Cisco VPN :: Setup ASA 5505 With Another Or IOS Router (Static IP)

Nov 1, 2011

I have an ASA 5505 with a dynamic IP address from the ISP.What I need to accomplish is the following:
- Either setup that ASA (Dynamic IP)VPN with an IOS router (Static IP)

- Or setup that ASA (Dynamic IP) with another ASA (Static IP)

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 - Setup Single Port Exclusion For Static NAT?

Sep 20, 2012

I have been using static NAT to map between a single server behind an ASA 5505 and a single public IP address. In other words, I've been doing this:
object network NAT_ME
nat (inside,outside) static interface
Now I would like to start using the clientless VPN feature of the ASA, so I of course don't want that particular port forwarded to the server. Is there a way to define such an exclusion? I've tried several things, including setting up a separate NAT rule to direct that port back to the ASA's interface, without luck.
If that is not possible, what configuration would I need to move to in order to get the behavior that I want? It is important that all (non-VPN) traffic is passed exactly as it arrives at the firewall (whether it is coming from internal or external), with the exception of changing the IP address (i.e., I need static port mappings for some of my services).

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: ASA 5505 - Dynamic And Static Internal Hosts Setup

Nov 21, 2012

I'm working on setting up a template configuration for the Cisco ASA 5505 device that we'll use to configure more routers for various client needs. One of the requirements requested of me is the following: Internal hosts assigned a DHCP address are blocked from the internet Internal hosts with a static IP are permitted access to internet All internal hosts can communicate regardless of state
Now, I'm fairly new to this and I'm certain my terminology isn't correct so googling the problem has been fruitless. I have followed basic configuration guides and have configured the device to hand out DHCP addresses to hosts plugged in ports 1-7. If I'm plugged in and specify my address manually in the OS I am blocked from any access so I can only assume there is an access policy or some rule preventing me from authenticating against the router despite having set up VLAN1 to be the entire class C subnet. What sort of steps would I need to do to configure this? New access lists. For the record, the dhcp addresses are in the range of VPN users are assigned an address from and there seems to be no issues with that configuraiton. I don't wish to constrain what addresses a user can use should they specify a static IP ( should be just as valid as

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Possible To Setup Qos Static Ip On Router Or Certain Speed (kbps) To PC

Feb 21, 2011

I have a 1Mbps adsl connection shared by 4, mine is wired & rest of them were via wireless. Its difficult for me to browse a single page in facebook & don't even think of the youtube videos etc.Is it possible to setup the qos static ip on the router or a certain speed (kbps) to my pc with any third party softwrae & the remaining speed would be shared by the others.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 Trying To Setup A Static IP

Dec 13, 2011

I upgraded from a WRT54GS. I have an XBOX that I am trying to setup a static IP for. Every time I try I get an error message stating invalid static route. All I am trying to do is set it up the same way my old router was so when I specify my XBOX as DMZ Host I don't have to worry about my XBOX ip address changing like it currently does.
Route name: XB
Destination LAN IP:
Subnet Mask:
I have also tried 
Route name: XB
Destination LAN IP:
Subnet Mask:

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 Static NAT

May 26, 2011

I just replaced a PIX 501 with a new ASA5505. I had a very weird problem and would like to know what caused it incase I run into it again. The setup is a DSL connection, with an old-ish speedstream DSL modem. Static IP, no PPPoE. I had a PIX 501, then two servers with static NAT entries on secondary WAN IPs. Everything was working fine on the PIX, I just duplicated the config over to the ASA. I swapped out the PIX for the ASA, and rebooted the DSL modem to clear out it's cache. After installation, NAT was working fine for the the global pool, but the systems with static NAT could not get online. I tried lots of different things to fix them, and they never worked. Finally I rememberd running into an issue like this a long time ago, in that the static NAT IP's wouldn't work without giving them a bump-start on the network. So I assigned the ASA each of my WAN IPs, one at a time, and tested them all. After that I went back to the original WAN IP, configured the static NATs, and they fired right up. why did my static NAT entries not work until I first assigned them to the ASA, then swapped back? I did reset the DSL modem when I swapped the firewalls, so I don't believe it was an ARP issue (unless it was an ARP issue at the far end?) I would like to know if there is something I can do differently with the devices or with the config to not have this issue again in the future.

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Cisco WAN :: ASA 5505 - No Internet With Static IP

Jan 2, 2013

I've having a problem with our company ASA5505 router.
We recently moved to a new adress, so everything had to be set up again. I have a static IP, submask and gateway from our new ISP. The router have been factory reset before moving. We have betweeen 10-20 employees on our LAN in the office. In an attempt to make things easier I have changed the internal IP (and IP range) to with a range from - as our NAS/printer/plotter have IPs within this range.
I can ping machines on the internal IPs and in ASDM the Outside interface is show as "up" with a green arrow. But there still isn't any internet connection. The only thing I haven't tried (because people need the current network to be online) is changing "route inside 62.242.X.X 1" to "route outside 62.242.X.X 1"
I have recieved a primary and secondary DNS adress as well, but I'm in doubt as to were I'm supposed to enter these (Using ASDM Version 6.3). I would like everything "Behind" the router to be run by DHCP.
Here is the running config:
ASA Version 8.2(2)
hostname ciscoasa


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Cisco VPN :: 5505 - Dynamic IP ASA 8.3(2) To Static IP ASA?

Aug 22, 2011

Trying to connect a 5505 with a dynamic address on 8.3(2) to a static IP'd asa (5510 on  8.2(1) with a DefaultL2LGroup and dynamic maps already created. 
Inside networks:
Local (5505) /24
Remote (5510) /24 
Configuration on 5505
isakmp policy 20 authentication pre-share isakmp policy 20 encryption 3des isakmp policy 20 hash md5 isakmp policy 20 group 2 isakmp policy 20 lifetime 3600 isakmp enable outside access-list 100 extended permit ip (inside,any) 0 access-list 100tunnel-group DefaultL2LGroup ipsec-attributes   pre-shared-key *****crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp-3des esp-md5-hmac  crypto dynamic-map cisco 1 set transform-set myset crypto map dyn-map 20 ipsec-isakmp dynamic cisco crypto map dyn-map interface outside

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 - Static NAT And ACLs

May 25, 2011

Currently a customer has all theLAN devices using a router as the Default Gateway. The router also do the Dynamic NAT to the internet access and has NAT/PAT rules to publish some services like HTTP and FTP. As I know the router will permit all the incoming traffic in all its interfaces without restrictions at less there is an ACLs that restrict the incoming traffic on an specific interface.Now the customer has bought a brand new ASA and wants to use it as the default gateway for the entiery LAN. This means, the ASA will have the internet connection and will be the responsible for the NAT/PAT process.

I have configured the NAT/PAT rules already following the current router configuration, but I need to know if I have to configure ACLs allowing the incoming traffic on th Outside interface for the services I NATed.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 - Static Nat And VPN Conflict

Jan 12, 2012

I have a Cisco ASA5505 running 8.2(1) and I am using ASDM to manage the firewall. I have a Linux VPN server on the inside with and IP address of YYY.YYY.YYY.39 with a static NAT to the outside with an address of XXX.XXX.XXX.171 . I have a site to site VPN tunnel which terminates on the outside of the ASA on the outside interface XXX.XXX.XXX.190 .Traffic from the YYY.YYY.YYY.0/24 network can't transverse the site to site VPN as there is a conflict of IP address's on the far side so it is natted via a dynamic policy to host address ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ.100, Users remote into the inside(YYY.YYY.YYY.0/24) for support via the Linux VPN server (.39) and then need to communicate down the site to site VPN. The problem is that the static NAT for the incomming connections takes preference and bypasses the site to site VPN tunnel for outbound traffic. I tried to create a policy Static nat but it tries to modify the static nat that handels the incomming traffic to the Linux server.

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Cisco Firewall :: Static 1 To 1 NAT Not Working On ASA 5505

Jan 28, 2013

i have 2 internal server sitting in inside interface
inside network vlan 1 ip address, and
i going to map to public ip routable address and to public ip routable address
the purpose is to make those 2 server, and .22 to be able to access remotely using public routable ip address,
however, after done the configuration i still not able to ping or access the public IP Address mention above. my both server are turn on and can access internally.both server are also able to access internet. See below partial configuration retrieve from Show Run.
global (outside) 1 interface
nat (inside) 1
nat (Antlab) 1


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Cisco WAN :: Static Route Between ASA 5505 And 2960?

Jan 13, 2013

We have a customer, who has the following setup:

ISP router with ip range: x.x.202.1/ 28

That is connected to a Cisco 2960 switch, that doesn't do much but:

Vlan5: x.x.202.14 /28

Port 1-12 is switchport mode access to vlan 5 There are 3 firewall's connected to the 2960
1: D-Link DSR-1000N with ip x.x.202.2 /28
gw: x.x.202.1
2: Uknown
3: Cisco ASA 5505 with ip: x.x202.7 /28
static route: x.x.202.1
Each FW have a LAN behind it. The D-Link and the unknown device are both working perfectly and clients on each subnet can connect to the internet?However when I connect the ASA 5505 to the 2960 SW with a configued static route: Route Outside x.x.202.1 1 is says it has no route to host?
Sanitized Config for the ASA 5505 is:
hostname ciscoasa
domain-name network.local
interface Ethernet0/0
switchport access vlan 2

If I connect the ASA5505 to the LAN of D-Link DSR-1000N and give it a static address and a static route match the D-Link LAN network, it works perfectly, however not when I connect it the the Cisco 2960 Switch

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Cisco Firewall :: Static NAT SYN Timeout - ASA 5505

Aug 30, 2011

I have a 5505 for a small business that has one web server.  The web server has a static NAT entry to an IP address and not an interface.  There is an access rule allowing any HTTP traffic to the outside IP of the web server.  From the web server I can't access the Internet.
All other computers on the network can access the Internet using a dynamic nat rule that uses the outside interface. The web server is accessible from a computer behind the firewall.
If I delete the static NAT entry for the web server I can get on the Internet.
I have turned debugging on and see that an outbound connection is built and then 30 seconds later the connection is torn down with the bytes 0 SYN Timeout message.
I am running 8.0(5).

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Cisco Firewall :: Internet In ASA 5505 With Static PAT

Aug 31, 2012

I have an ASA 5505 behind my internet router. i have got only one public ip configured on the router outside interface. subnet is configured between ASA and router and inside network is (Refer the attached diagram).
I have exposed my mail server and ftp server to public through static PAT in router and ASA with the same public on router outside interface. Iam facing issue some of the machines inside my network internet is not working(actually DNS is not resolving) some of the PC's internet is working fine some of the PC's randomly working. i have attached the diagram and ASA config , after this issue is sorted out i need to configure a L2L VPN to my head office.

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School Network Setup For Static IP?

Apr 4, 2013

I have recently purchased one of the new ASUS RT-AC66U routers and this router comes with the new aicloud feature. This feature allows you to remotely connect into the router and access any external drive attached as well as your computers shared folders.My issue arises due my location. I live on a school campus and with this being the case, setting up an IP address that is static and is available from everywhere is not really possible. I have my router which I can setup with a static number but the school breaks theirs down so mine will never stay that wayI am trying to see if there is a way to make an address static using an update feature or something of that nature to constantly have a new IP when mine changes.

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Cisco Routers :: RV042 / Gateway Setup With Static IP

Apr 7, 2013

I am trying to setup the following. We have an RV042 Router and are using it as our gateway at the office. In the office we are using a Windows Domain abc.lan with DHCP of 10.0.0 - The Router/Gateway is setup with a Static IP of couple of our office employees would like to work from home via VPN using their laptops. With the many options available for this router, I am not clear as to which options and what settings I should set.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 - No Internet Using Static NAT Rules?

Feb 5, 2012

I'm trying to configure a second server on my network but whenever I add the static NAT rule, the internet stops working on that computer.
Here's my Cisco ASA configuration:
ASA Version 7.2(3)
hostname domain


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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 Static Hosts Cannot Access Outside

Feb 9, 2013

I have configured the ASA in a very similar manner to how the PIX was set up but I'm having trouble with some hosts on the inside accessing the Internet. Any inside hosts which use DHCP work fine. Any inside hosts with a static IP (and configured on the ASA with a "static" rule) cannot access the Internet. For example, in the config below the server daviker-dialler cannot access the Internet. I've spent a few days working on this now and have started from scratch several times but I'm not getting anywhere. Apologies for all the X's everywhere, didn't like to post anything sensitive on the Internet.

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Cisco Firewall :: 5505 Broadband Connection With One Static IP

Jun 3, 2013

I am mapping static ip address to the local ip address.We have a bsnl broadband connection, and bsnl has provided us with one static ip address.We are using  broadband modem.Now I would liket to map this static ip address to one of the private ip address which is server).i want to do nat above ips if i do so then i dont have no ip to assign to my outside interface.I would like to access this device over internet, by typing my public (Static ip ) given by the device i have is cisco ASA 5505.

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Cisco Firewall :: How To Configure Multiple Static IPs On ASA 5505

Jun 10, 2011

I am setting up a Cisco ASA 5505 first time for My organisation, I usually setup Cisco Router, I have 10 Static IP, & Have 6 Server (S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4, S-5, S-6), Traffic Should be pass through the ASA and is distributed to the destination server that is specified in the packet. LAN servers can be separated into discrete networks for security. For example, a private LAN for internal traffic accessed only via remote dial-in VPN sessions and Want to Configure DMZ for Server (S-4, S-5, S-6) that allows public web traffic.
I have Attached My Network Diagram I have some question,

1:- Can we Configure Multiple Static IP On ASA 5505 ?

2:- If Diagram is wrong what change need to be done ?

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 - Public Static IP Address And DMZ

Feb 3, 2013

I have ASA 5505 with basic licence, v9.1, ASDM 7.1. I want to create the DMZ for a web server.
The interface 0 is for the outside network The interface 6 is for the DMZ All other interfaces are for the inside network
My ISP provided me with one public static IP address, one gateway address and a subnet mask
1/ I would like to ask which interface I should assign the public static IP address to. Should it be assigned to the outside interface 0, or should it be assigned to the DMZ interface 6, while outside interface would be configured to use DHCP?
I tried to assign the static IP address to the outside interface first, but then when I used ASDM the “Public Servers” feature to configure NAT, I get error message that the outside interface and the public address cannot have the same IP address.
2/ For the sake of peace of mind, I am thinking about using the second firewall, which would be used only for the inside network. Can I connect this second firewall to one of the inside interfaces of the 1st firewall,

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 - Creating Simple Static IP

Mar 22, 2012

I have created a simple static ip address by using this command:
interface Vlan1
nameif inside
security-level 100

But, no matter what, the I can't ping the static address or access the computer from outside of the asa 5505. I have attempted to ping from inside of the asa 5505 or from another computer. I just does not work.
I also have created several rules that allows icmp traffic.
icmp unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1
icmp permit any echo-reply inside
icmp permit inside
icmp permit any echo-reply outside
icmp permit any outside

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Cisco Security :: ASA 5505 8.41 Dynamic NAT / Static Configuration

Apr 17, 2011

I'm having some issues configuring NAT statements on my ASA5505 which has recently been upgraded to 8.41.
I have a single dynamic IP on the outside interface of the ASA and would like all internal hosts to NAT/PAT to it. In addition, I would like to have several ports 'forwarded' to internal hosts, one of which is TCP/4343. With the current configuration all hosts are NATing to the external interface properly but the service running on TCP/4343 is not accessible from the outside. See command output below:
"sh run object" output:
object network DrJones host network LAN- subnet
"sh run nat" output:
object network DrJones nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp 4343 4343object network LAN- nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
"sh run access-list" output:
access-list inside_access_in extended permit ip anyaccess-list outside_access_in extended permit icmp any any echo-replyaccess-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp any interface outside eq 4343

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Setup 2 Wireless Routers With 2 Static IP's 1 Modem

Feb 16, 2012

My adolescent son wants to create a server to host video games. We, the parents, want to separate our computers and files from all the crazy security risks my son and his friends take, while allowing them to learn by their mistakes.I want 2 separate networks, or does this make sense? Would love to have our computers (assorted PC's, Macs, both laptops and desktops, running Vista Ultimate, Windows 7, OSX 10.5 and up), ipods, TV's, Blu-rays, wireless printers, etc. isolated from our son's computers, ipods, TV's, XBox, Blurays, wireless printers, (as well as the digital stuff his friends bring over).Since security is the reason for this, would love any tips over and above Brian Posey's article on Tech Republic (5 common security mistakes people make on setting up wireless networks, or something like that)We have Optimum high speed (testing up to 65 mps) internet service and 5 static IP addresses to work with.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 / Create A Static Ip Address Under Version 8.4?

Mar 20, 2012

I just upgraded my firewall to ASA 5505. Now, my original static ip address cofiguration is gone. Apperantly, Cisco went away from static ip address to something like nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface. how to create a static ip address under version 8.4? By the way, I am sharing what my configuration used to look before upgrading.
hostname cisco-asa
domain-name default.domain.invalid
interface Vlan1
nameif inside
security-level 100


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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Inside Static Route For ASA 5505

Jul 30, 2012

We have two sites: 192.168.100.x and 192.168.101.x currently connected  via IPsec VPN. On each end we have a Cisco ASA 5505. However, each site  also has an MPLS VPN with intentions to move all traffic to this link.  Will  this work on the ASA? We need to make sure traffic can hit the ASA @ site A on the  inside interface and trafiic will forward to the MPLS VPN router which  then handles the traffic. Too, will it cause any problems in  bi-directional flow between the two sites?

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Cisco Firewall :: ASDM And CLI Show Different Static Routes For ASA 5505?

Feb 23, 2013

I was checking out the config on my ASA and noticed a bunch of static routes configured when I did a show route. With the exception of two that I expect to be there, the remainder point traffic destined for specific  internal hosts to the outside interface, i.e.
S    private_ip [1/0] via public_ip, outside
I verified that I  cannot ping those hosts from the firewall. I logged in to the ASDM. When I check  the Configuration>Device Setup>Routing>Static Routes it only  shows two static routes, the ones I expect to see. If I look under Monitoring>Routing>Routes, I see the same output as I did on the CLI. I looked around to see if I was missing a key location for this information, and I was able to see the same static routes output in Monitoring>Routing>Routes. Since this is under monitoring though there's no way to delete these routes, and I still don't know where they were configured originally. Then I happened to check under Monitoring>VPN>VPN Statistics>Sessions, and I see several of the private IPs used in the static routes being used by VPN users, including my own! I know I didn't assign myself a static IP for VPN use or anything like that. So, what are these static IP routes? Why do I see them in the CLI and not under the Configuration tab? I mean, I know I can delete them from the CLI but I'm trying to figure out why the info is not synced. Am I seeing dynamically created content based on the VPN connections?

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 Post 8.3 Static NAT With Least Amount Of Config

Mar 17, 2012

working config with least amount of code for:
IOS post 8.3
Subnet: /24
Static NAT (from any source) to server and allow the same incoming connections on outside interface
TCP 20,21
TCP 80
UDP 50000-50020

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Routers / Switches :: Manage Static IPS In VOIP Setup?

Jul 21, 2011

I have VOIP and was provided a modem, a Tilgen Router (Vood 452_A). I also currently have a Linksys WRT54G router. I also have a home surveillance system with a DVR that can be accessed via the net. I am trying to allow the ports to open so that traffic can navigate down to the DVR.My IPs:My VOIP has provided me with 6 static IP addresses. For sake of this issue they are:, through .158My subnetmask is set to: Settings:

The Modem is connected to world. To the modem I have the Tilgen Router connected. The Tilgen is set with an ip of .153 and the subnetmask listed above. DHCP is turned on and has IP range set for .154-.158. It is set in Bridge Mode with NAT and Firewall turned off. To that I have the WRTG54G router connected and assigned the router an Static IP of .154.. The cable is going into the Linksys WAN port.From a computer connected to a LAN port on the WRT54G, I see my public IP as .154, currently my internal IP is so I believe I have to assign one of my Static IPs to this PC, however when I try to connect to the Linksys Router (.154) from the outside web, I am get a time out error. (also from a ping test.) My thoughts are to assign the Linksys to DHCP and use a range of .155-.158 to give each lan item a static IP. My question is will this work? Will each item in the network have its own IP and if I forward the port to the DVR that i needed, ie 80 for web client or 6100 for desktop client, will that forward through?Or do I set it to Router Mode and use the Tilgen to assign the ips.

On the Tilgen I also have an option for a DHCP relay or to turn off DHCP.

For clarification here is the setup chain
Broadband/DSL Line>>Tilgen Modem>>(LANPort1)Tilgen Router(LAN Port2)>>(WAN) Linksys(LANPort1)>>DVR/Computers
Found this walkthrough on setting the WRT54G into a Switch. If I did this, in theory the VOOD would assign those computers/dvr connected downstream via the WRT54G a static ip from my range set on the router. Then in theory I would not need to port forward port 80 since the DVR would be on its own public IP.?

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D-Link DCS-942L :: Static IP Setup Losing Its IP Address

Jul 1, 2012

I have 3 Dcs-3420's on the same network same static ip setup and they never have issues.  Im testing 1 942L, I've upgraded firmware to1.11, but periodically the camera loses its ip address which is weird because it is set static.  My wireless is set to Mac address security.  Now camera is outside in a shaded area, over night the camera worked all night, this morning it has reset three times.  Additionally, each time it resets/losses ip address it also loses the manually set time.

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Cisco Routers :: Setup VPN Form Outside To Use Static Address From Lan Side Of RV082?

Dec 19, 2011

I have a RV082.I need to set up a VPN form outside to use a Static address from the Lan side of the RV082.

Lan is
Wan is

The computer using the VPN will need a virtual IP on the Lan of the RV082 so that it is seen as being on the same network as the equipment on the LAN.

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Cisco WAN :: Simple Static NAT Overlapping Dynamic Internal Range On 5505?

May 21, 2011

I wanted to move to the cisco arena, and having a bugger of a time figuring out simple nat/pat rules combined with access lists. I've been reading Richard Deal's Cisco ASA configuration book, googling the heck out of this simple problem and can't see what I'm missing.
I have an ASA 5505 unlimited security plus license running 8.2(3) and a simple network, 192.168.0.x internal, 192.168.3.x dmz (not even touching that yet!) and outside I have a /29 subnet of addresses, 25 is the gateway, and 26-30 are my addresses.
I have simple dynamic nat set up on the .26 address to nat to 192.168.0.x. All I'm trying to do is port forward a simple tcp port I set for my linux server ( on the inside, for arguement's sake, it's 2222 (it's not really). My outside vlan 50 is X.X.X.226 , can I make a static nat (inside,outside) x.x.x.226 netmask ?
I tried using (inside,outside) x.x.x.230 netmask and that didn't work either. Is it not possible to use two external addresses to hit the entire /24 range AND a single server?
My access rule for this nat is permit tcp any eq 2222 (where I'm using 2222 for my ssh port). then I apply that access list to the access group interface "outside".
I thought the outside interface would do a proxy arp (since I do not have the sysopt noproxyarp command) for my 227,228,229, and 230 addresses where .226 is my internal nat for all my internal machines i.e. -> x.x.x.226 . I had this working like a charm before with my fortinet, so I know I have systems listening.

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Setup Static IP Address For Toshiba Satellite L350 Wireless Laptop On Windows 7

Sep 10, 2011

I am trying to set up a static IP address for my Toshiba Satellite L350 Wireless Laptop on Windows 7. My Broadband is on TalkTalk (UK) Huawai Echo-Life HG520b. I tried many sites but it never seems to work.

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