Cisco WAN :: WRT54GL Power Down Home Router Completely For Several Hours

Jun 4, 2011

I have a RVS4000 and a WRT54GL router at home... I am planning to power down my home completely for several hours, my question is will I have to re-setup everything or will it retain the settings within the router? 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54GL Manually Power-cycle To Get Internet Back

Aug 15, 2012

We have a Model WRT54GLWireless-G router. At least once a day it loses it's internet connection. All computers that are wired to the switch that is connected to it lose their internet as well as any wireless devices. I have to manually power-cycle the router to get internet back.

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Home Network :: No Internet Through WRT54GL Router?

Mar 18, 2012

Recently we ordered a new Modem from Centurylink to replace an old one we have. (which ironically the old one's wireless is way better) Both modems work perfectly fine, and I've tried the same things with both to figure this out. I ran an ethernet to my gaming room, which is about 150 feet. When I connect my computer directly into the modem, my computer works fine. Initially, the PS3 worked, but when I switched back to the computer with the single Ethernet cable, I was getting an IP error. Every since then, the PS3 will not connect through Ethernet. (Wireless works, but its so far away the signal is weak)

So, I dug up my router, Linksys WRT54GL, plugged it into the ethernet that came from the Modem, (did all the steps in order multiple times), and no internet through wifi or ethernet on it. The lights and everything say there is ethernet and the WIFI/Ethernet are working, but there is no internet. All the wires are confirmed fine. I've tested them on other devices plugged directly into the modem. I tried the PS3 at the modem with 3 Ethernet cords as a test, It says there is an IP Address timeout error. Regardless of what I do, the PS3 won't connect via Ethernet. And without internet working on the Linksys router, Im getting about 15-25% signal from the Modem. (which is also wireless, if that has anything to do with the issue)

I need the router to do at the very least, WIFI. I really want Ethernet though so I don't lose much speed. (We are maxed out here at 1.5mb connection from Centurylink)

When it comes to computers, I'm advanced with them. When it comes to networking, I'm okay. I understand basic things, like accessing the router or modem through the browser. I can do the whole setup for WIFI. But when it comes to how the IP address, Static IP, etc., goes, im confused by them. So forgive me if I sound ignorant. I've looked for over a week on sites, and nothing is working. The router may be broken, im not sure. I bought it a few years ago and then didn't need it till recently. So its been sitting in a box.

All I know is, I have an ethernet from the modem to this room, the PS3 refuses to get an IP, and if I do it too much the PC gets an IP conflict. If I plug the Ethernet into the internet part of the router and do wireless or Ethernet, there is no internet coming out.

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Home Network :: WRT54GL Router Range Extending?

Apr 13, 2012

I've been looking around for quite some time and can't find a complete answer. I have a Linksys WRT54GL router handling my home wireless network located in the living room (let's call it 'Zone A').I have an ethernet cable running from that router to the other end of the house (let's call this one 'Zone B'), where the wi-fi signal is very weak. a. What is the technically correct way to have a strong wi-fi signal at Zone B (with the same SSID, key-phrase, etc.)? b. If I take another WRT54GL router, set the same SSID and key-phrase, disable its DHCP and plug it to the ethernet cable in Zone B - will that do the trick? I've tried the Linksys range extender at a friend's house and it turned out to be a big flop.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Set Home Page On WRT54GL?

Dec 17, 2011

I am using a WRT54GL for the free wifi service at my business.  Is there any way to set it so that when someone accesses the internet they are directed to my business home page first?

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Home Network :: Connecting AirPort Express To Linksys WRT54GL Router?

Jan 17, 2013

I have an AirPort Express set up as my router, and that works fine and is the main network that I use. I also have a Linksys WRT54GL that is wired to a printer.Currently, when I want to print from my computer, I have to manually connect to the Linksys network, which is a pain. I would like to wirelessly connect the Linksys to my main network, so I can print even when connected to my Airport Express.Does that mean that I have to configure the Linksys as an access point? A bridge? Something else? How do I do that?

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Home Network :: Dir-655 / WRT54GL With Tomato As Repeater (WDS?)

Jun 14, 2011

I have a newer N Router (Dlink DIR-655) and the wireless signal coming off of it, just isn't strong enough. I was planning on using the WTF54GL to repeat the signal and inturn increase the coverage area. I've installed the latest version of Tomato on there (v1.28) and have gone through setting it up as a wireless client, wireless ethernet bridge (which works for picking up the wireless signal and then plugging something in via ethernet has internet), access point, access point + wds and just wds. None of which I can get to seem to properly repeat the wireless signal with internet connectivity. I have both routers set to G only channel 6, WPA Personal, Is this even possible? Or do I need a router that can run the tomato firmware on the main (host) router that is connected to the net?

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WRT54GL Unable To Work From Home Without VPN From Disconnecting / Reconnecting

Sep 4, 2012

I've been otherwise very happy with my Linksys WRT54GL but have not been able to work from home without my work VPN from disconnecting/reconnecting multiple times throughout the day.

The IT guy said that a lot of people have issues with the older Linksys routers, and recommended I get something more modern. Assuming that is correct, what would be a good upgrade for me? I really don't want to spend too much time setting up the new router, but would love QoS if it comes out of the box. I have about 4 wired connections and about 6-8 wireless connections, on a 20MBit connection.

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Home Network :: How Close Can Cat6 Be To Parallel Power Lines

Mar 28, 2011

Obviously you do not want your cat6 lines running too close to your power lines especially when in parallel. The question though is how close can it be without causing interference?In my situation the wall I want to connect my main router to has a power outlet in the middle of it which honestly is where I would have preferred my network ports. Will I be OK if I run my cat6 in the wall channel directly next to the channel that contains the power line? It would be a standard U.S. interior wall residential power line. I should be able to get from 12 to 24 inches of distance between my cat6 and power line while still keeping my network outlet in a semi-central location.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Router Stopped Working Completely

Jul 21, 2011

I bought the DIR-655 less than a year ago in Amazon, shipping it to NY. And then I came back to Uruguay. Almost 3 months ago the router stopped working completely and I started to search for support in Uruguay.After calling US support I was told I should contact the local or regional D-Link (which I later found is D-Link LA). And via I found the company TELEDATA S.A. url... who does the official support for D-Link in Uruguay. They told me the router couldn't be fixed, and told me DLinkLA, which is based in Chile, would either send me a working one (they also told me the service/warrany was already approved), or send me the money and gave me their contact details.After two weeks of contacting them, trying to get their attention, they finally told me it was not their responsibility because it was bought in the US. And now they don't return my e-mails.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Router Giving Up Upload Completely

Mar 4, 2011

I have a switch connected from the internet outtake in my apartment.This switch gives internet to two, or sometimes three computers, by cable.To get wireless I have a DLINK-615 connected after the switch.This solution works flawless for some time, just after the router is started or reset. If I go to both the upload and the download works flawless.However, after around half an hour it's virtually impossible to upload, which gives heavy lag in programs like skype and games. If you try to now the download is still fine, but the upload gives a result of 0.1mb/sec after trying to even start the test for 3-4 minutes.Router giving up upload completely

I've tried to change the IP in the router to prevent a conflict between it and the switch. The problem is still there whatever IP I choose though, I simply have no upload.I've also tried to disable the DHCP, mess with the MTU and to enable the Access Point mode with no result.

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Routers / Switches :: Wireless Router Will Not Download Completely

Nov 24, 2011

where to change version of windows I can not find where to change the version of my windows to make it compatible with my router..I know that there is a place to change it,but I can not find it...I have Windows XP and it is compatible with my wireless router.

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Cisco WAN :: 3750 Router - Inbound Bandwidth Completely Saturated At 20Mbs

Oct 21, 2011

I have a 3750 acting as my WAN router connected to our MPLS provider via ethernet.  For a couple days my inbound bandwidth has been completely saturated at 20Mbs (the speed of my link).  I know this model of switch does not support netflow, but is there any other way to try and find out what is using all the bandwidth?  I have pretty much ruled out anything on the internet since the in/out interfaces of my firewall are not seeing much traffic.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT300N Dropped Connection Completely

Jul 4, 2011

I've had this WRT300N for several years and it has worked very well.It suddenly dropped all wireless connections and no one can re-connect.  My main pc is hard wired directly to the router and works perfectly as always.  3 wireless pc's and 3 handheld devices suddenly can't connect. I've powered down my modem and router for several minutes, but nothing changed.  The firmware was upgraded a long time ago and there are no other upgrades available.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Completely Quits Periodically

Sep 14, 2011

I purchased an E4200 from a retail store about ten days ago.It completely quits periodically. Even the managment interface is gone. It seems to just die. The only fix is to unplug it, count to ten and plug it back in.router also gets extremely hot. I have tried locating it in several places, no matter where I put it, it still gets very hot. Right now I have it straddling a trash can so that it has about two feet of air space under it. It is still uncomfortable to the touch.
When I contacted technical support all they would do is walk me through setting it up from scratch again. I've done that many times, and I do not want to do it agian. Setting the router up agian will not make it cool down.
1. Exchange this for another one, probably from the same batch, at the store?
2. Fight with Linksys tech support to get a waranty return? (Any input on how to get them to do this?)
3. Return this router altogether (paying the retailer's 15% restocking fee) and look for another brand?

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG120N Router Has Stopped Working Completely

Jun 26, 2012

My WAG120N router has stopped working completely. None of the Ethernet ports or the wi-fi signal button is lit,power light continues to blink for 10 odd mins and then comes to a rest. Tried to login to admin portal without any success, tried to reset it pressing the reset button in the back without any success.Tried the 30-30-30 reset method without success too.

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Linksys WRT54G V5 Router / Transfers Start Fast Then Almost Halt Completely?

Mar 14, 2011

Linksys WRT54G v5 Router
Arris TM502G/CT Modem

Whether it be downloading or just trying to watch a video on youtube. For some reason everytime I try to download something it appears to start fast but then it basically just stops. I'm running windows Vista and I've tried going into the router security settings and unchecking Block Anonymous Internet Requests.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2000 Firmware Update Crashed It Completely?

Mar 3, 2011

I've just been on the phone with tech support and it appears that the latest firmware that Cisco Connect is stating that one should install is faulty and is bricking routers.
I've tried resetting it, holding the reset button while powering up for over 5 minutes with no change.
All the router does now is the power light is blinking but no access to the router is possible at all.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G Signal Vanishes Completely / Keeps Dropping Connection?

Dec 26, 2012

My old WRT54G V8 router has been acting up lately. It keep dropping the connection out of the blue. Sometimes I'd be browsing the Internet when the router's signal vanishes completely, it disappears from the list of available wireless networks on not just my computer, but my smartphone and all other devices in the household! Other times I keep connected to the network but there's no access to the Internet. Everything seems fine on the ISP's part, I can connect just fine directly from my modem, so I'm certain the problem is with the router. Besides, these problems are solved by just power cycling the router.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Stopped Allowing Traffic Through Ports Completely

Apr 24, 2013

I posted my complaint on recently.  My E4200 router stopped allowing traffic through ports completely.  I was able to unplug the power and allow the router to cool, and the router would work for a while then stop after about 10 minutes.  I assume that the unit was overheating, but I do not have the equipment of a test facility.I bought a Belkin AC 1200 router which is a bit of an upgrade from  I do not think that there is anything that Linksys can do for me as my warranty expired.  I just thought that when I spent what was to me a lot of money the router should have lasted longer.

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Cisco WAN :: 1721 Router Suddenly Get Reboot With 1 Or 2 Hours Gap?

Jul 13, 2011

I have the Cisco series “Cisco 1700” routers operational at my client site, These router suddenly get reboot with 1 or 2 hrs gap. See the below errors which has been captured in router logs:

00:00:09: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from memory by console
00:00:11: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C1700 Software (C1700-Y-M), Version 12.2(16.1)T,  MAINTENANCE INTERIM S
TAC Support: [URL]


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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54GS - Reset Security Button Completely Shut Out Connection

Oct 3, 2011

I was in the Wireless tab>Basic Wireless Settings and then I clicked the "Reset Security" button.  I don't know what that did but I've been completely shut out of my connection ever since and I don't know how to fix it. I tried doing the install sequence of the router just now (Clone MAC address, then release and renew DHCP, power cycle modem, router, and PC) but it still didn't work.

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Tenda Wireless Router Needs Restarting Each 10 Hours?

Oct 8, 2012

I bought this Tenda wifi router and connected it.It's a chinese one and the user interface is not much friendly. It works fine but sometimes if u play around with it u will lose the settings you inserted in to it and you will need to reconfigure it.

My problem is my ISP seems to renew the IP's issued to their customers automatically every 10 hrs from the last login. But every other router keeps the connection alive but my router doesn't. It needs to be restarted in order to get the internet back online.simply said,u need to restart the router every 10 hrs.

BTW Never buy Tenda routers.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Router Stops Working After Several Hours

Feb 19, 2011

My D-Link DIR-655 will no longer let me pull up any web pages after several hours.  For example, it works great when first rebooted, but the next morning web pages have timed out.  When it is broken, I'm unable to connect to web pages via another wireless access point that i've plugged into the D-Link.  I'm unable to use any of the wireless PCs or devices in my house.After it's rebooted, it works well for at least a few hours.  It has the latest firmware and has basic, out of the box settings. 

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Dell Inspiron - Can't Connect To Belkin Router At All - Tried Everything For Hours

Aug 22, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron, Windows 7 laptop, that's about all I know about it. A couple months ago I got a Belkin Surf N300 router, when I first got it I had it set up through Hughes Net and everything worked fine, I had good connecting everywhere I went with my laptop. Now, I no longer have the Hughes Net and I hooked up through a Broadband thing, our desktop computer is connect to it and works perfectly fine, when I go to try and connect to it on my laptop it WILL NOT work, it just says its unable to connect to it. I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of and some stuff I didn't even know you could change, all I want is to use my laptop

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Losing Connectivity Every Couple Of Hours / Modem Or Router?

Sep 19, 2012

I have an issue with my current network where every couple of hours I will lose my connectivity and it will not come back unless I do a power cycle on my router/modem. I originally thought the issue was with my router, however I'm beginning to think it's an issue involving the modem. I've tried two different routers and this happens on both. My main router is a D-Link WBR-1310 (crap I know but it was free) and has lasted for years, and my modem is a Toshiba PCX2500 from Time Warner Cable. The second router I used to test this was an older Linksys BEFW11S4. I was going to replace my router, but when I saw that both of them reset after a few hours (today was only 5, last night it was connected for over 8 hours as I slept). I ran an IPCONFIG /ALL when I was connected with internet and when I was connected without and the only three changes were: [code]

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Protocols / Routing :: D-link Router DIR-600 Disconnects Every Few Hours?

May 26, 2012

I have my D-link DIR 600 and I never had problems with it until now. For the past three weeks, my router keeps on disconnecting my Desktop P.C. from which the main internet cable is connected. Whenever it happens, I try connecting my Netbook over a WiFi connection using the same router; and even though my desktop can not connect to the internet, my netbook still can. Apparently when it happens, the [3] (the 4th light in the image) light goes off, and I have to restart my Desktop P.C. for it to turn on again and to use the internet again.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G2 Dying After 2 Hours?

Sep 13, 2011

I've needed to power-cycle my router every 2 hours. Usually it can last 2 weeks before needing to power-cycle (a process I've done for the past 2 or 3 years). This actually happened before for me a couple of months ago, but I did a firmware update along with a reset, and it looked like everything went back to normal.
But last Saturday I had to power-cycle it twice, then it didn't have any problems all day Sunday. But yesterday it went back to needing to be power-cycle it every 2 hours. My computer is physically connected to the router and is working perfectly no problems at all. But my parents use the wireless for their PC and laptop, and I use it for my 360, PS3, and Wii, so having to power-cycle it every 2 hours would be a pain.
I was wondering if this is a sign of the wireless in my router dying and in need of a new one, or is there some possible fixes I can do in order to repair it.
Mixed Mode
Wireless Channel 1
No WPA (Something I'm planning on fixing)

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA6500 Reboots Every Few Hours

Nov 4, 2012

I got my new comcast connection and using CISCO DPC3008 cable modem and EA6500 Wifi Smart Router. Internet works fine and then suddently the internet goes away. Further investigation shows EA6500 Wifi router just reboots every few hours and then wifi devices don't reconnect like it used to do with previous routers.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1000 Stops Working Every Few Hours

Oct 21, 2011

I have a Cisco Linksys E1000 wireless router.  It has been working perfectly for the last few months until yesterday when I noticed none of my wireless devices could connect.  The SSID was still being broadcast and my computers that were connected through an ethernet cable were still able to access the internet fine.  Eventually I pressed the red reset button on the back of the router, which reset my router name, password, etc.  I set everything back up and was able to connect again.  Several hours later the wireless stopped working again.  When I launched the Cisco Connect software I was prompted to update some software (possibly the router firmware) so I did that.  After that I was able to connect to wireless again.  This morning I woke up and wireless was not working again.  This time I changed the password for the router and then I was able to connect to wireless again.  I tried to change the router password back to the original password and I couldn't connect anymore.  When I changed the router password back to the new password I could connect again.

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Belkin Routers :: N750 Router Rebooting Every Few Hours For No Reason

Nov 29, 2012

I have an N750 DB router and it has been rebooting every few hours for no reason. This has just started happening about 4 days ago. I don't know why but when I check the system logs its filled with the following. [code]

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Cisco :: Command To Show Uptime Of A Router Interface In Days / Hours / Minutes?

Aug 22, 2012

I'm probably overlooking something very simple but is there a command to show the uptime of a router interface in days,hours,minutes?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2000 HTTP Port Forwarding Stops After A Few Hours?

Aug 6, 2012

The Port 80 port fowarding stops functioning after a few hours and requires the router to be rebooted to start forwarding again. The firmeware is the latest 1.0.04 Build 7. I require it to operate reliably for many days without intervention. I assume that it is a port forwarding problem because I can access the IP on my network from within my network even when I can't access it from outside my network. I am using the correct IP addresses as it sometimes works OK. A characteristic is that when I can't access the page it loads as completely blank white with no error message.

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