Servers :: Can't Connect To Internet Via Proxy

Jan 3, 2011

I have a linux(fedora) which i use as a proxy. the proxy then connect to the router. the proxy also serves as my mail server (i use postfix). Problem is, since yesterday i discovered thta i cannot access the internet for any machine connected via the proxy (and any dhcp-assigned machines). As a result, even the webmail is not accessible from any machine.When i tried, i changed some computers so that they connect directly to the router -and they work fine for the internet. Problem is, I am still not able to access webmail.What could be the problem with the proxy.?(NB Postfix is running and http too is running).

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Servers :: Cannot Connect Using Proxy Ip?

May 28, 2012

I have an issue here, I need to connect to various anonymus proxy servers, the ip's of which can be freely found on the web. I've tried doing this from a broadband connected computer and it's ok, but the thing is that when I try doing this from a computer that is tied to o router, it doesn't work at all.

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Servers :: Trace IP When Proxy Is Used?

Jun 17, 2011

how to trace IP when proxy is used.someone I know is playing a prank that might cause my marriage to break.That person uses proxy with many different IP and also a loopback. does anyone know how to trace the IP even with the above is used.

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Chrome And IE Can't Connect To Internet - Unable To Connect To The Proxy Server

Jun 8, 2011

Few days ago I started to get the following error message while trying to connect to the internet using Chrome and IE:"Unable to connect to the proxy server..."I don't have a proxy server configured - nothing is checked in the LAN settings page.In Firefox I don't have that problem - it seems it gets the proxy configuration from elsewhere.

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Servers :: LAN Proxy Does Not Support Ftp Upload

Jan 26, 2012

I tried to use a different proxy but couldn't access internet at all. it seems all the LAN traffic is forced to go through the LAN proxy.

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Servers :: Assign Proxy Ip In Windows 7?

Jun 8, 2011

i m accessing ftp using vpn. there also have proxy server but i want to know how to configure proxy ip in my system.

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Internet Can't Connect Via Proxy?

Feb 17, 2011

my work is done,... and i dont know what i have to i open the control panel > administrative tools and see all the the service and see all the content and etc...nah,.... suddenly my Yahoo messanger disconnected...
i dont know why...i try to relog and can't connect...commonly, when i want to connect to the internet, the password for proxy windows is appear..but know it doesnt appear...

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Servers :: How To Create A Proxy Server In Windows 7

Mar 18, 2011

how to make a proxy server in o.s server 2003

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Security / Firewalls :: Blocking All Proxy Servers

Jun 24, 2011

My son is constantly on social networking sites whilst he ought to be revising for his exams. I have tried blocking his websites from the router but this blocks everyones access to the sites. How can I prevent just him from accessing these sites through the router without interfering with my elder kids acess to the sites? Also i would like to know how to block all proxy servers as he is always using these to bypass my restrictions.

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Servers :: Firefox Proxy Server Refused HTTPS Connection?

Oct 25, 2011

When i access a url with http, it works fine. But with https it dosen't work, and get the message on the firefox as "The proxy server is refusing connections Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections. Check the proxy settings to make sure that they are correct. Contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working.

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Servers :: Switch / Hub Sufficient To Connect All PC's To Modem To Connect To Internet?

Apr 12, 2011

I am in the process of opening an internet cafe. I dont know exactly what a pc server does on the network... or do I really need one? Is the switch/hub sufficent to connect all pcs to the moderm to connect to the internet?

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Servers :: Internet Explorer Could Not Connect?

Sep 3, 2011

Some time ago while of facebook i clicked on a link supposedly forwarded from a friend and some sort of flash player virus file was downloaded to my laptop. I proceeded to run a MAlwarebyte scan of the laptop and deleted the downloaded file.However, since then I've been unable to connect to facebook via Internet Eplorer or Goggle Chrome, and I'm getting the message 'Oops! Internet Explorer.

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Servers :: Connect Internet But Not Local Server?

May 16, 2012

My pc in the LAN can ping the local server but cannot connect ( cannot browse) it.Others in the LAN can connect it. I can also connect Internet but , not the local server. (when I type \192.168.... on my computer browser , answer " window cannot access \192.168.........)

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5510 Servers Aren't Able To Connect To Internet

May 14, 2012

So, we've been trying to get our network ipv6 compatible and had to upgrade the IOS on our ASA 5510 to 8.4/Little did we know that upgrade to 8.4 would need me to change all out NATs and Access-lists. We have a 1-1 NAT configuration that I need to keep with a bunch of regular rules to different servers (http, ftp, rdp, etc..)

I've been able to change all of that and was able to test it out successfully in our test environment. But, when I moved this to our prod env, the servers aren't able to connect to the internet. I haven't changed any routes - no changes in IP's - just changing the ASA. [code]

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Servers :: Connect 5 Servers Together To Create A Private Network?

Apr 16, 2011

i'm trying to connect 5 servers together to create a private network.Each server has a network of it's own and i'm trying to make all 5 servers communicate with each other to share and search data simultaneously..

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Cisco :: Setting Transparent Proxy To A Proxy Running On A Client?

May 28, 2012

I would like to connect devices to my network so that their traffic passes through a proxy running on my computer. I figured the best way to do this is by setting the proxy on my router to the one I am running, but then I would need to have another connection to the computer running the proxy or else there would be an infinite loop ?? something like that. so:

Internet -> router (1) -> my proxy on comp A -> router (2) -> computer B

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Security / Firewalls :: Using Non-proxy Software Through Proxy?

Mar 31, 2012

I access the internet from my company�s LAN, which has a restrictive firewall, so I cannot request the admin to open any ports manually for me. Hence I use a software called your-freedom. This proxy software supports both http as well as socks 4 and 5 proxy (by entering the proxy IP (localhost) and Port 8080 for http proxy OR 1080 for Socks Proxy), and I have successfully been using web browsers and some other softwares that support proxy/ allow proxy info to be entered to login/ connect to the internet. Your-Freedom also supports port forwarding.However, the softwares I intend to use do not have any options to enter proxy methods or proxy ports (as far as I have noticed). I have tried to proxify these 2 softwares using softwares such as SocksCap and Free Cap, but either they don�t work, or my settings in proxifying are not correct. I believe I will have to do port forwarding or proxify the softwares, but have been unable to do so in the correct manner.

Following is the info on the 2 softwares:

1.NOW Trading terminal:[FONT=Times New Roman]Normally when I start the NOW or Zerodha software, the software starts and I get a login screen, but under firewall conditions, I get the initial Splash screen but then the software stops with the error: [b][u]NOW Initialisation failed for Interactive Engine << os error>>.

2.PowerIndia Bulls:The software is written in Java and starts with a batch file (PowerIndiabulls.bat) located in C:UsersDEFAULT_USERNAMEAppD..... I converted this batch file to .exe (with battoexe software) and then ran it through a proxifying software. The .exe start properly without proxifying software but not under proxifying environment. Basically the software needs to connect to the internet using Port 443. I am also expected to keep ports 443, 41599 and 59598 open. software's requirement is available at Indiabulls Securities: Indiabulls Securities is a leading capital market company offering securities broking and advisory services, depository services, equity research services to its clients in India. (item no. 5).To confirm, while the software is unable to connect through port 443, you will get an error message: "Connection to Login Server could not be established" when you try to login with any random Username and Password.To know that the software is able to connect properly, you will get an error: "This User ID is not enabled to be used with this product".

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Cannot Connect To Proxy Windows Xp?

May 4, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron E1505, I am currently in France and trying to connect it the University's proxy server, and I have followed ALL instructions provided by the university as to how to go about doing this. Each time I enter the proxy address and everything and it doesn't pop up an error message or anything like that, it simply doesn't connect to the internet or give the opportunity to input my password and username.

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Can't Connect To SOCKS Proxy

Mar 23, 2012

I've been trying to use BTguard whith vuze but no matter what I try I keep getting this error.Connection Error (Socket Exception:Can't connect to SOCKS proxy:Connection refused : connect(t) I can't really tell where the problem is, with Vuze, Router, BTgaurd.I've been digging through old posts and Google for well over 4+ hours straight, haven't even got out of this chair yet trying to fix this.

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Can Connect To Some Sites Only Via Proxy

Jul 20, 2012

I can't access some sites, loading times are endless and they look totally strange when I can access them (No images and so on). Sites are completely random, some examples are - Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Dota2, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Inferno eSports - Homepage (videogames forum)FINECO: Conto, Investimenti, Trading, Prestiti e Mutui - Banca diretta, online o con promotore (bank) Sigma Draconis

1) Cleaned laptop with Ad-aware and Malwarebytes, found 2 issues but didn't fix the problem.

2) Closed firewall, nothing either.

3) Canghed/flushed DNS, tried both openDNS and GoogleDNS, nothing.

4) She CAN access those sites, she has same connection to the router (via wireless) and she has same OS (Windows Seven). I think that means it's my problem, not a router one.

5) Tried to lower MTU settings in my wireless connection as I read that could be the problem, nothing new here.

6) Here comes the tricky part. I tried to access those sites via proxy (Ninja Cloak | Fast, free, anonymous web browsing with and they actually work!

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Broadband :: Cannot Connect To Proxy Server In Windows 7

Feb 16, 2011

Have nearly new desktop running Windows 7 and cannot connect to Internet (BT broadband in wireless mode). Error message says 'cannot connect to proxy server'.

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Huawei USB Modem - Cannot Connect SSL Sites Through Proxy

Apr 17, 2011

I am using a USB Modem from HUAWEI Technologies to use internet when im not on a wifi zone.. The Internet Speed is kinda slow (512 kbps), so I configured my browser to go through a proxy to make it a lil bit faster (2mbps now)..Everything works fine except that I couldn't connect to https sites (gmail, facebook, eBay, etc)

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Can't Connect To Any Wireless Network Proxy Settings

Jun 11, 2012

I have a new Dell Inspiron 14Z (purchased in February), it has been running great until recently, the internet connection (wireless) completely stopped working.When I try to connect through Internet Explorer, it says Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. I Diagnose Connection Problems, and this is what I get:"Windows could not automatically detect this network's proxy settings." On Chrome, I got a long list of things to do (check DNS settings, LAN Network, etc. have tried every and all checked/unchecked box they advise.) This error shows up:Error 105 (net:: ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): The server could not be found. However, I accidentally uninstalled Chrome trying to fix this problem, so Internet Explorer is all I have.It's been about 2-3 weeks with no internet. Have tried connecting to 5+ different networks (Home- AT&T U-verse, University of Texas Network, restaurants, etc)tried restarting my computer, setting my LAN settings back to normal, and it still won't work. Other computers work on all of the networks I've tried, it's just mine that wont. [code]

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Cannot Connect SSL Sites Through Proxy To Boost Speed

Apr 17, 2011

I am using a USB modem to go online when i'm not in a wifi zone.. The internet speed is very slow (512 kbps) so I configured my browsers to connect via proxy to boost the speed which is now (2 Mbps)..Everythings working fine except that I cannot connect to SSL sites, e.g Gmail, Facebook, Ebay.

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Cisco :: IP Proxy-arp Vs Ip Local-proxy Arp

Jan 8, 2013

Anyone know the differnce between these two on a MLS? Seems that proxy arp as I know it works with or without the 'local' version.

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Proxy Setting To Connect Wireless Modem On Another Computer By Wan?

Feb 23, 2011

I am having wireless modem to connect the internet of BSNL, I Want to connect internet by wireless lan to another pc

proxy settings for connection

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Routers / Switches :: Connect Router To A Proxy Server

Jul 10, 2011

I want all the computers on my LAN to access via a proxy server in another country. I have a Netgear DG 834N router and would like that to connect to the proxy server rather than having to define it on each browser.

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Wireless :: No Internet With PC But Router Ok - Web Proxy Not Responding?

Sep 23, 2011

Use wireless router and can connect to internet on laptop. When trying with PC (windows xp software), I can't connect. Ran diagnostic, result: Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (web proxy) is not responding.

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Home Network :: Share Internet Connection Using Proxy?

Jun 23, 2011

For my office i want to share my internet connection using proxy and i also want to restrict the websites.

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Cannot Connect To Certain Servers

Feb 13, 2012

I'm having an issue with my work computer where it can connect to all of the servers in the company accross the country EXCEPT the servers located in New Jersey. I am running Windows XP SP3. I am able to ping the servers and get a response back, but my network drives are disconnected and I cannot open them. I have tried completely uninstalling the driver for my network adapter and reinstalling it with no affect. Mine is the only computer having this problem and I have uninstalled all software that was installed within the past month to be sure. It is ALL of the servers in New Jersey so I know it's a problem with my computer and not the serers. I had a similar issue a while ago where I could ping Google, but could not get to the website, and that ended up being the ZoneAlarm firewall that I had. That was fixed by uninstalling ZoneAlarm and doing an ipconfig /release & /renew. I re-registered some dlls but that didnt work either.

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Servers :: Can't Connect On Any Network?

Jan 16, 2013

I'm having a problem connecting to multiple servers. I do know that I have stopped the windows firewall and taken out Norton and avg, yet I still can't connect to any servers. I've even tried on other networks! I can download torrents and surf the internet just fine though. I can't connect to an online class server to do my homework, and I've also tried to start playing WOW but neither will connect. I also don't see peer guardian 2 in *services*

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Cannot Connect To Any Game Servers

Apr 10, 2013

I currently cannot connect to any game servers or sync my internet time or anything of the sort. I also cannot seem to P2P.

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Servers :: How To Connect Thin Pc To Other

Apr 28, 2011

how to connect a thin pc to another pc so me a full detail

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