Make Stream Available On Network And Internet Via Phone Tether / Wifi
Jul 13, 2012
Canon T3i hooked up to a laptop running ExtraWebcam and Yawcam.Yawcam running an HTML and Stream output to the network/web.I would like people to be able to access that video from the [the internet + network or internet or network] (those are the options/possibilities and the order in which I'd prefer).I am able to get people to access it via the network, but not the net. I'm using my Samsung Galaxy SIII on Sprint to tether (obviously not tethering if I'm only going to the network). Unfortunately, not only can I not access the stream via the internet, I can't even ping the phone.I'm pretty sure I need to open up/forward some ports, but I understand that that's not possible seeing as it's Sprint's network and not mine.
I will also have access to a local wifi network if there's a way to 'piggyback' off of that for web access to the stream even if I don't have access to the router control panel. I'm not sure if I'll have a hard wire connection to a router or not. I can, however, change the ports that the stream is set to.(also, I can bring a separate wireless router to connect to my tethered computer to open up the internet enabled stream to the network?)Given a laptop with a wifi card, a phone that can tether, a wifi network, and, if necessary, an extra wireless router, how can I stream from Yawcam and make it available to the internet if I DON'T have access to the wifi network's port forwarding? Note that I CAN edit the ports in Yawcam.
My power is inevitably going out tonight.I have a generator, but the Cable Companies UPS's drop after 4 hours (it's been that way every single outage so far).So, I'll have to Tether.
My ASUS RT-AC66R can run in AP mode.Can I enable AP mode, have it connect to the Phone, and then the Asus feeds all my gear?If so, will it be wireless only or will it also bind to the Lan.
I am using a friends wifi network, so I do not have access to the wireless router.I am trying to tether wifi from my laptop, running windows 7, to my pc, running windows vista via a usb cable. Is this at all possible without having direct access to the Wireless router? Both my laptop and pc are completely up to date, but my pc does not have a wireless networking card, so i have been trying to tether the two using a usb cable.
I have recently added a wifi router to my home network. The connection is from my cable modem to a wired router to the wifi router. Everything on the network works great except when I turn on my cell phone's wifi connection. That disconnects my entire network from the internet and I have to unplug/replug my wired router to get reconnected. If I leave home with my phone and return, leaving the cell's wifi setting on, it reconnects to the network without disrupting the internet connection.
This causes massive 3G data to be used. If you don't close the app first it just keeps streaming and eating data + battery.This data screen cap is for 10 minutes after locking the phone with the app open.When the phone locks, the app should kill the video streaming.
I would like to make a network for my house where my laptop connects to my home wifi and other computers can connect to my laptop and get internet, almost like ad-hoc but i would like it to work with infrastructural devices also i do have some spare routers available.
My laptop has recently not been able to connect to the internet through my wifi connection. My desktop is fine though it can connect to the internet on the same network, and I have my wireless router connected to my desktop. I thought it was just my laptop having a problem (possibly a virus) but then I noticed that my smartphone is having the same problem of being able to connect to the network but not connecting to the internet.So is there something up with my router?
My question is how can i turn this adapter that i get internet from for my desktop INTO wifi so i can use my tablet?right now the desktop is the only computer with internet since it has an adapter.what do i need to make a WIFI signal from the computer? is there a usb stick or router i can buy?
On my phone I connected to the wireless network but the internet won't work apparently you have to do something with a proxy and type in a router code.
I have a Windows XP SP3 desktop with a NetGear WG111v2 USB wireless adapter and I get my internet connection from my Blackberry 8320 (I connect my BBerry device to my PC and start Blackberry Desktop Manager and choose to use internet access of my phone for my PC). I want to be able to make this internet connection available to other devices on the network wirelesly. I also have a nook ebook reader and a laptop which I would occassionaly like to connect to internet via the connection described above. How to go about making Blackberry internet connection shared accross the network? I tried Internet Connection Sharing Wizard, but I ended up with nothing to show up for.
I have a samsung galxy 5 phone.. with ANDROID 2.1 installed in it.. I wan2 access internet thru wi-fi on my mobile. I have got myself a wireless router at home. the wi-fi settings page of my phone says that i am connected to the network i wanna connect to... but when i try 2 access any website thru d browser , it displays page not found..
I can't make skype calling on any land line or cell phone anymore. I think I Isp have blocked it. Is it possible that any isp can block ant internet calling?
I want to set up a DLNA server (asus MB) to stream TV to my Sony Bravia (N based wifi) unit. I have a dir-655 (wonderful router) and am wondering if it will work to pass DLNA signals thru. It is hardware version A4 and firmware version 1.21... Will I need to upgrade the firmware? Can I get an HD signal?
how can i make a 2 km wirless network for dsl internet. my friend lives 2 km far from my home,he has a dsl connection.but there is no facility of dsl availble to my can we make a wireless network?
i often want to watch a live streaming but after a while i disconnect from the internet with no apparent reason.Sometimes the internet comes back in some seconds, sometimes in minutes, sometimes in hours and sometimes it just wont come back even if i reset the modem.Restarting the laptop always works...!I saw some threads in regard of the same matter but i couldnt work anything out.
i just bought an HP Officejet 4500 wireless all-in-one printer. i imagined this would mean that my laptop can print to the printer without a USB cable, but also that the printer itself would not have to "cable" to anything, but rather be wireless and located anywhere in the house. was i wrong? does this printer HAVE to connect physically with the router box?
I recently bought 3 DCS-920 to monitor my home while at the office. However I can't seem to get the damned things to stream video using the dyndns service. I linked my router to the dyndns account and host service. I portforward the ports my cameras are assigned. Up to this point its all good, I can access the cameras and their settings pages while outside. However both the Java and ActiveX options for video streaming do not work. Even within the network, using their raw IPs to view the cameras the videos stream works.But putting in the hostname and port they are assigned brings up the camera page, but no video.I can only assume the ports the video and audio run on are seperate, as when I put one camera's IP in the DMZ host on my router, it works with the DNS. Unforunately I can only do that with 1, and I'd rather not do that at all.
VBrick Systems Inc., Model HPS 7102 HS-HD Cisco ASA5520 Firewall
I have been trying to take a vBrick RTSP stream and stream it outside of our network:Inside our network, If I were to open VLC, and go to “Media”, “Open Network Stream” and paste rtsp:// the stream works, audio and video. Outside our network nothing. I have opened ALL UDP and TCP ports to the vBrick 123.1123.157.10 on our firewall and tried from outside of our network:
access-list access-in extended permit tcp any host range 1 65535 access-list access-in extended permit udp any host range 1 65535
After adding this to the access list, the web gui (uses port 80) and ftp (uses port 21) is functional outside of our network...just not the rtsp stream which works fine internally.
Should i get a wireless adapter Or a wireless repeater Which would be better for a better connection?My router is down stairs and my xbox is upstairs.I could get the wireless adapter upstairs then do an ethernet cable straight to my xbox.