VPN - No Local Internet For Clients?

Apr 23, 2011

I'm having a tough time with VPNing into work.I'm the network admin.I set up the Windows 2003 RRAS server. I'm finding that the remote clients have "either / or" connectivity.Once a client is connected, it either has local Internet without LAN resources OR it has the needed LAN resources but no local Internet.I can watch continuous pings work, fail and start up again depending on the VPN connection.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 Reach Local LAN And Internet From VPN Clients

Apr 11, 2011

I'm having trouble setting up local LAN (reach inside network when VPN connected) and Internet access (reach internet when VPN connected) for my VPN CLients when they are connected to my VPN, They can connect, no problem there, but I can't reach any resources when connected. My pings time out, both to my inside network and to public ip adresses, the only thing I'm able to ping is my ASA (, and I don't se any routes under "Status/Statistics/Route Details" in my cisco VPN Client (when connected).
Here's my config
ASA Version 8.0(3) !hostname KardesASAdomain-name default.domain.invalidenable password XXXX encryptednames!interface Vlan1 nameif inside security-level 100 ip address !interface Vlan10


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Can't Connect To Other Clients On Local Network?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a computer (client) and I have connected to gateway and internet but I'm not connected to other clients.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: 5508 / ISE / BYOD / Windows Clients Reject ISE Local-certificate

Mar 26, 2013

We are deploying BYOD with Cisco ISE 1.1.2 and WLC (5508) using 802.1x authentication.Windows clients cannot connect to 802.1x SSID with the following error on ISE:Authentication failed : 12321 PEAP failed SSL/TLS handshake because the client rejected the ISE local-certificate
The client doesn't have preconfigured wifi profile or root certificate installed.The concept of BYOD suppose that you can connect your device without any installed certificates and preconfigured wifi-profiles.
The problem is that Windows 7 supplicant does not send TLS alert in pop up window, when connecting to 802.1x SSID.If this alert is seen, than you can accept it and proceed the connection. After that you will be asked to install ROOT-cert, get your own cert and etc.So, the question is: how to make the windows supplicant to show the pop-up window with TLS alert?

p.s. the attached file shows the example of pop up TLS-alert window

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Routers / Switches :: Dlink DIR 615 Router - Wireless Clients Can't See Ethernet Clients

Feb 1, 2011

I have 4 desktops cat5 to Dlink DIR 615 router. All work fine. Any wireless clients, laptop or netbooks, see the desktop computers for a while then disconnect somehow. All machines can see the Internet through the router at all times. The desktops disappear from the laptop/netbooks but the wireless machines can be seen from the desktop computers but clicking on them gets 'Access Denied' message after a wait.3 desktops = XP, 1 98SE. All laptop/netbooks = XP

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5505 VPN Clients Can't Ping Router Or Other Clients On Network

Jun 18, 2012

I have a ASA5505 and it has a vpn set up. The VPN user connects using the Cisco VPN client. They can connect fine (the get an ip address from the ASA), but they can't ping the asa or any clients on the network. Here is the running config:
Result of the command: "show running-config"
: Saved
ASA Version 7.2(4)
hostname ASA
domain-name default.domain.invalid

what I need to add to get the vpn client to be able to ping the router and clients?

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Cisco VPN :: 5520 / 5510 - Can VPN Clients Communicate With Other Dynamic Clients

Nov 5, 2012

We currently have an ASA 5520 communicating with 10 ASA 5510's, all on static outside addresses.  I was asked to add 5 additional 5510's on dynamic address.  All worked well in testing until it was decided that some of the dynamic clients needed to talk to each other.

My testing shows packets just dying in the 5520.

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Netgear WNDR4500 - Clients Not Showing Up In Clients List

Jul 6, 2012

I have a Netgear WNDR4500 running the stock firmware, acting as a router for my home. I also have 2 routers that are flashed with DD-WRT (Linksys WRT54G and Asus WL-520GU) running as client bridges. The Netgear is and the other 2 client bridges are and The Netgear router is performing DHCP giving addresses from to I have numerous machines connected to the Netgear, wirelessly and wired, and numerous machines wired to each client bridge. All machines have IP addresses that are,,, etc... Everything is working fine, but I have one question: When I access the Netgear router, it shows the client bridges as clients, machines that are wired and wireless to the Netgear router are listed as clients, but the client list does not show any clients that are connected to the client bridges. I assumed that since the router is performing DHCP that all clients would show up.

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Internet Connectivity IPv4 Internet - Ipv6 - Local

May 21, 2011

My laptop is not connecting to the internet, I know that it is not a router problem as my mine PC and Notebook are connecting with no issues.I have removed all router devices as had an new once once it was last working.I tried this morning to set it up again without success. I have compared to setting with my pc and have found the difference is with the IPV6 connectivity.

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Cisco WAN :: 887 Clients Can't Connect To Internet

Dec 13, 2011

Purchased an 887 my my home office. ADSL ATM0 and Dialer get an address from my ISP, have tried to configure NAT but none of my clients can browse the internet. I can't ping outside the network but I can ping clients internally as my clients are connected via a switch, which is plugged in before the 887. I can get access to the router via the Command Line and CP Express and Config Pro seems to work.
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 8900 bytes
! Last configuration change at 12:47:16 NewYork Wed Dec 14 2011 by elrooko


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Servers :: DHCP Clients And Internet Connections

Jan 11, 2013

I have successfully configured my DHCP server because I can ping it from the clients PC and my clients PC automatically grabs IP from my DHCP. How my clients can have access to internet. Here is my hardware setup: 1. I connect clients PC and one DHCP server in one unmanaged switch2. I have my Bell DSL Modem but not connected yet to one of these machines. I do not know how I can configure it yet to work with my machines.The IP I assigned started at to do I connect the DSL and configure so that it may give everyone access to internet?

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How To Remote Control A Clients Computer Through Internet

Nov 16, 2011

I am trying to understand how to remote control a clients computer through the internet.

I have Symatec PCanywhere installed on both When i'm on the same connection (wireless internet).I can get it to work no problem.However when I try to remote in using a different internet connection it does not go through.

I've done some research and found out that instead of using the IP address it gives me (dynamically) [] i need to aquire the WAN IP address from a website or through the router. As well as configuring virtual server through the router, and enable port forwarding in some way or another for specific ports.

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Cisco VPN :: Behind ASA5505 No Internet Connectivity For Clients

Oct 19, 2011

I want internet for the clients behind the ASA. When i made an entry like:
object network as-us-db11_internet
nat (inside,outside) dynamic nat_usa_pool_72
access-group inside_access_in in interface inside
access-group outside_access_in in interface outside
then have the computer internet but the Client vpn connection wont work. i can not connect to the computer over vpn. but vpn connection worked.

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Cisco WAN :: 1841 - No Internet Access Via LAN Clients

Apr 27, 2012

I have a Cisco 1841 router that is connected to a switch. I have WAN/LAN configured on the router and the switch is handing out internal IP's. The issus that none of the client machines can access the Internet. From within the router console, I am able to ping external domain names, my ISP DNS servers.
Once the client machines picks up an IP they are unable to ping any external domain names or IP's and not even the ISP DNS servers, but they can ping the Cisco router IP. As a note I have tried my ISP DNS servers and as a test Google's DNS servers, but neither will allow access to the Internet.
Below is the current running config:
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1440 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec


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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 887 / Server Has No Internet But Clients Do

Oct 3, 2011

I was so fed up of using the out of a box routers from PC World or the provided router from the host that I decided to splash out and buy a decent router.The Cisco 887 came highly recommended and seems to be a great purchase so far.  Our down time and internet hangs vanished overnight.Having had this installed for several weeks now I thought it was time to look at my problems with it,I have 2 broadcom network cards, 1 for the LAN and 1 for the WAN, All machines connected to the LAN get full internet access but my server will not. 
The router plugs directly into the Server (2008) with an IP address of - this is listed under the LAN settings in Cisco CP Express.I have a fixed IP address which appears to be set up correctly and all my terminals / client pc's that are plugged through the switch. These all show IP's that look like 192.168.1.x / I am not an IT wizz kid but I know my way around a computer pretty well. I am guessing I need to move the router IP to within range.  At present the Server sorts out the DHCP and we also have a VOIP phone system.

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Cisco Firewall :: Nating Between Internet Clients To DVR Pix 515e

Sep 25, 2012

I have a DVR installed inside my network  with local ip address and i need to access it from the internet. there is a pix 515e (ios ver. 6.2) between the internet and my internal network. I've configured NAT from inside to outside to allow my internal clients to access the internet. but i need to allow external clients from the internet to access the DVR. I've tried to configure it on my pix but i found it doesn't have more options for nating like ASA.

is there any way to do that on pix and if so what the correct commands to do that.

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Cisco Routers :: RV082 ARP Booting Clients Off Internet?

Jul 17, 2012

I have a network of 50+ users with half running XP and half running Windows 7.  Soon we will be upgrading all users to Windows 7.  During the past month a number of the Windows 7 users have reported intermittent Internet connectivity.  I would go to their computer and see that they are getting all the correct IP information from the DHCP server and reboot their network adapter.  Usually one reset of the adapter would do, but sometimes had to reset it twice or three times before connectivity would occur. 
After a few weeks of this more users would report consistent intermittent connectivity.  Just to the Internet, as they were able to reach their folders on our file server and were able to receive e-mails from our e-mail server.  I decided to monitor the network traffic on one of the adapters having the issue using Wireshark, and found an ARP request and reply for the gateway IP.  I logged into the router and found that the reply given to the Windows 7 machine was incorrect, as the MAC address given to the Windows 7 machine was the WAN1 port of the RV082.  The LAN port on the router is and has a MAC of xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-x0.  The WAN1 port on the router has a public IP and has a MAC of xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-x1.  I checked the arp cache on the Windows 7 computers and confirmed that when they have no internet connectivity the ARP cache reads like this:   xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-x1  dynamic
The machine is able to ping every machine on the internal network except for the gateway IP.  Also, after updating the cache to map the gateway IP with the LAN port MAC address, using: netsh interface ipv4 add neighbors "connection name" xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-x0
the issue was resolved for that Windows 7 machine.  However, the issue is ongoing for every Windows 7/Vista machine added to the network.  I do not want to update the ARP cache on every Vista/7 machine introduced to the network.We are running firmware which was updated from just 2 weeks ago.              

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG120N Internet Sharing For Specific Clients

Nov 23, 2011

is it possible to moderate sharing bandwitch or/and traffic internet over wireless via WAG120N for some specific client? is there any configuration inside modem OS?without any external software such as Cyberoam or... that they need Always-On PC to work!

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Internet Keeps Going To Local Only After About 20 Mins?

Jun 11, 2011

I am having a problem with my router, it keeps going to Local Only, I turn it off/on at the electrics, it works fine for 20 mins, then goes back to Local Only.I have had the same router for a few years, no problems before.

- ISP Virgin Media UK

- Router: Belkin F5D9230-4

- It is not the modem/internet, because it works fine when I plug it in (I am plugged in right now so I can ask on this forum)

- My Router is secured by 128 Bit WEP - 26 digits

Things I have tried from various other posts:

- Turned off IVP6 / Settings to auto-connect to IVP6 - did not work

- Restarted router via - did not work

- Deleted the wireless connection, then re-connected to it - did not work

I haven't really done anything recently that I think might affect this, not that I can think of...

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No Internet Connection Local Only?

Apr 18, 2011

I have several devices connected to a homehub at my home.These include smart phones, desktop computer xbox 360 and a laptop.All work fine except the laptop which until the other day (when I uninstalled Norton Security off it) has been unable to connect to the internet.The laptop has Windows Vista SP 2. I searched the forums already for any details of how to rectify this and have seen mentioned the commands netsh int ip reset reset.log (along with Ipv4 and ipv6) and netsh winsock reset catalog? went to add/remove programmes to get rid of Norton and have sinced tried to use the Norton removal tool which every time I copy it across to the laptop from my desktop when I try to run it it says it is corrupt.I was then referred to a uninstall tool called Revo which I used to remove any symantec or Norton it could find.I have also turned off windows firewall and Im still not finding a resolution.

ipconfig/all shows the following information

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Lizzie-Laptop
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


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Can't Connect To Internet (Local Only)

Jun 13, 2012

i cant get onto internet on my desktop, i checked all the settings i know of, i ran FSS, MiniToolbox and HijackThis

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Local And Internet But Can't Browse?

Dec 4, 2011

I have an hp laptop running on vista. When I connect my laptop wirelessly to the Thomson router it shows local and internet but I can't browse the internet! But when I connect the router to the laptop with the Ethernet cable everything works fine

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Cisco Firewall :: Connect Internet VPN Clients (on Pix515e) To Internal Resources

Sep 27, 2012

i just installed a pix515e ( ios ver 6.2) in my network. and the vpn users can connect to it from the internet successfully but they aren't able to connect to any of the internal resources. some other informaion: i configured nating between the internal network ( and the internet and another static nat policy between an internal resource through another public ip address on outside interface. but right now i need to let the vpn clients to connect to my internal resources.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5520 / Use Active Directory Groups For Allow Internet To Clients?

Dec 18, 2012

it is possible to create a Windows Active Directory group of users which I can use to permit access through the ASA (5520) firewall? I only can find vpn authentication with Radius but nog specific information about granting AD groups internet access via the ASA.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5520 / Use Active Directory Groups For Allow Internet To Clients

Feb 21, 2012

it is possible to create a Windows Active Directory group of users which I can use to permit access through the ASA (5520) firewall? I only can find vpn authentication with Radius but nog specific information about granting AD groups internet access via the ASA.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Wireless Clients Lose Internet Connectivity

Nov 4, 2012

I have an RV220W running firmware  I have a couple of wireless laptop users that connect to the wireless without problems, but frequently cannot access the Internet.  They can always access local network resources, but for some reason when laptops are first powered up or are idle for a prolonged period of time, Internet access is lost.  Wired clients never experience this problem and always maintain local network and Internet connectivity.
To get the laptops to access the Internet over wireless, we have to run a TRACERT command from the command prompt to a public IP address, and then all Internet access is restored.

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Wifi Giving Local Internet Only?

Dec 4, 2011

The Internet on my Toshiba laptop suddenly has stopped working. If I connect the laptop directly to the router the internet works ok. Othe computers work ok using the same router.

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Unable To Access Internet - Local Only

Sep 30, 2012

After I changed the router password today, I am not able to access the Internet through my machine. Seeing the 'Unidentified netwrok, access to local only'. However, other people connected to the same network are using Internet

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Local Only / Not Internet / Connected To Belkin

Jul 18, 2012

This is the second time I have had this issue happen. Here is some probably useful information:

-I have (2) HP Pavillion dv6000 laptops running on Vista
-I have (1) iPad 2
-I am using a Belkin Surf N300 router

We lost power due to a storm last week, and both of my laptops would not connect to the Internet. I could connect to the router with access saying local only. I called Belkin and they changed some information on my laptop to allow me to connect. Now, I have the same issue with my other HP laptop and again called Belkin but they could not fix the issue. I can connect to the router and use the Internet on my iPad and (1) of my HP laptops, but not my last one. Even when I connect to the router with an Ethernet cable, it says local only access and no internet connection. So I did the ipconfig /all on both laptops and here is what they say..

Laptop that does NOT connect to Internet shows this:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:Windowssystem32>ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Melanie-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid


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Local Access Only Can't Get Internet To Connect

May 14, 2011

I have a Compaq Presario Windows Vista. I currently have a Wireless router. It used to be Netgear. About 2 wks or so, my company changed it and gave me the password. I am currently connected to the one they changed to but local access only and no internet. Under Network and Sharing Center, it says: Unidentified network (Public network) Access: Local only Connection: Wireless Network Connection (perfectv) Under Internet Options, Connections , it shows the following connection: T-Mobile US Standard Modem When I try using the Windows Network Diagnostics, it keeps coming back with the options that havent worked. The options are: - Plug a cable into the network adapter Local Area Connection - Automatically get new IP settings for the network adapter Wireless Network Connection - A problem with your network router or broadband modem might be preventing an Internet connection Note: I am always able to connect to the internet wherever free wi-fi is available. If a password is required all I need is to obtain it and enter it without making any changes in the system. This is the only time Ive had issues getting online, even though I have the password.

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Local Area Connected No Internet?

Jan 8, 2013

Can't get access to the Internet. Says "server not found" on Firefox and IE doesn't work as well.Not a modem issue I don't think, all lights are working. Called my ISP they couldn't fix the issue.I pinged my IP address I get a response although I can't ping my DNS serverI am using my cellphone so I can't install any programs on my PC.Here is the details using ipconfig / all[CODE]

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Cannot Connect To Internet - Local Connection Only?

Mar 11, 2012

I got 3 laptops in household, my daughters and sons connect fine wireless but when i want to connect my laptop finds talk talk my internet provider but it says local connection only, Find this a bit strange when the other two laptops are fine.

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No Local Or Internet Connection On Laptop (LAN)

Mar 31, 2011

Me and my family have a PC that runs on Windows Vista service pack one. We have it hooked up to the Internet (Verizon DSL). And knock on well it has a great connection and has never given us any problems.We run a LAN line on this connection. No wireless at all. Yes we are still in the stone age. Well the other day my mother gave my step daughter her laptop ( Dell Latitude D610, it has Windows XP service pack two on it). They had it set up for wireless. So, I disabled that connection and went to the LAN connection that was set up and enabled it. Everything was set to obtain a address. I hooked up a Ethernet cable that went from the DSL straight to the laptop. No connection at all, not even a local one.So then I read the other day that you could type in the IP, Subnet and Gateway address from the working PC into the laptop and things should work. Well, I did this. Yes, I did get a local connection but still nothing on the Internet side. Then I thought, hmm maybe it needs to be done threw a router. I had a NETGEAR (Fast Ethernet Switch) FS 108 so I hooked everything up to that.

My PC connection works great. Very fast. However the laptop still, no luck. I left the IP, Subnet and Gateway address the same on the laptop. At first I got a error message saying that there was two machines on the same network using the same IP address(or something to that effect). So, I went back to the lap top and clicked to obtain a address. And got no connection at all. No local or internet. On the laptop I have released and renewed using the various Ipconfig commands. I have pinged the new address and it was a success. That address is I Pinged the Subnet and it too cam back a success. I tried pinging a web page and no luck at all. I also have power cycled everything. And still the same result. Oh and when I did the Ipconfig /renew to get the address above it never did give me a default gateway. It came up blank.The laptop did have Norton Internet protection on it so disabled it. Or at lest I think I did. I right clicked on it and disabled it. So, I think I did it right. I also disabled the windows firewall and still no luck.The PC connections work great and it's hooked up threw the router as well. Just having trouble with the laptop.I would run the Ipconfig /all cmd on the laptop, but as I said I cant hook it up to the computer nor do I have any recordable CD's or a usb drive.

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