Cisco Wireless :: WRVS4400N Dropping Wireless Clients

Nov 11, 2010

WRVS4400N with firmware version V2.0.0.8.
After about an hour it routinely drops wireless clients.  Wired clients are fine.
Re initiating a connection from the clients usually restores the connection fine.  Sometimes this is just doing something to force the client to use the connection for some active function other times it's forcing the client to renew it's DHCP address or power cycling the client.  The same experience is happening with a TioVo on WiFi, an iPhone on WiFi, and a WAP4410N in Client Bridge mode.
While this may not sound that bad, it's creating 2 huge issues that shouldn't occur.
 First, the wireless clients that are dropped are not accessible from other clients on the network until they reestablish their connection.  There is no indication on the client of an issue with the connection.  For example, a TiVo connected over WiFi isn't accessible from the network until it reestablishes it's connection.  It works fine then for a hour or so. 
Second, for the WAP4410N (firmware in Client Bridge mode, this client requires a power cycle to reconnect to the network.  In much less than an hour it stops responding to it's IP address for it's management page, but continues to pass traffic from the multiple wired items it's bridging.  Then, after about that same hour, it stops passing this traffic too. 
I tried running the WAP4410N in WDS Bridge mode but was unable to get it to work.  For this testing, access to the management page was the test with no devices behind it.  So, it's possible that that access is what was broken and that it may have passed traffic.  No wireless clients need to connect to the WAP4410N, just the bridged wired clients.
This WAP4410N was previously acting as a brige to a WRT54G with no issues, but at G speeds.  Which makes me think it's an issue with the WRVS4400N dropping clients and the clients not knowing it.

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Cisco Routers :: WRVS4400N Dropping Wireless Clients

Jul 17, 2011

I have several wired and wireless devices connected to the router which is running the latest firmware ( and I have this issue with all wireless devices.  The router is configured for B/G/N Mixed, Channel 6, and to broadcast the SSID.  Security Mode is WPA2-Personal w/ key renewal set to 3600.  Connection control is configured to allow only the desired MAC addresses.  All wireless clients are configured for DHCP (as are some of the wired clients that do not have this issue).  I have tried various setting changes over time, none of which have resolved the issue.
What I have determined, and may be useful, is that each time this occurs I am unable to ping the router from the client and have no connectivity to the internet or other devices on the network.  If I ping the WAP address (reserved for internal use address) I get a response and then connectivity is always restored after doing so.  In other words, I ping and get no response, immediately ping and get a response, then immediately ping and now get a response and connectivity is restored.  If I skip the first step and just ping the reserved address followed by the router address result is always the same.  It would appear the issue is between the the two router addresses.
Prior to owning this router I had a Linksys BEFSX41 that I had for about 7-8 years and a WAP54G I had for about 5, both of which still worked and I never had this issue with my wireless clients.  I went to this router for the increased performance and am very happy with that aspect, however this issue is unacceptable.

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Cisco Routers :: WRVS4400N - Some Wireless Clients Have No Connectivity

Jan 27, 2013

We have an office with about 10 PCs, and several other network devices (smartphones, printers, etc). Some PCs and printers are wired, some are not. About two weeks ago, some (6) of the wireless devices lost connectivity. Since then, some (4) of the devices have also recovered normal connectivity.
As of right now, there are two computers, a laptop and a desktop, that cannot use the wireless network. They see the wireless network, connect to it, receive an IP via DHCP properly, have correct DNS servers listed in ipconfig, but they can't ping the router, use the intranet, or internet.

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Cisco Routers :: Wireless Clients On WRVS4400n Cannot Access Server

Mar 10, 2012

When clients connect wirelessly to the WRVS4400N they successfully get a DHCP address from the Windows 2008 server.  After they have the address they can no longer access the server.  It cannot be pinged, no drives can be mapped and internet access fails because the same server is running DNS.  The WRVS4400N is setup for DCHP relay to the server.  Wired clients do not have this problem.  Wireless clients that connect to a secondary WAP on the same LAN also do not experience this problem.  I have updated the router to the latest firmware version, reset it to factory defaults and reconfigured from scratch.  Turning the server firewall off has not made any difference either.  I have been able to bypass the internet problem by adding a second external DNS server in the DHCP scope options. 

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Cisco Routers :: WRVS4400N - Wireless Signal Keeps Dropping

Jan 6, 2012

I have installed a WRVS4400N router in a client's office.  When laptops are plugged into the router everything works fine.  When they are attached via the wireless signal it drops frequently.  WPA personal is being used to encrypt.  I have also installed the latest firmware and am having the same results.  What can be done to eliminate the drops? 

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Cisco Wireless :: AP541N - Dropping Clients

Jan 8, 2012

I have 3 AP541Ns setup in a small environment.  The wireless clients use laptops to attach, via RDP, to a Microsoft Terminal Server.  They need the ability to walk, with laptop, from room to room, IE roaming wireless clients.  The issue is the clients drop and re-attach constantly and takes up to 5 minutes to re-attach to the WLAN / RDP session.  Is this a symptom of going from WAP to WAP and is their anything I can do about it.

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Cisco Wireless :: 5508 - Clients Dropping Connections

Jan 22, 2012

I'm having a problem with my clients dropping the network connection constantly throughout the campus. I am using a Cisco 5508 controller and the APs are LAP1141N. At first I thought it was a roaming issue but I tested with only 1 AP and the problem persisted, I can tell you that we don't have interference problems and that our old linksys APs used to work without flaws.

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1240ag Dropping Clients?

Sep 28, 2012

For 2 year now we have been running aironet 1240ag access points throught our warehouse. We use a telnet session on our handheld scanners to connect to our database on the main server.This last week our scanners started getting dropped from the access points serveral times throught the day and often would continue to get dropped at 1 minute intervals for several minutes at a time. This appears to be happening on all of our access points and is affecting all of our scanners but not at the same time.Each time a clinet is dropped we get the following event log on the AP.

Sep 29 11:57:14.807 -0500 Warning Packet to client 0c77.1a3a.6ff7 reached max retries, removing the client 
Sep 29 11:57:14.800 -0500 Information Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 0c77.1a3a.6ff7 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid
All the AP's are setup the same with the below config

!! Last configuration change at 14:24:18 -0500 Sat Sep 29 2012 by Cisco! NVRAM config last updated at 14:24:18 -0500 Sat Sep 29 2012 by Cisco!version 12.4no service padservice timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezoneservice password-encryption!hostname AP_10!enable secret 5 $1$lcac$OO/IqOlgR2.TPP/BFg7nX1!no aaa new-modelclock timezone -0500 -5!!dot11 syslogdot11 activity-timeout unknown default 128dot11 activity-timeout client default 128dot11 activity-timeout repeater default 128dot11 activity-timeout workgroup-bridge default 128dot11 activity-timeout bridge default 128!dot11 ssid jefferson377   authentication open    guest-mode   infrastructure-ssid optional!power inline negotiation injector 9caf.ca01.d818power inline negotiation prestandard source!!username Cisco privilege 15


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F548633 - Belkin Keeps Dropping Connections To Wireless Clients

Feb 7, 2011

Basically i got a belkin(on a tight bufdget) wireless n modem(f548633) last week. and when i first set it up it was fine except it disconnectiong everytime ia setting was changed on it and taking ages to reconnect to it.

anyway in the last 2 days its started dropping connections to anyone using the wireless. thing is it doesn't completely disconnect it just goes down to around 5kb transfer but when trying to acces the router through IP it doesn't load unless i disconnect and reconnect. i could deal with this at first as it was once every few hours but now its happening every 5 minutes. i plan on sending it back but thought i'd have one last ditch effort at working this out. my security log shows alot of ACK sends to my IP.

02/07/2011 23:26:08 sending ACK to
02/07/2011 23:26:08 sending ACK to
02/07/2011 23:10:15 sending ACK to


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Cisco Routers :: WRVS4400N Clients That Are Farther Away Connect At A Very Slow Rate

Mar 14, 2011

I have an WRVS4400N configured as a WAN and Wireless router and can connect clients (PC's and laptops) wirelessly thru out the office. The clients that are farther away (10-15 meters and on another floor) connect at a very slow rate i.e. less than 10MBps. I have a WAP4410N configured as a repeater. Immediately after powering up it will allow connections to the 4400 and clients work fine for a 1-2 minutes, then the connections drop and I can no longer connect through the 4410. Nor can I ping the 4410 through the 4400 although right after the pwr cycle I am able to ping the 4410. After another pwr cycle the 4410 is available for another short period.I have attached some info on the configuration of the units and I also have the configuration files available.

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Cisco :: 4404 LWAPPs Dropping Clients With Only Moderate Load

Apr 24, 2012

In my district, I have 11 schools running many LWAPPs and WAPs, connected to a single WLC and managed by WCS.Only the 4 LWAPPs in the administration building experience the following issue:When about 8-10 WiFi devices are present on one AP in the bulding (which usually happens during a meeting), all APs show a "Load Threshold Violation Error" and start dropping some clients intermittently and refusing to connect some new clients. There doesn't seem to be a pattern as to what sort of clients drop, or which ones can connect or re-connect. My WLC is on the same subnet as these LWAPPs since it is in the same building.
If I reboot the APs, this sets things back to normal for a while, but eventually the APs will show the same errors and the same connection problems occur. I have tried adding an LWAPP to our Boardroom, which is generally where users are located when the WiFi drops. For a while, this solved the problem, but it has since returned even with the additional LWAPP. Currently, I have all four LWAPPs in this building set to AP Mode H-REAP, as I do in my other schools. I understand this is normally bad practice; when your APs are on the same subnet as your WLC, generally those APs should be set to AP Mode Local. However, in my case, Local causes more drops and connection failures than H-REAP, so H-REAP is the closest thing I have to a "solution" to the problem.
I have checked the logs on my WLC and in WCS, and do not see any error messages besides the load threshold violations. I have tried increasing client count, and adjusting interference settings, but nothing seems to work. All LWAPPs are AIR-LAP1131G-A-K9 on IOS12.4(18a)JA2. WLC is Model 4404 on firmware.

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Routers / Switches :: Dlink DIR 615 Router - Wireless Clients Can't See Ethernet Clients

Feb 1, 2011

I have 4 desktops cat5 to Dlink DIR 615 router. All work fine. Any wireless clients, laptop or netbooks, see the desktop computers for a while then disconnect somehow. All machines can see the Internet through the router at all times. The desktops disappear from the laptop/netbooks but the wireless machines can be seen from the desktop computers but clicking on them gets 'Access Denied' message after a wait.3 desktops = XP, 1 98SE. All laptop/netbooks = XP

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Cisco Wireless :: WRVS4400N Can't Access Wireless Link

Feb 21, 2011

We have purchased a CISCO WRVS4400N from PARTH TECHNOCOMM, KOLKATA and the service engineer already installated on 01/02/2011 but we have facing the folloing problems :

1. We can not access the wireless link in and arround the three storied building.
2. We can not able to prevent the access the link as it is required. The system has no add device option so any wireless laptop users can access our link without our permission.

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Cisco Wireless :: Running WDS With Two WRVS4400N V2

May 12, 2010

I hardly try to get WDS running with two WRVS4400N v2.The manual (and the web interface) says: "Note: The WDS feature allows WRVS4400N to connect with  up to 3 wireless repeaters that can be either WRVS4400N or WAP200." But I wasn't successful by now in getting it working..What I've done so far:

- Setup the primary WRVS as Gateway, WAN through Modem, LAN and WLAN using WPA2 Personal Mixed, DHCP
- works perfect
- Setup the second WRVS as Router using the same WLAN settings, no WAN and no DHCP
- Enabling WDS on both WRVS, giving each the MAC address of the other
- no connection to LAN or WAN through the second WRVS
I really need the second WRVS act like a bridge. Since the manual is saying that I can connect both devices through WDS I bought two of them. On the other hand I've now read somewhere in the community, that this isn't possible with two WRVS (?)

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Cisco Wireless :: WRVS4400N Does Not Get IP From ISP On WAN Port

Nov 22, 2011

I've got an out of the box WRVS4400N and it will not pick up a DHCP IP from the ISP.
I reset to factory defaults, tried another ISP, returned and got a second wrvs4400n all the same results - no IP address on the WAN port. The internet LEDs are blinking but no IP on WAN port and no internet connection from a laptop connected to wrvs4400n.
I even tried turning of the firewall too.
Is there something with these routers that needs to be done for internet access?
Most typical small routers are just set up as a DHCP client on the WAN side and DHCP server on the LAN side.

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Cisco Wireless :: Configure A WDS With 2 WRVS4400N?

Feb 15, 2013

In the note, i ve seen we can configure a WDS with 2 WRVS4400N, but i can't.How can i configure the 2nd WRVS4400N as repeater? Or can i configure it as Access point for another modem ?

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Cisco Wireless :: 2500 / 5500 - Wireless Access Point Identification By Clients

Apr 30, 2012

We have recently been given this unusual task.  The setup is a series of CAP3502P access points, and a wireless controller (either 2500 Series or 5500 Series), as well as other standard network infrastructure.
In this network, the client (mobile/wireless) devices must be able to detect when they change what access point they are communicating through, while also requiring a seamless transition.  Ie, if the client device is communicating via access point A, and displaying the application menus for A, when the user walks to the area services by access point B, it must detect that sot he application can display menus for B, without the user having to select "B".
Is there a way for the client device to detect which access point it is using and provide that to an application? Or alternatively a way for a host service residing on a server to get that information from the wireless controller?

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Cisco Wireless :: Can Access Point AP541N Connect To Wireless Clients

Aug 10, 2010

Can the access point AP541N connect to wireless clients with 802.11g/a simultaneously?

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Cisco Wireless :: AP-1141N-A-K9 / How To Know If Wireless Clients Are Connected Under N Mode

Nov 13, 2012

I would like the know if there is a way to know which wireless clients are connected under N mode. There is any kind of command where can show me that ?. I don´t have a wireless controller. My AP is AP-1141N-A-K9

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Cisco Wireless :: WRVS4400N Don't Have Any IP Conflicts On Network

Jan 11, 2011

I am using a WRVS4400N as my primary router for a small office.  I get the following message repeated over and over in my logs.  This seems to happen for 2 or 3 days and then it will go away for about a week and then come back.  What is causing this?  The best I can tell I don't have any IP conflicts on the network and most of the time the network has very little traffic other than 2 or 3 computers surfing the web. [code]

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Cisco Wireless :: WRVS4400N V2 Freezes And Is Not Accessible

Jul 14, 2009

I am having some problems with WRVS4400N v2.We use it just for wired network (wireless is not in use, but it is configured). As a WAN we use PPPoE. Most machines do not use DHCP.After a while (few hours to few days after power up) the router freezes and it is not accessible. I cannot ping it or access to the admin page.I have the latest firmware version (V1.00.09-ETSI)I also called service and they suggested to reset it to factory settings and reconfigure it.

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Cisco Wireless :: WRVS4400N Speed Max 20-23MB/s?

Oct 20, 2009

Ik have a 50MB/s internet connection and my IPS provider's modem out is indeen 50MB/s
Per port from my router i do not get more than 20 to 23 MB/s ou tof it.

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Cisco Wireless :: Does WRVS4400N Actually Support N Technology

Jan 2, 2013

I have an older Linksys WRVS4400N Version 1.1 VPN Router.  I have it set to run in mixed mode G/N.  I still can only get connection speeds of 54 Mbps though.  How can I get my wireless N clients to see 300 Mbps speeds?

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Cisco Wireless :: WRVS4400N - No Internet Connection

Jun 1, 2010

I have a D-Link DSL-320B ADSL2+ Ethernet modem that connects to the internet fine if I am using just 1 computer. However I have bought a Cisco WRVS4400N to enable me to get all of the other computers at home on the network (wired and wireless).
The WRVS4400N picks up a WAN address from the D-Link BUT I just cannot get an internet connection, just "Local" only. I have tried setting it up as a gateway, as a router, upgraded the firmware but it just is not having it. My previous experience with routers has been just to plug em in and let them get on with it. The WRVS4400N is proving very troublesome.

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Cisco Wireless :: WET610N Bridged To WRVS4400N?

Dec 24, 2010

I am have a lot of difficulty getting my WET610N to connect to my WRVS4400N.  I have tried almost everything.  I have some older PC's, as well as my PS3, that we use to use on the network and they only connect B/G.  I have tried auto DHCP and static IP on the bridge.  It seems that the only way that the bridge works is by using the WPS function that the business class routers do not have. 

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Cisco Wireless :: Updated Firmware For WRVS4400N V2?

Aug 30, 2012

Now that Comcast is in the process of rolling out IPv^ to their customers nationwide, will there be a firmware update that properly displays the IPv6 /64 address as provided by the cable provider?  Currently the only IPv6 address displayed is on the LAN page and is not configurable (greyed out) except for the prefix length. I already have a cable modem that will provide both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as they are rolled out.
Currently running WRVS4400N v2 fw

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Cisco Wireless :: Difference Between WRVS4400N And WAP4410N

Jan 30, 2011

I wonder if there is any place in WRVS4400N where I can tell it to just be an Accesspoint?

I have a customer who have 8 sites and we don´t know if there is enough with one wireless router or if we need some AP as well.

If it´s possible to make the WRVS4400N to become an WAP4410N then we can by only one machine no matter what...

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1550 Loses Wireless Clients After Connecting USB?

Sep 22, 2011

I recently purchased a E1550 that works fine until I tried adding an external USB HDD for storage. The drive is a Western Digital 500MB drive I used to use for backups.  Had no issues setting up the share and was able to access it just fine. But a few hours after hooking it up, my wireless devices could no longer connect and I could not access the admin page to see what was wrong. The E1550 was still pingable and my wired devices could still access sites through the router. Cycling power to the router did not work. What did get things working again was removing the USB drive (which killed all wired connections as well) and then cycling power. The E1550 was fine after that. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wireless Clients Not Getting IPv6 Address (EA2700)

Nov 9, 2012

I set up the IPv6 on EA2700 (running firmware v1.1.39), and all the wired clients can get an IPv6 address, assigned by the router, without issue.However, all the wireless clients seem to unable to get an IPv6 address. If I connect a laptop to the router both wirelessly and with an ethernet cable, then the ethernet NIC gets an IPv6 IP but not the wireless NIC.

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Cisco Routers :: WRVS4400N Reboots When Streaming Through Wireless

Aug 19, 2012

I have an ongoing problem with my WRVS4400N router. It reboots on it's own when streaming video through a wireless connection (computer, xbox, roku, tv). Once I make a wired conection, it performs flawlessly. The firmware is up to date. I have read some reviews of this router on Amazon stating the same problem, but I expected it to be solved with firmware update. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

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Cisco Routers :: WRVS4400N Wireless Network Connection

Jun 2, 2013

I need trouble-shooting wireless network connectivity issues that arose recently:We use a Comcast modem and two WRVS4400N's as wireless routers/wireless access points.We recently got our comcast service upgraded to 100/20 and also got rid of our static ip address.  As a result (I think there must be a sort of causal relationship here, but I'm not sure what it is) we can no longer connect to the internet using our wireless networks.  We can connect to the wireless network, but have "No Internet Access."

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Cisco Wireless :: WRVS4400N Won't Route All Traffic Over IPsec

Dec 15, 2011

All of my remote sites use various routers to route all of their traffic via IPsec.  However, I have one WRVS4400N w/firmware configured with a working tunnel.  My issue is I need to set the Remote Group to so all traffic is forced via IPsec tunnel and not out the local gateway.  When I do the error, Remote Security Group and Local Security Group cannot be in the same network. However, it works with Cisco/Linksys RV042.

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Cisco Wireless :: WRVS4400N Ssid Vlans Are Not Working

Nov 2, 2011

I've been searching high and low and although I've found many results of people having this same exact problem there doesn't seem to be a fix, or at least no one was kind enough to post one. I have many vlans but the 3 in question are 10, 20, 30.

-10 is for my laptops and desktops with an ip range of -
-20 is my home automation network with an orange of -
-30 is my guest network with a orange of -
I have a dell powerconnect configured with vlans as my core switch. I trunked a port on the switch assigning 3 vlans (10,20,30) and connected it to port 1 on the wrvs4400N. On the wrvs4400 I trunked port 1 tagging vlan 10,20,30. For some reason vlan 1 is untagged on port 1 and I don't know why. I also have a router connected to the powerconnect. Of the 3 vlans I mentioned vlan 10 and vlan 30 are the only ones with interfaces on the router. Vlan 20 is an internal network with a separate router and until I figure this out that router is physically turned off. Also the router currently turned on has no routes configured to connect my vlans. Currently there is no configured way to jump vlans.
No matter what ssid I connect to I get a dhcp response from vlan 10. all my test indicates that I'm actually on vlan 10. I get internet and I can hit all devices on vlan 10. If I connect to ssid guest and change my ip address to match vlan 30 I can not ping the gateway for vlan 30 and I have no internet access. Some times I get something different. Sometimes I get an ip address from vlan 1 on the powerconnect. If I renew my ip address then I'll grab one from vlan 10 but I should be getting one from 30 or none at all for vlan 20. The absolute crazy part is my droid sometimes gets a 192.168.4.x ip address. I don't have a 192.168.4.x network or dhcp scope anywhere on my network! If I physically plug into a port on the power connect I get to the correct network 10 out of 10 times. If I configure vlans on the other 3 ports on the wrvs4400 and physically plug in, I get to the correct network 10 out of 10 times. I've reset to factory a few times and I've been all inside and out of the wrvs4400. I have no clue what could be wrong with this thing.

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