Can WRT54GS Repeater Use Antenna For Incoming Signal
Mar 6, 2013
I have a wifi signal set up in my home but my studio 200m away gets no signal. I bought a repeater on ebay but it's still too far to pick up the signal. I can't place the repeater between the two structures due to lack of an electrical outlet. If I get an antenna for the repeater (Linksys WRT54GS with W-DRT installed) do I simply attach it where the existing antennas are on the Linksys repeater or is it more complicated than that? It seems to me those antenna ports are for sending a signal not receiving a signal.
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Feb 26, 2011
My MiFi signal is at -117dbm and can only get dial-up. Spring rain flood the river for up to three months, so a land line is not viable.
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Nov 17, 2011
I have Comcast and my modem is indicating (blue light ) that my signal incoming is weak but my out going is fine. I tried resetting the modem change . Is my problem with the modem or Comcast ?
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Jan 16, 2013
we have a couple of AP1262N-E-K9 APs with firmware version 12.4(25d)JA1 operating in autonmous mode. One AP is setup as repeater while all others are in root mode. My goal is to perform the antenna-alignment test through an SSH console on the repeater with a given timeout-value, e.g.:
"dot11 dot11Radio 0 antenna-alignment timeout 4"
However, the behavior of this command is inconsistent as the timeout value is ignored in 20% of the tests. I.e. in 80% of all tests, the scan really runs only 4 s as specified using the "timeout" parameter. In the other 20% of the tests, the "timeout" parameter seems to be ignored: Often the antenna-alignment scan runs for about 140 seconds and in some cases even for 420 seconds. This is problematic as the access point is completely unavailable during the test, i.e. the configuration ssh/web interfaces are not reachable and no clients can associate to the access point. [URL]
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Sep 18, 2012
I buy my wifi from the rv park that I live in how do I hook up an antenna to get a stronger signal to my router. I would have wifi coming in then my network going out .
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Nov 12, 2012
I have tested each antenna separately. With each antenna attached one at a time the left and right antenna is giving me -20 signal. The center is only giving me -65 signal. Is this a problem with the router or normal? I noticed that the center pin is pushed in more then the left and right. Don't know if that is the cause.
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Aug 5, 2012
I have 1 house that is about 1/4 or 1/2 a mile away from the other house.I would like to setup an antenna that sends a wifi signal from one house to the house that does not have internet.I have a picture link that i drew up at the top. I'm not the best at drawing stuff so bare with me.Im going to type a path of the internet out to show you what I would like to get setup.[CODE]
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Jan 13, 2013
I have a Cisco Aironet 1242G and an outdoor omni 12 dbi antenna. I hooked it all up to day (antenna is connected with a 100ft cable). My signal is very disappointing. I have it behind a garage and can only get about maybe 75 foot away and the signal gets very weak.
Is there something that needs to be configured in the aironet? I have enabled external antenna and played with the settings. Is the 12 dbi antenna just too much?
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Mar 28, 2012
We have a home network which consists of one Motorola wireless router and 3 PCs. Two of the PCs connect directly to the wireless router without any issues, however, my PC dosent have a built in Wi Fi card so am using a TP Link wireless N USB adaptor.... so as you can imagine the signal is still very poor. So I have bought a TP Link AP and have it set up in repeater mode to increase the range of the router and thus improve my connection.
Now this works great in the short term as I get full signal, but the problem is the signal tends to drop out every 20 mins or so.Now, originally we were recieving an IP address conflict message which I thought was causing these drop outs, but I have rectified this by using MAC address filtering on the AP (think the AP was connecting to someone elses PC in our block of flats), but the drop outs still continue.
I have a static IP set on both my PC and AP and DHCP enabled on the Motorola router, I have also tried changing the Motorola's channel and moving the AP to different places but the story dosent change.I am a right noob when it comes to networking and have got this far by reading manuals, google searching and trail and error so dont know what else to do.
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Jan 18, 2011
I had an XP machine using a wired connection with a Linksys WRT54GS 2.4GHz router. The only things connecting to it wireless were my wii and my PS3 which were in the next room, less than 15feet away. I purchased a Windows 7 machine for my wife for Christmas, and gave the XP machine to my kids. I moved the modem and router into the kids playroom, and set the Windows 7 machine up for wireless. Now the router is at one end of the house, and the 7 machine is about 45 feet away. The signal strength was never an issue until last week, and now the PS3 and the Win7 machine constantly have weak signal or no signal. I don't know a whole lot about networking. I am willing to move the router and modem to a central location as a last resort, but would like to keep them with the XP machine for our kids to use.
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Apr 26, 2012
Any diagram showing the antenna position or signal pattern from the EA2700? I know that Cisco recommends that the unit be placed "near the ceiling" but I'm looking for more specific information. Should the unit be mounted vertically or horizontally.
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Aug 5, 2006
I've had a LinkSys BEFW11S4 wireless router for several years now -- ever since it first came out (this is a version 1, not even a version 2).
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Jan 9, 2012
Im in abit of trouble trying to setup a wireless network. Part of the problem is that I am many miles away and I've never setup a wifi-netork involving more than one device, that device being a router.I connected the TL-WA901ND to the router(a Thomson tg787) located in the house, this router couldn't be used simply because the SSID and its password is locked, and we sometimes have people renting the bottom floor and we would prefer a better SSID and a changable password for the network. The first TL-WA901ND(will call this one TL1(AP) from now on, the other being TL2(RP)) is set to operate as Access Point, having a different SSID and password for the network, and it works great. However, when I try to set the other one, TL2(RP) to repeater mode, with the TL1(AP) and that SSID/MAC as "target", it doesn't seem to work. I've tried using bot the repeater mode and the universal repeater mode but none of them seem to do the job.Is is possible to repeat the signal of an access point or does it have to be a router? The SSID and the WPAkey of the repeater is set to the same as the access point, is that correct?The access point is not the one handing out IP-addresses, the router is still acting as the DHCP-server, is that correct?
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Mar 7, 2013
I recently purchased a Wi-Fi repeater (Siemens Gigaset Repeater WLAN SE365) to boost my wi-fi signal throughout my house without having to drill through walls of concrete (with a boost in phone wi-fi in mind on the top floor of the house). I was advised to buy one specifically with the make and model of my router in mind, as connectivity might be an issue if these don't match up. I own a Siemens Gigaset SX55 router so there should be no issue there (I can use the repeater on 2 different frequencies, not sure which one is best, 2.4 or 5 ghz). The instruction manual told me to connect the repeater to my pc once (through use of an Ethernet-cable supplied) so I could alter the settings of the repeater to match with that of my router (same SSID, protection method, channel). Whereas naming it the same as the router by modifying the SSID and using the same ASCII WEP-protection password as the router were doable, I could not find an option to change a channel.
At this point the instruction manual was fresh out of ideas and told me that I had set up the repeater as it should be installed. After unplugging it from my pc and plugging the regular ethernet cable back in for internet (There is wi-fi coming from the router downstairs but also a cable through the house to the pc) I was ready to go and seeing the wi-fi bars on my phone jump up to maximum made me extremely happy. Unfortunately the phone (and the app Wifi Analyzer) did recognize the full signal but when trying to open sites or apps that use internet it responded as if it had no signal whatsoever
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Jan 4, 2012
If I have two Linksys wireless routers in my house, ( 1 Wireless-G as the Gateway attached to the DSL line, and attached to the main computer, and 1 Wireless-b model BEFW11S4v4 that I want to use as a bridge or as a repeater to send the wireless signal around the attic (2 floors away) and I have connected them via Ethernet, and then connected to the attic computer (not the main one) via Ethernet to Wireless-B, why can I not get connectivity on the attic computer?
If I forgo the Wireless-B router, and connect the ethernet to the attic computer everything is fine, but there is no wireless signal in the attic. (only downstairs where the Wireless-G is.) I believe I can access the Wireless-G and tell it to be a bridge or a repeter (?? I think) but as far as I can tell the Wireless-B is giving itself the same IP address as the Gateway Wireless-G is using, and I don't have an connectivity, so I can't change it! Im confused.
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Jan 2, 2013
Is it possible to configure the WRT54G as a repeater signal of the WRT120N?
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Apr 18, 2012
Im having problems with setting up my cisco WAP4410N as a repeater to extend the signal of cisco E2500.It works fine when there is no password to be set on both devices. But when either one of these devices had beenset a password on it, then WAP4410N failed to extend the signal of E2500.
I tried steps as below:
1. Same password type in WAP4410N and E2500.
2. Different password type in WAP4410N and E2500.
3. Set password in WAP4410N ONLY.
4. Set password in E2500 ONLY.
All steps above makes WAP4410N fail to extend the signal range of E2500. WAP4410N successfully works as a repeater to extend the signal of E2500 when there is no password to be set on both devices.
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Dec 4, 2011
That's y topology:
(TPLINK) /////////////// (Huawei)--->(internet)
I want to configure my tplink modem on a repeater mode in order to repeat the signal from (Huawei) ...
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Jan 31, 2013
Region : UnitedStates
Model : TL-WR702N
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : 4.18.107 Build 121123 Rel.31456n
This is the 2nd WR702N I have purchased. The first worked as a repeater for a short time and then failed with the fading symptom. I returned it. The second did not work as a repeater even for a short time. The signal is OK for a few seconds and then fades out. I updated the firmware.
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Mar 16, 2012
I start to use the CM. I received a request to block a number,I need to block the call only on the Call Manager or also on the Gateway that I have?
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May 6, 2011
i have window 7 problem is that i use wateen usb for browing in office.where as my pc is conected with other pcs..when i disable the lan the wateen usb works but than i cant acess othert pcs..previouslyi was using same window and usb but there was no problem..after i have installed the window this problem has occured.
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Nov 5, 2011
i have with my Edimax router. I could not make any progress with Edimax personnel in Taipei.
If i connect my vista box directly w/o the router, i can see that port 21 (Filezilla) is open, using | Port Scanners/Sniffers
When I insert the Edimax br6215srg router, the port is in timeout as reported by aforementioned site (guess the port scanner gets no synack nor reset back to the syn it sends)
The router is set to "disable firewall" or to "enable firewall and DMZ enabled" with as client's ip the one that is configured in the router's dhcp table for the vista box. The NAT module is set to forward port 21 to the same ip. ipconfig confirms that i do get the ip programmed in the router's dhcp table.
I do not want to believe that this edimax box is unable to forward connections!
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Nov 18, 2012
I recently moved house to a flat where I now have an adsl wireless router. Ever since I installed it its been major problems for me, my speeds are terrible takes ages to load a webpage and days to download anything. Also I have tried to stream to my apple tv through the use of airplay mirroring but this again doesn't work and an error code appears every time which I then looked up and it says its to do with my firewall blocking incoming connections. I have gone to my routers settings to try change this and it says to select the options by clicking the radio buttons however they do not exist on the page as you can see on the screenshot below.
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Feb 1, 2012
How to find the no of the incoming call by at commands.
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Aug 20, 2012
I would like to block incoming traffic from a specific ip on a specific port
This is what I have
source: interface: wan ip address range: - second one is empty (valid ip instead of x's) protocol: tcp
dest: interface: lan ip address range: both fields empty port range: 139 - empty field
ON and DENY box is ticked name field has some text in it
I click save and get this pop-up: Incorrect source ip address. Invalid format of the start IP address. Current Firmware Version : 2.11 The ip is obviously valid, what should I do?
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Jan 26, 2012
On our Cisco 1941, we have 2 gigabit ethernet ports and a 4 port fast ethernet switch EHWIC card configured as follows:
GigabitEthernet0/0 131.x.x.81 - internal
GigabitEthernet0/1 131.y.y.234 - WAN
Vlan2 - LAN2, NAT inside
I have tested using some UDP packet sending/receiving software (which works through another router), and the packets just aren't getting through. Likewise trying to telnet into the external IP on port 80 doesn't get through to the destination server.
It feels like the route doesn't exist between the Vlan 100 and Vlan 2 when it's coming in, or maybe there's an ACL needed for the incoming traffic?
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Jan 29, 2012
I have 2 sites connected by a site-to-site IPSec VPN link using ASAs. (ASA5505 and ASA5510 at sites A and B respectively.) There is a UDP data stream that feeds into a Site A server from the internet (packets arrive on the Site A outside interface and NAT is applied to forward to Server A). I need the Site A ASA to redirect these UDP packets over the VPN link to a Site B server instead of to the Site A server.
The source devices can not be reprogrammed with the Site B outside IP. The VPN tunnel is working, Server A can communicate with Server B.
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Feb 27, 2013
I am trying to set up my new tablet and I'm filling out user name, password, POP3 server, port - what is port?
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Mar 16, 2011
which product has the capability to receive multiple incoming connections
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Jan 7, 2011
I have Comcast broadband with one modem connected to my PC. I just bought a Denon AVR-991 Receiver that has internet capability. I I plan to use it for internet radio, etc.The problem is that each piece of equipment is in different areas of the house. I could connect the cable modem to the receiver and connect the PC to the internet via a wireless router, but I don't want to lose the speed of a direct connection on the PC.. can I have two different modems connected to the same incoming cable line? FYI, the existing modem is a Linksys BEFCMU10, and the second modem is one Comcast is in the process of sending to me as I just added Voip phone service to my account.
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Apr 25, 2013
I have been struggling to come up with the proper config to do a NAT of an incoming VPN tunnel to a VLAN on my network. I have an ASA 5510 with an IPSEC site-to-site tunnel to a partner network of have several VLANs on the ASA interface behind a cat4500 router (,, etc). The only network that the partner network sees is the problem is that I need to give them access to a node on my net, but can't get the admin on the other side to add a route and adjust his tunnel.
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Feb 6, 2012
I have a Cisco ASA5510 with two Cisco Catalyst 3560G switches plugged into it. Then I have 2 Cisco1400 Aironet WAPs plugged into the switches.
My goal is to limit incoming bandwith for two specific vlans. So users who are plugged into the switch or connected to the wifi can't go bandwidth crazy.
The rule I currently have setup on the ASA5510 is limiting internal bandwidth, I know shame on me.
So how do I setup a rule on the ASA5510 that will limit users external traffic on vlans without limit internal lan traffic?
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Aug 20, 2011
having trouble to configure the Cisco SRP527w where we have two incoming VLAN's.
1. vlan1 is for internet (20mbps)
2. vlan2 is for a specific application (Specific IP Address - 10mbps)
Somehow we are unable to configure the router to enable PC's connected to the router to access both vlan based to the application specific vlan. Its always routing it through the internet.
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