How To Setup Vpn Network

Feb 4, 2011

We want to set up VPN network. What are the first few steps I should follow? Should I need to contact first my ISP if they provide VPN server details? Or should I need to set up VPN server myself?

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Home Network :: Setup A DC++ HUB For Sharing Data Within The University Local Network?

Feb 13, 2011

I want to setup a DC++ HUB for sharing data within the university local network. We have addresses of the form 172.31.*.*. These addressed are accessible within the university bu non routable outside on the internet. My plan is to setup a local HUB for DC++ for sharing data within the university intranet. So even if internet is unavailable data can be exchanged through LAN. This HUB must not be accessable outsied the university should I do this all..implementing network sharing other than DC++. My basic idea is that everybody can share their data and the data is searchable from one common interface( Web interface is better option, if possible). And data featching should prefferably be from many hosts, using multiple connections so that speed can be improved..

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Home Network :: Setup A Local Network Between The 3 Computers But Separated?

Jun 28, 2012

i'm connected to the internet through a shared internet connection through a switch,and also have 3 computers connected to the same switch,what i want to setup a local network between the 3 computers but separated from the internet network?

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Home Network :: Can't Setup Network Manually

Dec 13, 2011

I am having problems setting up a network, recently bought a used linksys router and had to restore to default settings. Now I am trying to set it up but I cant go to the ip 192.168... it times out, but when I go online and do the same thing I get a FW-1 at checky: Access denied. error. This is obviously my first time setting up a network using a router. what am I doing wrong? I checked drivers and I have tried plugging the cat5 into both internet and the 1st and 3rd port with little success, either a timed out connection or an error.

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How To Setup A Network

Nov 30, 2012

I have been started one cyber cafe with 8 computers and my net connection is Bsnl FTTH fibre optics line network is assigned by dhcp from bsnl that means dynamic net connection is like this internet-->Modem-->Hub(8 ports)-->8 computers.i want to make one pc as server and controlling other all pc's.i know little about windows 2003 server in dynamic ips can i make this or not or how to use static ip for my network.

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Home Network :: Advanced Home Network Setup (3 Subnets) And Port Forwarding?

Feb 24, 2013

I have a Time Warner Cable business class service with no static IP, with a wireless modem which is plugged to a CAT5 distribution panel. On the jacks (2 other rooms on the house) I have a Linksys E3000 and a Linksys Valet router for signal boost and gadgets usage (TV, cameras, etc).The main router (TWC) has it's own external IP which TWC assigns to me and internally distributes via DHCP the range 192.168.0.x. With that said:

- The E3000 has a IP -- this is fixed setup on the TWC router (ubee brand) by MAC address
- The Valet has a IP -- this is fixed setup on the TWC router (ubee brand) by MAC address
- The main router has the as the gateway and web-interface

Whenever I connect something to the E3000, it is distributing the 192.168.1.x range and the valet 192.168.2.x range.That works perfectly for my home based business until I decided to use more stuff on the network such as a IP printer, IP cameras, etc.

- The IP cameras are connected to the E3000 due to signal strength and I have manually assigned them the and IPs and ports 9001 and 9002.

- The printer is connected to the E3000 and I have manually assigned the IP

Issue 1: Port forwarding On the main router (TWC - UBEE) I have tried to setup a port forwarding by informing the Local IP as (E3000 IP), Internal Port 0, Public Interface IP (, Ext Start Port 9001, Ext End Port 9001, Protocol - Both, Enabled Yes. On the E3000 I did the same config (screen shot attached e3000.png).This is not working properly. I can't get into the camera.

Issue 2: Printer/ The printer is only accessible if I connect to the E3000 (because it is on the 192.168.1.x network)

Issue 3: How to configure all the devices on the same subnet? If I want everyone to be on the 192.168.0.x network, how to configure properly the E3000 and the Valet? I have tried to force them into the same network but it would not work properly. It would not get an IP from the UBEE router (main).

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Setup A 40+ Client Network?

Mar 15, 2011

We currently have a company network set up with a PC acting as a shared resource containing shared folders for everyone to access (approx 30 users)The network is comprised of a business internet connection to a 5 port router which is then connected to a 5 port switch connecting to 4 computers and another switch which is connected to another 4 computers and again to another switch - this continues for approx 30 - 35 computers.We have 2 shipping databases connected to the first switch (2 of the for first computers mentioned) and about 15 of the 30 clients need to access these. Because there is this many people on the network we are running really slow and losing access to the databases/shared files on the network.We do not have the expertise or time/money to set up a true server/client network.We are moving to a bigger building and potentially hiring 10-20 more people.We are thinking about having a small (5port router) and branching it off to 2 24 port gigabit switches and the business folder and having one switch contain the 2 databases and all the users who need to access it and the other switch containing all the other users.

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How To Setup Home Network With Two Pc

Aug 31, 2011

how to setup a home network with two pc direc

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Visualization Best Setup For Network?

Apr 19, 2011

How I should be setting up visualization on my network. Will be using one HP Proliant ML350 G6 server with 2 processors and 24GB of RAM, will use Hyper-V for visualization.The setup I was going to go for is as follows:Physcial server: VM host, not on domain, not fulfilling any roles, just hosting the vms.VM1: AD DC, hosting network shares, DHCP, DNS. This will do the bulk of the work on the network so will allocate 12-14GB of RAM to this server.VM2: Dedicated SQL database server only. This will do far less work so will allocate around 6GB of RAM to this server.This setup will leave around 6GB of RAM to the physical server.My questions are as follows:

1. Not being extremely experienced with visualization, am I going about this all wrong?

2. I have used a very similar setup before but on an ML360 G7 server which has 4 NICs, allowing me to assign a physical connection to all 3 servers present. This server only has 2. Am I going to be able to do the above on this server? What happens when I need to update things on the host that requires a network/internet connection? Is there a practical solution to this? Is this server not really suited to visualization of this sort?

3. Would I be better off just putting the roles of VM1 on to the host directly and not even using a vm for that? Thereby only having VM2 (which would become VM1 if you know what I mean) as a virtual server for the dedicated sql database? The reason I designed the setup as above is because I often have to perform tasks on the sql database server during the day and it then needs a restart, which is fine for the small number of users that use that database, but I would not be able to put the sql databse on the main server as it would then disrupt the rest of the network during daytime restarts. Like wise, if the above VM1 roles were on the physcical server and not virtualised at all, in the event of that server needing a restart it would obviously disrupt my sql server.

4. If I were to actually go for a design as above with one physcial host and 2 vm's on that host, would the host actually need 6GB of RAM or would it get along fine with less considering it only has to boot up and then allow the other 2 hardware virtualised servers to take over? Or does it still require a large amount of RAM?

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How To Setup A Network Provider

Feb 22, 2011

how do set up a network provider so i can send and receive E-MAIL i use XP

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How To Setup A Server Network

May 14, 2012

i need a guide to set up a server network.

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Wireless Network Setup?

May 29, 2012

It is the size of a 3 story townhouse but it actually has 5 floors, they aren't straight up I guess. The walls and floors are concrete so signal seems to be an issue for wifi connectivity. Right now my configuration is as follows:

Fritzbox 7390 - DSL Modem/router/N and G wifi located on 3rd floor

WRT160N - WAP/wired router in basement connected to Fritz box via G wifi and wired to PC and printer as well as a LAN over Power line

LAN over power line - only connected to Xbox at the moment on3rd floor to stream media from PC

I also have an Apple tv 2g on the 5th floor connected via fritz N wifi so I can stream iTunes media to a tv. The connection to the apple tv worked for a few days but now it seems to fail all the time. I tried streaming media to the Xbox as well as a PS3 over wireless but it always times out, that I why I am trying the LAN over power. I also tried sing a E3000 as a WAP but couldn't seem to get DDWRT to cooperate so it isn't being used right now.

how I can get this house better connected so I can have a reliable network throughout the house without breaking the bank? I am currently stationed in Germany, but am originally from the US so if I were to buy anything it would need to have an English interface, I am already having enough problems with the fritz box since it is only on German.

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How To Setup Lan Network In 3 Computer

Jan 10, 2012

how to setup lan network in 3 computer

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Broadband :: How To Create Network Setup

Sep 3, 2012

I have want to know that how to create network setup and how to do TCP / IP Property setting.I want to know about DNS server and Altar net DNS Server and their IP Address.

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Network Setup How Many Domains People Have

Dec 22, 2012

I am creating a migration plan for our organization, Im wondering, how many domain controllers people have, how many member servers and what there used for?

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Wireless Network Setup For Dummies?

Jul 30, 2011

I have one desktop pc using a wireless connection thru a linksys usb for the net. I want to add a router and (1) pc and one cell phone and 1 laptop. I want to use the linksys and that computer as the main connection.I want to add the router and have other pc's and the cell connect to the router.I have an unused ethernet connection on the linksys pc (main one thats on the net now)I have a d link on the other PC in the house The cell phone gets wifi.I have one laptop with wifi that i want to connect I need a for dummies on this one, using XP?

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Setup A Network Storage Server

Dec 25, 2011

show me the necessary steps and a type of hardware/software to buy to setup a network storage server that allows me and my family to access/share all files from anywhere thru the internet?

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Wireless Network Setup With Only A Tablet?

Jan 27, 2012

My son is trying to set up his (just received) ATT U-verse network but has only a Acer Android Tablet to connect to it. The instructions say to plug it (the modem) in to the computer but of course there isn't one on the tablet.

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Can't Setup Network / Internet Connection

Nov 13, 2012

I've been watching my PC-s HDD for months and I saw that something takes up way to much space, yesterday I checked and Windows said that I have 160 GB Free / 883 GB But when I selected all files in my E: even hidden files and checked their properties / size, it said its only 440 GB. So I was missing another 283 somewhere in this partition. I used the windows cleanup tool and it gave me back some of the space, but it wasnt 283 GB. I checked and checked, then I found a program called WinDirStat which shows you how much space you have and stuff, then I found this: [URL]Then I found out that WinDirStat cannot access the System volume informations and this unknown is that. Then I googled stuff up again and found this:


1. To see the space allocated and used for SVI:

- Open Command Prompt with �Run as Administrator� option

- Type in: vssadmin list shadowstorage

- You will see Used Space, Allocated Space and Maximum Space for SVI

2. To see the restore information stored therein:

- Use in the same console command: vssadmin list shadows

3. To resize the maximum allocated space:

- Type in command: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=[here add the drive letter]: /For=[here add the drive letter]: /Maxsize=[here add the maximum size]

- E.g., vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=4GB

- You will see a prompt confirming resize done

- You can check the status again using the command discussed in point 1 above

4. Just to get rid of the space already consumed, but sticking to the same size of max-size as before:

- Do actions as per point 3 to set the max-size t, say, 1GB

- If you check now, most likely you�ll see that used space is now 0KB

- Do the resize again and set it back to what it was before

- Check your disk space availability in Windows Explorer, you should see the reclaim is done!I did what this guide said and it deleted the system volume information from my E: drive and I had my 440 GB back. BUT!At this part I HAD internet connection. I shutdown the PC, went to eat and do stuff, then I came back and got a blue screen right after the win7 logo (before the log in screen)I couldnt read what it said, because the PC restarted itself (even tho it is set NOT to restart so I can read the errors...wierd!)Then it started repairing itself, restarted, asked for a chkdsk, fixed millions of errors then restarted and I logged in just fine.But in the bottom right corner I seen a big ugly red X over my network connections, so naturally I went out my room, restarted modem and router then came back. Waited some mins, checked the modem and router again but they had internet. I started my sisters PC and her PC had internet.I checked everything I could, but I couldnt revive the internet, I cant join to any network (home, private, work) and I cant even see any. I only see dial up connections, hamachi and tunngle.Then I tried to resintall the driver. Deleted driver, restart PC, win automatically installed the nvidia driver for me, but still no internet. Then out of couriosity I started my Virtual PC (win xp) to check if it has internet connection or not. And it has! I am writing from the Virtual PC now.So the network card is working perfectly, no hardware damage.I googled stuff up again to find a solution and then I found this thread: Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1I did what it said there and my result was different:

Windows IP konfigur�ci�
�llom�sn�v. . . . . . . . . . . . : Dezix-PC
Elsődleges DNS-ut�tag . . . . . . :
Csom�pontt�pus. . . . . . . . . . : Hibrid


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Setup A Network With 100 Computers Along With Router?

Oct 29, 2011

i want to enquire how we can setup a network with 100 computer along with router, firewall, print server, file server. diagram of network to understand the things.

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How To Setup Network To Include A DNS Server

Oct 16, 2012

How i should setup my network to include a DNS Server. I have 2008R2 running on a VM on my main desktop machine (this will soon be moved to a dedicated VM Server) with my Virgin Superhub acting as the primary router / modem. I also have a Belkin N+ router in AP mode and a dedicated AP for wireless around the home.I have a few options on how to configure the network adaptor for the VM Server. [code] On my host machine i have the two default VM Network adaptors for "Host only" and "NAT".Im not really sure on how the IPv4 should be configured on these adaptors in order than the VM server is on the same network as my physical machine without conflicting IP's. If i leave it default the VM server gets a default IP of

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Setup Wireless Network Using Only A Laptop?

Sep 17, 2012

I have a laptop computer that I want to hook up to a router but I don't want to have to keep the ethernet cable plugged into my laptop. Is there a way to set this up where I can set up the router and then use the laptop connected wirelessly to the router? In a nutshell...I don't want to have to keep the ethernet cable plugged into the laptop.

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ISP / Verizon - How To Setup Home Network

Sep 20, 2011

I have a router supplied by my ISP, Verizon[a g-router] using with 2 desktop and 2 laptop computers. All but 1 laptop are still running XP.So far I have not tried to print over the network. The printer is connected to the desktop that is also wired to the to setup printing across this wireless network. Must I setup another internal home network in order to do wireless printing?

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How To Tell If Network Priority Is Setup On Router

Oct 17, 2012

Is there any way I can tell if an network priority is setup on the router? The last week or so the internet has been unusually slow sometimes, and not slow at all other. I don't have a good relationship with my roommate (network administrator) and I feel she may have put a network priority on the router for her and or her boyfriends computer/s. Is there any way to tell? Is there a particular way in which the internet behaves when a priority is set? I just don't want to pay for the internet if it is not going to work most of the time.

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Setup A LAN Network Using Wireless Router?

Dec 26, 2011

I am trying to setup a LAN network using wireless router. I hv two network cards. One is connected to internet through ADSL modem. Internet is working fine.The other network card is connected to wireless router.I am trying to setup hotspot at for learning purpose.

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Setup 2 Routers On Home Network?

Jan 24, 2012

I have a SMC Rogers router and need to extend the range due to dead spots in house. I have purchased a D-Link N300 dir-615 router . can i just hook it to the eathernet lines I have on the second floor to extend range of the wireless network? How do I set it up IP address for best results? concerned that 2 IP addresses would not work at same time??

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How To Setup A Wide Area Network

Jan 10, 2012

how I can setup a WAN. there is a central branch of our company and there are some other offices I want to connect them.

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Removing Old Computer From Network Setup?

May 21, 2012

We have a home network setup. My HP Pavilion AMD Athlon 64 laptop running Vista, shares the printer with an older desktop, AMD Athlon 1600 XP. The printer is hooked up to the older computer that I am getting rid of. I assume I will have to install the software for the printer onto my laptop so I can use it. Is there anything else I should do? Other than removing all the files etc off the old computer.

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How To Setup A Network For IP Cameras Through Internet

Oct 19, 2012

I have a set of 5 IP cameras running on a server at my shop, I am using the AXXON software to run it. When I install the Axxon Client software on my laptop on connect wirelessly while in the shop, it automatically sees the server and connects.

However, when I bring my laptop home it does not connect (obviously). Instead of the servers name (which is what it looks at while on the network) I can input an IP address instead.So I input the IP of the WAN the server is on (found via and try to connect... it does not.

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Setup Home Network With Two Routers?

Jan 20, 2013

I'm trying to set up my home network with two routers. One as the LAN router and the other as the access point. I have a really nice router and an older router, I'll just leave it at that. One router will be connected to the modem, the other in my game room for the wireless access point. I want to use the nicer, newer router as the LAN router or the wireless access point?

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How To Setup Small Home Network

Sep 5, 2012

How would I go about setting up a network at my house. I have two desktops and a netbook all hooked to a switch and the switch to the router.

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Setup A Private Network On A Second Router?

Dec 20, 2012

I get an Ethernet cable from his router in my unit. I also have my own router. I was wondering if there is a way for me to create a private network for myself using my router and still have access to internet?

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PS3 / Setup HD Through Network To Be Recognized On All Devices?

Aug 4, 2012

I am trying to setup a hard drive through my network to be recognized on all my devices.Here is what I have:

router: Belkin n300 max share F7D7301
modem: RCA cable modem
Internet provider: Teksavvy (through a Rogers line)
Hard drive: WD Elements 2TB HD (formatted NTFS)
Antivirus: AVG Free
laptop (running xp)
galaxy s3

The ps3 is wired into the router, the laptop and s3 are wireless. I have connected my hard drive to one of the USB drives on the router. I can see the HD and view any of its content (movies and music) on the laptop, but nothing else. My ps3 and s3 are connected to the internet, however I can't find the drive.

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