Changing From Dialup To DSL?

Jul 29, 2011

I've finally gotten tired of Netzero Dialup and want to change to dsl from U Verse. That brings up some questions. Do I cancel Netzero when I start U Verse or do I need Netzero to make it work? If I have to cancel Netzero can I transfer my favorites over to dsl? How difficult is it to set up dsl? Does the box come by UPS of Fed Ex?

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USB Modem For Netzero Dialup?

Sep 16, 2012

I have a Windows 7 64 bit laptop. I need to connect to Netzero dialup, being used just for light email/web. The laptop does not have a modem, only a network jack and USB ports, no RJ-11 modem jack.

Will a USB modem function with Netzero OK? Any recommendations? Been browsing for one, found some on ebay, but need to know more before making a choice.

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Changing From WEP To WPA Now No Internet

Apr 23, 2011

I tried changing the WEP to WPA because I recently found out our neighbors were stealing internet from us. However after doing all this changing around I used 192.168... And all that and was able to change the ssid and the passphrase but after doing so the Internet stopped working. We are able to connect but it says there's no service or limited connectivity so no web pages or anything loads. Now I can't get back to the router page by typing that 192.168. stuff because there's no Internet. Don't know what to do. This is my fathers ISP and it's not the greatest considering the location. I've tried unplugging the router and whatnot but that's not working either. I think we need to get back on the router page and fix something but it's not allowing us to since there's no Internet. Am I going to have to change back to a WEP.. I dont really want too. The router may need to be upgraded too because it's pretty ancient.

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No Internet After Changing WAP To WAN

Feb 7, 2012

A router restart. I changed the wpa to wen so I could connect my ds to wifi.So far what I have done was restart the modem, it's a Cisco wag120n. This is a wireless so the moment I changed to wen, I lost connection. I then used a cable to connect to the modem and managed to change the settings in the router page back to wpa but with no success connecting to the Internet. I then tried ressetting the modem and computer with no luck. I cut the power to the modem router and turned off computer for 5 minutes. I then turned the modem back til it was stable and then the computer, again with no luck. I then factory reset via the button manually and via the modem page but both ended up with the unable to connect to primary DNS server.

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Changing Source Port

Dec 11, 2012

I have been trawling the interenet looking for an answer to the i but to no avail.Can you change the source port that windows uses when it makes a connection to another host.

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Can't Share Printer After Changing Ip?

Jan 13, 2012

I had to assigne my PC a new static IP address and now other computers cannot access the shared printer attached to this PC . It still show up in the printer pane of the other computers but you cannot print to it. The local PC attached to it via USB will printer fine.

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Cisco :: ASA 8.4(1) Changing Inside To Outside IP

Mar 10, 2011

My exchange server should have an outside interface ending in .82 which is one of public IP's assigned to it.Inside -> Outside x.x.x.82 How can I configure this in ASA 8.4(1)?

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Changing From Wireless To Ethernet?

Oct 10, 2012

Back in may, I built my own gaming rig and have been using wireless on it all the time. But recently my speeds has been going down, and i can't be bothered to fix it. That's why i wanted to use ethernet on it. My problem is that there is only one port on my modem for Internet, and that is being used by a routher that goes upstairs.

As you can see, i have three TV ports and one PC port. All of it is being used.One of the TV ports goes trough the wall too a exit in my wall, and goes into my TV Router as seen on the image below.

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Duplicate Name Exists Even After Changing Name

Aug 29, 2012

Everyday a few of the computer will error with "A duplicate name exists on the network:" A quick Google search shows the same answer EVERYWHERE on the internet. So I changed the names of a few of the computers too something I knew was unique. Still though the problem persists/ it afters the two XP bases computers the most, but my main workstations (windows 7 sp1) has had this error a few times, although it appears to have left for a while. I have a feenas server but Active directory is not turned on.My router is a e4200. I was using DHCP server on there (and would very much still like to) although I have turning it off, rebooted both the router and the computers but to no avail.

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Router Settings Keep Changing?

Jun 15, 2011

Every so often (random amounts of time) my internet setting either on the router or pc change and then I it comes up with an error that my settings aren't the same as my router... I use a Orange Live box and windows 7. also when I want to sign into games for windows that sometime crashes the internet and on DOW2 and minecraft.

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Tried Changing Ip Address Now Can't Connect

Feb 12, 2011

I tried changing my ip address using ipconfig / release. I tried to fix what I did using ipconfig /renew but it tells me no operations can be performed on local connection 5 while it's media is connected.

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Changing WAN IP Dynamically With Router?

Mar 14, 2012

i am willing to know that how we will refresh our WAN IP's dynamically.

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Changing Security Key On Laptop?

Nov 4, 2011

How do I change my security key on my laptop?

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Changing Ip Addresses In Windows 7?

Sep 2, 2012

I play this game. I want to change my ip to a different nearby state. For example, If I live in new jersey i'd want to change my ip to New York so I can play the game. How do I change my ip to that? For some reason I got ip blocked on a game.. So I was wondering if there was any way to do that

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Changing IP Address On Router

Apr 9, 2012

I am trying to configure a router with a satellite connection. I am following a HughesNet guidline. At step four after typing in the required IP address , nothing happens.There is no place to type user name and password.

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Changing IP Address In Windows 7?

Sep 21, 2011

How to change ip address in windows 7?

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Changing Security Key?

Jan 29, 2011

How to change the security key. How does one go bout that? Did not see that within the manual for some strange reason.

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Changing IP Address In Static Network?

Jul 11, 2011

I am connected to a static ip network. This network sets local ips to connected computers but general ip is the same: static ip of network. When i go to "whatismyipaddress", I can see this static ip. I want to change my ip address. I have no chance to use proxy server or router connection. Is there a way to change my ip address? (Because some sites ban ip address, ex:rapidshare etc. and I need to change my ip)

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Cisco :: Changing ARP Timer From Its Default Value

Jul 19, 2011

how to change the ARP timer in CISCO. I know how to change th mac-address aging timer, but can't seem to find any documents on how to change the ARP timer from 4 hours.

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Changing Speetouch 780WL IP Address?

Sep 30, 2012

I found this good guide how to do it, but some things remain unexplained to meI would like to get more information about step:3. Change the IP address of your current PCMaybe more questions will follow, but that's the only problem I am having right now.

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Protocols / Routing :: Changing WAN IP On 3g / 4g Router?

Feb 6, 2013

I need the capability to log into the 3g/4g modem and change the Wan IP address. Doe anyone know of a 3g/4g modem that allows you to do that. My other option would be to disable the wireless radio on the 3g/4g router and connect my Linksys Wireless router that I know I can log in and change the WAN Ip. It looks like to me that this model below would allow me to do that?MBR1516 Will turning off wireless radio on the 3g/4g router completely turn off all routing or could there be a conflict with my Linksys wireless router?

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Sharing :: Read Permissions Are Not Changing

Feb 7, 2013

I am currently facing a major problem. I am a user of the Smart FTP software and have several files in it.However, the "Sites" folder is showing a blank screen. It shows nothing, when there are supposed to be at least 30 files.

I think I have discovered the cause of this; the "Read" permissions are off. Here is where my problem comes in, when I enable it and select "Apply Changes Recursively", it goes back to the unchecked "Read" permission. It doesn't seem to take into account the fact that I want to enable it.

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Computer IP Changing To Manual When Set On Automatic?

May 2, 2011

what I did do was manually set my IP address for my laptop for my wireless. But I no longer needed to do that so I set it back to Automatic. But every minute or so my IP is changing back to which I did change it to, although it is on Automatic. This is my guess to as what it is doing as I have no connection to the internet after about a minute. ipconfig also displays my IP Address as being as well.What I have to do is disable and then reenable my wireless to get it working again.

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How To Recover From Changing Domain To Workgroup

Aug 7, 2011

I have a former corporate PC that logged into a domain server. Under <Control Panel><System> I changed from Domain to Workgroup. I now can't log on to any account including the administrator.I don't have the recovery disk. MS suggests a parallel installation of XP to provide access to the files on the disk. I can do that with any Linux CD. I don't have any data I want to recover. That was all stripped off before I got the PC. I do want to keep all the applications. If I reinstall XP, I will loose all the applications. I now know I can only logon to the administrator account if the PC is connected to the domain server. If I can restore the domain name, I can log on to the PC again.Where is the domain / group info kept and in what format?Is there a way of using a Linux CD to manually edit the XP files to restore / add a domain??

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Can't Change Computer Name Without Changing Workgroup Name?

Feb 8, 2011

I can't change only computer name. But if I change both computer name and work group, I could change it.Actually, I want to change only my computer name, not my workgroup name.

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Security / Firewalls :: Static IP Will Be Changing With The New ISP?

Apr 27, 2011

I am looking for some resources on what steps would be involved in configuring a Cisco ASA 5500 when obtaining a new ISP. Since our static IP will be changing with the new ISP, just need to know what configurations changes will need to take place. We currently have a working config with DSL, but are switching to cable. We are using a DMZ configuration, and are going to try using ASDM first since that should be easier

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Network Connection Icons Keep Changing?

Feb 23, 2013

[CODE]My current problem is the internet just isnt working right. It is slow, choppy at times or doesnt load all items on a page. If it doesn load a page sometimes I click on the stop X, followed by refresh and the page pops right upSometimes if I dont get a complete page a refresh will fix it. It is just a pain to work with.There is an Network Connection icon in the right corner of the task bar. It is two small blue screens. It keeps changing from a red x, an exclamation point, and three blue balls or nothing. If I rest on the icon it flashes the status of the network:[CODE]

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Changing Wireless Network Settings

Apr 4, 2011

I had a disaster occur on my "guest" OS within VMware-Player. I had to start over from scratch! I am back in business, except for having the virtual machine recognized by my existing wireless network. The other two computers still communicate.I went through the wireless setup routine for the new VM. A new "ID" was assigned. Obviously, this is different from the one currently in use on the network. I have the settings info on a flash drive. Can I simply insert the FD in the other two computers and have the new ID replace the existing one?

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Disable Changing IP In Windows XP From Registry?

Mar 1, 2011

I want to disble changing IP in windows XP from registry so users can not change their IP adress. I use a workgroup and don't want to switch to Domain.

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Changing ISP Network / Router / Modem

Oct 21, 2011

I've finally gone and done it. I phoned up aol and requested my MAC code.With my new ISP ( possibly ZEN ) if I keep my existing netgear router, can I keep my wireless connection settings the same i.e. network name, wep key etc.If, on the other hand I get Zen's router which is pre configured, I would need to set up the wireless again. Could I still use the same network name and wep key, or would I have to chose new ones.

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Wireless Adapter Keeps Changing Mbps?

Apr 9, 2011

Running Windows XP with a 802.11n wireless card built in to my laptop. Just bought a new wireless n access point, configured it to be wireless n only and connected my laptop to it no problems. but i noticed at various times when i hover over the wireless connection icon in my dock, the Mbps i'm getting keeps fluctuating. i've seen it go as low as 26 Mbps to up in the 100s.

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Changing From Wireless To Hardwired Connection?

May 2, 2012

I was told that i need to disconnect from my wireless and hard-wire the connection directly from my modem. My wireless connection is downstairs in the basement. Do i need to call a professional to do this or is this something i can do from home?

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Changing Password On Linksys WRT54GS?

Oct 28, 2012

I've gone through all the motions to change my password and wireless network name, but the original password still appears Linsys admin page and so I can't hook up to wi-fi. Also I have no way of telling what the original password is.

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