Sharing :: Use 1 External Hdd To Backup Data From 2 Separate PC's?

Jan 20, 2011

I have got a 1TB external HDD...I want to use this to backup my data (dokuments , pics , video) that are on 2 desktops and one laptop---

AS I understand the terminology a I won't have enough room to do image backups (these back up all info incl OS ??) as on pc is usingb 677 gb and the other 400 gb ---- and anyway I can re-install windows if anything goes wrong...

SO---am I able to do this-

1. connect the ext- HDD to PC running win 7 64 bit....create a folder called "win 7 64 bit" and then drag and drop filesand folders into that folder(or use windows backup..which i am unfamilar with)

2. then connect to PC running Vista 64 bit ..create a f�lder called "Vista 64 bit" and do as above....

3. Do the same for the laptop running win 7 32 bit

Am I right in assumming that because it's just data I can put info from different OS on to it without and conflicts when connecting it to different Pc's?

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Cisco WAN :: Can Separate Or Pass Through External IP Through 1841

Dec 28, 2011

Our bank is required to do disaster recovery testing. We are doing this offsite at one of our director's businesses. His setup is as follows: His ISP is Time Warner which provided him with a wall unit and a switch He has a Cisco 1841 router out from the Time Warner switch and then down to his internal network, so TW wall unit --> TW switch --> Cisco 1841 --> internal network.The IPs provided to them from TW are We are trying to use the external address of, which his business is not currently using internally The Cisco 1841 router holds and NATs all of these addresses currently. We have a Cisco 800 series that is a dedicated router that needs an unused external static IP setup separate from their network. We were trying to plug into their Cisco 1841 and give the 800 series an internal address of This will not work for our bank's core processing data center. It has to be out of the TW switch and have an address of the
We tried plugging into the TW switch and making the 800 series router parallel to the 1841 router. Communication is not functioning when set up this way. This was tried on a laptop before using the 800 series router. Is there a way to pass through the address internally through the Cisco 1841 so we can connect the 800 series directly to this address and the 1841 doesn't use or NAT it in any way?
We had contacted TW support and they made it sound like we would have to block out some addresses and resubnet our director's network. This probably will not be an option. Basically we need to pass the addresses internally and have the Cisco 1841 pretend not to see it at all.So we would like to have into the TW wall unit --> TW switch --> Cisco 1841 --> all 74. addresses resolved to to internal EXCEPT which would pass through to the Cisco 800 series router.

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Cisco Wireless :: CAP-1602E - External Antennas In Separate Rooms

Feb 14, 2013

I have a question about external antennas on an access point. I have to plan a wireles solution, that also includes coverage in the industrial freezers. The freezers are one part of the sotck rooms, so the general coverage will be done with 1602I access points.
Since there are quite a lot of freezers in one location, installing separate AP in every freezer will be very expensive. I wondered if there is a possibility to put one 1602 access point with external antennas outside the freezer and then extend the antennas with 2m cables inside different freezers (1602E has three external antennas, so one antenna to each freezer).
Would this installation even work?
The freezers are quite small rooms maybe 2-3m2 sow the coverage is not a problem. But does this installation support multiple clients per AP in different freezers doing stocktaking with handheld terminals?

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Cisco VPN :: Separate L2L VPN Tunnels On Multiple External ISP Interfaces With ASA 5510

Oct 18, 2012

Due to special circumstances we have 2 ISP links on an ASA5510. I am trying to terminate some L2L VPN tunnels on one link and others on the second ISP Link, eg below:
crypto map outside-map_isp1 20 match address VPN_ACL_Acrypto map outside-map_isp1 20 set peer map outside-map_isp1 20 set transform-set TS-Generic
crypto map outside-map_isp2 30 match address VPN_ACL_Bcrypto map outside-map_isp2 30 set peer map outside-map_isp2 30 set transform-set TS-Generic
crypto map outside-map-isp1 interface ISP_1crypto map outside-map-isp2 interface ISP_2
crypto isakmp enable ISP_1crypto isakmp enable ISP_2
route ISP_1 ISP_2
Establising the VPN tunnels in either direction when using ISP_1 works fine establishing in either direction from remote access users and multiple L2L tunnels (only showing one for example).
On ISP_2
1. Peer device establishes a VPN tunnel, but the return traffic does NOT get back to devices on tunnel.
2. The local firewall does NOT establish a VPN tunnel going to
It would seem to indicate that the problems lies with this multihomed firewall not directing the traffic correctly to either return down and establised VPN tunnel (point1) or to intiate a tunnel if none exists (point 2).

Reconfiguring the VPN tunnel peer for to be on ISP_1 of the local firewall, all springs into life! There are sufficient license etc...

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Sharing :: Data Sharing Between Two Different Networks In A PC

Jun 21, 2012

I have two network card in my server and they are connected with different network and we are sharing data between them, but i dont know how, how to transfer data between these two different network.

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Sharing :: Saving A Document To Separate Places?

Nov 30, 2012

I'm not sure if this is even possible, but I'm currently changing from saving my documents on my desktop to a server. However, I like working with files from my desktop for ease of use. Is there any way to save a document in the server, while working with the document as it exists on my desktop (e.g. set the file up to save in two locations)?

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Cisco Firewall :: 6500 Separate Internal Server / HQ Network From 3 / 4 Different External Connections

May 21, 2012

I am using a 6500 with FWSM. I need to separate an internal server/HQ network from 3 or 4 different external connections. The external networks do not necessarily need to be isolated from each other.I have the option of using a 3 layer model: L2 Access layer to SVIs on the Distribution layer and then L3 to the 6500.L2 Access, connecting directly to the 6500s, with the SVIs on the FWSM.Is it better to have the FWSM outside the MSFC or Inside? Am i correct in thinking that "inside" vs "outside" is determined by whether the SVI's are configured on the FWSM or the MSFC? is there any performance impact from having the FWSM doing the routing instead of the MSFC.If the vlans are all configured on the FWSM, what is the 6500 doing, other than providing switch ports?

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Backup To External Drive Not Performing?

Mar 11, 2011

I am not sure whether this is the right category to which I should submit my question, but I couldn't find a section for "other software support" or anything like that.I am running Windows SBS 2003 at one of my clients and we are using Syncback as the backup software to backup important files and folders that gets written to the server on a daily basis.Now we are using two external drives for this purpose, alternating the two every second day, for improved security.However...I have set up the backup profiles exaclty with the same configurations and everything...everything is identical. But the backup to one of my drives does not want to perform giving the error : "the folder on the destination drive does not exist and can't be created"The folder does exist though, and what puzzles me is that running the backup manually or even copying files manually from the same server backup folders to the drive works perfectly, but when running the scheduled backup, it fails...and yes, the logon and authentication is set to "run as administrator" and the username and password is entered correctly.Like I said, the configs of the two drives are exactly the same, and the backup to the other drive works perfectly.I am using the Syncback free version, and support for the free version on the 2Brightsparks website is unavailable

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Sharing :: Creating Separate Work-group On One Network?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm in a house on a network that has 2 Macbooks, 4 notebooks running either Windows Vista or Windows 7, and 3 desktops running either Windows Vista or Windows XP. (Sidenote: No, they're not all accessing the network at the same time; actually some of them are hardly ever even turned on but it's important to include them because of the questions to follow.) Out of all those machines, one desktop running XP and one notebook running Vista are mine.Now, my family's pretty private, so we have file sharing turned off on all the computers. The problem is it's really a pain to have to transfer files between my laptop and my desktop, which I do fairly often because some of my schoolwork is done on the desktop (bigger screen), while some is done on my laptop (portability), and I also have a partition on the desktop's hard drive specifically for backing up files. When I want to transfer files, whether it's one file or 10,000 files (which I had to do the other day, actually), I either have to:

a) e-mail the file to myself if it's not too large and open it on the other machine

b)use my flash drive to transfer files

c) use a usb transfer cable, start the software, log in to the connection, etc etc.

simply create a new Workgroup on the network with just my 2 machines in it, so I can put all the files I want to share/move between them on the network instead of manually transferring them. I've already taken care of that step (creating the Workgroup, that is), so for the sake of not being confusing, I'll call my network "Network" and my workgroup "Mygroup" and whatever workgroups the other computers might be in "Theirgroups". Now that I've figured out that it's possible for Mygroup and Theirgroups to co-exist on Network, what about the actual file sharing? If I set up file sharing will only the 2 computers in Mygroup have access to them, or will the computers in Theirgroups have access as well since we're all on the same network? If the computers on Theirgroups will have access as well, is there any way I can make it so that only Mygroup will have access?

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Netgear WNR2000v2 / Using External HD For Backup On Network?

Aug 13, 2011

Two desktop computers with windows 7 home premium.Router: Netgear WNR2000v2 (which is NOT IPv6 compliant).External HD: 2TB Fantom.I have the external HD connected to one of the desktops via USB. I'd like to use it to back up the second computer to this HD.How do I get the second computer to recognize this as a backup target?Incidentally I've had problems getting HomeGroup setup since IPv6 is required for HomeGroup. I assume the problems are because the router isn't IPv6 compliant. I've tried the Microsoft Fixit 50410 (Use IPv4 instead of IPv6 in prefix policies. I've also reverted using Microsoft Fixit 50440 (Enable IPv6).

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Cisco :: How To Configure External FTP Backup Server NCS 1.1

Mar 12, 2013

How do you configure a external FTP Server for Cisco NCS 1.1? I only get setup username/password, i also need to setup FTP server IP and directory.           

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Cisco :: How To ASR 9k Auto-backup To External FTP Server

Jun 20, 2012

How to take auto  running configuration backup when use commit command in asr9k  .Our asr9k sofware Version 4.0.1[Default] .I usse the commands

ftp client password encrypted 050D121F345F4B1B4
ftp client username cisco
ftp client source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/14
ftp client anonymous-password cisco
(Password information changed)
configuration commit auto-save filename But auto backup not happening .following errror showing after every COMMIT command.

( Error:Couldn't save file /
Error:'CfgMgr' detected the 'warning' condition 'Operation is temporarily suspended.' )
Manually I able to take Running-configuration backup through ftp int same lacation ( ) .But automatically not happening .

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Unusable For Data Backup?

Jan 10, 2012

 I have a 1.5 TB USB hard drive attached to me E4200.  Configuring it so that multiple computers have access and can read and write their files is quite simple.  I've followed the instructions and had no difficulty.
My problem is this, after about a week's time has passed any file that has been on the hard drive for more than a week become undeletable.  Any attempt to modify it or remove it pops up a message saying I need permission from a specific user (always the user that I am currently logged in as!) to perform the operation on the file.
When this starts to happen, the device is, otherwise, perfectly functional.  I will still be able to create new files and delete any newly created files from the drive without difficulty even when those files are in the same directory as the files that the device will no longer let me edit.  Examination of the file properties dialog shows that the files that the device refuses to allow me to delete are identical in every way to any new file that I create.  Yet newly created files are removable but these older files ... are not.
I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that the HDD mounting feature of the device just doesn't actually work as advertised.
FWIW:  all my computers are using Windows 7 with the latest build.  I do access the device from these computers wirelessly.

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Cisco WAN :: 3845 - New E1 Installation As Backup Line For Data Network

Apr 26, 2011

I'm about to install a new E1 onto my 3845 as backup line for my data network. We usually use VWIC2 cards since our infrastructure covers EU and US sites. But this time, I ran out of stock and so did my supplier. I have a VWIC-1MFT-G703 card here but not sure if it would work. What is the difference compared to the regular VWIC-1MFT-E1 ?
FYI, I run 12.4 T train release on my 3845s.

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Cisco WAN :: HWIC-1CE1T1-PRI For ISDN30 - 8 Channels Data Backup Usage?

Oct 18, 2011

The customer has an existing ISDN30 - 8 channels backup circuit what was originally terminated to a C2611XM Now they required to replace this old router with a new one.The old router build:

CISCO2611XM - CISCO Dual 10/100 Ethernet Router w/ Cisco IOS IP, 32F/ 128D
CAB-E1-PRI  - CISCO E1- ISDN PRI Cable, 10 Feet
NM-1CE1B   - CISCO ^1-Port Channelized E1/ISDN-PRI Balanced Network Module
CAB-5-XOVER-3M   - COMSTOR Crossover Cable RJ45-RJ45 - 3
The new what we would provide:

1 x CISCO2911/K9 - Cisco 2911 w/3 GE,4 EHWIC,2 DSP,1 SM,256MB CF,512MB DRAM,IPB 1 1 x S29UK9-15104M - Cisco 2901-2921 IOS UNIVERSAL 1 1 x HWIC-1CE1T1-PRI - 1 port channelized T1/E1 and PRI HWIC 1 1 x CAB-ACU - AC Power Cord (UK), C13, BS 1363, 2.5m 1 1 x CAB-E1-RJ45BNC - E1 Cable RJ45 to Dual BNC (Unbalanced) 1 Included: PWR-2911-AC Cisco 2911 AC Power Supply ISR-CCP-EXP - Cisco Config Pro Express on Router Flash 1 MEM-2900-512MB-DEF - 512MB DRAM for Cisco 2901-2921 ISR (Default) 1 MEM-CF-256MB - 256MB Compact Flash for Cisco 1900, 2900, 3900 ISR 1 SL-29-IPB-K9 - IP Base License for Cisco 2901-2951 1

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Cisco Firewall :: Migrate Standby ASA 5540 To Backup Data Center?

Oct 11, 2012

We have backup data center where I am now  planning to provide backup internet service ( in the case where there is internet down or power outage at main server room) . I have a pair of Cisco ASA's 5540, one of which I need to move to backup data center ( BDC), Presently I have ADSL router at disaster serve room with static public IP from ISP.

Currently, I am publishing all my internal resources through ASA. Now my questions, if I move Standby ASA to Disaster Server Room. How I can publish the same internal resources through standby ASA and make it standby as active during the down time of main server room

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Sharing :: Backup Software And Networks?

May 21, 2011

I am looking for a program to use to back up my datafiles to a central pc in my home -a server, and then to back that up to the my webspace.

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Sharing :: Remote Backup To IP Address

Feb 24, 2013

How do I do a remote backup to an IP address? I am using NAT.I will be using port forwarding.I am using the windows "Add Network Location" wizard.I typed in my router's IP address, and it doesn't like it.I would like to run a backup by selecting the destination as this network location, if possible.

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Cisco WAN :: Dial Backup To ADSL Service Using 877 / External Analogue Modem

Jan 4, 2011

I'm trying to get a solution together for a dial backup to an ADSL service, using an Analogue modem.The kit list is as follows:

Cisco 877
Multitech MT5656ZDX External Analogue Modem or USR 5630D External Analogue Modem
Rolled patch cable RJ45 to DB25M adapter (pinout from a cisco guide)
So far I am unable to get the router/modem to dial out at all. I know the modems work, I have tested them from Windows.
I have attached a couple of outputs from "show line" and "show line 1" from the router and also what I think are the relevent lines of config although it will be too much config and probably jumbled by now as I've tried quite a few things to try and get this working.
I am more concerned with the config relating to the connection of the analogue modem than the routing element.

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Home Network :: Backup And Printer Sharing?

Dec 30, 2011

I have decided to set up a simple network at my home. I have got 2 PC's (one ground floor, one up staris), printer, TV and router.Now, my router has got only 4 sockets for RJ45 (no usb connection available). My target is to have one storage hard drive of 2TB for sharing pictures, files and automatic backup from PC's. Make of my router is D-link DIR-615. I want to have PC's connected by RJ45 for quick file transfer and TV as well to load movies from external/network hard drive so 3 of 4 ports are already used.I want to have my printer online in network all the time, so any PC can print at any time without connecting USB cable. Also I do not want to plug my printer into PC downstaris and share it in the network because if PC will be switched off, PC upstaris won't be able to print. So I want all my devices have connected to the router. Printer does not support ethernet interface as well (only usb connection).I've got a choice to buy an External Hard Drive (USB) or Network Hard Drive. I have choosen these two:


As I said, I got 2 devices to connect to my network, and there is also one port available. I know, we got many different hubs etc, but what about printer? It supports only USB 2.0.I have also found very basic NAS on ebay:


I thought I could by external hard drive because it is cheaper than network, and connect it together with my printer to this NAS and then NAS to router. Will I loose file transfer speed?

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Sharing Usb External Hdd's

Feb 15, 2012

Ive been researching this all morning and not having much luck. I have 2 an external hdd's that I wish to share between a win7 and a xp sp3 machine. I have 1 hdd hooked up to each machine. I do not have a home network setup. Both computers are hardwired to a wireless router. I can connect both drives to one machine if that makes this easier. I just want to be able to share both drives to both computers simultaneously. Is it possible to do so w/o a home network?

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Role Of Internet In Data Sharing?

Jan 19, 2012

How does the Internet play a role in data sharing?

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Can Transfer Files To External Hard Drive And Stream Data Over 5 Hz Signal

Jul 8, 2012

I am going back to college and I will need a router. Both my roommate and I were on the same router went over our bandwidth usage a number of times last year. I've done a bit of research and have come up with a few options: Asus rt-n56u, netgear wndr 4500, and the apple airport extreme. Both my desktop and laptop pc so I'm not sure if that effects the outcome. I am going to need a usb port for an ext hdd, which all of them have. All of the routers have a 5hz signal for better streaming. Would I be able to use the apple airport? It seems the have the best reviews. But I question the compatibility and some of the reviews due to possible fanboyism. Also, If I connect my desktop to the router via a crossover cable and have an ext hdd hooked into the router can I transfer files to the ext hdd and stream that data over a 5 hz signal?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 Lost Data On External 2TB WD Essentials

Dec 16, 2012

I had my external drive plugged into the e3000 with the network drive mapped on 2 laptops. One day my connection was slow so I backdoored the router ip (I didn't use cisco connect) to reset the router from my iPhone. I'm not sure exactly what was changed, but the partition disappeared from the drive. I've used a couple file recovery programs to try and retrieve the 250+ Gb data that was on the drive with no luck. They only find "deleted" files. Not the 13k files that were there and not deleted. The drive was never bootable. What to be used to recover the files.

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Sharing :: Use Old Computer As Auto-sync Backup And Production Server?

Jun 20, 2011

I have this idea of using my old computer (which is still pretty awesome) as a back up + production server. What this would entail would be that each person in my house has a dedicated hard drive that auto-syncs folders they've selected for backing up (not Memeo under any circumstances!). Then there will be a hard drive for me to work on web projects on. I'd like this computer to be very secure but if needed, I could show my work on the production drive to my boss.

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External HDD Sharing From Desktop To Laptop?

Mar 11, 2012

The setup:Desktop PC Win 7 home to Linksys router to ModemLaptop PC Win 7 home wifi to linksys router etcTwo external HDD, USB, (Mybook) connected to the Desktop.I've been able to use the setting to make a Home network, same workgroup name, basically set it up so that I can use the laptop to access the "libraries" on my desktop like the docs, photos, etc.Now, my plan was to be able to use that laptop to access the USB HDD connected to the desktop. I tried using the fhile sharing wizard, (right clicking and "include in library" and a link does appear. I try right clicking and "share with homegroup" in the libraries tree.I get an error: "The File Sharing Wizard can't share the root of a drive"With some research, I've set the HDD sharing on (checked the "share this folder" box) and under Security set it to "everyone".When I get to the laptop, I see the link to My Book in Homegroup. But there's nothing in it.

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Home Network :: How To Manage Data Sharing In A Little Intranet On Windows

Mar 10, 2012

I should set up a network for a little enterprise.The requirements can be summarized as follows:

- All the "business" softwares have to be stored in a single computer (let's call it "the server"). The other computers (in this case there should be at most 2 or 3 computers) can execute these softwares through the server. So there are no local copies of those softwares on clients, only on the server.
- The main computer (the server) shares also a printer.
- All the computers in the network, are interconnected through a single wi-fi modem/router. Some of them are connected through the wi-fi interface and others through an ethernet cable.

the server, in order to perform some special procedures, has to connect to a special modem which connects it to a remote private network. In order to do so, the server disconnects from the local enterprise network because Windows does not allow me to stay connected to more than one network at the same time.The remote private network does not require to disconnect from any other network, it's just a constraint imposed by Windows.In the meantime, clients are not able to execute softwares anymore and cannot print anything.when the server is connected to the private network, it still needs to execute the "business" softwares.

Is it possible to keep the server connected to both the networks without denying the access to softwares, data and printers to anyone? If yes, how?If not, how can I design the topology of the network in order to share softwares and other data among all the computers (server and clients)? It's important that when the server connects to the private network every computer (including the server itself) can still access softwares, data and printers.

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Controlling The Data Flow And File Sharing Between Computers Is Slow?

Aug 14, 2011

I have 2 computers in my room which between them i very frequently share files between. Wirelessly they were both connected to my home's router until recently the router was removed, but will be back soon.The problem though, was that with using the router, file sharing between those computers was slow, and with the router gone, I was lost because there was no movement of data between the computers whatsoever, I had no crossover cable, but plenty of regular ethernet cable. Than I remembered something about gigabit lan not needing crossovers(both of the computers being gigabit) and I connected them, and marveled at the new way to share files. And more by the exponential boost in speed(800kb/s to a grand 12mb/s{though I still think that is slow for gigabit.}). Obviously I've overcome a problem, but that's not where this story ends, it comes with another problem. When the router is reconnected to these computers, will the files still transfer through there new found direct connection? or will it attempt to go through the router, only allowing me to get the speeds I want when one of these computers isn't connected to the router?

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Sharing :: Give Password To External Hard Drive

Mar 10, 2011

how I can give password to my external hard disk so that no others can open it.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: Sharing USB External Drive On DPC3827

Jan 31, 2013

There is a USB port on my DPC3827 gateway device, and I'm trying to figure out if/how I can share an external portable hard drive I've connected to it. It's formatted FAT32. There are no places in the admin pages to configure storage sharing options.

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Sharing :: 8032 - Browser Service Has Failed To Retrieve Backup List Too Many Times On Transport

Dec 14, 2011

This network has a peer network with a mixture of Win 7, Vista and XP computers. The network problem I am having is with an XP computer that was able to access network shares on a Win 7 Pro (64-bit) computer yesterday, but cannot today. I tried repair steps that have worked for me in the past, but didn't today.

1. Rebooted.
2. Turned off Windows Firewall.
3. Re-ran the Network Setup Wizard and select turn on file and print sharing.
4. Changed IP configuration to choose NETBIOS over TCP/IP.
5. Uninstalled AV software.

Error Messages that I have been receiving:

1. When attempting to connect to a share on Win 7 PC: "Microsoft Windows Network: The specified server cannot perform the requested operation. The connection has not been restored."

2. When trying to view the computers in the workgroup: "Workgroup is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.

3. When using the command, "NET VIEW" from the command prompt: "System Error 58 has occurred.

4. Event Log: Browser error 8032. The browser service has failed to retrieve the backup list too many times on transport DeviceNetBT_Tcpip_{06ECF93A-1B89-4FF4-923E-F3302EF95FE1}. The backup browser is stopping.

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Routers / Switches :: Quad Port Nic Server - Sharing Data Load

Jun 29, 2012

We have a quad port NIC on our Dell server.I want to take all 4 ports and plug it into our switch and have it all go to the same IP of the server and just have to share the data load in/out.Do I need to configure anything to do this?

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Home Network :: Setup A DC++ HUB For Sharing Data Within The University Local Network?

Feb 13, 2011

I want to setup a DC++ HUB for sharing data within the university local network. We have addresses of the form 172.31.*.*. These addressed are accessible within the university bu non routable outside on the internet. My plan is to setup a local HUB for DC++ for sharing data within the university intranet. So even if internet is unavailable data can be exchanged through LAN. This HUB must not be accessable outsied the university should I do this all..implementing network sharing other than DC++. My basic idea is that everybody can share their data and the data is searchable from one common interface( Web interface is better option, if possible). And data featching should prefferably be from many hosts, using multiple connections so that speed can be improved..

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