Cisco :: LMS 4.1 / Device Discovery Not Working Correctly

Jan 18, 2012

we are running CiscoPrime LMS 4.1 and I have the following problem.I have configured SNMP Settings as shown below (the order of the targets is exactly as it is configured on the server):As can be seen we use three different read community strings. I also have exluded a bunch of IP ranges and IPs from the filter settings. When I manually start discovery everything works fine, meaning that all devices in the above ranges that need to be discovered are discovered as "reachable". The problem appears in the scheduled discovery (happens once daily). In that case only the devices with Read Community snmp1, get discovered as "reachable". All other devices with Read community snmp2 & snmp3, as well as those that are excluded in the filter settings, are discovered as "unreachable".The discovery uses DCR as seed and seed devices are also configured.I also have a problem with PingSweep in the discovery, but I will open another discussion so that I don't complicate this one too much.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA6500 Device List Not Working Correctly

Feb 19, 2013

Since a couple of weeks I have a linksys EA6500. When I go to the device list to see which devices are online the device list is not displayig the correct data. I see devices online that are offline and also devices are offline that are at the moment online. When I try to delete a device that is offline in the list I get error 2315. I have that error in the local and cloud interface. The list has a frozen state from a particular moment.
When I reboot the router then all devices in the list have status offline and the device list stays that way. Nothing gets online anymore or will be added. When I reset the router to factory default all keeps working without problems for approximately 24 hours and after that the problem occurs again. The list freezes again and you are not able to delete a device.
I searched the forums but no one has this problem. I only can find a post that describes my problem but for them a reset worked. In my case a factory reset works also but the problem keeps coming back. 

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Cisco :: Device Discovery In Prime LMS 4.1

Sep 8, 2011

I am using CISCO PRIME LMS 4.1 for manage my network, i ran a device discovery job using a ping sweep on the ip ranges of my network, ie, and so on... the discovery found all my devices, but it discovered duplicate devices with illegal ip Addresses, i.e.,
ip                                    device               S1                    S1                    S1 (the real address)
all in reachable status.
I don't understand why the program adds that repeated illegal addresses.. How can I run the device discovery to avoid this problem?

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Cisco :: Configure Device Discovery In LMS 4.0 Works

Aug 1, 2011

I´m getting started on ciscoworks and i trying to configure a device discovery to start but i have some questions about how configure this tool exist 5 parameters that i have to configure to start the device discovery.
•Configuring Discovery Module Settings
•Configuring Seed Device Settings


I want to add devices that found neighbors via  CDP son in the configuring discovery module setting i choice that option In the configuring seed device setting i choose DCR as seed device that means those devices already in the DCR start discovering from those devices but you can add more seed devices how i can add a seed device ? with ip addres or something like this? and this device have to be in the DCR already or not? The configuring SNMP settings, this community correspond to what device? the devices that i want to add ? and in the field target name what ip adders have to be? and if i have different community of snmp in my devices what device and snmp community have to configure in this parameter

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Cisco :: LMS 3.2 - Common Services Device Management / Discovery?

Jun 20, 2011

I use the Edit Identity option to change the "Display Name" from an IP to a station name, it is overwritten when a discovery has been done. I have checked the discovery settings and tried using the update DCR Display name setting to prevent this from happening, but it makes no difference.Is there something i am missing? This is on LMS 3.2?

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Cisco :: 6509 - LMS 3.2 CM Device Discovery Multiple Interfaces

Apr 2, 2012

we use LMS 3.2 in our network. We have a couple of 6509-V-E Switches with mutiple interfaces (VLAN interfaces and Layer 3 interfaces) The problem is, campus manager discovers the switch by a interface time its a lay3 Interface and another one its a vlan interface which none of them are in DNS hence no name resolution can be made.

Is there a way to "tell" CM to us for instance the VLAN Management IP of the switch?

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Cisco :: 1500 LMS4 Manual Device Discovery

Nov 7, 2011

I have a very special usecase with migrating devices from LMSv2.6 to v4.1 using DCR bulk import that was maintained manualy, not by discovering.The special thing is each device has its own SNMP-community and its about 1500 devices.RME discovery works fine, but I get the devices not discovered by DCR (CSDiscovery), because I need a minimal DCR discovery configration containing Seed and SNMP-settings. So I activated DCR as seed, but cant skip SNMP settings without an entry. But in this case I would need 1500 SNMP-lines that would be very unhandy. is in CSDiscovery-Settings a possibility to can leave SNMP settings untouched so it takes the credentials from the DCR, to can start DCR discovery?

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Cisco :: LMS 4.1 Device Discovery Will Not Start When Launched Manually

Apr 19, 2012

I have problem in recently installed LMS 4.1 Device discovery will not start when launched manually. When i hit the button, it doesn't even give a popup window saying that the discovery is started and that email will be sent... If I schedule it is launched, runs and finishes correctly. All proceses are started and it seems that application is working ok. LMS is installed on Win 2008 R2.

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Cisco :: Prime LMS 4.2.2 Discovery Appends Domain Name To Device Name?

Feb 19, 2013

The problem is that - although negotiated in global discovery settings - Prime appends domain name to the device name so that all switches (not routers) have "confusing names". The domain name is not required in device name. What can i do?

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Cisco :: LMS 4.2 / W2K8 R2 - Discovery Not Working

Jul 12, 2012

LMS 4.2, W2K8 R2.I was having an issue with discovery adding devices to with corrupt information (seemingly random strings of characters in several fields).  While I was trying to clean this up a scheduled discovery kicked off and further exacerbated the issues I was having.  Frustrated, I deleted all entries from the discovery schedule until I could get things cleaned up.
Now I want to go back and troubleshoot the discovery process.  Trouble is, I can't get discovery to do anything anymore.  I disabled all modules but CDP.  I added a single seed IP address under the CDP configuration.  This is the address of a 3560V2 switch that is not in DCR.  When I started discovery it completed in about 2 seconds and didn't discover anything, including the seed device.  So I added another 3560V2 as a seed device under global settings.  Same results.  Thinking that it had been working using scheduled discovery, I set up a schedule and kicked it off that way.  Same results.  Finally I added one of these seed devices to DCR and let LMS fully learn about it.  Ran another discovery. Still no joy.
I started an SNMP debug on the seed devices before starting discovery.  I see the SNMP get coming from LMS, the switches respond and the discovery completes with 0 devices discovered.CS Discovery.log contains no meaningful information.  Only messages about "No appenders could be found for logger".

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Cisco Wireless :: AP1140 Not Working Correctly?

Dec 9, 2012

I recently aquired a 2nd AP1140, however when i configure it for WPA 2 it works inconsistent, a ping for example will work only for 33% of the time.The same client has no issues with my 1st AP using WPA2, with the 2nd AP WEP works without a glitch.

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Wireless Internet Not Working Correctly

Jan 14, 2011

We have two laptop computers and our Tivo hooked up to use the wireless internet through our cable company with a Belkin router. Over Christmas we got a camera that emails directly from it, and it told us to press the WSP button on the Belkin router. The camera magically worked, however our computers did not work anymore! After an hour long phone call to Belkin, I got one of my computers to work normally again. However the 2nd laptop won't connect to the internet and our tivo isn't picking it up either, which mean our shows are not recording.

Also, I'm using two apple computers. When I attempt to hook up the airport network, it says "unable to join the network."

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Cisco Routers :: RV220w DNS Resolution Is Not Working Correctly

Sep 23, 2011

My RV220w has a problem with DNS.  I have configured the device for my network, but it seems as though DNS is not working correctly. For a background, I have a primarily Windows environment in my network, W7 PCs.  I use homegroup to share files/printers amongst them.  I like that I can type "\<server-name> in the Windows search box, and up comes the other computer's files.  This functionality is still there with the RV220w, so that's not my issue. My problem arises when attempting to type "<server-name>" into the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box.  I can no longer RDP to my other computers by name.  Attempting by IP does get me there.

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Cisco :: LMS 4.1 - Not Working After Reboot / Services Don't Start Correctly

Aug 30, 2012

We have LMS 4.1 - it was working perfectly for some time - it was rebooted and now the services don't start correctly. I manually started most of the services but the Daemon service will not start.
The main page comes up and after I log in - all the sections list an error
'License Server / Deamon Manager  is down. Please check license.log for more information'.

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Virtual Wifi - Ics No Longer Working Correctly

Mar 27, 2011

I use the Windows7 Virutal WIFI when traveling abroad to give my Iphone an internet connection in my hotel.I've had zero issues until this week. The WIFI connection is still showing up on my iphone, but I no longer get internet access (I only get an IP and subnet on the iphone now, no router or DNS info). The issue began (coincidence or not) as my MagicJack downloaded and installed a software update. MagicJack support says they aren't the issue. I experimented with created an Ad-Hoc change. I've removed and reinstalled the wireless card and driver. No change. I suspect some corruption with ICS, but haven't found any solutions online to fix it.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Richard-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : MARCOGROUP.local


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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 3560 With WCCP Not Working Correctly

Jun 17, 2012

I am trying to configure a 3560 (Version 12.2(55)SE3) with IPServices to run WCCP to two to an Ironport WSA.
I believe everything is setup correctly, however WCCP is still not operational. I have check the debug logs on the switch and I'm presented with a number of messages along the lines of...
*Mar  1 03:44:47.891: WCCP-EVNT:wccp_update_assignment_status: enter
*Mar  1 03:44:47.891: WCCP-EVNT:wccp_update_assignment_status: exit
*Mar  1 03:44:47.891: WCCP-EVNT:wccp_copy_wc_assignment_data: enter


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Cisco Routers :: RV042 Load Balance Not Working Correctly

Feb 8, 2012

We have an RV042 on firmware version and 2 ISPs:
WAN1 = Telepacific T1
1.5Mbps down and 1.5Mbps up
WAN2 = AT&T U-Verse
12Mbps down and 5Mbps up
I have it set to Load Balance, Primary WAN = WAN2
Network Service Detection enabled, only pinging the Remote Host of and set to Generate Log
Bandwidth is set to:
WAN1 = 1000Kbps upstream & downstream
WAN2 = 5040Kbps upstream & 12000Kbps downstream
It seems to pick WAN1 a lot of the time.  Do I have something setup wrong?

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 3750 - New Switch Not Working Correctly

Jan 30, 2012

I have a Catalyst 3750 switch configured in a network. I would like an additional 3750 switch as a "hot" standby. A 2nd 3750 switch was purchased, and the same configuration was entered in to the new switch, so I have 2 switches with the exact same configuration.
When I move the connections to the new switch, I have a few VLANs that do not come up. One VLAN does come up and work normally. The VLANs in question show down, protocol down, and a show ip route reveals routes to the networks on these VLANs are not there When I put everything back on the original switch, everything works normally.
Why would the new switch not work with the exact same configuration?

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Cabling / Cards :: LAN Not Working Correctly In Sony Vaio Vpceb24en?

Feb 2, 2013

The internet connection on my laptop does not work correctly when connected to lan ,but it works fine for the WIFI.i checked the internet connection ,it works fine in other computes.most of the time the connection through lan is not recognized. sometimes it works fine for 1 day and does not work for another day.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Motion Monitoring Setup Not Working Correctly

Apr 20, 2011

It seems that motion monitoring setup for 930L is not working correctly.I've setup the camera to ONLY monitor the half of the screen, but it is still monitoring the other half of the screen as well.I've setup the camera to FTP the messages when motion is detected, and it is uploading the images when the other half contains the motion.

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Linksys Wireless Adapters :: AE1000 Working But Install Not Completed Correctly?

Feb 11, 2012

All Installed my AE1000 this evening, after two go`s got it to work BUT the Cisco installer comes up with "Our customer support team can assist Your Linksys Adapter was not successfully setup." but it is working .. I never got the screen with the four "bubbles" (as per the instructions here on the Cisco website)
PS Running Win7 with AVG security

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Router Blocking Packets / Program Stopped Working Correctly

May 27, 2012

I have a DLink DIR-615 rev. B2 firmware 2.25. A few days ago, I started using Comodo Unite for VPN access with friends and LAN gaming. However, just recently the program stopped working correctly. I have reset my configuration, tried multiple different settings, and nothing at all has remotely worked.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Added X6704 Card To 6513 Switch / Not Working Correctly

Mar 7, 2012

I just added a X6704 card to our 6513 switch, and it is not working correctly. We are running 12.2(33)SXI5. [code]

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Wireless Router Not Working With Certain Device

Jan 3, 2013

My problem is that we updated (yeah, right) our old router to a new TALKTALK one. Now my phone and one laptop device is connecting fine, no problem, but my old laptop that I need to go on is not liking the new connection. It's saying that it is connected but only local access is available and it says the connection is unidentified.

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Cisco :: 2000 Series Not Working And Cannot Choose Any Device

Jul 12, 2012

Our LMS DCR include more then 1200 devices, ( ASR 1000, CISCO 2600, 2800 advanced ip services IOS etc. )Everything is working well except the IP SLA device table is empty.I can not choose any device from this table.How can i import/add devices to this table/database automatically ?

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D-Link DAP-1522 :: WPA Not Working With Android Device?

Dec 4, 2011

I am unable to connect and Android device (HTC Desire, Samsung Nexus S etc) wirelessly to the DAP-1522. I've search through the forums and can't find anyone else having issues with Android so I think it must be one of my settings. It works fine if I switch to WEP however I don't want to use the weaker hackable protocol. Any way to have the DAP-1522 in WPA working with an android device?

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Cisco Infrastructure :: CCA 3.1(1) Device Setup Wizard Not Working For SR520-FE(W)?

Jan 5, 2012

Steps to repeat the bug:

1)  Physical Reset of SR520-FE to factory defaults

2)  Run CCA 3.1(1) and connect to using the default cisco/cisco login

3)  Under the Home Menu, click the Device Setup Wizard

4)  In Step 1, sellect the SR520 and observe that there is also a photograph of the SR520-FE(W) model displayed as feedback for Step 1

5)  Try variations of Steps 2 through 4

Note:  Step 4 has a problem because it says to plug the power into the device, but if the power was not already plugged in to begin with, we could not run the Device Setup Wizard in the first place.

6)  Step 5 prompts for a user name and password. 

BUG:  No permutations of the documented default usernames and passwords "cisco" or "admin" work.  The result is always the error dialog:Device Connectivity Status - "Failure: Not Connected.""Return to Step 1.  Make sure that your PC is not connected to a network and you follow all the instructions."A search of the web indicates others are also had this unresolved issue with previous CCA releases.

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Device Is Not Working Properly / Windows Cannot Load Drivers Required

Jun 19, 2012

This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)Click 'Check for solutions' to send data about this device to Microsoft and to see if there is a solution available.Plug and Play ID.When I test it says the adapter is working properly. I don't know if this matters but I am unable to get microsoft updates. I have 16 that continue trying to update but my computer will not allow.

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Cabling / Cards :: Broadcom Network Adapter 802.11g Stopped Working After Trying To Fix Unknown Device

Nov 3, 2011

It may be a coincidence but my Broadcom Network Adapter 802.11g stopped working after trying to fix 'unknown device' in Device Manager (It was working perfectly before this).OS: Windows 7 Starter on 'BenQ Joybook Lite U105'.I tried the Windows Network trouble shooter and it didn't work (saying there may be a problem with the driver. I uninstalled the driver and re-installed it (including a possibly newer one) and it didn't work. Within 'Network Connections" the Broadcom wireless adapter is shown as 'disabled' I R-clicked to enable it, a window popped up saying it was enabled but it still showed as being disabled. My feeling is that something is preventing it from being enabled, logically, I would guess. Also went to 'Component Services' and ether started or restarted everything with the word network on it still no luck..My Google search on an other pc , now on day 3, couldn't find anything. (BTW the 'unknown device' which according to the icon, seems to be the joybook itself, is still not fixed and still listed as 'unknown device').

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Cisco :: ASA 5505 / WCS Discovery Over VPN?

Jan 15, 2012

I am having trouble getting 1142 LAP to find the controller. We are running an ASA 5505 at our main campus where the 5508 is located. Each Of our distribution centers have a PIX501 and from there about 3-5 AP's each. The AP's that were primmed before instalation work great, however we need the ability to get the other ones that were already installed and not finding controller to work with out cycling them through main campus. I have opened up UDP ports 12222-12223 and 5246-5246 with no luck.

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Cisco :: CSM 4.2 RA VPN Policy Discovery?

Nov 29, 2011

we're evaulating the Cisco SM 4.2. After adding my ASA 5520 the Policies are discovered from the device except the RA VPN Policies.I tried to trigger the discovery process manually and i got this errormessage Please verify the device "IP address", "hostname", "domain name" and "port number" are correct, there is network connectivity between the CS Manager server and the device, and the device is configured to accept https connections, the device is running, and then retry this operation.which i don't understand because the other policies were retrieved just fine.

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Cisco :: Discovery ASA Firewalls In LMS 4.0

Feb 16, 2012

I have a problem discovering some ASA firewalls on a network. I have several ASA firewalls on this /24 network, but some of them I can't discover e.g 149.x.x.107 is discovered ok, but 149.x.x.20 I can't discover. It seems that it's not even trying to discover the devices I have problems with. Nothing is shown in the discovery log.

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Cisco :: LMS / Prime 4.1 - No Discovery Of WS-X4712-SFP+E

Dec 4, 2011

my customer is using Cisco Prime 4.1 as an Upgrade from LMS 4.0 and has made a discovery of a new added Cat 4506E with a Sup 7E and Modules.All the devices have been discovered, excepted the module WS-X4712-SFP+E.Is this card not supported yet ?I could not find any detailled and actual information about the support or not of this module, or about the conditions for the Module support it in Prime 4.1..How ist it possible to proceed to having this module discovered ?

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