Can't Connect To Wired Network - Stuck On Identifying

Feb 19, 2012

It all happened pretty suddenly, from 1 day to the other, suddenly i was unable to connect to my home network. I started to troubleshoot, search forums etc. But no luck. I triedand look for the problem myself and found that thenetwork was enabled but it stayed on "identifying network". By clicking buttons from here and there on thecontrol panel i found something like a network recognition or something like that and a yellow little prompt appeared on the top of the explorer saying something like the network idetification was disabled, so i clicked and selected enable but it prompted again, so i just entered to the advanced network recognition center and noticed that on the public and private tabs netowrk recognition was disabled, so i clicked enable on both and saved changes, but the changes dont save, its like if i wasn't on a administrator account (but i had no error messages, it just wont enable).

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Wireless Network Is Stuck On Identifying?

Jul 24, 2012

My work wireless network is stuck on identifying. It works for ALL other computers in the office. It works when I am wired to the router. I've tried most things that forums tell me to do. Below is the IP config. It is only this network and one other. Both are provided by verizon if that makes any difference.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Windows IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :


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Laptop Is Stuck On Identifying?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm at my girlfriend's house and every laptop in the house works beside hers! I tried mine and it connects flawlessly also my itouch and my eee-pc also connect without any trouble but her laptop is stuck on Identifying i tried the whole netsh reset thing and sadly we cannot have access to her router as her dad hates it when we play in his Linux based stuff anyways any simple fix would be welcome, i hope no one will suggest changing routers/reinstalling the whole OS[CODE]

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Stuck On Identifying: Wireless Internet

Aug 11, 2011

I've been having this problem on my computer for about a month. I've seriously done everything everyone has suggested after searching every inch of every tech forum. The above did not work for me.

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Wireless Internet Connection Stuck At Identifying?

Oct 1, 2011

Yesterday I got one my computer and was on my internet then i closed my browser and 10 minutes later got back on but then it wouldnt let me so I went to my networking and sharing center and its stuck at Identifying..

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Dell Inspiron 4030 Laptop Is Not Identifying The Wired Network?

Dec 21, 2012

I am having Dell Inpiron 4030. Following are specs

Quote: Quote:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(Tm) i3 CPU M380 @2.53GHz
RAM - 2.00 GB
OS - Windows 7 ultimate 32 but

I am unable to connect to the wired network. We have a 4 port prolink router and there is no error with it. I know because I am using the same cable for my laptop, which I am using for my desktop. I just unplug it from the desktop and plug it to laptop. I am unable to provide any specs from the desktop because there is an error in that computer.

However, I can give ipconfig/all data from my father's computer, which use another port of the same router.

My laptop is working perfectly with the Mobile BroadBand. And this is a dual boot computer with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and the cable is fine with Ubuntu.

Following is the result of ipconfig/all

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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Laptop Identifying Network But Not Connect Fully

Jan 21, 2012

i have tried many things i have tried to reset my router with the cmd prompt i have checked my drivers i have tried the simple things and at this point.

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Wireless Will Not Connect At All / It Continues To Cycle Through Identifying?

Sep 2, 2012

A day ago, I was having trouble with my apartment modem, and due to a busy schedule, was only able to do a quick "Unplug and reset" which seemed to work at first, but eventually it stopped working all together. Today, I traveled from my apartment to my "home" home, where the wireless network is set at a "Home" security level. However, my wireless now will not connect at all. It continues to cycle through "Identifying" yet cannot make the connection. It works through a LAN connection however.So far, I've attempted the follow:

- run>ipconfig/all, ipconfig/reset, etc

- winsock reset

- system restore

My computer is a Samsung RC512, running windows 7. Here's the paste from my ipconfig/all:

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :

Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection 2:

Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : DC-A9-71-93-16-52[code]....

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DHCP Get Identifying Network Forever

Apr 20, 2011

Out of all the computers in my house there is one computer that does not seem to be able to get an internet connection. Usally I would fire up the computer, then unplug and put back in the wireless device and it would start working but just recently no matter what I try it will not work. When I set the computer up to connect with a static ip, i get a local connection only (or at least thats what networking centre says) and when i rely on dhcp i get 'identifying network' forever. No network settings have been changed and I have tried an ethernet connection as well which also didn't work. I have tested the wireless device on another computer and it works fine.

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Connect To Wireless Router (Netgear WNR1000) It Says Identifying?

Aug 10, 2012

For a while now when I try to connect to my wireless router (Netgear WNR1000) It says "Identifying..." for a while, but then it will disconnect . My wireless only works sometimes if I reset the router every once and a while. Even then it will connect properly with my computer for two days tops. The wireless works on the other computers in the house, just not mine. I've checked all of the wireless settings to make sure they match correctly to the network .

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Home Network :: Identifying Linksys Router?

Jul 25, 2012

I've recently been on a kick of acquiring a small collection of the old school stackable Linksys equipment, and in one of my searches I came across a picture of one I'd never seen before.

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Wireless Network Stays As Identifying And Not Connecting

Jan 19, 2012

Where I tried to conect to my home wifi or the school's wifi and it just says "identifying" on the network connections and on the list of wifi networks around in the notification area it says "No internet acces" and can't connect to the internet. I stoped trying to look for a solution but I don't have internet at home


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Enabling Identifying Network Cable Unplugged?

Nov 22, 2011

So here's a fresh spin (and not in a good way) on the seemingly common port-flapping issue, where a windows vista/7 machine's ethernet port vacillates between "enabling, identifying,network cable unplugged." I've tried the fixes I've seen around, like forcing the speed to 10 or 100Mb duplex,etc. But I think the problem goes deeper than that -or drivers or faulty NICs. Its acting like it's in the cabling. . . but not. Any advice would be welcome.Just switched from one DSL provider (Bell) to another (Teksavvy). Connected via a dry loop. When the Bell tech first set it up a year ago, he did it like this: Patch cord frome the Bell 2Wire modem/router combo to a female coupler. Female coupler attached to cat5 cable running about 25/30 feet along baseboards around the corner to another female coupler. Patch cord from female coupler to NIC in the back of my box. This worked fine. New set up with Tek savvy is as follows: DSL modem via patch cord to (wireless) D-Link router. D-link router connected to computer by same aforementioned setup. This results in the port-flapping named in the title of this message, on the hard line only. Any change in my computer was ruled out by connecting a brand new, never been connected laptop and the same terminal as my computer. Results in port flapping. The same laptop connected to the router by just the patch cord results in a perfect connection. I've tried moving the patch cords around, it doesn't change the results, so they're fine. I have no way of testing this long stretch of installed cable in the middle, with the couplers on it, since I don't have an equal length cable to try out anywhere, but I'd be surprised if that just died after a year's use exactly when I connected new hardware to the other end of it. Running windows 7 with a RealTek NIC on my box. D-Link router (will check the model later, at work at the moment), and TP-Link DSL modem. The system delivers wireless internet flawlessly.

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Toshiba With Windows 7 Identifying Network But No Internet Access

Feb 10, 2012

why I have perfect internet access on my Desktop and other lap top but on my Toshiba Windows 7 I get the "Identifying...""No Internet Access" every time. Ive tried deleting the bonjour service.

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Connect To Wired Printer On Another Network?

Mar 12, 2012

is it possible to connect between 2 networks (different ips)? i have a wired ethernet group n a wireless group, my printer is on the wired group, my laptop on the wireless one.

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Can't Connect To The Wired Internet On Another Network

Jul 24, 2012

I just brought my new PC build over to my grandmothers house and I can't connect to the internet on her connection. All I did was plug her Ethernet cable into my port on the back of my motherboard. I didn't touch any other cables or settings. It seemed to recognize there was a connection but said it was public and was trying to identify it. Then, I was unable to connect to the internet.

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Wireless Network Stuck On Acquiring Network Address And Cannot Renew IP

Jul 5, 2011

A few days ago the internet on my desktop was working fine. now it has the 'limited or no connectivity' sign on it and i have done a few things to try and fix this. I started by trying a simple repair. it comes up with 'the following action can not be completed: Renewing your IP address' This lead me to try and restart my PC and router with no luck.

I then decided to look a bit further into it and went ito CMD and flushed the DNS. i then did 'ipconfig /release' which generated the response 'IP address for adapter wireless connection 9 has allready been released'. I then did 'ipconfig /renew' to which it generated an interestin response:

'An error occurred while renewing interface wireless network connection 9 : The RPC server is unavailable'

I have made sure my DNS client is on automatic, alont with my RPC (this was uneditable). Its not a router problem as i have had multiple devices connected before and my laptop is working just fine connecting wirelessly.

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Cannot Connect To The Same Network With Wired And Wireless Computers

Nov 2, 2012

I have a dell desktop running windows vista that connects to my wireless router with a cable. I have an HP laptop that is running windows 7 that is wireless.When I look at network computers on the dell I get an error message that says that the computer is not accessible. The same thing happens when I try to log onto the desktop from the laptop. When I try to run the network wizard from the desktop, I see see connect to the internet, connect to a wireless router or access point, setup a dialup connection and connect to a workplace.None of them make sense but I tried connect to a wireless router and got a message that said to set it up manually or set up a flash drive, neither of which makes sense. I tried set it up manually and all that happened is the router setup screen opened up.I tried the same thing on the laptop and the setup the network wizard opened a screen that said choose a wireless router or access point to configure, but nothing ever showed up on that screen.

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Gateway Netbook Cannot Connect To Network - Wired Or Wireless

Aug 1, 2012

The netbook was working fine on wireless network; didnt use it for a couple of days - now I cannot conenct wired or wireless; cannot see the wired or wireless modem , only MSN dial up. But the wireless modem light is blinking steadily. Otherwise the netbook is working OK - it even seems to boot up quicker than it used to)(I would reinstall the OS but it didnt come with OS DVD or a DVD drive ; so I didnt create a backup when I bought it. I have since purchased a USB DVD drive; this is one of two identical netbooks I purchased on black Friday - other one works perfectly?

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Advantages / Disadvantages Of Wired Over Wireless Network Connect

Aug 9, 2011

I just wanted to know the advantages and disadvantages of wired over wireless network connections

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Linksys Wired Router :: VPN Can't Connect To Network RVS4000

Mar 14, 2011

I have successfully configured my Cisco RVS4000 for VPN Access, and Installed QuckVPN on my client machine.  I can connect using QuickVPN no problem, but I cant access anything on my network.  When I try pinging any of my servers I am unable to do so.  I can ping my gateway thats about it.

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Dell :: E6420 - Can't Connect To Wired Or Wireless Network

Feb 7, 2012

My laptop is the E6420 and I cant connect to the Internet, the little wireless icon doesnt even show up in the taskbar. tried to set up a new network, didnt work, it says the modem's been removed. but no other info.

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D-Link DI-524 - Computer Sees Wireless Network But It Won't Connect Even Wired

Jun 25, 2011

I'm desperately trying to set up my old D-Link DI-524 on my parent's Toshiba laptop...I'm visiting and going thru withdrawals! I've installed it, run the wizard etc but it doesn't work...not even wired. I've tried various cable configurations and I get nothing. Both cables are good and work just fine connected to the modem. I've reset it a few times, upgraded the firmware and still nothing...I'd think I'd at least get it to work hard wired. My laptop can see the network I set up even...but no data transmission. I'm not a wireless expert, but I need to become one fast!

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XBox 360 - Wireless To Wired Router Connect Network Not Internet?

Dec 12, 2012

I'm having trouble connecting my 360 to the wireless router to gain Internet access.I use my phone's Wi-Fi to gain internet access with NO issues. My current setup: NetGear Wireless router is connected to my D-Link wired router, and I can access the internet no problem. (10 MBPS down, 5MBPS up)When I try to connect the 360 to the Netgear Wireless router, it connects to the Network, but Internet test it reads "DNS error - The router or modem may mot be automatically providing DNS settings. Try a manual DNS setting instead."(Next suggestion) "DNS Error - If you have a PC that can successfully browse the web, check it's network properties to find the DNS address it uses..."Now, I have XBMC running on my computer, and the 360 can access the network so it shows up under Video Apps so I can see a file list to stream movies. When I try to run a movie, it says I must download an update - so I can't watch the movies at all.I juso set it up so I can access the Network AND Internet.Again, Netgear wireless router (which 360 connects to) connected to D-Link wired router.

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Wndr3700 - Use Router To Connect Wired Xbox To Wireless Network?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm sure it's on here but because I dont understand the name of what I'm looking for, I'm having trouble searching. My main network is setup for wireless via a netgear wndr3700. I'd like to use my old linksys wrt54g v5 to connect to that network wirelessly and allow me to connect my xbox via wired ethernet. Basically instead of buying a wireless adapter for the xbox, i'd like to know if/ how i can use my linksys router instead.

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Cabling / Cards :: Ar9285 - Wireless And Wired Adapter Will Not Connect To Network?

Oct 26, 2011

I have an hp g62 laptop and it has an Atheros ar9285 wireless adapter and a realtek pci-e ff ethernet adapter. For some reason just recently neither will connect to my netgear cable wifi router. I have two smartphones,xbox and two other laptops that connect with no problem. Everything is configured correctly that i can tell and both drivers have been updated. still nothing, it trys to connect but keeps saying identifying then it says no internet access. also i have disabled firewall and entered the security paraphrase twice just to make sure.

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Linksys Wired Router :: RV082 - Cannot Connect PPTP To Server On Outside Of Network?

Jan 24, 2011

I cannot connect to a PPTP on the outside of my network.We have a RV082, port 1723.It says verifying username and password but then disconnects.The error log says Blocked IP Spoofing.

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NIC Stuck On Acquiring Network Address?

Jul 16, 2011

Recently during the power failure my PC shut down abruptly since since then it is not connecting to the network. I have a cable broadband internet, I am using Ethernet wired connection, Intel PRO/100 VE. The Ethernet jack is good as I have confirmed using my laptop. The network connection gets stuck in acquiring network address state. I tried restoring the system to earlier date but it fails to restore. I installed new Intel drives, deleted ethernet adapter from device manager, reinstalled TCP/IP but no luck.. I am using XP SP3 on P4 machine,

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Network Speed Stuck At 10mbps

Mar 20, 2011

The Setup On my home network, I am running Windows Server 2003 as domain controller and file server with a SCSi attached disk array.I have several client PC's. 2 running Windows XP service pack 3, 1 laptop running Windows 7 Service pack 1 and a desktop also running Windows 7 Service Pack 1.These are connected by 2 switches - 1 x Netgear gigabit switch, and a Linksys PSUS4 USB Print server at 100mbps.The PC I use the most is the desktop running Win7 and transfer files to the server.After transferring some large files from the clients to the server, I noticed that the speed was considerably slower than what I was expecting it to be. After investigating, and eliminating elements of the network, I discovered that the Server NIC was running at 10mbps. I tried the usual things like forcing the NIC to run at 100mbps Full Duplex but this had no effect. Strangely, if I reboot the server while the desktop is still switched on the connection goes back to 100mbps. However if I reboot the desktop, or even alter the network settings, it immediatley reverts back to 10mbps.

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Wireless :: Network Key Stuck With Old Password?

Jan 9, 2011

Can't connect to my own Wireless Network? My Gateway Laptop network key is stuck with an old password? It seems to accept new password but never does connect, and when I retry, there's the old password back again, which I don't remember and was for the other modem. Have tried deleting the Realtec Wireless Adapter and reinstalling but the old password still returns? Tried renaming Wireless Network but old password still returns? Tried accessing Registry with no luck. Only way the Laptop can access is to leave Wireless Network Open/Unsecured, but that's not an option.

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Stuck At Acquiring Network Address?

Jan 19, 2011

I was connected on wifi and all of a sudden I got disconnected and hasn't been able to connect since. This happened Sunday night and it's now Thursday. I got stuck on acquiring network address. I've been using the same wifi connection for about 7 months now and this never happened before.

All the other laptops at home (Mac and XP) could connect except me. I tried to google over my phone but still wasn't able to fix it.

This is what the ipconfig says:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


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Wireless Stuck At Acquiring Network Address

Aug 6, 2011

i recently bought a dell mini laptop and i am already encountering problems with my wireless. i am on the laptop now, but i connected it via ethernet, and that is apparently working. whenever i hit repair it gets stuck at acquiring ip address.

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Wireless Stuck On Acquiring Network Address?

Oct 14, 2011

I'm running a Windows XP Dell laptop. A few days ago I completely reformatted the computer because it was just starting to run slow. I reinstalled Windows from the factory CD and downloaded the latest drivers from Dell's website. Now suddenly, after the reformat, my network connection gets stuck on "Acquiring network address." Running ipconfig shows either or a blank space for each field.Other laptops in the house work fine.I did discover that I can get it to say "Connected" if I go into the advanced settings and manually enter an IP address and use the subnet and gateway from my desktop's ipconfig results. The problem is that I can't actually get on the internet. It just says it's "connected."

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