PC To Phone Via Wireless Router?

Jun 13, 2012

I have a simple question and i am new to wireless networking.. I recently bought a wireless router to share my internet connection with my mobile phone ( Sony Ericsson Neo V).. My PC doesn't has a Wifi adapter so I have connected router to pc via a network cable.. Now I want to send my files to mobile phone and can i do that through my router? or should i buy a wifi adapter to pc and directly connect to phone?

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Wireless :: VOIP Phone With LINKSYS Router

Mar 11, 2011

I have a VOIP WiFi phone (MIC505W) I have configure it according to the user manual.I get access to WiFi, but when I dial a number I get busy signal with the message "disconnet".

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Linksys Wireless Router :: How To Connect EA6500 To Phone Line

Jan 25, 2013

I just bought  an ea6500 to replace my old Billion router and up to now all I've had to do is plug my phone line directly into the "phone line in" port on the back of the billion router. But I see there is no "phone line in" port on the ea6500, I don't use a modem and have used the billion router by itself for the past 6 years, is there a way to connect my phone line directly to the ea6500 somehow? My research so far indicates you can't do it via an 'Ethernet / phone line adaptor' as they are incompatable anyway.
The install guide seems to expect a Modem is being used but in my case it hasn't been and I would think a router should perform the basic functions of a modem anyway ?
My concern is that if I really need to purchase a modem then won't this potentially 'throttle' the capabilities of the ea6500 which is the reason I've bought it in the first place ?
If I do need to purchase a modem to get my ea6500 working then what specs should I be looking for ??

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT120N - Why Won't Phone Or Kindle Connect

Oct 4, 2012

I have the WRT120N.  It seems to work for the computer and for Netflix through the BluRay, but I cannot connect my Kindle, my son's Kindle or either my ormy husband's phones anymore.  They used to work. 
Also, the free trial of Network Magic is over and it can no longer be purchased.  Do I really need something like that?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G2 V1 Cannot Connect With Smart Phone

Nov 5, 2011

I recently purchased a smart phone that can use my wireless access to get to the internet, however the phone cannot connect. I have verified that I am using the correct password and it is finding the network just fine, it just can't connect. I have had this problem with my laptops as well, but with them I just copied the key to a USB key and used that to get them going. I don't have that ability with the smart phone. 
how to best troubleshoot this issue and resolve it? I have also reset the router to allow anonymous internet access with no positive result there either.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRTU54G-TM - Phone Line Has Been Dropping?

Jan 18, 2012

The last couple of weeks the phone line has been dropping until I unplug for about 30 seconds to reset. It is happening more frequently.  The phone service through TMobile gets a dial tone and rings several times then drops when making a call.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA2700 - Way To Get Phone Line Connection?

Sep 1, 2012

I have century link DSL with a Westell 7500. I bought the EA2700 as a replacement.  I assume its not a dsl since there is no phone line connection.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Support ALG Enabled Phone

Sep 8, 2012

Due to an issue with having to support an ALG enabled phone and a non-ALG enabled phone, I have a requirement that both NAT and RIP be enabled simultaneously, is there a Linksys product that can support this requirement?  Or, more preferably a firware upgrade for the E4200 that will support this?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G 2 Can't Connect With Droid Cell Phone

Sep 2, 2012

When I try to connect to my Motorola Droid 2 cell phone--using my home network--it just cycles between "obtaining IP address" and "remembered.secured with WEP", then back to "obtaining IP address", etc.I have connected in the past with no problem, so it had the password in the phone, but I followed the troubleshooting advice at the Droid 2 site and "forgot" that contact, and reconnected, reinputting the password. Still the same thing.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt54gs - Smart Phone Won't Connect To Wifi

Apr 23, 2012

I connected my router to a new computer. The computer is connected to the Internet.My SmartPhone won't connect via the router.
I logged in to the router from my cell and entered the password.The cell says the following over and over without connecting: ScanningObtaining IP address from routerDisconnectedConnectingScanning ... over & overHow can I connect my Samsung GAlaxy SII Skyrocket to my WiFi router [WRT54GS]?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Cordless Phone Cuts Out Wifi On E2500?

Sep 20, 2011

I have a cordless phone which broadcasts on 2.4ghz - when the phone is being used it cuts out the wifi. I thought that with the E2500 being a dual band - I wouldn't have this issue as I thought the router would switch to the 5 Ghz frequency if there was interference on the lower band. Maybe I am not understanding how the dual band works.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT120N - QOS Doesn't Accept Phone MAC Address

Jan 23, 2012

My Linksys WRT120N router doesn't accept my cellphone's MAC address... Phone's MAC address is AC:81:F3:08:13:F5 but upon adding the MAC address Internet Access Priority Category based on MAC address, I get an error "Assign MAC address is incorrect".

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Linksys Wireless Router :: X2000 Not Downloading Applications With Android Phone

Jan 14, 2013

I did an upgrade to my firmware on the x2000 dsl router and now i cannot download apps with my android phone, i have tried everything that i can think of.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt160n - Dropping Wifi Connection Since New Phone

Dec 19, 2012

I've got a router in room where my cable modem comes in. In center of house, I have another router, N Ultra Range PLUS, WRT160N.
My laptop, which I use in front room near that middle room router and my husband's desktop, also near that middle room have no problems. My desktop which is right next to the main router in back of house (where the cable modem is), has the weakest signal. I guess that's because the WRT160N is further away from it and has two walls to go through. But most of time signal was good - just not as good as the other two computers. And even when signal was Low, it never dropped connection.
Recently I got a new smart phone with WIFI. Anytime I have turned on the phone and used it, I often then have to refresh my wireless signal or reboot computer because it loses the connection. I read somewhere on internet that this may be because of the additional device but again, it doesn't effect the other two closer computers.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Phone Gets Dead When Connect WRT120N To Modem

Aug 5, 2011

i brought a new wrt120n from the retailer and when i tried to connect the modem and configure, my phone gets dead and i couldnt connect it to the internet.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1000 Poor Cell Phone Service

Aug 5, 2011

I bought a new linksys E1000, I have poor  mobile service, calls dropping, I wanted to know how to have better service with my Router? what steps do i have to take? also we have straight talk phones, samsungs, I bought it thinkng we would get better service.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Best Method To Connect E3000 With SPA2102 Phone Adapter

Aug 1, 2011

What is the best method (the one that works) to connect the E3000 with the SPA2102 phone adapter? Or, is it not possible?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt160 Wifi Loses Connection To Phone And Laptop

Nov 17, 2012

I have a WRT160 V2 router with firmware  v2.0.02. I have had the router for years without any problems. A few months ago I have started to see an issue where I lose connection to my internet on my laptop, and wifi on my phone at the same time. I have wifi calling on my phone and it disconnects also at the same time. All of a sudden, everything will stop working, then about 40 seconds later, it all works again. I lost the connection maybe every 30 to 60 mins. I rely on wifi calling for my primary phone, and I end up getting cut off when talking to people. BTW wifi calling is for all tmobile phones, but also normal wifi to surf the web on my laptop and phone drops too at the same time.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1000 Hung Up All Cordless Phones And Turned Off Cell Phone

Apr 21, 2010

I'm having an issue with my work laptop. I'm just setting up a wireless connection for the first time. I bought the Linksys E1000. I have used this laptop at work and at hotels for a 54 MbPS connection. I set up the Linksys at home. It sees the network and will tell me that it is connection at 54 MbPS. Then it quickly goes down to 11 then 5.5 then 2. Eventually it runs so slow that I time out of the security portal at work because its so slow. Occasionally it even loses the network and has to find it again. I'm only about 20 feet away from where the router is located. I have hung up all cordless phones and turned off my cell phone.

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Linksys WRT110 Wireless Router Hooked Up To Zoom Modem - Phone Lines Quit Working

May 4, 2011

I hooked up with a Linksys WRT110 wireless router to a Zoom modem and my DSL on my desktop and laptop are both working fine. My problem is my phone lines quit working. I plugged a phone into the box outside and I had a dial tone. When you try to call my house it just keeps ringing.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt-610n After Unlocking Phone / Reconnecting Wifi / Remote Couldn't Find Itunes

Nov 23, 2010

I was trying to remotely command my iTunes library via an iPhone app called Remote. It worked for some times with an intermittent disconnection problem due to the iPhone locking. But even after unlocking the phone and reconnecting the Wi-Fi, Remote couldn't find my iTunes library again and my only workaround was to relaunch iTunes on the PC (which is Ethernet-wired to my router). Few days ago nothing worked!!! I could no more get Remote to find iTunes.
I could not find a solution even by rebooting the router or unplugging the PC's Ethernet cable. Last night I powered off the router and after 10s I powered it on again. And then it worked!I highly suspect a problem between my router and Bonjour which is as UPnP, an Apple protocol for discovering communicating devices. Discovery phase being usually done with broadcast frames, something goes wrong in the router with processing the broadcasts, or is it a Bonjour problem?Please note that even now that  Remote can find iTunes, I still have my old intermittent disconnection problem.So is there any incompatibility between WRT-610N and Bonjour and what is the fix ?

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Landline Phone Disconnects Router When In Use?

Apr 9, 2013

I had my phone companys old westtell router that they sent when our Town first went wireless back in 05-06 this past nov. I contacted the phoneCompany about having to reset the westell often. They were shockedI still had the old router and said i needed the new one and promply sentThis comtrend they supply and ever since i have this new comtrend whichThey even switced out once the below problem has beenoccurringOn a regular basisPhone company has come twice first time moved phone base awayFrom router seemed to work for awhile. Then it started again 9 weeksLater this time said the phones must be the same gigahertz as the routerAand to plug in an old style phone not a wireless handheld. Nothing they

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Can't Connect Using IP Phone's Built-in Router?

Dec 28, 2012

I have no problems when the computer is connected to a router. That's how I'm posting here now. But my router is old and has no QOS. So the sound quality is choppy when I connect the phone to the router. So I tried connecting the phone directly to the cable modem, with the computer using the phone's router for internet. The phone's sound quality is great that way. But then the computer won't connect to the internet.When I hover over the network icon in the systray, it says "Local Area Connection 4 is now connected. Speed: 1.0 Gbps" The phone's router is a gigabit connection. So I think that tells me that the computer is seeing the phone/router and the cables are okay.I just tried to Repair through the network icon. It fails because it can't renew. I checked Window's Event Viewer to see what kind of error that might have created. This is the error:[CODE]

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Popping Noise On Phone / Is It Because Of New Router

Jun 20, 2011

I just purchased a Netgear router and installed it like it said on the directions. I have internet through Time Warner Cable. I did have a crappy phone before I got the router and it made a popping noise on it too, but I got a new phone and it was fine. But after I installed the router the phone makes a popping/clicking noise and it will also disconnect the wi-fi signal and I have to restart the router.

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Use The Phone Jacks In The Wall To Set Up A Second Router?

Apr 30, 2012

the internet is so poor I usually lose the signal, since it has to go through walls and a bunch of trees. My question is can I use the phone jacks in the wall to set up a second router or something to increase it. Or what is the best way to increase the power and strength. What do I need and how do I do it. My fathers router is under verizon vios. I plan on getting and xbox 360 with live capability and need good internet for that

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How To Connect Phone Line To Router

Jan 26, 2012

I have a router that i want to connect to my direct tv box. The router only has Ethernet cables on the back and no room for a phone line. how can I connect the phone line to the router?

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How To Connect Cell Phone With Router

Feb 5, 2013

i have desk top computer hooked up wieless can i use router to povide to cell service and if so how

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Router SSID Shows Different Name On Phone And Won't Connect?

Nov 18, 2012

The router is a N Wireless Router. When I try to connect to my router through my phone the SSID appears as belkin.2lc and it won't connect but says authorizing then disconnected. The weird thing is that my laptop and all my roommates laptops and my Xbox can all see the routers real SSID and connect.just fine. I've tried restarting the router and my phone. I've also checked my router settings and made sure their is no MAC address enabled.

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Ethernet Cable To Phone Port On Router

Sep 24, 2012


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D-Link DIR-655 :: Smart Phone Use Stalls Router

Dec 29, 2011

I have a couple of Droid Incredibles, and when I use them connected to my Wi-Fi (even tho I have unlimited data, the cell signal strength is not that high in my home -- I'd rather use the Wi-Fi) they'll run for 10-15 minutes, then hit a brick wall.  Internet traffic stops, for all devices conected.  ROuter has to be re-booted.url...but I also read some where in this forum that simply disabling AES would work. 

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Cisco :: Voice Router To Commercial Phone Line?

Sep 6, 2011

Since I am new to VOIP and am getting confused with the responses online on how to connect to a commercial phone system I thought I would ask here. I have a small voice router (1751) running CME with 2 Cisco 7940 phones. I would like to hook it up to a commercial line, but not sure how to. What specific card will I need for my voice router to connect it to the outside world (FXO right)? I see where they talk about hooking it up directly to the LAN line, another using a commercial phone system, and then the others using a PBX,ect... So confused to say the least. I assume I need an FXO port to connect to the POTS, but not sure if there is anything else I’m missing in the setup...

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Linksys E2000 Router Didn't Have A Phone Port?

Oct 30, 2011

i bought a Linksys E2000 router. When i went to set it up, i noticed that the old router has a phone line connected to it. When i looked at my E2000, I noticed that it didn't have a phone port in it (Rj11). Not sure what to do. Would it be possible to buy a Rj11 to Rj45 converter and just use that to connect the phone line to my router?

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Can Phone Access Desktop Via Router / Modem With Wifi

Feb 26, 2012

I've got a Livebox router/modem that provides an ethernet connection for our desktop and wifi connections for our smartphones (all-in-one kind of thing) in a SOHO environment. what i'd like to do is access one from the other, that is move files between a smartphone and the desktop without additional wiring or hardware.

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