Cisco VPN :: Using The QuickVPN With RV220W?

Jul 13, 2011

I have configured the RV220W based on the user guide (which doesn't say much), created IPsec User and installed QuickVPN on a remote computer. I launched the application filled out the login info and it connects but what's next?I can not ping any IP from the LAN attached to the remote router nor map any shared devices.I was hoping after a succesful connection to see my local IP address change to the one from the LAN I am remotely connected to...

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W / What Exactly Is QuickVPN

Apr 2, 2012

what exactly is QuickVPN?Is it a IPSec VPN?Is it a PPTP?Is it a SSLVPN?can I resolve my local hostnames? That means, can I configure a lokal DNS Server?

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Cisco VPN :: RV220w Intermittently Works With QuickVPN

May 6, 2013

We are having problems with using QuickVPN to connect to our RV220W.Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. [code] The firmware version is

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W QuickVPN Limited To 10 User Instead Of 25?

Oct 11, 2011

I just bought a RV220W for my small company. I have read everywhere that this model come with 25 license for QuickVPN/IPsec.But when I tried to create all my account I had a bad surprise. The firmware tell me that the maximum number of user that I can create is 10! I dont see anywhere in the firmware where I can upgrade for another licence. I have the last firmware.

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Cisco Routers :: QuickVPN From One RV220W To Other - No Webpage Access?

Dec 19, 2011

Using QuickVPN from one RV220W to another RV220W I cannot access the Webpage of the remote router.  Goes to "CERTIFICATE NOT VALID" then click through that, and the the login page will not come up.  Sceen flashes a hint of blue background, then turns white, then just sits there saying "Waiting for response from ???.???.QuickVPN will sucessfully connect and I can use all computers behind the router.  Just cannot access the Webpage of the remote router.  I can access the Webpage of the local router.Also, when I hookup using QuickVPN from an "Internet Cafe" that is using a Netgear router.  I can then access the webpage on both remote routers (of course, depending on whom I QuickVPN'd into at the time).
Location #1
Office #1
RV220W:  RV220W-A-K9-NA    SER: SER15140314Firmware:
 Location #2
Office #2
RV220W: RV220W-A-K9-NA SER: SER151600R2
I have called Cisco on this with no luck.  They said to update my JAVA.  I am currently JRE 6 Release 30 and still no luck.  The Log files reveal nothing and are darn near unreadable since there is no line breaks in the log file.  Have to manually edit the log to pick stuff out.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Suddenly Lost QuickVPN Connectivity?

Jan 15, 2013

RV220W worked good with QuickVPN, but suddenly lost such ability and doesn't allow connection from any Windows machine (Xp,Win7 32/64 bit)

QuickVPN is ver.
Cisco RV220W firmware is ver.
Client error on Windows XP in Log.txt :

[STATUS]OS Version: Windows XP
[STATUS]Windows Firewall is OFF
[STATUS]One network interface detected with IP address
[DEBUG]Input VPN Server Address = x.x.x.x


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Cisco Routers :: Self-signed Certificate With RV220W And QuickVPN Client?

Nov 21, 2011

The establishment of IPSEC tunnel between the RV220 and QuickVPN client works properly with the security certificate of origin of the router.RV220 V1.0.3.5QuickVPN V1.4.2.1
Since the establishment of a security certificate self-signed, the RV220 and QuickVPN client refuses to work together .

Here are the log of the QuickVPN client

2011/09/27 12:45:14 [STATUS]OS Version: Windows 7
2011/09/27 12:45:14 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Domain Profile Settings: ON
2011/09/27 12:45:14 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON
2011/09/27 12:45:14 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON


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Cisco VPN :: Getting QuickVPN Connection On WRVS4400N?

Oct 22, 2011

Hardware: WRVS4400N on Firmware version: V2.0.2.1-ETSI
Quick VPN Version on Windows7 Ultimate 64bit.
QuickVPN Client stopps with: Verifying Network.... and "The remote gateway is not responding. Do you want to wait? Yes / No"
 Here we go with the log:

2011/10/24 09:09:06 [STATUS]OS Version: Windows 7
2011/10/24 09:09:06 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Domain Profile Settings: OFF
2011/10/24 09:09:06 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: OFF
2011/10/24 09:09:06 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: OFF
2011/10/24 09:09:07 [STATUS]One network interface detected with IP address

Additional I can ping to as well as accessing to the WRVS4400N [URL] The connection map is as following:

Client --> PPPoE DSL Router --> (...INTERNET...) --> NetvigatorGateway ---> WRVS4400N --> HomeNetwork
The NetvigatorGateway is locatet at my home and also distributing IP-TV. For internet it netvigator gateway is set DMZ to WRVS4400N (network; the WAN IP is assigned to the WRVS4400N and same as on When I connect myself into the netvigator gateway, (network i can successfully establish a VPN connection with QuickVPN to the WRVS4400N.But then, what reason ever, I cannot access to network devices. QuickVPN does not allow me to see the assigned IP as well. This is my issue 2: After the connection is "successfully" established, it does not feel as I am part of the home network....Issue 3 would be: In the company we use CiscoAnyConnect VPN client (Verison 2.4.0202). Is it possible in using this client instead in any later firmware revision?

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Cisco VPN :: WRVS4400N Trying To Setup VPN With QuickVPN

Sep 27, 2011

I am trying to setup VPN with WRVS4400N and Quick VPN on client side. I am fairly new to VPN and did some research and looked through the manual but can't seem to get it to work so far and from what I noticed many people are having this problem.
Basically it gives the "Failed to establish connection" generic error, shows it almost instantly.It also showed the certificate error before but then I read about putting it in the installation directory and it stopped showing it, and whats strange is later I removed it but it doesnt show the error any longer, so don't know if its caching it somewhere or what can be going on...
In effort to look for answer and test things out I tried to connect to another location and setup a WRV200 router, I also get the same error but not instantly, it even shows "Activating Policy" but then doesn't go farther and shows the generic error.Also with this setup strangly it always shows the certificate error, no matter if I put one in directory or not... Even tried to name it as the WRVS4400N certificate name...
Anyway VPN IPSec is disabled, and Client Accounts are configured and changed password several times to make sure its correct, VPN Passthrough enabled on all 3 options. I tried to disable Windows Router, I also have a router in place do I possibly need to open some type of ports for the QuickVPN client?

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Cisco Routers :: How To Setup RV120W For QuickVPN

Aug 22, 2011

The PPTP client from Windows 7 is not working with this router; therefore I would like to try the quickvpn.Is there any paper from Cisco explaining how to setup the RV120W for quickvpn ?

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Cisco VPN :: QuickVPN - Gateway Not Responding - RV042?

Oct 28, 2011

I'm running Cisco QuickVPN on a clients laptop (Windows 7). Windows firewall is disabled because McAfee SaaS is running.I sometimes have the issue that the initial connection attempt comes back with "Gateway not respoding" during the network verification process. You close the program, you open it again and it works. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 tries. Today I have the issue that my client tried it like 20 times including several reboots and it's just not working. I tried it from my own computer and it connected fine on the 2nd try.I'm thinking that it might be time-out thing, that the VPN client doesn't receive a response fast enough? I know my clients home internet is darn slow.

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Cisco Routers :: RV042 QuickVPN Not Working For All PCs

Oct 21, 2011

So have a RV042 VPN router that is directly connected to the ethernet port of our comcast cable modem.
If I connect to it using QuickVPN ( from a PC that is connected using AT&T 3G Network it works fine!
If I connect to it using QuickVPN ( from a different PC that is connected using home WiFi (linksys wrtxxx) then it fails. In the VPN log all I see is failure messages for ping.
2011/10/22 15:47:28 [WARNING]Failed to ping remote VPN Router!
If I open a regular command prompt and attempt to ping the VPN router it works so not understanding why the QuickVPN is unable to ping.
how I can troubleshoot this further. Makes me think the RV042 config is fine otherwise it would not work on a 3G connection. Something on the home PC or the home network. Not sure what to check.

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Cisco Routers :: RV042 - QuickVPN Error

Mar 11, 2012

I've one RV042. I've configured VPN PPTP and it work (I've redirect port 1723 on router1 to rv042). If I can try to use quickVpn, client login and receive error "remote gateway is not responding". I have redirect port 60443 from router1 to rv042. Connection it's this: INTERNET-router1-RV042.

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Cisco Routers :: RV120W QuickVPN And Windows 7

Oct 29, 2011

I have been battling with my Cisco RV120W router and QuickVPN.Running Windows 7 Home PremiumPerformed a fresh install to factory out-of-box install for WindowsRemoved NortonDid NOT perform any windows updatesInstalled QuickVN version have updated the firmware to the latest version (confirmed by cisco)I can connet to the router and have a stable connectionI can ping both the router IP and the shared file server IPWhen I enter the shared file server IP into the search field (e.g. \ and press enter, I see a connection to "share", so I click on this and then see "FolderName" of my shared files. I click on this folder and I get a timed out error.When I enter the routers IP address into a browser (IE8 as factory installed) I get a timed out error also.In the past, I have installed all important and recommended updates for Windows and still get the same scenerioI have called cisco support and went through router settings, assigned them a VPN username, they log in and can access the files without issue (What the @#$$@#$)Cisco support spent plenty of time with me, but since they could access my network and since I could ping my devices, they had no other suggestions further.
I have this fresh factor out-of-box install. I know this is most likely something to do with my laptop that I am trying to use to connect to the network. I have Frontier as my ISP for home. I don't know if there is anything they are doing to interfere with my connection. I have tried to connect to the network via ComCast as well, with no luck.tell me if there is something I need to tweak in my Windows 7 settings?

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Cisco Routers :: Using Remote DNS With QuickVPN - WRVS4400N

Dec 11, 2011

I've deployed a WRVS4400N router at one of my clients, however I'm unable to access resources on his network via DNS. I was hoping to use the router for DNS resolution, however when I connect via VPN, I can only connect to shares via IP address.

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Cisco Routers :: Cannot Connect QuickVPN To RV120W

Mar 6, 2012

I have a Cisco RV120W connected to the internet. I have configured a QuickVPN user on the router, but I cannot connect via QuickVPN no matter on what PC I try (with firewall or without firewal, Windows XP, 7, ...). On the router it says the VPN user is connected, but on the client PC I receive remote gateway not responding. In the logs it says failed to ping remote VPN router. I tried changing all settings I could find on this forum, but the result stays the same (changed port to 60443, deleted all IKE and VPN policies, allowed ping, disabled fragmented packets etc...). None of all the settings seems to get any result.

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Cisco Routers :: RSV4000 And QuickVPN Not Working?

Oct 6, 2011

I got a RSV4000 router here with the latest firmware, trying to get the quick VPN client to connect.As far configurations go I have under WAN set the IP, subnetmask, DNS1, DNS2 and gateway. And under VPN I have created a client account with a password, created and then exported the Cert to my client PC.But when I attempt to connect, the QuickVPN software hangs for a few moments at "Connecting" and then fails; when the general error.I'm running this on Windows 7 x64.

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Cisco VPN :: RVS4000 Router VLAN Using QuickVPN?

Apr 18, 2010

I'm trying to connect through a VPN to RVS4000 router that I have VLAN'ed into two seperate networks 192.168.1.x (default) and 192.168.77.x. When i connect with the QuickVPN Client, I have no problems seeing devices on the 192.168.1.x network but i can't see the 192.168.77.x devices; so i'm assuming that the QuickVPN client software puts me on the default network and not the "77" network. Thing is, i only want to VPN into the "77" network and not the 192.168.1.x network.
Will QuickVPN allow me to do this? If not how do I VPN into the 192.168.77.x network?

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Cisco Routers :: RV042 - Login Using QuickVPN

Sep 21, 2011

Today I purchased a RV042 wired router. I set the VPN connection but when I try to login using QuickVPN, get stucks in "Verifying network". I checked the logs:

2011/09/22 20:43:45 [STATUS]OS Version: Windows 7
2011/09/22 20:43:45 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Domain Profile Settings: ON
2011/09/22 20:43:45 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: OFF
From my side Im connected to a WRT54G2. VPN Passthrough enabled. Windows 7 Pro x64. No 3rd party AV or firewall. Windows Firewall disabled, also tried enabling it.

From the RV042 side it has a Static IP Address configured. DHCP server enabled. HTTPS enabled. UPnP disabled. L2TP disabled.Firewall disabled. Block WAN Requests disabled.

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Cisco Routers :: RV042 QuickVPN / Gateway Not Responding

Jun 28, 2011

I have router Linksys RV042 v1.2 with latest firmware Version: And I'm using QuickVPN v I've setup VPN connection with values, below: But every time I'm trying to connect to router by VPN it always popup a window "Remote Gateway not responding".It occurs when I'm trying to connect to VPN behind other router, when I'm connected directly to Internet the connection is established.But I'm connecting to other networks using VPN and it's working properly (behind the same router), so I think it's problem with RV042 configuration but I don't now weher.

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Cisco Routers :: RC120W Setup For QuickVPN Connection

Aug 10, 2010

I did upgrade to WiSM from v5.1 to V6 then i see this log %WCP-3-KEEPALIVE_LOST: wcp_controller_server.c:1763 Lost keepalives from Cat 6K Supervisor.

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Cisco Routers :: RV042 Configuration With QuickVPN In Windows 7

Oct 1, 2012

I've been working on getting a client to Gateway configuration going for quite some time now.  Had it working with a different Cisco single wan router that failed.  The user replaced the router with an RV042 and we are trying to get the QuickVPN to once again connect to the router as it did before the replacement.  Previously we did connect successfully with Windows 7 clients.
Router: RV042 v3 firmware Quickvpn version
what i keep getting in the log is the following :
2012/10/02 12:55:07 [STATUS]OS Version: Windows Vista
2012/10/02 12:55:07 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Domain Profile Settings: ON
2012/10/02 12:55:07 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON


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Cisco Routers :: QuickVPN To RV082 No Longer Stable

Sep 11, 2011

I have a RV082 in the corporate office, and several remote people connecting to it using QuickVPN through a variety of clients (XP and Windows 7).  As of today, they are all now seeing the "Remote Gateway is not responding - disconnect or wait" message.  Checking through the logs on some of the remote clients, I see the "Failed to ping the remote router" message several times, followed by the "Ping was blocked, which can be caused by an unexpected disconnect." message.
The odd thing is that everyone has been running very well over the past 2-3 weeks - most people with 8+ hours of solid connectivity.  We made no changes to the clients, nor to the remote router in the corporate office.

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Cisco Routers :: QuickVPN In Windows 7 Not Connecting To RVS4000

Oct 11, 2011

When I use QuickVPN under XP, I connect to my RVS4000 without problems.  When I switch to new computer running Windows 7 and V4.2.1 QuickVPN I can get all the way to Verifying Network.   Then I get the message that: "The remote gateway is not responding.  Do you want to wait?"  - repeatedly.  The icon in the tool bar remains with a red slash and I am unable to ping devices on the lan side of the router.  However, when I check the VPN Summary on the router, I see that it thinks I'm connected.  When I check the VPN log I see that I am not:
Oct 12 10:27:53 - Configuration changed!
Oct 12 10:28:33 - Configuration changed!
Oct 12 10:28:34 - [VPN Log]: added connection description "ValR_rw_rw"


I've disabled MS Security Essentials and made sure the Firewall is on.  IPSec  Policy Agent and IKE and AuthIP IPSec Keying Modules services are both started.  I've created a rule to allow QuickVPN throught the firwall in and out and a rule to let traffic on 443 and 60443 UDP and TCP through the Firewall. 

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Cisco Routers :: RV120W - Setting Up A QuickVPN User?

Jan 15, 2013

have a Cisco RV120W and I need setup a Quick VPN user, however i can't enable this user.I have Remote Management enable, access type All Ip Address and port number 443.

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Cisco Routers :: RV180 Behind DSL Router Can't Connect With QuickVPN

May 15, 2013

I want to ask if is possible to configure the RV180 behind my DSL Router to connect using QuickVPN. First I tried to connect to the PPTP server and worked fine, but when I tried to connect using QickVPN, seems to connect but when the client says "verifying network" after a while appears the message "network not responding..."
In my DSL-Router forwared this ports: UDP: 500,4500,443,60443 - TCP: 443,60443 (i don't know if tcp ports are needed but I opened for testing) and allowed protocol ESP (comes with the rule to allow IPSEC-L2TP)

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Cisco Routers :: RV120W - QuickVPN Gateway Not Responding

Jan 1, 2012

I am trying to install a Cisco VPN Router RV120W behind this router. I have setup the Cisco and can access the internet from the device. I also setup the Actiontec router with the DMZ host as the Cisco router. When I try to connect to the VPN tunnel however I connect but receive an "Gateway is not responding" error message after 30sec. Is there anything else I need to setup on the actiontec router to allow VPN passthough or something like that?
Actiontec Lan IP:
Cisco Wan IP:
Cisco Wan SN:
Cisco Wan Gateway:
Cisco WAN DNS:
Cisco Lan IP:
Edit: I have also tried this connection from a Windows 7 Pro with Firewall enabled and also Windows XP with the same error.
Quick VPN log:
2011/12/30 00:05:58 [STATUS]OS Version: Windows 7
2011/12/30 00:05:58 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Domain Profile Settings: ON
2011/12/30 00:05:58 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON
2011/12/30 00:05:58 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON
2011/12/30 00:06:10 [STATUS]OS Version: Windows 7
2011/12/30 00:06:10 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Domain Profile Settings: ON (code )

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Cisco Routers :: RV110W QuickVPN Doesn't Work

Mar 10, 2013

I have a problem with my RV110W router. I would like to setup Quick VPN access. Manual is quite straightforward: enable management, create users, install client and that's all, should be working. But NOT. it does not work.
Remote Management is enabled on port 8080. Should it be changed to 443 as required for QVPN? Or it does not matter. Is it ok, to have management on 8080 and QVPN on 443?
I have tried to connect via QVPN Client ver. Of course ip as well as user and pass has been changed. I tried to change management port to 443, but first:

1. i was not able to access management console at all

2. QVPN - still did not work

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Cisco Routers :: RV082 - What Is QuickVPN Equivalent For Linux

Dec 22, 2011

I want to connect from a Linux station to RV082, is it possible? What software can I use and with what configuration?

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Cisco VPN :: QuickVPN Client To ASA 5505 - Using Port 60443

Mar 16, 2011

Setting up vpn using quickvpn client to asa5505.  QucikVPN client version is  I need to use port 60443, port 443 is already taken. 

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Cisco VPN :: SA520W Router - How To Setup QuickVPN Client

Mar 26, 2011

I have a Cisco SA520W router and needs to set up VPN. Du to major problems with the SSL VPN Client and windows 7, I had to let it go and try a different approach.
That was the QuickVPN client, but as it turs out, it simply impossible from reading the user manual to understand just how I have to set thing up. For instance, the VPN Wizard tells you to enter a preshared key. But in the QuickVPN Client, where do I enter the key?
And shall the "Enable Cisco VPN Client" be ticket off, I assumed yes, but seriously it is impossible to know.
Then in the VPN Wizard again, in the Remote & Local WAN Adress, what shall use FQDN or IP Address. The if FQDN, what shall a enter, the domain name for the router, whats the point in that? The domain name of the VPN Client, seriously, what's the point in that? I would assume that 99% of the VPN Client does NOT have a domain name. Then, if IP address, am I supposed to know the IP address of the client? Same with the "Secure Connection Remote Accessibility", what am I supposed to enter. The IP address which the Quick VPN Client network adapter shall have?

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Cisco Routers :: RV180 Configure VPN Connection With QuickVPN?

Jun 4, 2013

I have a doubt. What I have to configure in my RV180 to make a VPN connection with Qvpn client. I created the user and if try to connect from the client I've recieved the message that is connected, but if I try to ping the RV180 local ip answer, but if I try to ping any other IP address of the VPN I can't. I think I would have something misconfigured but I don't know what is it.

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Cisco Routers :: QuickVPN RV042 V03 Some Users Connect Others Can't

Feb 10, 2013

A client of mine has a Cisco RV042 Router. I've configured it to run VPN and it works, sort of. Some clients can connect, others can't, for no discernible reason.

Specific machine issues are Windows 7 x64 or x86, Quick VPN latest release, unobtrusive (Avast or Microsoft Security Essentials) security, etc. 2 separate machines on the same home remote network, 1 can connect just fine, the other can't. My laptop (Win7 x64) connects just fine, one of my techs can connect OK, the IT support guy that works for this client can connect.
Particulars of the router: Firmware version: v4.0.4.02;  PID VID : RV042 V03;  Firmware MD5 Checksum :     1f84d8d0a2a8b99f9bfa4409e64547aa

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