Linksys Wireless Router :: EA3500 Guest Access Keeps Going Down
Sep 7, 2012
The guest network on the router keeps going down. It can be seen but it cannot be connected to. Sometimes it works for a day or 2 and then it doesn't. I have to constantly babysit the network and it is entirely frustrating because the only fix is to reboot the router.I have tried factory resetting several times.I have tried re-flashing the fw.I'm using the non-CCC fw because CCC had way, way too many issues.These routers have been out for months and many people have been having issues and somehow Cisco doesn't see fit to work on firmware that stabilizes them at all? It's like, they release a router and then forget about it - the next batch comes along, often the same guts with a different shell and it's the same thing over again. I had a WRT610N and I said I'd never buy another Cisco after that but I broke my rule because of being lured by these "App enabled" features, which mind you have nothing at all over the competition since the CCC doesn't even work for most people.
I have just bought the EA3500 3 days ago.Also, I have been trying to find the way to rename the Guest Network to something without the -guest prefix.[url]....
Experienced problems with guest network not showing up as an available network on a device (laptop, iPad, etc)?I double checked if guest network is enabled on a EA3500 router. What other steps can I take?
I have setup my EA3500 for guest access however when my clients connect and start their browser they are never prompted for a password to continue their session. The browser times out. I can connect to the secured network by using the wireless password and the clients work.
I have the lastest firmware. I have a host of different clients, Kindle Fire HD, RIM Playbook, Windows 7 laptop. I have turned off guest account restarted, reconfigured and nothing changes. The browser always times out and the client is never prompted for a password. I bought this router because a friend that I visit has one so that visitors can use the internet...I know hers works, I have brought my Kindle along with me and connected to her Linksys router and it prompts for a password. I liked the feature so much I bought this one.
FYI. This router was replaced under warranty, I spent two days (I'm not kidding) on the phone with Linksys support trying to get the first one to work. I rebooted, reset to default, changed settings, tweaked, used different clients all with no effect so they replaced it.
Just got a new EA3500, and plan to use its guest network feature to allow Internet access but not access to my LAN. Wondering if I can set it up so that users on the guest network bring up a particular website when they open their browser.
after updating to smart wi-fi I can't access the USB FTP or off network.Only way it's accessible is from the computer the router is attached to via network drive.FileZilla gives me this error....."Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".I've reset the router same problem.
I tested this with my laptop by setting its access restriction/parental control to always not access the internet. But still my laptop can still search through Wikipedia. Is this because of the router firmware? By the way I'm using the latest Connect cloud firmware.
I just purchased an EA3500 because I absolutely need guest access. I set everything up through the Cisco Connect application on the CD and all was well. I figured it's time to get into the whole cloud connect app thing, as this is why I chose this router over another but after creating the account and activating through email, I constantly get the message that I need to associate my router with my account.The PC I am using is directly connected to the router through a cable. I'm not sure what else I am to do at this point. The content of the entire message basically is telling me to head to [URL] with the PC connected to the router that I want associated and to follow the directions.
1. There are no directions... I get that message every time.
2. I've tried rebooting the router and then logging in to the website - that gives me a message saying there's no router detected, meaning that somehow the site IS detecting the router, I just somehow haven't associated it.
I recently opened the ports used by Xbox Live: Port 88 (UDP)Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)Port 53 (UDP and TCP)Port 80 (TCP)I am able to use xbox live once these ports are opened but once they are enabled, I can not get wireless internet. The xbox is connected to the router with a cable so it isn't experiencing this probem. My laptop and phone are able to identify the network and join but there is no internet access.
If I disable these ports, everything goes back to normal.
I just bought a Linksys ea3500 and i'm trying to configure it.This is the case.I have a first router connected to internet and several computers connected to it.Then, I have a second router (ea3500) also connected to it.If i disable the dhcp and use it as an access point i can see all computers in the network.If if enable the DHCP it creates a private network and all pcs connected to this network can't see and access computers of the first network.The problem is that using EA3500 as an access point disables the most part of the features of the router.My question is: can i use it not as an access point (in order to have all features) but at the same time having access the first network and all computers on it?
Purchased E3200 and did simple setup via CD setup (Cisco connect). Set up main name and password. Cisco Connect assigned "-guest" to end of main name for the guest account. Gave guest account its own password. Both main and guest accounts were broadcasting OK -- but guest account was not secure and could be accessed without password. (All software and firmware upgrades were done during initial setup).Reset the E3200 and restarted things from the CD setup. Created main account, main account password, and guest password again. In advanced settings, left basic wireless settings at initial settings, changed wireless secutiy to WPA2 Personal. Still having the guest account being broadcast in unlocked status. (Have turned off guest access for now until I can get password protection for it).
I have a Linksys E1000 router. The firmware is 2.1.00 Build 7 August 30, 2010. I would like to turn on or enable the guest access function. I have gone to, and do not find anything there about guest access. At the Wireless tab, the choices are Basic Wireless Setting, Wireless Security, Wireless MAC filter, and Advamced Wireless Setting. Tfhan
I have an EA4500 wireless router. Would like to allow guest access to the internet without requiring a password. Is this possible, and if so, how? I know how to set the guest password, but it won't let me set it to be blank.
My EA4500 has the newest firmware and is properly configured to support 20+ wireless and wired devices. It does this job well.Guest Access, however, is a problem. It works for about a day, then stops.Guests can access the login screen and enter the password. Then nothing happens. The screen appears to "load", but it does not connect.I have tried returning to default settings and reconfiguring and reupdating firmware. I have tried turning Guest Access on and off, as well as resetting the password.The only that works is rebooting the router. This is obviously not practical, especially for a contract client.
i enable guest access, when connecting though any device it doesn't ask for password but allows access straight away. I've tried changing the password, but no luck.
I want to disable the guest access connection on E1000 wireless router but this option is not in the firmware menu. So, now I read that I need to use Cisco Connect on the CD to change this feature. When I run the Cisco Connect software, it says it can't configure the router (probably because I already have it configured). Why doesn't the Cisco Connect software simply take me to the settings where I can change the guest access feature? Why does it try to re-configure the router? Whoever designed this at Cisco was probably smokin some medical MJ because it doesn't make any sense that I have to go through so many hoops to do something so simple.
Purchased E4200 this week and did simple setup via CD setup (Cisco connect). Set up main name and password. Cisco Connect assigned "-guest" to end of main name for the guest account. Gave guest account its own password. Both main and guest accounts were broadcasting OK -- but guest account was not secure and could be accessed without password. (All software and firmware upgrades were done during initial setup).Reset the E4200 and restarted things from the CD setup. Created main account, main account password, and guest password again. In advanced settings, left basic wireless settings at initial settings, changed wireless secutiy to WPA2 Personal. Still having the guest account being broadcast in unlocked status. (Have turned off guest access for now until I can get password protection for it).
With the E4200, is it possible to setup the main SSID with a pass pharse but have the guest SSID without a passpharse or password (ie access without security). If so, How?
I did not use the CD to set up, and instead set this router up manually. We are using this router right now as a hotspot only.. and all is good. I can see both new networks and the WIFI laptops are talking no problem. Only issue I have is that guest access is not working - by that I mean it can't get out on the internet. I can see it as available and connect to it. Guest access and SSID broadcast are both enabled obviously.
My serial number on the E4200 starts with 01 - does that indicate it is a version 1? If not, how do I determine which version I have? Are there any software updates available? How do I disable my guest access?
Using Cisco Connest I set up a password for guest access. It will function for a time then suddenly become insecure. Sometimes it will function for a month, sometimes a week. I have to reset the Unit to factory defaults each time and began again.
I switched from comcast to att uverse. I was happy about the guest-access feature of E3000 when using the comcast, where I can directly connect my e3000 to the modem (basically you can see two network, one is XXX, the other is XXX-guest). However, the ATT uverse has a gateway that combines the modem and router together, in order to use my e3000 instead of the built-in router of the gateway, I have done a LAN-to-LAN connection and I can access internet without any problem. But in this case, I can not enable my guest-access feature. When I use Cisco Connect to set up e3000, it says "cannot connect to your router". how to set up the guess-access feature of e3000 when using ATT uverse.
I have changed from dlink to linksys because of good reviews in transfer speed. Nothing to complained about that yet, Wireless guest zone has more to wishes... Disable password req is one, why call it guest and show it as an unsecured network (I know it separated from my local network and doesn't have encryption)? This password req is a bum when visitors with smartphones and ipods came and visit! More irritable is that somehow connection settings for guest in devices are lost when e4200 powercycle and every visitor must reconfig their devices again
We have the E3000 Router and the guest internet access DOES NOT work. We occasionally repair other people's PC's and I seriously do not want to allow access to our home network. Recently, we are trying to access through guest, on a Win 7 Dell Notebook. It takes the passcode but no internet connection.
EA4500 Is there any way to enable parent controls on everyone who logs in over guest access? We have a lot of youth who use the network, but we only give them guest access so that they can't access network machines. I enabled Parent Control, but I couldn't find a way to say "Parent Control enable for Guest Account".
I got 5 E2500 routers and the main one has setup to IP address and the rest APs are programmed into the bridge mode with the IP address through 248. The secured wireless network works fine when I roaming between these APs but the only AP that I can get internet access for guest wireless network is the main ( router; for every other APs, I will get the guest log on screen (prompt for guest access password) and no internet access after I type in the correct access password. Does the E2500 support multiple APs guest or it requires a special way to configure it?
I have an E3000 that I am just setting up.I have two issues:
1> I am replacing a WRT110. I had the old router set with a static IP address supplied by my ISP. I configured the E3000 with the same address and I cannot access the internet. Are there any tricks to setting this up on an E3000?
2> As configured I there is a guest network setup. BUT when I access the router I don't see the tab to be able to configure it.