D-link Dir-655 :: Opening Ports - Getting Itunes Wifi Sync To Work?
Dec 27, 2011
I'm trying to get the silly iTunes Wi-Fi sync to work , and I've been told to ensure that these ports are open:5297 TCP 5298 TCP/UDP and 5353 UDP in the hardware router. How do I do this with the DIR-655 (HW version A3, FW version 1.35NA)?
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Mar 23, 2012
I need opening up some ports for a sftp client at work. software version 8.0 (3) device manager version 6.1 (1)
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Jan 25, 2013
I've had this router for a few months after my last one died and I'm now completely unable to port forward. I follow all the steps to port forward but alas the port is still closed every single time. I've tried a few fixes in the past including disabling UPnP, using those auto port forwarding programs, and creating an exception for the port in my fire wall. Nothing has worked!
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Mar 10, 2011
I've installed XAMPP on one of my Vista computers, and intend to use it as a server. The internal IP address of the server is A.B.C.D. The internal IP address of the DIR-615 is A.B.C.E. whatsmyip.com says that external address of the server is F.G.H.I (and so is everything else inside my network). I have Filezilla listening on port 21. I've turned Windows Firewall completely off on the server, and my ISP (Time Warner / Road Runner) says that they never block any port.I tried going to the DIR-615 using Port Forwarding, and set ports 21 & 90 to forward to A.B.C.D, for both UDP & TCP, Allow All, Always. That didn't work.I tried going to the DIR-615 using Virtual Server. I set a virtual server on port 21 to A.B.C.D, for both UDP & TCP, Allow All, Always. It made me turn off Port Forwarding, and it wouldn't let me use both 21 & 90 on the same rule, so made two rules. That didn't work either.
I tried setting A.B.C.D as a DMZ host. That still didn't work.I can ftp connect into A.B.C.D from one of the other computers in the network. People outside the network can't connect to F.G.H.I. I can't connect to F.G.H.I. from inside the network. The same is true of Apache (but ports 80, 81 & 443), Ventrilo (but ports 3784 & 6100) and MySQL (but port 3306). I figure that FTP is the easiest to test, so I've been just trying to get that to work.In FileZilla Server Options, I am bound to *, I have no filters, and my passive mode is set to "Retrieve external IP"As far as I can tell, if I've ruled out anything inside my network (by connecting internally), and I've ruled out my ISP (they don't block), then it must be the router. I think I've done port forwarding according to [URL], and it seems like it should be easy, but I've been trying forever and I can never get it to work.
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Nov 10, 2011
for some reason when I'm using high speed internet my internet explorer and i tunes work great. but when i use dial up my internet explorer tells me its unable to display every web page i type in. and when im on itunes when im using dial up i cant connect to the store, it says something like check your network connection and make sure its still active.
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Nov 1, 2012
I have a new X2000 v2 firmware 2.0.04. When I use it- itunes on my PC with seven don't work and give me error 8003.- the Apple Store on my iPad and on my iPhone don't download or upgrade the application.- itunes on my macbook air with mountain lions don't work and give me error 8003.- the download in ftp are very slowIf I use my old AG2241V2 all work fine.I have replicated the configution of old router on the new as far as possible but don't work.
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Feb 8, 2013
i've tried plugging in various devices (computer & solar panel management device) into the ethernet ports to no avail. i just updated the firmware, reset the router, and still no luck. all of the lights work when i reset and the wifi works fine. do i need to do something in the settings to turn on the hard connection?
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Apr 24, 2012
We have a DVR here at work that has a web interface on port 100. From our internal network we just use http: What is the best way to set that up on cisco 5510 firewall. I have cisco asdm and set a access rule: enabled=checked ; source=any ; destination= ; service= tcp 100 ; action=permit. It shows a couple of hits when I go to [URL]
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Apr 20, 2012
What I'm trying to do is to get my Xbox connected to the internet through my router (wired connection), but I want to have my NAT open also. But when I put in a static IP into the Xbox manually and open the ports in my router, it makes it so my Xbox can't connect to Xbox Live at all. Although, if I just leave it to the automatic setting on my Xboxs network options, I can connect just fine. But, I end up having a strict NAT type, unless I restore to factory defaults in the networking options on the Xbox.
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Jan 16, 2013
how can I open my port 80, 5000, and 22 in my modem.
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Oct 16, 2012
I have been asked to open some ports in order for a CCTV company to connect to an internal CCTV server on our LAN.
We have a Pix running PIX Version 6.3(5) I am ok configuring an ASA for the above but not a Pix.
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Jan 2, 2013
I am trying to configure a new 5505 but I am having difficulties opening ports that allow traffic in from the outside. My setup is Comcast Business Modem (w/ single static IP) -> ASA ( -> (dumb) Switch -> NAS ( I am attemping to open port 5001 to the NAS. I am very new to IOS so I have mostly been working in ASDM. Not sure if I am overcomplicating this for myself or what but I am stuck.
My running config is -
ASA Version 8.2(5)
hostname ciscoasa
enable password 8Ry2YjIyt7RRXU24 encrypted
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May 25, 2012
I just purchased a cisco ea4500 I have set up port forwarding for http, https, rdp. however when I run zenmap and port check it fails says port in use. I have set it up in sigle port forwarding, rang and port trigging. I tried RDP and VPN to machine that is hard wired and it fails as well. My windows server is connected as well however RDP fails on there to
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Oct 2, 2012
I need to open some outbound ports in order for our CCTV company to receive alarms from our internal CCTV Machine.
The ip addresses of the company who access the CCTV are as follows:
The above are fixed IP addresses. The internal machine is on
The outbound ports that I need to open are the following:
I have access to the current config if needs be.
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Dec 4, 2012
I have a Belkin F5D8233-4v3 N Wireless Router. To get the wireless Directv connection, directv told me I have to get 2 ports open on my router.1701 and LT2P.
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Nov 7, 2011
We have just acquired a cisco profile 42 video conferencing equipment and am required to open ports for SIP and H232, any pointers on hw that can be acquired i have a cisco ASA 5510, Some one told me to open port 16384 but i need pointers on how to do it becuase I already set an access list to any.
the config
Internet -> ASA 5510 -> Switch -> Profile 42 and other devices
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Jun 20, 2011
I am trying to open up 3 TCP ports in Cisco ASDM Launcher:
And have a Cisco ASA 5505 Router. I need these ports open in order for a software that I have installed on the server to communicate with my local client computers for my business, The software is installed on Windows 2008 Server Standard Edition and was installed with MicrosoftSQL 2005. The software and Microsft SQL 2005 is pretty much installed and just requires this last step in order for the server to be connected to the local computers. In order to resolve this, I have gone to.
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Feb 25, 2011
I am used to setting up access-lists on outside interfaces with ip addresses that are static. I have recently been given a site that is using a dyndns.org client for name to ip address resolution on an outside interface that is dhcp assigned. I created an access-list to open up ports 41794 and 41795 to an engineering application but everytime I try to connect from the outside I get a syn timeout. The application works when inside the lan. Basically I want to allow outside connections from anywhere on the outside to go to ports 41794 and 41795. I am running a Cisco ASA 5505 on version 7.2(4) Below is my conifg. what I may have misconfigured?
: Saved:ASA Version 7.2(4)!names!interface Vlan1 nameif inside security-level 100 ip address!interface Vlan2 nameif outside security-level 0 ip address dhcp setroute!interface Ethernet0/0 switchport access vlan 2!interface
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Feb 24, 2013
Region : Mexico
Model : TD-W8968
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : the last version of this web page, i forgot number
ISP : TELMEX (infinitum)
i have some problems to configure the port forwarding in my router, don't it work ! but the port number 80 it works with my sub-domain in the internet. after i change this port to 8080 still dont work the port forwarding. the FTP server its ok.
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Nov 20, 2011
I have a cable modem hooked up to a Linksys WRT54G2 wireless router, which is hardwired to the computer I use.
I go into the router's menu by going through the standard in the browser, and then go to Applications and Gaming. The port I am trying to open is port 25565 for both TCP and UDP. In the Start and End ports I put 25565, and for the end of the IP Address, I put the last digits of my IPv4 address (10). I used a couple of port checker tools, and it is reporting as still being closed.
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May 12, 2012
Any simple way of opening ports on a 1841 router.I have a working config for internet traffic. I am looking to boot up my Windows Server and Run IIS.
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Apr 29, 2012
Wi-fi working fine prior to updating to itunes 10.6.1 but when I update on my laptop i have no access to internet showing "limited connectivity".Only way i can resolve this currently is to restore to earlier point and have now deleted itunes. However i need access to itunes for ipad and iphones.
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Jan 12, 2013
1.) I don't have a wireless card in my PC, so I will be connecting wired to get WiFi via WAN and LAN ports, right? I have a Windows 7 32-bit desktop PC. We are working with a DSL modem residential line without phone line using a coaxial cable, and Ethernet cable from modem into the PC. provide step by step walk through instructions by connecting this D-link router to my modem and WiFi, and for me to use the WPA2 security?
2.) I have an iPhone 4 with Verizon. If I want to use my iPhone to get WiFi from the router, and turn off the Internet, and use WiFi only on my phone, how would this work?
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Mar 31, 2013
I just purchased a Linksys EA4500 (firmware is up to date). However while it set itself up wonderfully. I cannot get my wireless devices (specifically my apple tv) to see my NAS or my itunes PC, My ipads can access the NAS if i put in the correct address but not automatically.
Everything is connected to my cisco switch that is hardwired (2 xboxes, 2 ps3, 3 tv's, Wii, network audio receiver, 2 NAS, printer, 2 computers, etc). I disabled the Wi-Fi on the bell router. On the wifi are a few ipads, 3 blackberries, 1 iphone, 2 laptops).I am fully aware that the reason the wireless devices cannot see the hardwired equipment is because it is on a different subnet.
However when i try and change the IP address of the router to (putting it on the same subnet) the router must detect a conflict then changes itself to a class A address (10.x.x.x) OR i get an INVALID IP address. As well i have noticed an overall degradation in the speed of my network (all gigabit hardware with cat 6 cabling)
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Feb 5, 2011
It worked fine with my last router. It just doesn't seem to connect securely. It comes up under my iTunes, but once I go to enter the code, it doesn't show up as completed. Also, a utorrent monitoring app cannot connect to my computer, which is set up right at my computers end, but won't connect at all from my phone over wi-fi.
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Apr 10, 2012
I have a PC with the following OS and Routers
PC: Win 7 x86
iTunes: 10.6
Router: DIR-655 (Firmware Version: B1, 2.06)
My new iPad cannot connect to iTunes for either home sharing or Wi-Fi Sync.I have check the windows event log and provides the following error lists....
444: ERROR: read_msg errno 0 (The operation completed successfully.)ERROR: mDNSPlatformReadTCP - recv: 10053..The following ports have been set up in Router Port Forwarding/Virtual Servers
-TCP: 3689
-UDP: 5353
I have disabled DMZ and enabled Multi Stream Cast, but it seems no use on the problem solving.The same errors are still provided. iPad cannot in the device list if it is in Wi-Fi connection, no home sharing.As I am not in US, the local supplier latest firmware version is 2.06NA Beta1
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Apr 5, 2011
This has finally become a BIG problem. Any time I have iTunes running and downloading podcasts, it hogs all the bandwidth for the Internet (but not the local network). This is not only slowing down access from the machine running iTunes and the downloads but for every other device trying to web browse.I'm running two Macs and one Windows/Dell PC on the network. All are hard-wired (Ethernet) to the DIR-655. How to throttle iTunes? I did some research and found that I am apparently not the only one having this issue.I'm about to bail on iTunes entirely and try to get used to Miro, which does allow bandwidth control.
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Jun 18, 2012
My desktop PC don't have the opportunity to make sync between the computer and my phone, (Samsung Galaxy SII ) via Wi-Fi. There is no Wi-Fi in my Desktop PC, and I use cable to the Internet.so that they can talk to each other via Wi-Fi connection.
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Mar 2, 2011
If you can't home share on iTunes between Computers or AppleTV, try turning multicast on
1) login to router
2) Go to Advanced tab
3) Select Advanced Networking on Left hand column
4) Select checkbox to enable multicast streams
5) Save the changes
In order to get all my machines working, I also had to enable multicast streams on my network extender as well. The IP address for the network extender is or type in DLINKAP in the URL bar and follow the relevant instructions for your model number.
Please note if you use a software firewall on your PC or Mac, you may need to also free up TCP port 3689 and UDP port 5353. However there are plenty of support articles at Apple / Norton / Microsoft / etc... on how to do this for your relevant firewall..
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Sep 8, 2012
Before yesterday, there was 5 computers that our family used with access to the internet: one desktop computer with access to the internet via an ethernet cable attached to the wireless router, and 4 laptops- 3 dells, and one mac. All of them worked apsolutely fine.However, yesterday, my father brought in a new dell laptop. Once he connected it to our wireless, the internet on my laptop (a dell) stopped working. His new laptop coudn't get access either. Meanwhile, all the other computers had internet access.
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Nov 23, 2010
I was trying to remotely command my iTunes library via an iPhone app called Remote. It worked for some times with an intermittent disconnection problem due to the iPhone locking. But even after unlocking the phone and reconnecting the Wi-Fi, Remote couldn't find my iTunes library again and my only workaround was to relaunch iTunes on the PC (which is Ethernet-wired to my router). Few days ago nothing worked!!! I could no more get Remote to find iTunes.
I could not find a solution even by rebooting the router or unplugging the PC's Ethernet cable. Last night I powered off the router and after 10s I powered it on again. And then it worked!I highly suspect a problem between my router and Bonjour which is as UPnP, an Apple protocol for discovering communicating devices. Discovery phase being usually done with broadcast frames, something goes wrong in the router with processing the broadcasts, or is it a Bonjour problem?Please note that even now that Remote can find iTunes, I still have my old intermittent disconnection problem.So is there any incompatibility between WRT-610N and Bonjour and what is the fix ?
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Jul 24, 2012
using an Airport Express to stream itunes music wirelessly? I'm able to get the AE setup and can stream for about 30 minutes but then it can't be found. I'm assuming the 655 is kicking it off. I've tried changing settings on the 655 but nothing seems to make any difference. I'm able to use an Apple TV/iPhone/iPad with no issues.
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Feb 11, 2013
-Region : UnitedKingdom
-Model : TL-WR841N
-Hardware Version : V8
-Firmware Version : 3.13.18 Build 120522 Rel.31564n
-ISP : Virgin
I bought a TL-WR841N to use instead of our Virgin Super-hub which dropped the wifi regularly. It took me a while but I stumbled with the set up and got it working.Super-hub (in modem mode) - cable - TL-WR841N - 2 x cables running to 2 switches for (TV, Sky+, WII) and (PC, X-Box). Everything is spot on apart from the other half's Iphone and Ipad. Neither of them can get on the web in the bedroom. Both apples will join the network, but none will be able to get onto the web. The Wifi bars are on display on both products but they just keep spinning and searching to get on the web. I bought a Huawei repeater plug hoping that would work, but it just slows down everything else that can get on the network.Remembering that this happens only in one room, is there something that I can alter that would let these 2 apples access the web besides walking out on the landing every time she needs to update a web page ?
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