Computer Randomly Disconnects From Modem But Modem Is Still Running
Jul 5, 2012
my computer randomly disconnects from my modem and will not reconnect until I restart my computer (do not need to restart modem). When I check the modem, it always is still running. The lights on the modem do the exact same thing whether the internet is working or not. The disconnection is entirely random. Sometimes it will disconnect immediately, sometimes it will take up to a few hours. I do not have a router hooked up to the modem, and the only other thing the modem is hooked up to is our tv. But even when the tv box is off, we still randomly disconnect.
On the previous forum thread that I read, some of the comments asked for the person to paste their entire ipconfig and their entire ping list from command prompt I will post that below: [code] Could it possibly be a virus? I am currently performing a virus scan using Microsoft Security Essentials. I will report the results of that tomorrow, seeing that it will take several (up to 10) hours to finish and it is nearly midnight of me posting this.I should also note that whenever I unplug my Ethernet cord it gives me a symbol that looks like this other than the regular disconnect with the red "X" over the wire symbol.
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May 23, 2012
Yesterday when I got home from college my computer randomly could not connect properly to my wireless modem. It tells me the SSID etc but when I connect to it, it becomes an unidentified network and has no internet connectivity. This problem only occurs on my laptop via wifi, wifi still works fine on other computers and my phone so I assume it is a problem on my laptops end. Also my laptop can connect to other wireless networks, ie my schools public network, and they work fine. I'm running windows 7 home premium.
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Jun 7, 2012
i have a desktop that tends to disconnect at random moments, and the only way to fix this problem is to restart for every time the internet disconnects. It is a wired connection and this desktop is the only computer in the house that has this problem.
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Oct 10, 2011
The modem connects to a D-Link DIR-655 which connects to a computer (Vista) and a switch, the switch then connects to another computer (Win7) and an xbox. the problem is that the vista computer will randomly connect and disconnect from the internet/ network. The vista computer also generally runs very slow on the internet. The Win7 computer runs perfectly and there is never an issue, so I'm wondering if the problem has to do with the vista computer not being connected to the switch? It is not an issue with the router, I have tried two already and the same issue occurs.the vista computer is running with a Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3R which has a Realtek 8111C LAN chipset.
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Nov 27, 2012
whenever my pc (the only pc in my apartment) is turned on, my modem disconnects and will not reconnect until it is shut off. My pc is connected to a wireless n-series router.
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Jun 19, 2012
Basically my modem will randomly disconnect (all the lights shut down expect for the power one) for 2-3 seconds max and it happens just at a random time. When I'm on my PC I barely notice cause I'm not consistently loading something up. However, when I'm gaming (PS3) it's really frustrating because I will always get disconnected. The router is working fine and my PS3 is connected by wire. What should I do? Can it be my internet provider?
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Jun 21, 2011
I'm using a 2wire 2701 HG-B (AT&T). Throughout the day (sometimes even 5minutes apart) the DSL light will turn red, the internet will turn off green and 20-40 seconds later they'll both become green again. It's irritating because it sometimes happens so frequently and causes me to close EVERYTHING I have opened in my browser. If I'm on xbox or an online game, it disconnects completely (even if the light is only red for 15 seconds)I have data error stats .tl;dr: 2wire modem giving me problems. DSL light turns red randomly for 20-40 seconds, sometimes up to twice in 5 minutes.
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Apr 28, 2011
I have a 2Wire 2701HG-B modem/router provided to me by AT&T for my DSL service. I have one issue and a seperate question sort of related to it.The issue I'm having is that whenever a laptop gets online with wireless internet the modem will randomly reset connection.Some times it will do it every 30 seconds, some times it will be once an hour or even more.It works perfectly fine on any laptop when plugged in with Ethernet cable but only with wireless it will glitch out. It does this whether it is the only computer online on the network, and also when there are a few others online so it's just the simple fact of the wireless resetting it somehow.I've done lots of google searching and some people say changing the line pair settings fixed it for them. Some say changing from b/g mode to just g mode fixed it. I've tried every thing that I've come across and nothing has worked so far. Apparently this is a very common problem for this model I just can not find the right solution that has worked for other people, to work for me as well.
if I were to want to make this modem/router just a modem and hook up my own router for N wireless would this be possible? I know I've read ways about putting combos in DMZ mode or something but I don't really know what I'm looking for because everything is worded different in this modem's settings.Can any one provide any insight as to if this is possible, and if it's even worth it to do so? Mainly worried about the first thing I mentioned though, this is just a side note.
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Nov 5, 2012
I have a sb 6120 modem and a wireless router that have been randomly dropping and resetting. I thought it was happening with increased bandwidth usage, but it doesn't appear to be linked to when I'm downloading or gaming. Just in case, I set up port forwarding for my games but no change. I have swapped out wireless routers and directly connected to my modem and it still happens. I have spoken with my ISP and they can't see that I have lost connection even while I am currently disconnected. My stats look good with my downstream power stable around 4 or 5 and up around 38. Also, I have pinged my modem and each computer connected wirelessly and show no packet loss.
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May 26, 2012
I have connected two dsl modems for extending wifi coverage,the main one is netgear and the extended on is D-link,but the problem is the d-links wireless disconnects every 5 minutes or so..i have connected a pc with a cable from this modem but there r no problems with pc is the hardware of modem faulty or is this due to inappropriate settings of modem,i have disabled the dhcp and changed the ip address already.
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Feb 7, 2011
I've got a ADSL Sweex Modem, connected to a D-Link Wireless Router,The modem is connected to our telephone line, we have other phones connected to other "telejack" too. The router is connected to a computer with wire, and another computer wireless.Every now and then we get random disconnect. Sometimes we can go several months without a single disconnect,whilst sometimes it happens as often as every 3 minute. This is the log:
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Mar 16, 2013
Region : UnitedKingdom
Model : TL-MR3220
Hardware Version : V2
Firmware Version : 121126 Rel.70304n (BETA)
ISP : T-mobile
there is a bug with MR3220 Router. I have HUAWEI E398 modem. It makes a LTE connections, everything works OK for half an hour, sometimes for a couple of hours, but then it (router)just unplugs modem after some time.ere is log:1st day 00:44:50DHCPNOTICEDHCPS:Recv DISCOVER from 8C:70:5A:8F:F0:E01st day 00:34:473G/4GNOTICEmodemUnplugedTime >=60s1st day 00:33:513G/4GINFO3G Modem is plugged out.1st day 00:33:493G/4GNOTICEdhcpcLteModemRelease 1261 sysCmd = ifconfig lte0 day 00:33:48DHCPINFOdhcpc_ipc_data_rcv_router 675 : current network type = 11st day 00:33:48DHCPNOTICEDHCPC Entering released state1st day 00:33:48DHCPNOTICEDHCPC Unicasting a release of to day 00:33:473G/4GINFOprocess_msg 322 : call dhcpcLteModemRelease1st day 0:33:473G/4GINFOLTE MODEM = 0, status = 0, targetVendorID = 0x0, targetProductID = 0x0
1st day 00:33:473G/4GINFOLTE MODEM = 0, status = 1, targetVendorID = 0x0, argetProductID = 0x01st day 00:33:473G/4GNOTICEhandle_card start1st day 00:01:08DHCPWARNINGLTE Network connected.
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Jun 20, 2011
It is a 2wire with 4 Ethernet ports and wireless capability. I have a pc and xbox connected via Ethernet and a laptop and smartphone connected wirelessly. The problem is that my router randomly completely shuts off/resets itself causing me to lose connection. This happens both when things are in use and not in use.
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Aug 17, 2012
I am trying to figure out whats wrong with my parents apple airport router. Its connected into an Arris TM402P/110 cable modem. It randomly stops working, the network is there and shows up fine but you cant connect to it. It might work for a day or 2 and then just stops. I am trying to figure out if there is a configuration issue or the airport hardware is just failing. I am not sure where to start troubleshooting. The event log for the modem isnt much help, the following message shows up occasionally:
No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
Whats interesting is my mom plugged her desktop right into the cable modem and then after plugging it back into the airport the wireless was working again. Is it possible there is a DHCP issue? If the hardware is failing what would be a good replacement for the airport?
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Jan 15, 2013
I currently have frontier dsl internet and am using the isp provided modem/router combo and a DIR-655. I have the modem running in bridge mode and the 655 set to PPPoe connection, MTU at 1492. I confirmed the MTU setting on the isp modem/router before bridging it. The question i have is if the router MTU is set to 1492 does everything on the LAN side of the router run at 1492 or does it run at 1500 while the router breaks the packets up? Everything works fine but my pc's all use vista and i'm not sure where to check the mtu settings at and all my game consoles are set to mtu automatic so i can't really see what they're running at either.
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Feb 11, 2011
My modem had disappeared of my computer. I was told to rebooth my computer. But, I lose everythingor what will happen and how do I do it? WindowsXp
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Nov 11, 2012
I have a Sprint USB cellular modem 3G/4G. Are there any devices that will let me plug the cellular modem and use it as a hotspot without a computer?
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Feb 14, 2013
I have cable I recently ran a cat 5 from my router to my sons com internet runs great but the games he plays lag my router is baout 5 years old its a belkin also need the router to be wireless.
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Apr 30, 2012
My son has a modem that can be wireless or cable. He mostly uses it via cable, but can I set up my wireless computer to use the modem at same time or would he need to have the modem set to wireless? Failing that, could I set up a second modem as a wireless one just for me?
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Sep 1, 2011
routing mts usb modem to use internet in computer
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Feb 5, 2013
I'm sure that the modem/router is bridged which I think it means that it is sent to pass through the port number requests. What I did was go into my Linksys router, setup the port I want to forward to my 3389 (RDP port on the specific machine). Let's say port 45000. In the past, before Windstream took over and I had DSL with a local Telco, I would just enter my IP address and port number and I was in to the machine. Example: That would be the IP address of my modem (which just passed though the requests) to the router. Now when I do the same thing I just get an error message that looks like this: It seems that the modem/router is not passing though the request to the router. This is why I didn't want their new router/modem which the HAVE to charge $120 for worse quality machine than what I already had.
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Jul 12, 2013
I have a Dell Dimension 5000 and I want to transfer the computer to connect via wireless. I have bought a wireless dongle installed all the sot wear but my computer will still not connect to the modem in my house. Is this particular model able to connect via wireless. Or do I need to install more software.
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Aug 23, 2011
My Motorola SBG901 Modem/Router combo has stopped connecting to the internet. I have done all the troubleshooting with Comcast and with Motorola and it is out of warranty, so I will have to purchase a new one.In the mean time, I wanted to use it only as a wireless router connected to my Scientific Atlanta DPC2100R2 modem. Is there anyway to do this? Is there a way to disable the modem in the SBG901? Simply connecting with the ethernet cords has not worked. I connected the DPC2100 to the SBG901 via ethernet cord. My computer was able to pick up a wireless connection but there is no cable connection.
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Jan 16, 2013
I want to connect my tata photon device to my bsnl wifi modem via a usb portavailable on the bsnl modem. This is to provide a wifi network that i can use to surf the net on my phone.
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Feb 28, 2013
i just bought a Netgear WNDR4000 router due to troubles with my current modem/router combo (D-Link DSL2730-B). The router doesnt have in built modem functionality obviously so I need to set up the modem/router as a dedicated modem.Also should I use the current modem/router as the dedicated modem or an older model i own (I think its a DSL 502T)? Because the current one often drops the internet connection. Don't know if its a problem with the modem functionality or something else. Will the older one serve better since i didn't have any problems with that one or will it be outdated? I only upgraded due it not having wireless capabilities. Otherwise it's fine.Or will I be even better off buying a dedicated modem? I really don't want to spend more money but if this is a far better alternative I guess i will.
EDIT: Ok so found out that I have to put the modem/router in bridge mode in order for this to be possible. However, looking up how to do this lead me to a dead end because i need to fill in some fields that i have no idea how to interpret.
VCI: These 2 already came with presets. Should I just leave them?
Select DSL Link Type (EoA is for PPPoE, IPoE, and Bridge): Choices of EoA PPPoA and IPoA
Encapsulation Mode: Choices of LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING and VC/MUX
Service Category: UBR without PCR, UBR with PCR, CBR, Non Realtime VBR, Realtime VBR
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Jun 19, 2011
how to connect a adsl modem to a computer network using a switch with a server.I have a network with a server and about ten clients computers all connected through a switch, the server has an IP as its gateway. I want to connect adsl modem to the switch so that all the computers can have access to the net, but the adsl too has as its IP.
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Jan 7, 2011
I have a new router (ASUS RT-N10)and It is asking me to direct connect my cable modem to my computer, and then find my MAC address via command prompt, and clone it to the new router.I can get to my command prompt, the problem lies in windows 7 and vista's (or mine) inability to realize that my network card is directly connecting to the modem. (No internet connection available, doesn't think anything is connected). I have tried on multiple machines to try and find my modem's mac address but it simply is not working.I want to know if I can find the mac address through the old router, or what I need to do to have windows 7 recognize I'm directly connecting the modem to the PC.
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Jun 24, 2012
So i have AT&T dsl internet. but whenever i connect my computer wirelessly to the modem and get on the internet it repeatedly loses dsl connection every some odd minutes. the dsl light on my modem turns off, then blinks red, then fixes itself for five or so minutes until the cycle restarts. ive tried 2 wireless usb adapter and 1 internal wireless card. none have worked at all. but if its wired with an ethernet cord it works fine. we also have 2 other laptops that connect wirelessly and work fine. i dont understand what would cause this solely on my computer. ive also had AT&T come to my house and look at it and they said its fine, the issue is somewhere in my computer messing with the modem.
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Feb 10, 2011
My computer ethernet port recognizes any modem but will not recognize any wireless routers. My ISP (DSL) spent 3 hours on the phone with me and can't figure it out. I have also contacted Gateway, figuring it must be my computer. I make money on the side fixing computers, so I do have a good idea as to what is what. I run Win7 on a Gateway DX4822 with Intel Pentium Dou-core. I have searched and searched for months and have found nothing. I have asked this question on various forums (including Microsoft) and still nothing.
I have wireless connectivity with a USB 2.0 WAN antenna. I also have a blu-ray player, XBox 360, and Wii all hooked up through this router. The player and XBox are wired, the Wii and a printer is wireless.I have had all things disconnected while trying to solve this issue, thinking that somehow there wasn't enough juice getting through. The cable works. I have tried resets, powerdowns, restarts, system recovery (at one point for a few days it did work as I shared internet from a friend upstairs from me), system restore, many different wireless routers AND modems. With the router connected, the ethernet port light does NOT come on. With the modem directly connected, the light DOES come on. Other computers/laptops in the house work wired into the router.
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Oct 22, 2011
I have a DSL connection and obviously it coming through the phone line. Is there any kind of software that I can use to make landline calls through my computer? The DSL modem is ZXDSL. I know I can use Skype, vBuzzer and Google Talk etc etc. But I want to make calls through my landline using my computer or laptop.
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Feb 23, 2011
I am having wireless modem to connect the internet of BSNL, I Want to connect internet by wireless lan to another pc
proxy settings for connection
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Feb 7, 2012
I have a cable modem installed to my property but want to use my modem/router to go wireless. The proble is my cable modem output is a RJ45 and the router input is RJ11.
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Feb 25, 2013
I want to acccess my office computer from Home PC.I have ZTE DSL Modem + Wireless Router and got new Static IP, so how to configure Static IP From BSNL.
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