D-Link DIR-615 :: When Connects Pc Using A Vpn Service Line Speed Cuts Down

Nov 20, 2011

First-I use a vpn service.I had a netgear router connected to my main computer and had no problems at all.I got rid of the netgear router connected the DIR-615 to my main pc.Configured the router,and everything works ok.I get a signal anywhere in the house,and speeds are fine,as far as the laptop.I dont use a a vpn service on the laptop.Just the regular cable connection.No problems at all.I have my main pc hard-wired to the router.When I connect my main pc using a vpn service my line speed its cut down 80%.I had my main pc connected to a netgear router with nothing else,and my vpn service worked fine.I dont understand why my main pc is not working with the vpn service.The only configuration I did was to forwarded a port to utorrent,and that was not a problem.It works,and port is open.The problem is my speed is cut by 80%.

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Clear Internet Service Cuts Out Often

Mar 21, 2011

I've been wondering why my Clear internet keeps cutting out so often.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Wireless N Adapter Only Connects On G Speed?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a DLINK DIR-615 wireless n router and recently bought the wireless n network adapter for the xbox 360.When I put my router to mixed mode n,b,g the xbox connects fine to the router.As soon as I switch the router to n only mode the xbox cant connect to the wireless network.My laptop which is also wireless n connects fine on wireless n.It sees the network but cant connect to it.btw. I have switched all security off on the wireless to try and test this.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Valetplus M20 Cuts Speed Near In Half

Feb 7, 2013

I did a test to check the speed of my connection with my PS3.  First I checked the speed straight from my internet providers modem and I get 18.9 Mbps.  Then checked it through the Valetplus router and the speed results are 8.5 Mbps.  Both tests were wired in with same cable. Why this happens and if that is common with wifi routers?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Cuts Gigabit Internet Speed?

Feb 3, 2012

If I connect wire directely to the PC Ethernet port the Internet speed is about 400 Mbit/sec (speedtest.net)When my PC is connected through the Linksys E4200 Internet speed is not above 90 Mbit/sec.

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0.05 Mbps Download Speed With DSL Service?

Jan 16, 2011

The title of the thread says it all, but perhaps it does not speak to the level of frustration my family and I are experiencing with our DSL internet service:� Many simple, easy-to-load sites like Google will not load on the first try. On Safari, the bottom toolbar will say "Connecting to google.com" until I refresh the page or restart the web browser. Internet Explorer and Firefox are no better -- I've triedA two-minute YouTube video will take about 10 minutes to load (if the page loads in the first place, which it often does not). Speed test sites, like speedtest.net, which reported a 0.05 mbps download speed and a 0.20 mbps upload speed, usually do not work. I had to refresh speedtest.net four or five times before the "testing download speed" section worked.

Gmail has become so slow that I have to use the HTML version, and even that will fail to register my commands about half the time.The only way for me to view most webpages in a reliable manner is to Google search for them, then click on the "Cached" page, and then click "Text-only version." Stuff other than text will prevent the page from loading about 50% of the time.We have a Qwest modem but our ISP is called "TIES." We have their "Residential DSL connection," as described here:

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Sky Router: Internet Speed Issues After Line Repair

Oct 24, 2011

My ISP is Sky who I use for phone calls and internet, the line to my my house was installed by BT several years ago. I live in a fairly rural area and have never had more than a 1.5mb connection.
Two months ago a neighbor who was repairing his guttering accidentally broke the main phone line coming from the pole directly to our house (the ladder he used was left unattended and it fell over catching on the wire). The line broke in the middle of the length that runs from the pole directly in front of our house to the connecting shackle on the house fascia board, on the first floor.
I connected the broken wire back together, I only have one line in, so all that needed to be soldered were the white and orange wires. The other colored wires I cut flush. The remaining three steel core wires i used as holding wires. Everything was heat shrink sealed, insulation taped up, heat shrink over the whole lot and then more insulation tape put over the whole join, allowing around three or four inches over run at each end of the join. Afterward I did a quiet line test (17070 option 2) and the line was good. My internet speed was as per usual, 1.5mb.
Last Wednesday I was checking my email and web pages kept timed out, i logged on to the router and checked the speed I was connected at. My speed was 560kbps / 56k. After several router resets the speed was still not any higher. I did a quiet line test again and there was a considerable amount of line noise.
As it had rained a few times since my repair to the wire I thought it best to check to see if any water had gotten in. Unfortunately, even with all the insulation water had indeed got in. There was a score mark on the cable and that was the obvious route of entry. Upon opening the repair back up I could see the copper wire inside the orange line had turned black. I had to cut back the damaged line about 10 inches total, to get shiny copper cable and remove the scoring on the outside of the cable. I re-joined the line as I had done before. A quiet line test was good, but my internet speed remains at 560kbps / 56k.
I bought a new ADSL filter, and have tested the router directly in the master test socket without my phone extension, no difference in internet speed at all, and like I said the quiet line test is perfect.
Before I bite the bullet and get BT to come and renew the cable (which I am going to get done, when my neighbor can afford it) is there anything that I could have overlooked, or is it possible that the water has damaged something i.e. the Sky router or other parts of the cable?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 Causes Decrease In Line Speed

Feb 11, 2013

I've had the E3000 installed for several years and a few days ago saw my download speed drop by 80%. Trouble shooting with the Cable provider ended up with connecting directly from the PC to the modem and the speed issue was corrected. I don't see any recent changes in firmware, no new programs.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Line Card Speed With 6800 And 6900?

Jan 26, 2013

The WS-X68xx series line card has a fabric of 40Gbps and a 16 Port 10GE has a 4:1 oversubscription rate. The WS-X6908-10G has a fabric speed of 80Gbps and has a 1:1 oversubscription rate.
If I mixed the 68xx and 69xx series line card, do I get 80Gbps for the 6900x and 40gbps for the 68xx line card? Or would the 69xx series line card be downgraded to 40Gbps?
From my understanding, the 68xx series has a DFC card and thus the fabric speed operates independently.

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Cisco Infrastructure :: CS2811 - Maximum Speed Supported For IMA Service Provided

Dec 14, 2011

Can we use all four E1 (i.e.  8Mbps) connections for IMA on IMA-4E1 card in a CS2811 router. What is the maximum speed supported for IMA service provided?

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Download Speed Fine But Upload Speed Is Way Slow?

Mar 17, 2011

I live in the tampa bay area, I have bright house (BHN) as my service provider, which provides a Road Runner Lightning (40/5) package.  I previously used BHN's top tier (20/2) back in July (and prior) with no problems.

After converting to Lightning in August of this year (2010).  Of course, BHN (and every other provider) wants to force a modem/router down your throat, so I had them bridge it (in short, turn it into a dummy modem with no routing). I had an SMC branded modem gateway at the time.  I work from home 2 days a week (so I can spend more time with my kids during morning, lunch, right after work) and this requires me to use QoS to ensure my VOIP work calls don't get dropped, if the family is watching youtube videos or watching netflex. 

My network was as follows SMC Modem >WAN IP>>WAN Port>>D-link DIR-655>>Switch Ports>PC1, PC2, PC3

Everything seemed fine (from a usability stand point) till about 2 weeks ago when my upload speed seemed to grind to halt.  Normally I was able to upload about 200-300K per second, and I noticed this dropped to about 45K per second during a drop box upload.   First thing I did was power cycle both my modem and router (in the proper/usual order).  After they both come up, I start using speed test to find out what my upload speeds were.  I was getting about 39Mbps down, but only .56Mbps up still.  I factory reset my router.... test, similar speeds.  Power cycle all computers (just in case), and then modem/router.  Tested, similar speeds.   Updated the firmware to the latest. Same issue

Called BHN customer service, they factor reset it, but it wasn't in bridge mode.  If I by passed the 655, in factory mode (non bridge mode) upload speeds returned to better than expected states.  If I bridged the cable modem, upload speeds seemed to crash.

Had BHN replace the modem, seemed fixed for a day, then issue came back.  Had them come back out and replace it again, this time with a Motorolla Surfboard modem... same issue.  Fine during factory reset, however after they bridge the modem, upload speeds were fine.  Told BHN I would take it from there.. Connected up the DIR-655, and upload speeds crashed again. (.6Mbps).  Called D-Link Support, and the Chinese English speaking rep seemed to not be listening to me and tried to have me adjust my MTU as well as Wireless settings.  Long story short... the rep was a level 0 id10t and I hope D-link will consider hiring better employees/contractors.  So I was all about to give up and replace it with a DD-WRT capable router (which it takes me a lot to want to swap hardware), when I discovered the wan shaping was on.  Which I thought to myself... nah... QoS has never messed up before... why would it be the cause.  Turned off wan shapping... and voila.  Issue seemed to be insta-resolved.

Unsatisfied with that... I decided to dig a lil deeper. I turned on Wan shaping again, but decided to set the settings manually instead of auto detect.   

Here are the settings I used... (Advanced Tab>QoS)
Enable Traffic Shaping - Checked
Automatic Uplink Speed - Unchecked
Manual Uplink Speed - 5000
Connection Type: Cable or Other Broadand Network

Enable QoS Engine - Checked Automatic Classification - unchecked (this checked seemed to affect my upload speed by about 5-10% during testing) Dynamic Fragmentation - unchecked (this checked seemed to be the worse enemy for upload speed)

While I know I'm not any network guru (still have to use a subnet calculator for subnetting), I think I did a pretty good job drilling down the issue (once I got passed my service provider replacing modems).

Anyways, I've had overall good luck with D-Link products, even have a 5 port 10/100 switch (all metal) from 1998 that works great.  Hopefully, D-Link will just either put more documentation on the web, or hire better employees.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Samsung 5700 Blu-ray Detects But Not Connects

Dec 21, 2011

I just set up my 655 and it hooked up to the internet right away.  I also connected my x box and wi-fy iphone without a hitch.  THen I tried to connect my blue ray player that has a wireless feature.  My last dlink router recognized the blue ray without a problem.  With the 655, the blue ray can see my router and network, but can't connect, saying their is a dchp issue or I need to fix the IP address. Dlink support told me to upgrade firmware but my version is 2.0, and the only thing I can find is a V1.34. 

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Cisco :: Line Usage In Case Of Show Line On 2500 Series?

Oct 10, 2012

Cisco 2500 series access servers show line usage with the "show line" command:

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D-Link DIR-655 Computer Randomly Connects And Disconnects From Network

Oct 10, 2011

The modem connects to a D-Link DIR-655 which connects to a computer (Vista) and a switch, the switch then connects to another computer (Win7) and an xbox. the problem is that the vista computer will randomly connect and disconnect from the internet/ network. The vista computer also generally runs very slow on the internet. The Win7 computer runs perfectly and there is never an issue, so I'm wondering if the problem has to do with the vista computer not being connected to the switch? It is not an issue with the router, I have tried two already and the same issue occurs.the vista computer is running with a Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3R which has a Realtek 8111C LAN chipset.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Windows 7 Laptop Connects To Network But Not Internet?

May 24, 2011

I have a wireless network set up in our small office.  I just bought the DIR-655 and installed it (did have a very old Netgear router).  I currently have two wireless printers, a MAC and a couple of iPhones that can connect to the network and internet.  My desktop is plugged in and also connects fine.The BOSS just came in with his fairly new Win7 laptop and I connected it to the network, however, no matter what I try, it won't connnect to the internet.  I can see his laptop in the network, it can see my computer and it says that it is connected to the network.  It also says that it is not connected to the internet.  I ran the troubleshooting (by clicking on the "X" between the network and the internet in the Network and Sharing Center) and it said it couldn't find the problem.  The Win7 laptop has no problems connecting to the old network, nor any others that it encounters.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: E1 Android Phone Connects Does Not Load Webpages

Jan 5, 2013

My Dir-615 E1 5.01 works fine, daughters Iphone, laptop connect fine.  My Droid Max android phone connects with no problem but does not load web pages or sites.  Phone does work great at other wifi spots just not at home with this DLink.  My last android phone acted the same way, cannot use wifi at home!  Not a password issue cause it does connect and has strong signal.

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TP-Link 300Mbps Wireless :: WR841N Connects But Can't Use Internet

Apr 21, 2013

Region : Ireland
Model : TL-WR841N
Hardware Version : V8
Firmware Version :

I have a problem with using wi-fi. I am able to connect to the router with my Samsung Galaxy S3, Galaxy S2 or my iPad but when i try to use the internet it doesn't work. I tried resetting but the problem is still there

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TP-Link 3G/3.75G Router :: TL MR3220 Is Able To Detect Modem But Not Connects

Aug 15, 2009

Region : India
Model : TL-MR3220
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : TL-MR3220_V1_121123
ISP : Reliance Netconnect +

I have reliance ZTE AC2726 modem and i am trying to connect it with using the latest firmware version 121123. Router is able to detect the modem but when it tries to dial the connection is not established and reset the router after retrying 2-3 times. It was working perfectly fine earlier when i was on 120309 firmware version. So i tried downgrading my firmware version to 120309 and again it started working. I am not sure why the latest firmware version is not working with this device. Ideally the new firmware versions for a router should fix the existing issues and all the modems which were working earlier should work.

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Computer Won't Connect To Internet Via TP Link Power Line

Feb 1, 2013

I have got a TP link wireless router connected by TP link power line ethernet adapters connected to my sky box, one to Samsung Smart TV, which both work fine the third I have connected to my computer. This shows up as as a local area connection but with no internet access. I have similar problems to other people with internet access dropping out after installing Windows * and had hoped an ethernet connection would be more stable. Any thoughts on why I can't connect to the internet via my powerline adapter.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Deny All Access Except Specific IP's To Service

Apr 1, 2013

Is it possible to deny all access except specific IP's to a service on a Dlink DIR-655 ?Say a web server on port 1234.The allowed IP's are not in a range.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: No Connection On Port Service Web (HTTP)

Feb 5, 2013

Since a few days, when I go on Web with my cable connection, the pages of sites stay on a blank page and that does not connect. Having made diagnose, I had the following message:The distant ring road(peripheral) or the resource does not accept the connection.The ring road(peripheral) or the resource [URL] is not configured to accept the connections on the port " Web Service  (HTTP) ".I phoned at my FAI ( Videotron) and having discussed for a long time, it happened at the conclusion that it was a problem of router (when I connect the computer directly on the modem, that works very well).Of an other one quoted(esteemed), a connection Wireless telegraphy works with no problem at all, fortunately because I shall not be here.I am to go to my router D-Link Dir-835 and I returned to the former(old) protection(saving) of the configuration. And now that re-works again. But the enjoyment was short-lived because this morning, the problem returned.What do you think about it? I Should make a reset of my router even if it means re-configuring everything again?


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D-Link DIR-615 :: Internet Service Lowered Due To Iphone

Oct 20, 2011

I plug it in and connect the computer to it and expect it to work. And it has been doing that without any problems until I bought an iPhone and brought it into the house.   I thought it was a fluke,  but the day I brought the phone in,  my computer started intermittently losing it's connection.  If I turn the phone off,  the connection comes back on.   But what seems really odd to me is that if I right click on the wireless network icon it says I am connected and the strength of the signal is excellent.   But then it says no internet access.

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Protocols / Routing :: Tp-link Router Connects Using Pppoe But No Internet Over Lan Or Wifi

Jul 4, 2012

I have TP-LINK TL-WR740N router and I am trying to configure it to work with my Broadband cable over PPPOE.The router once configured show status as connected with a proper IP and DNS servers. When I use the routers inbuilt ping utility to ping Google or any other site I get a reply.But when I connect my computer to the router on the LAN port I see no internet on my computer. I am able to ping the router address but not google.I tried disabling all Firewalls and Antivirus I have but problem still the same.Also I tried connecting over WIFI but still no internet.I also called up TP-LINK helpline several time and got my router replaced. They also tried a few settings on my machine but no success.

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TP-Link ADSL2+ Wireless :: TD-VG3631 - Modem Connects DSL Then Drops Repeatedly

Jan 23, 2013

Region : Australia
Model : TD-VG3631
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : TD-VG3631_V1_130108
ISP : iinet

I have set up this modem correctly as it will occasionally sync and internet will be connected for a short time 5-10 seconds then loses sync.Have asked ISP to check line and they say it is fine. I have upgraded to current firmware but same result.I purchased for wireless N and print server features.Have reverted back to 4+ year old Netgear DG834GV which works perfectly with same cabling, filter etc. ISP suggest connect VG3631 on ADSL 1 but if I need to do that I may as well take it back and buy a cheaper wireless AP.I also set my existing Netgear as modem only and connected to EWAN port of VG3631 and it did the same thing (kept dropping connection), this suggests that it is a VG3631 hardware or software problem (completely separate to DSL/Line issues).

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D-Link DCS-942L :: Change Subject Line Of Email Alerts That Are Sent?

Feb 8, 2012

Is there any way to change the subject line of the email alerts that are sent?  Right now mine are coming with the MAC address, date and time.  I would like to remove the MAC address and date and time so that I can sort them into one folder when I sort my email by subject.

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TP-Link 150Mbps Wireless :: TL-WR702N - Networking Without Available Adsl Line?

Feb 14, 2013

Region : Argentina
Model : TL-WR740N
Hardware Version : V4.20.0
Firmware Version :

Region : UnitedKingdom
Model : TL-WR702N
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : ?
ISP : Manx net

Within a property without an available adsl line I'm simply trying to network a wireless laptop with a wireless printer. Both devices recognise the router, etc, but problem sending file for printing to the printer. (laptop does not detect printer). Is the lack of an internet connection the issue or simply a configuration issue?

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 / Ip Service Object And Service Group

May 16, 2011

When I create a service object or group and add the object to a new rule it never works.I mean the traffic match not the rule. I see not hits.I placed the rule on top of my access list to check if I do somethink wrong but it is not working. When I place only a service for example tcp/23 it is working.
my ip service object
object-group service g-as400 description access client 2 as400 machine service-object tcp-udp destination eq 397 service-object tcp destination eq 137 service-object tcp destination eq 2001 service-object tcp destination eq 3000 service-object tcp destination eq 445 service-object tcp destination range 446 447 service-object tcp destination eq 449 service-object tcp destination eq 5010 service-object tcp destination eq 5544 service-object tcp destination eq 5555 service-object tcp destination range 8470 8476 service-object tcp destination eq 8480 service-object tcp destination eq


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D-Link DIR-655 :: Periodically Hangs And Loses Internet Service

May 4, 2013

Rev B, recently updated firmware to 2.10NA hoping to resolve the problem.WIFI is disabled.DHCP is disabled (I run a SBS 2008 server, but for testing i static ally assigned IP info on my test PC and disconnected all other systems including the server).Before updating the firmware, the router would hang for a couple minutes and then be OK for some random period, usually more than a few hours.  After updating and resetting to factory defaults, I'm now lucky to get ten minutes of service before it hangs.  The "globe" light goes out, blinks yellow and then within 20 seconds or so, goes out for good.  At that point I can't even connect to the router's admin login page.  I either have to power cycle the router OR the cable modem.  I have confirmed it's the 655 by reconnecting my old (and I guess more trusty Linksys WRT54G.  Same settings, same WAN MAC and WAN IP, no problems after many hours.

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Tp-link 300mbps Wireless :: Wr941nd - Network Not Works If Two Computers Connects Through Wifi

Jan 2, 2013

Region : Poland
Model : TL-WR941ND
Hardware Version : V3
Firmware Version :

I have a problem with files sharing via wi-fi. I can not share files over the network using wi-fi connections. While the network is the cable connection sharing is available. The network also acts as one computer is connected by a cable to the router and the other via wifi. But if the two computers are working through wifi network does not work. Are there any settings in the router, which can cause blocking calls via wifi?

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TP-Link TL-WR1043ND - Extend Network Via Power Line Adapters Or Second Router

Nov 23, 2012

My situation is as follows: A modem in the hallway closet with an internet connection via a coax cable. A living room with an i Mac and a Philips PFL9604 TV connected to the wireless network. The wireless network is provided by a new TP- Link TL-WR1043ND router which is setup next to the modem.

I would like to do the following:
Stream content such as HD movies, shows etc from the i Mac to the TV. Use the TV to watch missed shows with the apps on the TV via internet. Make use of the internet speed upgrade (75 - 150 m bit/s) which will come in a few months. However the signal of the router currently isn't strong enough to maintain a stable connection since it's too far away. The distance from the router to the TV and the i Mac is 12 meters and 6 meters with a wall in between as well. Now I can't move the modem from the hallway closet else the signal to the modem will be too weak nor can I wire an utp cable from the hallway to the living room and put the router there.

I have come up with two possible options now:
Use power line adapters by plugging one into the hallway socket and one in the living room so I can put the router there.
I currently have these power line adapter to try out, however my internet connection occasionally drops while using these adapters. Take the old WRT54GL router or a second TP- Link TL-WR1043ND and use WDS to create 1 network and have good coverage in the living room. The i Mac and TV can then be connected via Ethernet cables to the second router if necessary. I assume it would be best to place the second router closest to the first one for the strongest signal.

The second options seems the best to me as the power line adapters don't seem very promising based on my experience so far. I would like to know if connecting two routers is a viable method to obtain good and stable coverage in the living room?

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Motorola SB6141 Link Speed LED On Cable Modem Never Glows Blue

Feb 26, 2013

when I connect my DIR-655 to the Motorola SB6141 cable modem I notice that the link speed LED on the cable modem never glows blue indicating a gigabit connection, it only glows amber indicating a lower negotiated speed.  I am using a Cat6 cable between the two devices and have also tried a Cat5e cable.

When I try and force the WAN port speed to 1000Mpbs in the router interface the cable modem link speed will not light at all with no connectivity. Only resetting to Auto WAN port speed restores functionality albeit at the lower negotiated speed setting.

I'm running the DIR-655 rev B1 at 2.03NA firmware level.

I did connect the modem directly to my PC that uses an Intel Gigabit ethernet card and still had the lower connection indication (Amber) so it seems that the modem might be faulty.

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Cisco Application :: ACE 20 Service-policy Out Of Service / Still Able To Connect To VIP

Feb 28, 2012

We have a situation where services are stopped on the real servers. The probes fail and we confirm the services are not running on the server. We cannot access the ports from the ACE directly. We can still however acces the VIP on the TCP port (L4 VIP class-map). So we can still telnet to the VIP on the port from thr Client side of the network.This is on ACE 20 Modules deployed in Routed mode. The version of software is A2(3.3).
Tried removing multi-match and loadbalance policies as well as class-map and re-applying then re-appyling the service policy to interface. Same behavior,This is a problem at another level as some services are being monitored by GSS via TCP keep-Alive and this obviuosly causes a problem as the service then never goes off-line.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Setup IPv6 In IPv4 Tunnel With Tunnerbroker Service

Mar 24, 2013

Recently I wanted to setup IPv6 for my home network. I signed up for tunnelbroker.net service and was provided with IPs. Then I configured the IP address in my DIR-615. But It's not working..

Screenshot of IPv6 config (router) : Screenshot of my Win 8 network Config : I also tested at [URL] but failed...

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