Wireless :: Intranet Project Without Internet Access?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm looking at doing an intranet project at work. What i want is to have one main machine that will have a forum and website on (probably Windows IIS on Windows 7). Then i want to have approximately 10 other users on laptops that can connect to my intranet forum and site via "wireless" connection, but at the same time none of those 10 laptops or my main machine having any "internet" access. Is this possible and if so how

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How To Create A Wireless Intranet Without Internet Access

Jun 12, 2011

I'm trying to connect my portables to a central server that has all my music on it, all located in the same area. I've tried ad-hoc but it limits me to using the preset shared folders only, and its frustrating to use as it breaks once a computer leaves the network.Anyways i just want to create an off-line wireless intranet that will remain persistent even when all computers have left it. This doesnt seem to be possible with built-in windows tools, what program will let me do this?

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Routers / Switches :: Setup Internet Access And Intranet Access Using Two Cards Per PC?

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to setup internet access and intranet access using two cards per PC. I don't have sever software and I want to be able to share files between several machines. I have two routers. One that connects to cable modem and one that connects to intranet side. I have assigned different static ip addresses to both cards.

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Providing Intranet Access While Blocking Internet?

Feb 20, 2012

Small business with 4 computers networked together and sharing coommon software programs and files. Need to block one of the computers access to the Internet whille allowing the other 3 access to the Internet. Is this possible/ If so How?

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Cisco :: Can't Configure Access List According To Project?

Feb 27, 2011

this is a project and my configred file:I can't config access list according to the project.

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Cisco WAN :: 881 - All Web Access Jump To Intranet Web Server

Dec 31, 2012

I want to config a cisco 881 route to let a host jump to intranet web server when this host want to internet web server visit. All other server (email...) do not change.

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Unable To Access Company Intranet / The Page Cannot Be Displayed

Nov 15, 2011

Basically we have 5 users in one of our offices and the internet works completely fine.However we cannot access the company Intranet. We receive 'The page cannot be displayed'.I have no idea why because all other sites work okay!Note: The Intranet can be accesed from home and libraries as I have checked aswel as 2 offices we have, everything works fine.It's just the one office and everything else works fine.

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Routers / Switches :: Internet And Intranet Not Working Together?

Aug 30, 2011

My office pc internet ADSL router is connected on USB port and office intranet router is connected to LAN post throuh a CAT-5 cable.Both have different gateways.I have manually configured both USB and LAN but internet and intranet does nt work together.I am required to disable one connection to connect the othet one.I want to remotely connect to my office pc and work on intranet( oracle database) .i connect through team viewer but as internet is on,intranet does nt open.i tried to add intranet gateway throuh command line also but it did nt work.office pc is xp ..home pc is vista..

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Cisco 300 Series Switch Internet / Intranet?

Dec 29, 2011

I just set up a new Cisco 300 Series Switch to replace an old switch on our network. We have probably 6 switches around our facility, all of them working fine (except for this one).

We have Windows SBS 2008. If I plug a PC directly into the switch that is NOT configured for SBS (in other words, it hasn't joined the domain) I have no problems accessing the internet. However if I connect PCs configured for SBS that have joined the domain to the switch, they can only access our intranet and not connect out to the internet.

The switch is currently configured for a static IP address and the client PCs are all dynamic.

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How To Make A SONY J Series Project A Wireless Signal

Feb 2, 2012

I have a SONY J series and I want to know how to make it project a wireless connection without using a router, as I have an ehternet cable going in to the sony but want to change that internet connection into wireless so I can connect my laptop to it, is there a way of doing this or am I imagining you can do this?

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Share Point Server 2003 - Connecting Internet Site To Intranet?

Sep 7, 2011

I have made a site on the internet and an intranet site made in share point server 2003. How can i connect link my internet site to my intranet site.

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Project Log / Neoware E140 800MHz Pfsense Dual WAN

Dec 13, 2011

I have gotten myself a neoware e140.It has an VIA 800MHz CPU with 128MB Flash and 128MB DDR2 RAM.he one I received a spare PCI slot which is occupied by a matrox graphic card Matrox Epica card. It shows up in the System Specs as a TC4 but I think it is a TC2.

It comes with this special adapter which splits into two DVI adapters. Each of these adapters supposedly can drive 2 monitors (I have no clue how).

The box currently has some neoware linux on it.I want to make a pfsense box out it to have support for a dual WAN setup. I have never dealt with this kind of stuff before and do not even know how to load the OS on the flash etc.

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Asus RT-N12 Dd-wrt Compatible Router For Weekend Home Theater Project

Apr 24, 2011

I've got a relative that needs a wireless solution for their new HD LCD. The spouse has vetoed running cat-5 (I'd have told her to pound sand...) so we're looking for an inexpensive router that we can install dd-wrt on and throw it in bridge mode. The Linksys wrt54g seems to have dried up in the area, no one seems to have one in stock and I haven't had any luck finding an Asus RT-N12 that I can get delivered in a timely fashion, that would have been my second pick.

Any recommendation for a fairly inexpensive G/N router that either features a robust bridge mode or that I can flash for this project?

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Wireless :: Smart Book Says Connected But Is Goes To Local Intranet

Dec 27, 2011

It says I'm connected, but when I try to get online, it says I'm on the local intranet and "THIS PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED". How can I get it to the internet instead of local intranet?

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Cisco Routers :: RVS4000 / ISP WISP Point To Point Network Project?

Nov 30, 2012

Currently in place  ISP WISP Point to Point network would like some pointers to exceed in doing it right.  Here are some issues.ISP Fiber 50 Megs down and 50 Megs up  ( Working )What Router do I use? Looking at Cisco RVS4000 at JDT Site as main router I have routers at others towers using the 10.1.19.xxx address as wans setup.Do I pull out all routers and use only one from the JDT Site?

  a. Due to Port forwarding

  b. Lets say main Wan is Lan 

1. Site BTT router is assign address Lan

a. Can I setup to see

My Point ot Point radio use different IP address to separate from lan address (10.1.19.xxx)  Radios (10.1.119.xxx)1. Everything is working just want to re-design everything never thought I would grow this fast with in 2 years. Hope I explain this well enought.  90% of users are out in  the country without high speed internet.

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Intranet Sites Not Working In VPN?

Feb 11, 2011

I have set VPN clientr connection in windows 7 . Afetr connecting to the VPN I am not able to connect my intranet company sites, but I am able to connect the internet sites. I have made host entries in host files. All the other sites are working fine.

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Explaining The Intranet Hosting For 150 Workstations

Mar 29, 2011

You are appointed as a system administrator for a large company which has its own computer intranet hosting 150 workstations and around the same number of users. Write few points explaining the roles you would expect to take on as part of your new employment in terms.

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Unable To Browse An Intranet Computer

Jan 22, 2011

I have been stuck in a strange problems which happens occasionally--but too often to be ignored.I have a Windows 2003 Server running as a virtual machine via MS Virtual PC 2007. The host machine is a Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. This setup used to run fine where I had no issues accessing the guest OS (Win 2003). My development environment is Visual Studio 2005 and 2010 based, both running on the host machine.Some days ago I started working on a ASP .NET application which had a lots of files on the guest OS. That would cause the dreaded 'Network Bios Limit Reached' error in VS. So tweaked a few Registry keys on both host and guest and that problem went away. But then I started to get a new kind of problem: Occasionally, within VS 2010, I could not save files and that would be so bad that the entire guest OS cannot be browsed (but can be seen in the Network Neighborhood and be pinged as well).I have undone all Registry changes in both guest and host but I still see this problem. Only the virtual machine running Win 2003 is occasionally un-browseable but still ping-able by other intranet computers: Win xp, vista, Win 7 but cannot browse until the guest win 2003 is re-started.Is it some kind of network buffer being too full? So far I only see this problem when working inside Visual Studio 2010 but it could be happening elsewhere. The guest win 2003 is assigned a static ip of by the router, btw.

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Saving / Updating Network Files To Intranet?

Aug 23, 2011

I am trying to put a link on our Intranet page to several documents that are updated daily by specific users. These users save the documents in their department folders, which are only acessible by their department and I.T. (me). Right now I have a .bat file that checks every half hour of the work day to see if it has been updated, if it has it will be moved to a location in the Intranet folder which will update the link on the Intranet. While users can view the Intranet, they do not have access to view the files or folders that house the Intranet html coding etc.This option works but our users are complaining that it isn't instantaneous. Any ideas how I can do this on a network while keeping everyone's security in place and not give them extra rights to the Intranet folders?

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Servers :: Can Use Apache Server To Setup A Domain Name For Intranet

Aug 7, 2012

Differences between using an Apache server on a regular laptop vs. a whole operating system like Windows Server 2008. I'd like to setup an intranet complete with an internal domain name. Is this possible with Apache or do you have to use a complete server operating system like Windows server 2008?

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Cisco Routers :: RV110W Join Intranet Machines Via VPN

Jan 3, 2012

I have a small problem: I succeeded in etablishing a VPN connection to my RV110W from Internet. When I'm connected with my VPN connection and surf on the web, my public IP address is my home router's one. However, I can't join my home computers.My VPN adress is to and (RV110W adresses both) works, but I can't ping to (home computer). I tried with all my firewalls inactive.Did I miss something on my RV110W configuration ?

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Home Network :: How To Manage Data Sharing In A Little Intranet On Windows

Mar 10, 2012

I should set up a network for a little enterprise.The requirements can be summarized as follows:

- All the "business" softwares have to be stored in a single computer (let's call it "the server"). The other computers (in this case there should be at most 2 or 3 computers) can execute these softwares through the server. So there are no local copies of those softwares on clients, only on the server.
- The main computer (the server) shares also a printer.
- All the computers in the network, are interconnected through a single wi-fi modem/router. Some of them are connected through the wi-fi interface and others through an ethernet cable.

the server, in order to perform some special procedures, has to connect to a special modem which connects it to a remote private network. In order to do so, the server disconnects from the local enterprise network because Windows does not allow me to stay connected to more than one network at the same time.The remote private network does not require to disconnect from any other network, it's just a constraint imposed by Windows.In the meantime, clients are not able to execute softwares anymore and cannot print anything.when the server is connected to the private network, it still needs to execute the "business" softwares.

Is it possible to keep the server connected to both the networks without denying the access to softwares, data and printers to anyone? If yes, how?If not, how can I design the topology of the network in order to share softwares and other data among all the computers (server and clients)? It's important that when the server connects to the private network every computer (including the server itself) can still access softwares, data and printers.

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Cisco :: WLC 2500 - Integrate Creating Guest Users In Intranet Application

Feb 27, 2012

I would like to integrate our intranet web page with Cisco WLC 2500. Is it possible to integrate custom web page with WLC. I know, that I can create custom authentication page, but what about creation of the user?

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Cisco Wireless :: 2960 - Autonomous Access Point / Get Guest To Access Internet?

May 9, 2012

I have two SSIDs on an Autonomous Access Point, that goes to a 2960 switch, that connects to a L3 3560. I have a vlan for admin/private internal access that uses the native vlan (1) and guest vlan (50). I have configured both and I am trying to get both to go out the same Internet connection.

I cannot get the guest access to access the Internet. It looks like my computer will go, but it just comes up saying no Internet access.All interfaces are trunking this vlan properly. I can communicate from the laptop to the 3560 but I just can't get to the Internet.          

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Cisco :: Wifi Connection And Intranet Cable Connection

Nov 26, 2012

I have a problem with my computer connections.When I plug in a network cable to access LAN, a wireless Internet connection gets disconnected.When I unplug the cable internet connection through wireless comes up.Some computers can support both connections cable for LAN and wireless for Internet.Other computers do not support both connections.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA Version 9.0(1) / Configuring NAT On Intranet Firewall?

Dec 26, 2012

configuring NAT on intranet firewall. here is the my topology:
  DMZ Network  - - - - - - - - - External Firewall   - - - - - - - - - Internet
  Internal Network  - - - - - - - - - Internal Firewall  
1) I can Ping the intneral host from external firewall, internet firewall and DMZ network

2) Both ASA's are running OS Version 9.0(1)

3) ACL used permit IP any any, on both (i.e inside and outside)
NAT configuration on Internal Firewall  (Identity NAT)
object network MGMT-SRV-INSIDE           subnet
object network MGMT-SRV-identity
 object network MGMT-SRV-INSIDE           nat (Inside,Outside) static MGMT-SRV-identity


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Cisco VPN :: Site To Site VPN No NAT In Intranet 2811

Jul 20, 2011

I need an answer from a man who really understands how to configure Cisco routers. I have specific problem. First of all there is no test enviroment, I have two Cisco routers 2811 in production enviroment, so I must be very careful (Routers are constantly working 24/7).
My problem is that I need to configure site to site VPN without NAT between these two routers, but with NAT in the one or the other side For the Internet trafic. 
Right now I have site-to-site VPN up and going between two branches but when I am trying to access site (in the other branch)  using local ip or (DNS name) I can't because of NAT'ing in the second branch.

from subnet I am trying reach I can ping it but I can not connect throught browser (80 port). I can reach this site only using public address. So I need to exclude NAT'ing for this site from intranet but leave this site accessable for public users.

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No Internet Access Via Cat5 Cable Wireless Or Internet Dongle?

Aug 24, 2012

I have a Sony Vaio running Windows 7 Home Premium. Yesterday I accessed the Internet at the office over a Cat5 cable. Last night I accessed the Internet at home via my USB Internet dongle (actually an O2 mobile phone). Today neither works. I have also tried to connect to the Internet via Wireless and that does not work either.Needless to say my desktop (using the same Cat5 cable) works. My mobile phone can access the Internet on it own. And others can get the wireless to work.My Vaio can connect to all three; however, all three say "No Internet access".I changed nothing between last night and this morning. I have scanned through the list of Windows Updates and nothing has been downloaded in the past week. I have turned off my firewalls (in both McAfee and Symantec Endpoint Protection). I have run the three NETSH reset commands with Administrator privileges. I have rebooted my machine numerous times. Nothing works.

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Wireless Internet Connection Connected No Internet Access

Jan 16, 2012

wireless internet connection connected no bit it says no internet access what is the problem

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Cannot Access Internet Through Wireless?

Feb 9, 2013

I am using Wireless DSL Router which connect through Modem..It shows the internet connection but cannot access through wireless even my Laptop is connect to router thru Wireless...Previously it was connected to internet through same router. Its work with direct LAN Connection if directly connect with MODEM. But after formating my laptop its connect to Router but can't get access to internet. I am using XP OS.

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Home Network :: How To Stop Internet Access Through Network Complete Internet Access

Jan 26, 2012

i would like to know that how to stop internet access through network complete internet access

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Wireless Connection Has No Internet Access?

Sep 22, 2012

I rebooted my modem and now I have not internet access on my wireless connection. The internet works fine on my 3 computers I have connected to cables and my wireless devises have a good wifi signal, but no internet access.

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Wireless Connected - No Internet Access

Jun 5, 2012

I'm not sure why I have a broadband connection AND a local area connection, but I cannot connect to the local area connection whereas the broadband connection is fine. I've already set to obtain IP address automatically and still not enabled. The wireless connection was working fine a few days ago, and seems to have been reset by the ISP causing these issues. Other devices are also unable to get internet though they can detect and connect to the router. Here is my ipconfig/all. Note: I am in China so my settings are possibly different than what you're used to.


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