Cisco :: WCS (v5.2.193.0) Client User Name (unknown)

Feb 16, 2011

We are running Cisco Wireless Control Sytem (v7.0.164.0) with 4 - WLCs (v5.2.193.0) and about a 100 Aironets and I was wondering how to get WCS to identify the Client usernames?  When trying to view monitored clients usernames, all it shows is Client Username <unknown>, though their MAC and IPs are correct. I'm not sure if this has to do with mobility anchors or not, but currently we have none setup in case. How to resolve the machine name or actual username that is logged in... either one.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.1 / ASA Fallback To Local If User Unknown

Feb 9, 2010

I know the way to configure the ASA to fallback to LOCAL authentication, if the Radius server is not available.
Now we would like to authenticate the local users, if the user is not found in the AD. Is this possible and how can I configure this with the new policies? I tested it with "dropping" when the user is not found in the AD, but then the Radius server will be marked as "dead" and the other AD users can't login for a given period. Maybe we can configure the dead time to 0, but this is not as nice it could be.

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Cisco Firewall :: 5510 - Display User Message When User Connects Using AnyConnect Client?

Apr 20, 2009

We are using an ASA 5510 and remote access (SSL VPN) using the AnyConnect client.
Is it possible to display a user message when a user connects using the AnyConnect client, matching a specific dynamic access policy?  Can the message be displayed when the action is "Continue" rather than "Terminate"?  I can't seem to get this to work and wondered if there was a LUA function to do this.
We have a DAP which gives a restricted ACL when the user's anti-virus is out of date, and I wanted to notify the user to update their anti-virus and reconnect.

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Unknown IP Address Range On Router DHCP Client List

Nov 19, 2011

I keep getting some additional IP addresses logging onto my home network that have an address outside what should be allowed by the router. The server is running at and is set to only allow clients from - so a total of 9 clients should be allowed on.The problem is that something keeps logging in with an address of or 3 etc. Sometimes more than one device at a time.I have assumed that it is some automated or virtual client as I'm pretty certain my network has not been breached. I have a 9 character password with a relatively random alphanumeric combination, although I haven't tried changing the password (I live in a share house with with a bunch of devices using wireless, so I haven't yet bothered). What I don't understand is how it has connected with the xx.xx.169.xx range at all. I have a Belkin 'Share' Wireless N Modem Router and at some stage there was a 'guest' network but that has since been disabled and I still am seeing the extra address. I have attached a screen shot of the DHCP client list on the router.The following is a list of devices that may be on the network at times, I'm thinking one of these may be responsible for the problem:

Windows Vista Desktop - Only LAN device
Epson wireless printer
Android HTC Desire Mobile Phone
Laptops running various Windows versions (XP, Vista and 7)

A few thoughts I had:

- the android phone is capable of running a wireless hotspot, may have to look into it to see if if has been operating as an access point into the Belkin router, but assumed this wouldn't bring up clients connected to the phone on the home router.

- The desktop has PS3 Media server installed to stream video to the PS3 over the network (not that I have ever managed to get it to work), however this is not ever open on the desktop.

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Cisco Firewall :: Remote VPN User Client Type On ASA 8.3?

Jun 21, 2011

It seemed that show vpn-sessiondb ra-ikev1-ipsec will not provide the client type of the remote vpn user as show vpn-sessiondb remote did before.
Is there a way to find it out on ASA running 8.3?

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Cisco :: WLC 5508 - Passive Client Vs User Idle Timeout?

Apr 18, 2012

I'm on WLC 5508 . It doesn't matter if passive client feature is turned on or turned off , when you try to increase "User Idle Timeout" you can see this message:
In our network, a lot of clients gets deauthenticated. I thought it would be useful to enable "Passive-client" feature, or increase "user idle timeout" , but how these works with each other?  

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Cisco VPN :: AnyConnect Error User Not Authorized For Client In 5505

Jan 9, 2013

it's probably just me but I have tried real hard to get a simple AnyConnect setup working in a lab environment on my ASA 5505 at home, without luck. When I connect with the AnyConnect client I get the error message "User not authorized for AnyConnect Client access, contact your administrator". I have searched for this error and tried some of the few solutions out there, but to no avail. I also updated the ASA from 8.4.4(1) to 9.1(1) and ASDM from 6.4(9) to 7.1(1) but still the same problem.

The setup of the ASA is straight forward, directly connected to the Internet with a / 24 subnet on the inside and an address pool of / 24 to assign to the VPN clients. Please note that due to ISP restrictions, I'm using port 44455 instead of 443. I had AnyConnect working with the SSL portal, but IKEv2 IPsec is giving me a headache. I have stripped down certificate authentication which I had running before just to eliminate this as a potential cause of the issue. When running debugging, I do not get any error messages - the handshake completes successfully and the local authentication works fine as well.

ASA Version 9.1(1)
hostname ASA
domain-name ingo.local
enable password ... encrypted
xlate per-session deny tcp any4 any4
xlate per-session deny tcp any4 any6
[Code] .....

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Cisco VPN :: Configure ASA5505 For Remote User Using EasyVPN Client?

Jul 5, 2011

I need to configure our ASA5505 firewall for remote access to our network using EasyVPN software installed on a laptop. That laptop will be connected in the different places, using DSL or 3G toggle or Public Wi-Fi. For some people it's very easy, but I don't have any experience with firewalls.

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Cisco Security :: ASA 5520 - VPN Client Remote User Limit

Jun 16, 2012

how many remote user connect using Cisco VPN client on Cisco Firewall ASA5520-BUN-K9? Already i read VPN Client FAQ But their have no information about user limitation.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.2 User Roles And Restricting User Access To Add Items?

Sep 22, 2011

We are running ACS 5.2 patch 6 and want to restrict access for users to be able to add devices to the system.For example, admin person in site A can only add devices into the site A group and cannot see/access other sites groups.

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Cisco Firewall :: Create Local User In ASA 5520 To Allow User To Use ASDM In Read-Only Mode?

Oct 10, 2011

I want to create a local user in my Cisco ASA 5520 to allow the user to use the ASDM in Read-Only mode. I want the user to view the Dashboard only.

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Cisco Wireless :: Allow User To User Traffic On WLC 5500?

Nov 21, 2012

Is it configurable to allow wifi user to user traffic on WLC 5508?

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Unknown Computer On LAN

Apr 20, 2011

We have a daisy-chain like network at my work involving various cobbled together parts such as Print Servers and switches. Today a random computer has appeared on our network with the name USER-U40PVRNHWL. We do broadcast a wireless signal, but it is password protected. I have done a complete sweep of the building and there are no extra pieces of hardware physically connected into our network.

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Cisco :: How To Find Unknown IP Addresses

Apr 18, 2013

when you have a device that you don't know it's IP what do you do to find it out, I normally just plug directly into the device and use nmap to scan the ranges I think it might be, but that takes quite some time?

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Cisco :: LMS 4.0.1 All Devices Are Unknown After Update

Apr 15, 2012

After successfully install a device update for Common Services, all devices are reported as unknown.Number of Packages Selected for Install : 2

-For Product(s) : Common Services
-Install Invoked by user : ameconi
-The Package(s) Selected for Install :
When I try to install other updates these fail because MDF is version 1.59.

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Cisco VPN :: Between ASA 5510 And Unknown Firewall?

Feb 14, 2013

I set the asa Vpn to connect to the other firewall, the VPN is ok but when i see the logs of bytesTX and BytesRX the asa receive a lot of packages in BytesRX but dont send anything in BytesTX.

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Cisco :: ASA5520 / Two Firewall Are Unknown On LMS 4.0.1

Jul 5, 2011

My customer had 2 asa5520 version:8.0(5)20 and LMS 4.0.1.Two Firewall are "unknow" on LMS, why ?Normally, LMS manages ASA with version 7 min.

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Unknown Device In Network?

Jan 19, 2011

Since i got sky broadband it's always been running super slow, the amount of times i have called them is ridiculous. So i have just been looking around on the sky address to see if i can fix it and in my Attached devices i have, the pc, an ipod touch and an unknown device. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the slow speeds and maybe it's somehow 'stealing' my broadband. I've read a previous post of the same type but that wasnt for sky. i ran the ipconfig/all into CMD

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Unknown IP And Mac Addresses On Network?

Nov 15, 2012

I have various unknown Mac addresses on my network,detecting if they are normal/non harmful OR if I've been hacked! I've uploaded a picture of the addresses, the second to the last address is my router's.

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USB Wireless Unknown Chipset?

Nov 19, 2012

Is there any solution for the usb wireless which its chipset is unknown when u do the airmon-ng

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How To Remove Unknown Ip Addresses

Feb 12, 2013

I noticed two ip addresses reserved with DCHP on my home wireless. From IP addresses I can't seem to figure out who these belong to at home. All connected computers and devices are accounted for. Could these possibly be someone(s) hacking to my wireless to connect to internet? Or are these for modem setup, etc.?

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Various Unknown IP And Mac Addresses On Network

Mar 22, 2011

I have various unknown Mac addresses on my network, I need to detect if they are normal/non harmful OR if I've been hacked! I've uploaded a picture of the addresses, the second to the last address is my router's.

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Windows 7 Unknown Network?

Apr 16, 2012

my wifes computer had to have a new hard drive installed an since it was fixed it will not network with my laptop in a private mode only public and my laptop now has a question mark then step down her old computer as the network path we are both windows 7 hers is hp and my laptop is toshiba satellite I can not get rid of the 2 networks from her computer or the question mark on mine

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Cisco WAN :: C877 Device With Unknown Ip Address

Apr 24, 2013

We had a new linux server installed at a remote office yesterday, unfortunately the guy installing the server forgot to change the IP addresses, doh.  It's plugged into a C877 and I can see the port is up/up and I see the mac address using 'sh mac-address-table'.  The ip address on the server is unknown but it's unlikely to be in the correct subnet for the vlan it's attached to.
Is there a way I can add an arp entry manually to the router, then ssh to the server and correct the ip address?  Or is there some other way to establish the IP address of the server?  It's gonna be a pain to revisit the office and there's no one there that can get into the server room to do anything from the console.

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Cisco Firewall :: Unknown Error On ASA 5505?

May 18, 2011

This might actually go into Networking Basics because of the nature of the problem, but I tossed it in here because of the Cisco product involved. Long story short, I need to do some detective work to figure an apporpriate IP address for a NIC.I recently started working at a company with the ASA 5505 and I need to upgrade the software image on a bunch of them. There's already a computer set up with a TFTP server and Hyper-Terminal to do it. I'm trying to use the CLI update procedur[URL] but when I get to the beginning of the actual transfer from the TFTP, I get stuck at "Accessing" and then the connection times out with the message "Unknown Error".The only thing I can think of is that somehow the ASA is not making it all the way to the TFTP server, probably because the IP address settings on the NIC for the computer is set wrong. I say this because in the config file provided me, the ASA is given an address X.Y.Z.1, subnet mask /24 (where all the letters are constants) and the TFTP server has an addess in its software config of X.Y.Z.10 mask /24, but the NIC on the computer is set to A.B.C.105, which is an entirely different network.I need to figure out what I can make the NIC IP address so I stop getting the error. I tried a couple of different X.Y.Z.x addresses, but haven't gotten anything yet.

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Cisco WAN :: 1841 / Unknown Format In Console

Aug 17, 2012

I have got a problematic 1841 router. I connected it with console cable and use HyperTerminal application with

BPS: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
but the displays shows as follows. What may be the problem ? I can't see the English language, what to do now ?
ËŠª¨GÌÍ(W•³•BÜ΍£¥õ«©¡«©¡Gf­GMèF£eˆ)¯+%©§§Mr§j‹ ï(MŽV»øìõ3B…«»v£FÝ=;VOèF£eˆ
)¯+%©)§N N'vnjj»³6r³h-Bãeˆ)¯+%©)'f¾.zN' ~R5ˆîïÝèv®V££õ£ë£'%3Þ££õF£ÈMèF£eˆ)¿+

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Cisco WAN :: 2911 Has Unknown Protocol Drops?

Mar 10, 2012

I have issues to connect Cisco 2911 to HP switch. I disable CDP on the LAN port, router at A end is ok, but the unknow protocal drops as same as before at B site. It happend around every 30sec. When I transfer a file from one end to the other end. It always disconnect every 25 second. HP Switch is not configure trunk as it work as a plain network

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Unknown Error Due To Which Cannot Connect To Homegroup

Aug 6, 2012

i have a desktop and a laptop(dell xps 14).and am using a modem to connect both using ethernet modem is showing lan connection of both computers.but there are problems which are- i cant connect to my homegroup i cant find any server on lan while playing games i cant share files

a network driver is missing.details are- property-hardware id values-ACPI/SMO8800 *SMO8800 also specified that first value is highlighted and error code is 28

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Several Unknown Devices Appearing On Network

Jul 31, 2011

After getting unusual IP conflicts on my laptop, I did a scan of my home network with a program called Zamzom and got the following results:On my Macbook I used a similar program and got more than 40 devices showing up: Neither program says which devices are active. The Mac results bring up BlackBerrys among other things. I upgraded my security from WEP to WPA2, but nothing changed. I use NOD32 and recently installed AdAware, which picked up a few things, but again, results are the same.

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Unknown DHCP Clients In D-link DIR-615?

Aug 2, 2011

When I go into the Network Settings, and the end of the page I find a list named "Number of Dynamic DHCP clients: 7". As far as I know, I should only see 4, all 4 laptops; however, I see 2 UNKNOWN entries in this list, and one name "Macondo". Each of these entries have an option (a link) saying "Revoke" and other "Reserve". I am just wonder if these entries are intruders in my home network. What should I do? I am afraid to break my internet connection. By the way, I set up every single one of my family 4 laptops at home with a WPA-PSK using a very long key.

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Unknown Computers On A Wired Network?

Apr 1, 2011

I use a Ethernet Powerline adapter.Right now, there are 5 other computers on my wired network, and i don't know what they are. What are they doing there, and how do i get them out?

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Cisco :: LMS 4 Support Unknown Device Type ASA 5585

Dec 22, 2011

Though ASA5585-X S-20 and UCS C200 are not in LMS 4.0 supported device table, I'm wondering if there is any way to monitor these devices using LMS? Our data centre has a quite number of UCS C200 servers and two ASA5585-X S-20.

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Cisco Routers :: RV016 - Unknown Admin Password?

May 15, 2013

There is a Linksys RV016 router setup at my workplace. I need access to the webmanagement interface however the default password is not working. (Username/Password: admin/admin) Is there any way to obtain the login information without performing a reset of the router so I do not lose its current configurations?

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