: %LWAPP-3-CLIENTEVENTLOG: Read and initialized AP event log (contains, 1025 messages)
*Mar  1 00:00:06.104:  status of voice_diag_test from WLC is false*Mar  1 00:00:07.156:  STUB Called : crypto_ssl_init*Mar  1 00:00:08.198: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0, changed state to up*Mar  1 00:00:08.244: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --Cisco IOS Software, C1200 Software (C1200-K9W8-M), Version 12.4(23c)JA2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)Technical [URL] Copyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Wed 13-Apr-11 12:55 by


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Cisco Aironet AP 1231G Mount With Magnet

Nov 22, 2011

I need to install a AIR-AP1231G in one of our facilities. Its desired location is on a 1" thick solid steal wall filled with concrete. I thought maybe mounting it with a magnet would be easier than tap and die. Any reason I shouldn't use a high powered magnet to mount it with?

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Cisco Wireless :: AP 1231G Not Passing DHCP To Clients

May 27, 2012

My company AP 1231G is not passing the DHCP address to the client from the DHCP server, my config listed below basicly the AP is on its own VLAN and the DHCP server is -- trying to use iphelper to pass DHCP to clients and the AP is on static IP
! Last configuration change at 13:15:56 +0800 Fri May 25 2012 by root
! NVRAM config last updated at 13:15:56 +0800 Fri May 25 2012 by root


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Cisco :: Change WPA2 Key On Aironet 1231g Access Point?

Mar 22, 2012

I am trying to change wpa2 key on an Aironet 1231g access point. Once I change they key, clients cannot authenticate to the access point unless they either change the password or forget and re add the network on the client device. Is there any way to make the client ask for a new key if the key doesn't match when authenticating?

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Cisco Wireless :: Clients Authenticating To 1231G Not Getting Assigned DHCP Addresses

Jun 24, 2007

Here at HQ we have a 4402 WLC. At our remote sites we have 1231G APs running in autonomous mode. I upgraded one of the APs -- IOS 12.4(3g)JA -- to run LWAPP. Per release notes I've read upgraded 1231's do not support REAP/HREAP mode, consequently, it's running in LOCAL mode.
The AP is managed by the WLC. I created a WLAN for the remote site and assigned it to the MGMT interface; the remote site subnet doesn't exist in HQ. The DHCP server for the remote site is presently at that site; AP and DHCP server reside at the same place.
Clients authenticate successfully to the remote site AP, however, they are not getting DHCP addresses assigned.  Does the DHCP server for the remote site have to reside in HQ since the AP is running in local mode? If so, where is that specified, on the MGMT interface config?

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Cisco Wireless :: 5508 - WLC Not Pass DHCP Past Bridged Units

Jun 26, 2012

I have a WLC 5508 with LWAP 1242 with wireless bridges connected to the APs I cannot get DHCP to pass through the bridge to the PC connected to the bridge.

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Security / Firewalls :: Wireless Router Cannot Pass From Firewall To Get IP From DHCP Server

Sep 22, 2011

Recently i had suffering with wireless connection problem, currently my wireless router connected to WAN directly, after that go into firewall and then go thru switch to end user PC, for LAN user there is no issue, but for wireless connected PC it is prompted with limited connectivity problem(DHCP is disable on router), after check with ipconfig /all. it seem likely due to wireless PC cannot get the IP from DHCP server. i am using DLink615 router. i had checked firewall setting there is firewall policy that connected all router ip into company LAN, but i don't think there is DHCP VPN setting up. is there anyway i can go thru firewall and get IP from DHCP server because if i set up DHCP on router, it cannot pass thru and access to LAN.

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Cisco Switches :: SG200-18 Fails To Pass DHCP Requests?

May 30, 2013

I have a sg200-18 connected via one of the ports to my ISP's router/modem.  Using an unmanaged switch everything works as expected, but after a few days on my sg200 my two computers fail to get assigned IP's and cannot connect to anything.  I also have a couple printers that seem to have no problems getting their IP's passed through to the router as I can use them fine from my machines when connected to the unmanaged switch.
Is there a possibility I don't have my switch setup properly to know that all outgoing data must go to the router, or UDP traffic is being dropped somehow?

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Cisco WAN :: 881-K9 - Unable To Pass DHCP Or Other Traffic Through L2tp Tunnel

Dec 14, 2011

we have two routers CISCO881-K9 and we have established l2tpv3 pesuduwire between two routers: attached the configuration file for both routers.
Although the l2tp established but we are unable to pass the DHCP or other traffic through l2tp tunnel from router A to router- B. [code]

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1140 APs And DHCP Configuration

Dec 16, 2012

We have 6 aironet 1140's throughout the office I have them all configed as one ssid but I would like the DHCP to come from our Windows server.  Right now I have set them up with ip dhcp pools.  So what is the secret to get them to send dhcp requests to the Windows server?

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Cisco Wireless :: DHCP Configuration On Aironet 1100 WAP

Jun 6, 2013

I have to configure DHCP on Aironet 1100 WAP so wireless client will get IP address through WAP. I tried all the option mentioned in Document but nothing is working.

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Cisco Wireless :: Can Aironet 1130ag Assign IP Addresses Through DHCP Running

Jan 20, 2010

The 1130ag was the LAP model but I upgraded it to run in autonomous mode.  My understanding is that it cannot assign IP addresses but I just want that confirmed.  It is not connected to a WLC nor a server that can do DHCP.

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Cisco Wireless :: Clients Timeout On DHCP Lease With Aironet 1141

Aug 17, 2011

I'm setting up a Cisco Aironet 1141 (standalone mode, AP) to handle wireless traffic in the office. It gives out 2 mbssids, one of which authenticates domain users through a RADIUS server and places them in an appropriate VLAN (RADIUS options 64, 65, and 81). The other is a guest ssid that uses WPA-PSK and places users in the restricted guest VLAN. Physically, the AP is connected to a 3750 PoE Catalyst, to which RADIUS and DHCP servers are also connected. AP, SSIDs, RADIUS and EAP authentication all work. The configuration given below is a working configuration. People do get authenticated and do get placed in the appropriate vlan. The problem is that, once authenticated, the "Obtaining IP Address" phase on the client hangs and most clients timeout without getting an IP address. Given that the DHCP server is on the same switch and a test simple ASUS Wi-Fi IP gives out the same scenario (except the multiple VLAN) at the speed of light, I don't think that it's a problem with the network connections between clients and the DHCP server. After reading some topics here, I realized that probably other communication will be extremely slow, as well, but haven't tested that for sure. Clients are all non-Cisco - smartphones, notebooks, etc. Most of them are 802.11G, not N.

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1130 - DHCP Request Does Not Have VLAN Tagged

Dec 14, 2011

We have a Cisco Aironet 1130AG Wireless AP (firmware 12.4) and have a guest wireless network (internet only) and corporate wireless network configured on it. They are kept separate by having different VLANs assigned to them. When a laptop connects to the guest network I see the DHCP request go out and it is tagged with the correct VLAN. The problem is when a laptop connects to the corporate network I see the DHCP request go out but there is no VLAN tagged on the packets. This causes a problem because both of our DHCP servers (on VLAN 1 and 3, remote DHCP servers no DHCP running on the Aironet [Doesn't seem like this version has a DHCP server]) are sending responses and sometimes the corporate user will get an IP address on the Guest subnet.
Our corporate network is setup on VLAN 1 which is configured as the Native VLAN on the Aironet. Will this cause the Aironet not to tag these packets with any VLAN information? Any other thoughts as to why it isn’t tagging these packets to a VLAN?

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Cisco Wireless :: DHCP Error With WLC 2504 And Aironet 2600 Setup Across Subnets

Apr 2, 2013

I have just setup a new WLC 2504 controller to manage a WiFi service that will span 6 geographic locations.  The local networks at each location are on different subnets (all 192.168.x.x) and are linked up via IPSEC VPN links, and there is Active Directory spanning the sites, with DNS and DHCP servers running at each location.
I tested the WLC at our main office with a single AP, and it worked fine.  The AP set itself up, and wireless devices connect with no probs. Great!  Yesterday I headed out to one of our remote sites, and connected an AP to their network - and that seemed to work fine too.  Within a few minutes I was able to see the WiFi network I'd setup, and my smartphone connected to it straight away (as I'd rpeviously connected at the main office), so I was pretty happy that all was working well.
This morning however I've had notification that wifi performance at the remote site isn't great.  I've got someone to check their ip address, and I've found that their IP address and default gateway match the LAN at the main office where the WLC is based - NOT the LAN where the wireless client is.  Obvioulsy this is not ideal!
(I guess I HAVE done something wrong!?).  And how can I get wireless clients at remote sites to pick up an IP from the DHCP server at THEIR site?

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Cisco Wireless :: AIR-LAP 1231G-A-K9 To Use Them On Same AP

May 17, 2012

I have a couple of questions: I have a 161 AP,s most of which are AIR-LAP 1231G-A-K9 two 4400 WLC. Some of these APs are using  AIR-ANT 1728 (2.4 GHz omidirectional 5.2 dBi)  and Mobile Mark OD9-240 (2-GHz omnidirectional  9 dBi) on the same access points. Some of my AP are PoE and some are using a power supply (at the AP) some are using both. Power level is set at 2 a radios are not enabled just the bg radios. I'm having issues: I need to tweak the APs (Power settings & Channel settings) so my clients (LXE VX6) can refresh faster.

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Cisco Wireless :: WPA2-PSK AES On 1231G

Apr 13, 2010

How to get the 1231g to work with WPA2-PSK (AES).  My laptops cannot authenticate using this config but connect fine to the 1242AG.  Below are some of the specifics:
Radio Type: AIR-MP31G
IOS Ver: 12.3(8) JED
Multiple SSID
Encryption: AES
Key Management: Mandatory WPA 
*Laptops can connect to SSID with WEP

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Cisco Wireless :: Getting Configuration On 1231G AP?

Mar 25, 2012

I configured one vlan and trying to authenticate it through radius server.My objective is when a internal users want to connect through this SSID they just put username and password and authenticate through Radius server. Another vlan is getting authenticated through mac address that i need to manually put in AP.

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Cisco Wireless :: LWAP 1231G Can't Join An WLC 2504

Dec 5, 2012

I have WLC 2504 with software version , & 2 different LWAP 1262n & 1231G with "c1200-rcvk9w8-mx.124-21a.JA" Image.The 1262n is joined to the to the controller and working fine but the 1231G it can't join the controller , the controller says "Join request received from an unsupported AP" !!i will attaches the logs for this AP.

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Cisco Wireless :: Remotely Factory Reset AP-1231G Through SSH

Jan 23, 2013

Is there any possible way to factory reset an AIR-AP1231G-A-K9 that was once attached to a WLC via SSH? I dont have physical access to it and the old WLC has long been decommissioned. I have tried the clear command but since it is in CAPWAP mode that command has been disabled. I know I can press and hold the mode button and reset it that way but I need to know if its possible through SSH to be reset. I have two that are in need of being reset in order to connect to the new WLC.

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Cisco Wireless :: Unable To Perform Image Recovery On 1231G

Mar 18, 2012

I have an Aironet 1231G that I'm trying to recover an image on. I'm following the cisco directions of reloading the AP image file from an active TFTP server (which is myPC). My PC has a static ip address of with the TFTP server running. I've verfied that the TFTP server works by upgrading a switch IOS.The issue I'm encountering is the 1231G does not see the TFTP server correctly. url...

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Cisco :: Clients Will Not Connect To 1231G AP?

Sep 6, 2011

I bought 3 of the Aironet 1231g access points and cannot get any clients to connect to them.  I have tried everything from an Iphone, Droid2, Win 7 and XP laptops with built in wireless G cards. All say that they cannot connect to the wireless network. I have two setup currently, one on Vlan 1 that I have configured the way I want with WPA2 enterprise. The other one is just one I setup while playing around.

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Cisco :: Configuring SNMP Traps On 1231G AP

Jan 17, 2011

I have been experiencing wireless connectivity issues with one of our Cisco 1231G AP. Every now and then users would not be able to connect to the AP. To dive deeper into this issue, I would like to configure SNMP traps on this AP. We are using PRTG and there is an option to configure SNMP trap. However, I would need to now the OID of the AP. Also i need to check for interface up/down status for both fastethernet and the radio. PRTG should be able to notify me when there is any interface resets.

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Cisco :: 1231G - Devices Not Prompting For New Password

Oct 4, 2011

I am having an issue with my Cisco 1231G access points. When I make a password change on either SSID I am broadcasting, any device I try to reconnect to the network on will not prompt for the new password. It will just say unable to connect to whatever network. The 1231G AP is using the 12.8 (8) JEA IOS version. I have had Apple, Android, and windows laptops all not ask to enter a new password. It's like the device is not recognizing that it has changed. Is this an IOS bug or a setting I have to check. I can attach a configuration if necessary.

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Cisco :: 1231G Access Point Support On WiSM 2

Oct 9, 2011

I think I already know the answer, but I cannot find any solid documentation.  Does the WiSM2 support the 1231G AP.

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Cisco :: Free Software To Create Network Topology Diagram 1231G

Apr 29, 2013

I have a problem where clients cannot roam between Cisco 1231g-e-k9 and recently installed cisco 1242g-e-k9 access points..  On looking at the CDP option on the 1231 and 1242 access points they are all aware of each other.  However if I use the Network View option I see a different picture.  All the 1231 access points can see each other but not see the 1242's.  Network View on the1242 shows all the 1231's but none of the 1242's.  The 1231 are running ver. 12.3(8)JEB and the 1242's are running ver. 12.4(21a)JA1.

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Cannot Remember Wireless Pass Phrase

May 22, 2012

I can not remember my wireless pass phrase to get into my wireless network on Windows 7. How do I do this?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Don't See Anything About VPN Pass Through On EA6500

Dec 30, 2012

Looking to upgrade my old G router to the EA6500.  I don't see anything about VPN pass through on the EA6500 or any linksys N router.  Is this feature something they no longer include?

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D-Link DAP-1522 :: Will Not Pass Video Stream Via Wireless

Nov 8, 2011

Using as AP.  Last Tuesday in the middle of a Netflix movie the video stopped.  Now the wireless portion of the DAP-1522 refuses to pass any type of video.  Everything else works (email, Google, Facebook, etc.).  I can get to Netflix, Youtube, Yahoo, etc. .....but none of them will pass video.

Using a direct wired connection to the DAP-1522 everything works.  Netflix, Youtube, etc.

Download speed checks at 17.74mbps.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 - Pppoe VPN Pass Through

Aug 20, 2011

I have e3000 but in VPN Pass through I don't have ( pppoe pass through )
Just I have is ipsec + pptp + l2tp only
How could i add ppoe pass through in my e3000

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