Protocols / Routing :: Using 2 Wireless Routers On Same Network

Jan 16, 2012

I have the modem feeding a router that I turned dhcp off to use it as a switch, I then have the switch feeding a ubiquiti nanostation and a wireless router (to feed house 1). The other end of the nanostation is in house 2 (1000ft away) where I have it feeding into another wireless router to feed that home hard wired and wireless.Everything works but cannot get both to work at same time.

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Protocols / Routing :: 2 Routers For 1 Network

Dec 26, 2011

I just received a blu ray player for Xmas that has an Ethernet connection for streaming Netflix,YouTube, etc. my problem is my router is upstairs and the blu ray is downstairs. I really don't want to run an Ethernet cable from the blu ray to the router. Can I use another router on the same network and have it close to the blu ray?,I have a netgear router just laying around and the main router is a Verizon fios router.

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Protocols / Routing :: Using Two Routers On Same Network

Jun 1, 2011

I have a need to use two routers (Each with different ISP) on my (LAN) office network.I presently DO NOT want to go the (Two ISP's on one router, or Load Balancing router). I Just simply want two routers with two separate ISP's.I will assign the managers workstations to the faster ISP, and other Workstation to the slower connection.And it seems to work, and all resources seem to be available on the LAN, regardless of which (Gateway) Router(1 or 2) I point the workstation to.I assume because all devices are on the same LAN 192.168.0.XXX Is this a proper way to allocate and use two routers on the same LAN?

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Protocols / Routing :: Wireless Network Doesn't Have An Valid IP Address?

Apr 5, 2013

giving unauthorized access and no internet access

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : KHANBALOCH-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :


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Protocols / Routing :: How To Play Games Network By Use Wireless TP-LINK

Oct 14, 2012

How to play games network by use wireless TP-LINK I have 2 laptops and one Desktop I want to play games at home, but without the use of the Internet.

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Protocols / Routing :: Port Forwarding Through 2 Routers?

Jun 16, 2012

I am trying to port forward for Vuze and I am having a problem understanding the concepts at [URL] for working within two routers. I have a Zoom 5241 cable modem connected through a Motorola VT2442-VD for Vonage VOIP, then connected through my Netgear RangeMax WPN824v3 wireless router, to my computer. I am also running AVG internet security. Here is a look at my ipconfig /all:

ex>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : MarekFamily
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


However, I do not understand where to setup the static ips and where to drop DHCP to be able to port forward successfully. I have tried in Vuze to set up acceptable ports 51600 for TCP and UDP, but they continue to get this error: "NAT Error - Connect attempt to (your computer) timed out after 20 seconds. This means your port is probably closed." I do know that the Ip present is from my Vonage with my external IP address. I even tried to establish rules for TCP and UDP within AVG Firewall settings for the Vuze program.

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Protocols / Routing :: Use A Router To Catch Another Routers Wifi?

Jan 17, 2013

I have a wifi network on my college campus, but my laptops wifi does not work. But i have a spare router with multiple lan ports. Can I use it to detect the wifi signal(from campus routers) and then use a LAN wire to use the internet on my computer? I do not have access privileges to the college router other than connecting to its wifi signal.

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Protocols / Routing :: Two Paths To Internet One Network

Jul 27, 2011

I have a local DSL line in our remote office. We are connecting a microwave antennae that carries our main office internet to the remote office.I want to be able to connect both paths to a Layer 3 switch and route traffic through the main office with the router connected to the DSL as a fail-over solution.I would really like to stick with HP Procurve's if possible.

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Protocols / Routing :: Change MTU On Public Network?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm trying to connect an Xbox 360 to my University's wireless network using a bridged connection between the wireless adapter and the LAN adapter. I can connect to the internet on the Xbox, but not Xbox LIVE. I get an error message stating that my MTU setting must be 1364 or higher. I obviously cannot access the router settings because they are the schools routers and I do not have administrative privileges. So, Is there some other way to modify MTU settings without that access?

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Protocols / Routing :: Setting Up Home Network With VPN?

Feb 19, 2013

I have a problem figuring out how to setup a home network connection running a VPN. I have been looking through the internet for answers and am still not sure how it all works.

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Protocols / Routing :: Locked Out Of Device On Network

Apr 12, 2012

I had a custom device/computer on my network that was hacked from hong kong. It's one of those things where I seriously think the chinese have built a back door into it when they built it or something because everything was secured and monitored.The device runs it own OS or something like that I guess you could say. It can also run it in standalone mode broadcasting it's own signal. Once I figure this out I may not put it online anymore but thats besides the point right now. When it was hacked I'm pretty sure the port it uses to connect was changed from 80 to 591. When it runs in standalone mode I can connect to it but I am unable to actually access it's proprietary graphic network interface. It sends out UDP every few seconds or so and basically I was trying to search for some type of udp broadcast monitor and have tried using network tools such as netstat, port scanning, multicast, etc on all of the big three OS's because sometimes it seemed to finnicky what it wants to connect to. I've tried to let it connect back to my router again which it seems to do, but is then denied access and I think it may even have a trojan or somethng so I don't want it to that but if I have to to access it again I will.In standalone mode I've it usually trys to connect on 192...5 or 192...7 and I've tried to get through 591, 23, 80 etc. multiple times with no luck.

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Protocols / Routing :: Network Host Ip Cannot Be Changed

Oct 23, 2011

We have two networks in our lan: and Actually the networks are separated. The network contains some hosts that ip can not be changed. We want redesign the network and communicate with both networks without routers. I thougnt about changing the netmask for in (1022 hosts) and change IP's in the network in

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Protocols / Routing :: Network Hangs And Stuck Up?

Dec 26, 2011

I was working as IT Support in an encoding company. I support over 500 desktop users. my problem is about in entire network because i always encounter hang network in my grave yard shift. Our network system set up have domain server, antivirus server, database server, 4 PC's use as backup servers and 3 unit of network attached storage and approximately 500 units of desktop use for production in encoding. I always experiencing network hanging then after all system will be freeze, so i suggest to shutdown all pc for usually in 5mins then turn on again. In an hour the problem is still exist again and again. I did all possible way to make the production smooth run for my whole shift but still after some hours it occurs again. I dont know what would be the possible reason why the network hangs and stuck up. The network attached storage did not reach the entire capacity, the antivirus server is still updated, the domain and database server are working properly even the PC's use as backup server. There is no internet connection we use in production, so i assure that no virus we encounter in all pc. Is it the cabling? or is it the switches?

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Protocols / Routing :: Cannot Copy Xxx - The Specified Network Name Is No Longer Available

Feb 28, 2012

I have Dell machine with Win Xp3 loaded, on my local network (and other computers). I set NIC card "Link Speed & Duplex" to autosense & make direct connection to my modem and works ok.When I plug into the network router I get the 'Cable is unplugged' and no Internet connection.I can change the "Link Speed & Duplex" to 10Mbps/Full Duplex and get intermitten connection. Also when I copy a file from Mapped drive I get "Cannot copy xxx - The specified network name is no longer available".

1. the NIC software is recently updated PRO/100 Adapter NDIS 5.1 driver

2. Although Microsoft has suggested Symantec < ver 4 has had an endpoint problem, I have

3. TCP/IP Properties are on automatic like the other computers.

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Protocols / Routing :: IP Camera Only On Local Network?

Feb 29, 2012

Have a problem connecting my new IPcamera Elro C903IP so I can access it through the internet. Did the camera setup according to the manual. Local access (wifi network) works fine but access through internet remains impossible. IP of the camera is still but I found out that for access trough the internet the IP would be like 192.168. etc but I can't change it properly.I have cable internet and a wifi router Netgear WNDR3700v2.Documentation that I found about port forwarding etc is not clear enough to me. I tried over and over but can't get it to work .

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Protocols / Routing :: Measure Network Occupation Per VLANs

Jan 7, 2013

The question is apparently simple. A network is given, consisting of

- 1 network core switch: HP 5500-EI (Layer3)

- 4 access switches: HP 5120-EI (Layer2)

They are connected in the shape of a star (the core switch in the center)The task is to measure the occupation rate of this network on a per-VLAN basis.

For example : To be able to generate statistics like: During the last week - Monday to Sunday - the netowork occupation with VLAN 10 traffic was 30% and VLAN 60 traffic was 70%.

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Protocols / Routing :: TEW-692GR Unable To Get To Domain From Outside Network

May 21, 2012

We just had a TEW-72GR router fail and replaced it with a TEW-GR. Now I am unable to get to my domain ( from outside the network. Inside the network, all appears to be fine. I can enter that address and get to the site with no issues.We use SBS 2008 with windows 7 clients.All clients can get out to the web, we can send and receive emails, but I can not access the domain.

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Protocols / Routing :: Network Connections Icon Have A Exclamation Mark?

May 29, 2012

my computer, my network connections icon have a exclamation mark (!) and it say i don't have internet access,but luckily i have internet access but i can't remote my computer,

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Protocols / Routing :: Can't Connect Three Computer After 4th Laptop Join Network

Jan 21, 2011

My customer has 3 computer

1- Windows xp

2- Win7

3- Apple

4 new sony laptop.

Vaio would not connect using WEP 40-bit key. Logged into Airport Extreme router with Airport setup utility for Windows from Apple. Updated firmware from 5.1.1 to 5.7. Reset Encryption from WEP to WPA/WPA2 Personal.Connected Vaio on Wifi using WPA2. Removed ethernet cable and connection was good at 54MB/s.Completed Windows Update

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Protocols / Routing :: Port-forwarding - Linking Back To Network URL?

Jun 30, 2012

I have set up port forwarding for my WD Network HDD, which runs a Media Server (Twonky). Now, I have tested the ports and accessed it through the internet and it works fine, until... I click a link to open a folder and suddenly I get a "No such page" error thing. I have however identified this problem, it seems that when I go off the main page it re-routes to the original network address, not my IP forward address. For Example if my IP was and the port was 800 i would go to "" and it would load but once I navigate i go to "192.168.0.*:800/*****" and does not load the page. If i then copy and past my IP into the URL it works, but this is annoying.

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Protocols / Routing :: Connecting Lan Network To Internet Broadband Through A Computer?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a Airtel Internet Broadband connection and I have a lan having around 10 workstations. I have another computer which I want to use as a server through which all the internet traffic will pass. The server has two lan cards(one on motherboard and other one is usb).I have connected broadband modem to lancard1(on motherboard) and have connected the lancard2(usb) to the lan switch.Now how to proceed further, so that internet service is available on all the workstations connected to the lan switch.

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Protocols / Routing :: Cisco Certification - What Happens When Router Doesn't Know Path To Network

Apr 3, 2012

I'm studying for a Cisco certification and I'm trying to wrap my head around the routing. I understand how routers work for the most part and how the get updates about networks and how many hops away they are, but I don't get what happens when a router doesn't know the path to a network.

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Protocols / Routing :: Partition Departmental IP Network Address Block To Create Staff / Student Subnet?

Sep 28, 2011

partition the departmental IP network address block to create a staff and a student subnet. Each of these will be identified by its own network address and netmask. It is university policy that you must be economical with the IP addresses. That is, the subnets must be as small as possible, but they must be large enough to accommodate the maximum number of hosts you were given. Also, it is university policy that the respective gateway router to the outside world should always be given the highest possible host IP address in the subnet. The student subnet should have a higher IP network address than the staff subnet. The network must be able to support up to 60 machines on the staff subnet (not counting the router) and up to 120 machines on the student subnet (also not counting the router).

IP address/netmask
University network address127.158.128.0
University network mask255.255.192.0
University internet gateway IP address127.158.191.254
Department network mask255.255.254.0
Department router address127.158.129.254

Suppose that the network address of the departmental network is (calculated by AND between Dep network mask and Dep router address)I know that 60 machines would use 6 bits for the staff subnet.the netmask of staff would be can I figure out the the IP network address of the staff subnet.I have worked out the range for the staff subnetwork. - = Gateway address = Broadcast address

Now how can I calculate the IP network address of the staff subnet?

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Protocols / Routing :: WEP Key For Wireless Connection With Tv

May 23, 2011

We have gotten a tv with wireless capability.I do not remember the WEP key.I currently have my laptop pc and a HP printer working with my D Link router. I have gotten as far at the set up page for the router and am wondering if I change the WEP key, will it automatically update the existing devices (my laptop and printer) or will they be locked out? Can I use the same code for all 4 WEp keys ?

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Protocols / Routing :: Extending Wireless Range?

Aug 19, 2011

In a bit of a predicament. We're from Ireland and we've two houses on the farm that are exactly 108m as the crow flies. The main house is where we live and the other is more of an office type small house. We've no phone line or internet connection in it and the location is in a dip where we've bad mobile/cell connection. We're don't want to pay an extra55 a month for phone line and internet just to use the internet maybe twice a week. We have a wireless connection in the main home house and want to extend it to the other. I know there are ways but confuesed as to which to use.

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Protocols / Routing :: Using Static IP Now Wireless Printer Won't Connect?

Jan 8, 2011

For some reason, our router donwstairs was kicking one or more of our (4pc's downstairs, one occasionally upstairs) off. My son connected another router upstairs and then created a static IP for everything. It seems when he did that, our Brother 2170 wireless printer quit working. We've tried everything to get it going again and nothing works- even Brother didn't get it rectified. Earlier today, my son finally got it working, connected directly to the router to get the static IP on the printer (I guess). But when he disconnected it (hardwired) from the router, it won't work again

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Protocols / Routing :: Installing The Wireless Netgear Router?

Sep 4, 2011

I am trying to instal my Netgear router. It is asking for the Preferred DNS name and the alternate DNS name? I got the IP address and the other required fields but I'm not sure about eh DNS thing?

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Protocols / Routing :: 3G Wireless Using Router To Booster Radius?

Jun 21, 2012

i have decided to take on the 3G strategy by using some powerful equipment to boost my 3G and obtain internet access, (accessible no problem)however in my "kit" includes a huwaii mifi device which i will be using along with a crc9 to connect to my military spec booster to pick up 3G and get better internet speeds than anyone in the area.problem i have is with the mifi router, it has small wireless range.i have a strong transmitter to use with my standard router, now what i want to do is bridge the mifi with a a/g/n router and all devices connect to the router that will provide better coverage due to the 3g kit and mifi will be very close together in the roof space and away from the other devices on ground floor.can i bridge mifi with a wireless router so connections will run through the lets say, belkin router.

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Protocols / Routing :: Engenius EAP9550 Wireless Repeater Install?

Jan 1, 2012

I'm trying to install an Engenius EAP9550, configured as a wireless repeater. the instructions are beyond abominable (as the review on Amazon warned). They tell me to enter (which is my linksys E2000 wireless routers address, though they say nothing about that) and tehn give me no other information on how to configure or set this up.

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Protocols / Routing :: Opening Port 443 On Rangemax Wireless Router?

Aug 23, 2012

I need to open the 443 port on my rangemax wireless router to enable credit card processing

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Protocols / Routing :: Belkin Enhanced Wireless Modem Router?

Oct 5, 2011

I bought this ( Belkin N150 Wireless Modem Router with Push Button Security Set Up and Network Status Display (F6D4630uk4A): Computers & Accessories )I want to use this instead of the modem I have now. Is it possible to make this my modem to connect to from the internet? I have a cheap talktalk modem and I want to get rid of it.

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Protocols / Routing :: Netgear Wgr614v6 Router Wireless Drops Off?

Jun 19, 2012

Am running a netgear wgr614v6 as my main router and a buffalo air station as a bridge to the net gear so I have Internet in my living room without wires

I have cable Internet and I have had to constantly reset router to get it o work. Even when on main computer a web page will fail to load two three times abnd then will work. I am at my wits end and don't want to buy a new router for fear of having to set up the bridge again and make an error when doing so.

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Protocols / Routing :: Trying To Connect Wirelessly To BT Home Hub Via A USB Wireless Adapter?

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to connect wirelessly to my BT Home Hub via a USB Wireless adaptor. The homehub works perfectly and I have other laptops in the house connecting via the wireless networkHowever, this is the problem. The Wireless connection status shows as good but packets only being sent and not received. Therefore when I load Internet Explorer, I get WebPage Not availableI notice that my IP address is starts with 169 and researching forums suggests that this is the problem and it should start 192? I have tried all sorts of things but simply cannot get this resolved. If I plug the HomeHub into the laptop directly, the connection via the ethernet cable works fine.

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