Cisco Switching/Routing :: Upgrading From Router 2800 To L3 Switch 3750G?
Feb 19, 2013
I wan to migrate from a router 2800 to L3 switch 3750G , the thing is that we have several vlans and we use a router sometimes with each interface configure with correspoinding vlan subnet ip to route traffic between vlans there is no static or dynamic routing only directly connected interfaces on router routing traffic to each other ?How would i configure a L3 switch interface for simillar functionality , below is my current router configuration
ip domain name
multilink bundle-name authenticated
vtp mode transparent
I have a customer who has a Cisco 2821 router with software 2821/HSEC/K9 and they wish to upgrade to C2821-VSEC-SRST/K9.From my understanding they want to use the same router but install an IOS with the capabilites it has at the moment but with voice. [code]How do I go about pricing this up and what upgrade sku's will do this?I am not to worried about the memory.Is it just a simple ios upgrade as the srst licenses are on a trust basis?
Running 12.2(53)SE2, IP base. Now I tried upgrading the firmware on the entire stack to 12.2(55)SE4 and ran into this error:(Command: archive download-sw /imageonly /overwrite /allow-feature-upgrade tftp://
Error: The image in the archive which would to used to upgade system number 2 does not support that system type.I haven't as yet removed the "3750G-24TS" switch from the stack and re-tried as yet, however, is the expectation that without the 24TS, the upgrade should work?
I am having a switch 3750G (WS-C3750G-24TS-S) running a software version (c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE6.bin) and using the PBR with IP SLA.While, i am applying it on interface, it says not supported....
route-map TO-CAS-E0 permit 10 match ip address 125 set ip next-hop verify-availability 10 track 100 (if i change this command to set ip next-hop, it works) ! WAN-L3-3750SW01(config-route-map)#interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11
I have one switch 3750G12S I joined the company new, I found that they want to replace it with Alcatel stack switches. I didnt configure this Cisco switch before. how to configure it. I have 4 other new cisco switches in the topology which is not created yet. the 4 switches are all 2960.
have one 3750G stack with 4 switches and this stack is presenting the follow log message:
%PLATFORM_UCAST-4-PREFIX: One or more, more specific prefixes could not be programmed into TCAM and are being covered by a less specific prefix, and the packets may be software forwarded.
In this stack we are using the layer 3 with OSPF routing, and the current sdm prefer is default:
switch-01-3750#sh sdm prefer The current template is "desktop default" template. The selected template optimizes the resources in the switch to support this level of features for 8 routed interfaces and 1024 VLANs.(code)
I'm due to replace a stack of 2 x 3750 switches very soon with 2 x 3750Gs. These 2 current switches are the VTP server for a small domain. I have put the config on the new switches switches and I made it a server and used the same VTP domain and password etc and got the VLAN info ported over.Now I did this a while back and noticed the switches are in transparent mode with a revision number of 0, I need to set this back to server and swap the switches out but the revision will be lower than the client switches (around rev 200), what do I need to do?
I am having an issue bypassing a switch 3750G series. How i can bypass the old configuration in the switch.i have tried the CTRL+BREAK at startup but it wont work.
I am looking few information on IOS up-gradation for the switch WS-C3750G-48TS-S . I loaded new Image on the flash and current flash and sh boot as below
1) I would like to set boot sytem parameter for the new IOS and secondary old IOS as well is below command works??? if IOS not coming up with new one 12.2.58 is it boots with old 12.2-35 ?
boot system flash:c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin;flash:c3750-ipbase-mz.122-35.SE5
2) If I set only boot system flash:c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-58 , if new image corrput swicth will check valid image and boot up with old image ?
3) If switch went to room1 switch mode and still I have valild running IOS c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-37.SE.bin at flash memory, how to restore with old image
The two stacked Cisco 3750G Access switches on a particular floor in my coy just lost connectivity to the distribution Switch this morning. This meant that all Users connected to it couldnt connect to the Internet nor access local network resources.I couldn't ping the Switch IP, I couldn't also access the Switch via Console port. Each time I tried to gain access via the console port, I keep getting "Authentication Failed" message.What should I do next? How do I gain access to the Switch?
I am about rip and replace my current 3750G stack with a 3750X stack. I have trunked over vlan and vtp info and implemented a config so it should be ready to go other then moving cables onto it. However one thing I want to correct with our current setup is that the root bridge on our vlans including vlan 1 is on a separate set of switches that we control, however I would like this new stack to be the root bridge for all of our vlans. It will be the central set of switches that all other switches trunk into. I have pre-set higher spanning-tree priorities for each vlan on the new stack so I expect as I move lines into it that the tree will be re-calculated with it as the root bridge. I've ensured that there are no root guards on any of the other switches trunks and priorities are all at default levels for each vlan. Should I enforce root guard on the trunk interfaces of the new master stack? Most of the trunks are port-channels to the other switches - do I need to set root guard on the Port channel interface or on the individual ports that make up the Port channel? On both? Any other recommendations in regards to implementing spanning-tree with the new stack? I know using port channels eliminates a lot of potential for loops but not every trunk is and I'd still like to have spanning-tree on.
I try to connect two switch Catalyst 3750G without success.switch1 ( vlan 2) <=> ( vlan2) switch2.I use this configuration for swich1 [code]
I am cascading one new switch 3750G (int Gi1/0/1) with an existing 3750G (int fa1/0/26) switch.. But the interface fa1/0/26 goes in err-disable state even after NO SH.. also i have diable Spanning treebpdu guard and disable spanning tree portfast. But still the issue is not resolved.
I am looking at upgrading my 6503-E switch. While I get the chance, I would like all aspects upgraded as I finally have some "downtime". I am running a Sup 720-3B.From what I understand, the boot image is a recovery image (mini IOS) - should the main IOS fail.Where should this be installed, sup-bootflash:/ or bootflash:/ ?,The file is “s72033-boot-mz.122-33.SXI11.bin.”The Boot Loader. My understanding is that Bootloaders are not used in these Sups with a MSFC3? I am not sure why TBH .. but would this be the case ?Rommon can be upgraded. I don’t quite understand if there are two ROMs (SP and RP).
I currently have Cisco 3750G which is currently live and active and fully populated and only have remote access.
I have an additional same switch which I would like to stack. My initial plans were to have 2 GIbit etherchannels, but I came across the option to Stacks both switch with each other.
When I do a show switch on the live switch its set as a Member: [code]
I would like to add the new switch to the stack without losing the config for the switch which is live. I understand that the highest priority of the switches becomes the Master but as the live switch is Priority 1, would chancing this affect the switches config, or would it lose connection at all?
Also when I plug in the new switch and it reboot how do I ensure it becomes the slave without rebooting the live switch?The cables on the switch do they have to go to port1 on the live switch and port 1 on the new switch or can they be port 1 and port 2?
I have a Catalyst 4510 that is running IOS version 15.X that has a bug and Cisco recommends upgrading the IOS. Are there additional steps required to perform an IOS upgrade due to licencing Cisco put in place?
a) I have three C3750-X switch stack together as my SAN switch and running on the new 15.0 release which is 15.0(1) SE.
b) Recently the master switch rebooted without any explanation. Create ticket with TAC and got an answer that it is due to a bug with ID: CSCtr31957.
My question is, which release that should i choose either the 15.0(1) SE3 or the latest 15.0(2)? Will it affect any of my configuration if i change to 15.0(2)?
Finally, what is the best practice to upgrade IOS in a stack whether to upgrade it 1 switch at a time or do it to all at once?
Has any come across show ver memory details on 3750G-48PS as below, One of our Catalyst 3750G running software 12.2(44)SE2 shows unexpected DRAM as below:
cisco WS-C3750G-48PS (PowerPC405) processor (revision F0) with 0K/12280K bytes of memory. This would equate to around 11MB memory which does not seem right... Is it a known IOS bug?
is there a document that explains the compatibility of 3750 series that can be stacked together? for example can we stack 3750-x with 3750-v2 without the power sharing? Can we stack a L3 3750 with L2 3750 without upgrading the L2 switch IOS to ip services?
I recently upgraded a remote site of mine to IOS 15-2.SE ipbasek9 on 3 3560E series switches. On switch number 2 I have 5 VG224's running (vg224-i6k9s- m) 12.4(22)T3. After the switches reloaded the VG224's dropped their connection. After doing all basic troubleshooting I reloaded the 12.2 (58)SE2 ipbasek9 image back on to the 3560E's and the VG224's reconnected immediately after reload and all phones registered.
Is the problem a licensing issue with the 15.x IOS on the 3560's or do I need to upgrade the VG224's to IOS 15.x as well for them to connect and operate via the 3560e switch running 15-2?
I upgraded the newest IOS 15.0(1)SE for our SW C2960-24-TT-L, the process was succeseful. However, we found SW memory utilization raised to 82% this morning in normal situation. (Momery: Total 21341260, Used17471692) Did you guys meet the same problem after upgrading to 15.0(1)SE? I also would like to know what the normal memory utilization is? and what is the impact of memory utilization highly?
I was upgrading the newest software images on a c2950G switch. So i followed the step by step procedures from url...I removed the current flash that was on the switch and then for some reason typed reload. This started the switch up without the IOS. Make a long story short I am now stuck in switch: prompt mode and I am unable to use x-modem to transfer the newest IOS onto the switch. I am currently getting "no response remote system".
Needing to upgrade IOS on 2800 router from c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.123-14.T7.bin to c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T13.bin. I noticed ther are several other files on the old code that may needed for booting up router but Im running low on memory. The other existing files are ;
I have Router 2800 series Global nating is configured on it.
ip nat inside source list 111 interface Dialer1 overload ! access-list 111 deny ip access-list 111 permit ip any
My object is that i want give internet access only for few users ip E.g IPs addresses from range can acess intenet access other all are deny.How i do this with ACL .
I have 2800 series router which is directly connected to ISP. How can secure the router from outside access; I am totally new to the security concepts.
I have a pair of router Cisco 2800 running in HSRP, now I want to configure one sub interface with another sub net, Will my current IP on physical interface work or do I need to create two Sub interfaces for each network. Do i must need encapsulation on sub interface
Current Config:-
Router 1:- interface FastEthernet0/1description Connect to LAN_SW1 Gi1/0/1ip address ip redirectsduplex autospeed autostandby 1 ip 1 priority 90standby 1 preempt Router 2:- interface FastEthernet0/1description Connect to LAN_SW2 Gi1/0/1ip address ip redirectsduplex autospeed autostandby 1 ip 1 priority 110standby 1 preempt
For second network I do not require HSRP Router 1:- interface FastEthernet0/0description Connect to LAN_SW1 Gi1/0/1no ip addressduplex fullspeed 100 [ code]... Router 2:- interface FastEthernet0/0description Connect to LAN_SW2 Gi1/0/1no ip addressduplex fullspeed 100 [Code]...