Can't Connect To LAN When Connected To D-Link DIR-615

Feb 19, 2011

I'm have a D-Link DIR-615 Wireless N 300 Router. I didn't use the CD it comes with to set up the network. Instead I configured it manually through the router's settings that are accessed via a web browser.

The main changes I made are:

Secured the router so that a password is required before clients can use the wireless internet. Broadcasting 802.11N only (not B or G).

I can connect to the router just fine and I'm able to access the internet. The only problem is that I don't see any of the other computers in my LAN. When I try connecting to another Wi-Fi router that I have (which is connected to the same network), I can see all of the computer's on my LAN just fine. Therefore, I'm guessing that the reason I can't connect to the LAN is not a problem with my computer and is a problem with the router instead.

I'm on a MacBook Air running Mac OS X 10.6.6.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Connected To PC Does Not Connect To Internet

Aug 18, 2011

I'm using an AMBIT cable modem/router with the DIR-815.The Ambit is in pass through mode.I have 2 wired machines and 1 wireless laptop. I can access the router from all the machines...but none of them can access the internet.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: See Who's Connected To Router?

May 11, 2011

How do you determine who's connected to my wireless router?

I can see the "lan computers" section under the "device info" section under "status". It lists computers that were connected yesterday but have been powered down for at least 12 hours? Renew'ing or releasing the router doesn't update the list.

Also is there a way, from my router, to force a computer off my network?

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How To See The Clients Connected To A TP-Link TD-W8960N

Apr 17, 2013

I have a TP-Link TD-W8960N Wireless Router. I would like to know what the I.P. addresses of connected clients are (both those connected wirelessly & those connected by Ethernet cable). There are about 6 computers in my network, some have dynamic and others have static I.P. addresses.I am finding it difficult to navigate the router,on which menus get me to the information that I am interested in

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Can't Stay Connected To Settings

Aug 21, 2011

I'm trying to change some network settings, but the router is unresponsive when I try to connect to its ip address. If I reset the router it opens a 20 second window where I can log in, but then goes unresponsive. I have encountered this on my main pc connected wireless, and duplicated the results when wired in with my netbook.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Connected But Internet Drops Off?

Feb 24, 2011

I have the A1 version. I originally bought it and used it for a few months. I was very disappointed with the performance and went back to my Linksys WRT54G (running DD-WRT).

I recently decided to try it again. I upgraded to firmware 1.13. It worked pretty well for a week or so but now I am considering going back to my Linksys again. I keep losing my internet connectivity. The signal can be strong but internet becomes unavailable. Sometimes, just waiting it out works. Sometimes, disconnecting and re-connecting works. Sometimes, a reboot of the router works. Sometimes, nothing seems to work until it is good and ready to work. Sometimes, I cannot access the internet on my computer but my girlfriend still can. Sometimes, neither of us can connect.

I want to use it because I want the wireless-N speed to transfer files to my media center (and I paid a lot of money for it!) but the aggravation is getting to be too much.

There seems to be some correlation between visibility of my neighbors' networks and the connectivity issues but I could not swear to that. This is amazing to me because my neighbors are pretty far away and I can barely get the DIR-825 signal from my basement to my second floor.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Router Does Not Appear To Be Connected Properly?

Feb 11, 2013

So I have a DIR-825, I got from a family member as they didn't need it anymore. (Don't know if its under any warranty at all) I have a few different problems with it:

1. It doesn't install correctly. I insert the disc, the "Checking adapter enabled" finishes quickly and easy. Then the "Checking network status..." goes for about 30 seconds - 1 minutes and then I get the "Your new router does not appear to be connected properly." It gives the Follow these steps message of checking connections/resetting/etc, which I have done multiple times without success.

2. Despite the failed install, I DO get an internet connection. It starts to get weird though. I have 3 different connections currently connected to it with the following properties:

Modem>Computer (Wired) - 16 MB/Second
Modem>Router>Computer (Wired) - 3 MB/Second
Modem>Router>Laptop (Wireless) - <1 MB/Second
Modem>Router>iPhone (Wireless) - 13 MB/Second

I've tried looking through the options on my router but nothing looks like it will work .

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Determine If A Device Is Connected To LAN?

Mar 27, 2011

Should the DIR-655 list all devices that are accessing either my WAN or another device on the LAN, assuming there are no other switches on the network, and all traffic is going through the DIR-655?

I was trying to determine the IP, and MAC address of an AT&T Microcell connected to my network. I have no physical access to Microcell. I have been able to find the IP address, in the logs of the DIR-655, but nowhere else. Shouldn't it be listed under SETUP -> NETWORK SETTINGS -> NUMBER OF DYNAMIC DHCP CLIENTS?

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Router Not Connected To Internet?

Mar 23, 2012

had this same problem last year and by a fluke i was connected to the internet so my wireless printer could access web services but one of my computers connected to the router kept disconnecting from the internet so i had to change the settings now i want to try to get the router connected to the internet again.  my wireless network has no internet access so i know the router isnt connected to the internet but i am online right now through the router.  My ISP is AOL Canada.  I also had a message on the computer saying that the DNS server isn't responding.  Also my internet has no network access. Also i had the router set for DHCP NOT PPPoE or whatever its called.  also what DNS should i put for the setting  or do I need to put that on router setup page for the internet. Also is there any way of stopping the other computer from disconnecting from the internet once i get the router connected to the internet? One more thing on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen where the wireless icon is theres a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in over it  how do i get rid of that  when i had the router connected to the internet last year the yellow triangle was gone.  And right now on the network map its showing an x through the line going from the router to the internet which i know means theres no internet from the router.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Have Two Desktop Computer Connected?

Feb 14, 2011

i put the dlink disk in the second computer to install the router and i followed the instructions and i connected the computer to number 2 on the router cause my other computer is connected to number 1.  when i tried to sign onto the internet nothing happened and i got a message on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen saying something like local network cable unplugged. 

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D-Link DSL 300T - Only One Computer In Network Is Connected

May 12, 2011

Earlier today my modem died so I looked around and found an old modem (D-Link DSL-300T) lying around so I decided to use that one instead of purchasing a new one.It always worked great in the past, but when I tried it today I can only find a connection on this computer (garbage computer), the other 2 computers in my network can't connect to the internet, they can't even connect to the network at all.Oh and the router I'm using is a D-Link DIR-100. This computer is running windows XP, so is another one in the network and the one I want the connection to work on is running windows 7.

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D-Link DIR-615 Wireless N Router Cannot Be Connected To By Apple TV?

Jan 13, 2011

recently purchased the Wireless N D-Link Router DIR-615. After a few hiccups the router works with all of our computers, blackberry's, wireless printer and Ipod touch's however my Apple TV 1G will not connect to the network. The Apple TV will just give the error code -6 after the password for the network has been entered. I double checked that the password for the router is only WEP 10 hex digits and that it is correct have tried reseting the Apple TV to the factory settings and using the DHCP Reservation in the network settings of the router and manually configuring the TC/IP settings on the Apple TV (Not quite sure what I am doing with this though so put everything back). I have also tried switching the 802.11

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Can't Get To Website When Router Connected To Computer

Apr 1, 2011

Can't get to my Web site with router is connected to my computer and when I connect to my computer with out the router in-line I can connect. I tried the reset in the back but it didn't work. 

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Accessing USB External HDD Connected With Apple TV2

May 26, 2011

I recently purchased the dir-655 router, and am impressed by it's speed. I had no problems configuring the router to my liking, and have found that all of my wireless devices communicate with it flawlessly.

However, my main reason for purchasing this router was for the USB port. I had hoped to connect my 2TB external drive and have it accessible by all wireless devices in my home. To my understanding, the USB port relies on the use of the Shareport Utility. I've installed the Shareport Utility to my laptop for wireless access to my media files for streaming.

Here's my problem. How can I access my media on my external HDD connected to the dir-655 with Apple TV2? I've read several options for PS3 users... and they all seem to involve leaving the pc/laptop running. I would ultimately like to bypass the necessity of leaving my laptop on... but if that's not a possibility, I can live with it being left on.

Therefore, is it possible to access the external drive connected to the dir-655 with my Apple TV 2 by using the laptop as a bridge? Can I access the content via Apple TV by using Windows SMB just as I currently do to access media stored on my laptop?

To summarize, I want to have access to the media on my external drive connected to the dir-655 via Apple TV2.

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D-link Dir-655 :: Laptop Will Not Stay Connected Via Wifi

Jun 21, 2011

I installed the DIR-655 on my home network a couple weeks ago to replace an older model D-Link that failed.

I'm having trouble with my laptop maintaining a connection to the network ever since.

Firmware Version :     2.00NA , Wed, 12, May, 2010
Hardware Version: B1   
Desktop WinXP hardwired to router
Blu-Ray player hardwired to router
Dish Network received hardwired to router
Laptop Win7 wifi
Android phone wifi
CenturyLink DSL

It seems that the wifi stays up until I try to access the internet via the laptop. After a few seconds, the laptop will disconnect, and many times the router seems to reset itself, though not always. This does not happen when using a hard-wired connection. Using the wifi-enabled Android phone doesn't seem to affect the network.

Sometimes the wifi comes back up pretty quickly, but other times it does not. Earlier today, the internet globe light on the router turned from blue to amber. I had to reset the CenturyLink DSL modem for it to work again.

When the network goes does, I get a message on my desktop that a network cable is unplugged, and the network disappears from my available wifi networks that I can see with the laptop. Sometimes I get the "limited connectivity" message.

I have tried changing the 802.11 mode around, and I've changed from Auto Channel Scan to Channel 1. Neither of those have fixed the problem.

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D-link Dir-615 :: Wifi Not Connected Using Xperia Neo Phone

Nov 11, 2011

I have a wifi connection in my shared accommodation which I use to connect to my Laptop. Now that I have bought a new smart phone, I want to use this wifi with my phone as well. I have a Sony Xperia Neo mobile phone. When I entered the password in phone it said limited connectivity and was not allowing to open the webpages. So what I did was took all the settings of the Wifi like IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, dns 1 and dns 2, manually entered all these in the advanced setting. Now the phone is saying you are connected to the Wifi, But I am not able to open any webpages.

I have a DLINK _ DIR615 router

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D-Link DIR-600 :: WAN Goes Down When Transferring Files Between Pc's Connected To LAN Port

Jan 12, 2012

Wan goes down when transferring files between pcs connected to the lan port.It looks like it's running out of resources or something.  Passing more than 10GB of data to other pc is a pain in the ass because nobody else can access internet (lan and wireless clients).Filled a support request in local dlink site. No response so far.

Model Dir-600 B2
Firmware 2.05

2 pcs transferring lan data.3rd pc (doing nothing) can't access router config at

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Interacting With IP Address Connected To WAN Port?

Oct 28, 2011

is there any way to interact with wan port like LAN?i have connected a rocket m5 as a bridge to my Dir-615 wan port but i cant see the AirOS login page (rocket m5 configuration page) nor brige's ip address on my there any way to interact with the ip address that connected to wan port?

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Assigning Names To Connected Devices?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm using MAC address filtering on my network, and have no problem adding new devices as and when we purchase them. However, a lot of these items such as smart phones with wi-fi, Kindles etc don't seem to have a name that identifies them on the device info page. All of our laptops and desktops are identified, but none of the phones etc. Is it possible to assign names to MAC addresses at all?

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D-Link DIR-600 :: No Internet Access Even Though It States As Connected

Aug 28, 2011

For an intro, Dir 500 H/W C1, FW: 3.02. I�m getting this annoying error that seems to fallow every-time I boot up the router after being shut off, for example, my supply (Electricity) doesn�t tend to be fluid around here so sometime the device need to be shut off (Constantly or 1 time in a daily basis) it is connected to an UPS though. After everything is up and running again I get the classic yellow sign on the tray-bar internet icon stating as connected but without Internet Access?With no way to access the internet when connected to the Dir-600, I go back using my primary router to and search for the problem, ending with nothing at hand but hard-resetting or plugging the power off kind of advises, e.g; The plug-ing off method seems not do the trick anymore, ending up only with the option of reset-ing the router to its factory status which is even more annoying to do every time I want it to function properly?

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D-link Dir-655 :: Wifi Does Not Give Signal Even When Connected

Jun 25, 2011

For some reason my router does not give internet but my laptop is still connected via lan wireless. This would be a problem for me because i always leave my laptop connected in the web at night

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D-link Dir-615 :: Router Can Be Connected Through Wifi But Not With Cable

May 10, 2013

i recently bought my dir-615 to hook up with my tp- td 8816 modem. After setting it up and successfully working one day, the router randomly stopped sending a WiFi signal. I restarted it twice and it began to work once more. I decided to install dd wrt build 21061 for my E3 dir -615 router. Unfortunately, i could not get it to work. I have dsl internet and my isp uses PPPoE. I used the option for the set up and filled out the appropriate information, but it would not work and the internet light on the router would turn orange.

Unfortunately i decided to play around with this router at the wrong time and the people in my house needed it. I decided to quickly re flash it by going into the emergency room(holding reset button during router reset until orange button starts blinking). However when i select the official d link firmware, it simply will not change. The page is stuck loading on the d-link emergency room page with no progression whatsoever. I tried the process 3 times already.

For some reason, i can connect to the router through WiFi but not through cable. When i connect through WiFi i am on the dd wrt firmware. I don't think i can return the modem to the store since it is clearly on DD WRT firmware.

I'm either looking for a solution to re flashing back to stock firmware, or making the internet work on the dd wrt firmware. The internet light turns orange when i select PPPoE on the set up...

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New D-Link Modem / Router Connected But No Internet Access?

May 19, 2011

My desktop recently broke so i bought my first laptop. I have AT&T DSL and i bought a new D-Link DSL-2640B modem/router so i could have wireless internet. I installed it and i was able to use it with the ethernet cable, however when i tried to use wifi, it worked for only about 2 minutes before it disconnected.. Now when i try again it says that it is connected (full 5 bars) but it also says there is no internet access and i cannot use the internet.

Also, before, with the old modem i was able to just connect the ethernet cable to the laptop and just start using the internet. Now i have to connect by putting in my username and password provided by my ISP almost like if it was dial up. I don't know why i have to do this now but not before.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 380 @ 2.53GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model


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D-link Di-614+ Connected To Wimax - No Response But Internet Works?

Jun 18, 2011

I've got the Di-614+ connected to a Wimax system. The Wimax is plugged into one of the LAN jacks in the Di-614+ (i tried pluggin it into the WAN jack but it does not work). I'm able to use the internet fine without any problems using the wireless connection on my laptop.

The thing is the ip is set to open up the setup page of my Wimax modem. I cant seem to access the setup page of my Di-614+. I tried disconnecting the Wimax jack, and still google chrome just responds with "This webpage is not available". My other option is to hard reset the wireless router. But i worry it will ask for a password and i wont know it.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Stays On Without Power Cord When Powered USB Hub Is Connected

Mar 6, 2012

My DIR-825 stays on even when I flick the power switch, for as long as I don't disconnect the externally powered Belkin USB hub from it. Some lights do come off, Internet light turns orange, but it stays on. If I disconnect the hub before trying to shut down the router, it turns off instantly.

I feel slightly worried by this because as far as I am aware, a USB client device shouldn't be feeding power to the host. On the other hand, the host shouldn't be accepting power from the client either.

Also, sometimes after days since last reboot, the USB light on the router is not on despite connected devices, and they may or may not appear in Shareport.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Works Connected To Router Via Lan But Not Wireless?

Aug 11, 2011

Since the blackout beginning of this week from dlink I had to reset my camera totally to operate it again. works now again with iphone and with mydlink. But it only works as long it is connected via lan cable to my router. I accessed the set up (via ipaddress) and entered the router details to the setup but as soon I disconnect from lan it does not work anymore. What did I oversee.

Airport extreme

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Router Name / Wireless Printer Not Connected After Reset

Jan 14, 2012

I need the router's name and can't find it. I've tried every combination I can think of and still no luck. I thought it it might be the SSID but no.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Showing Xbox Wireless When Connected By Cat5?

Dec 16, 2012

I have tried all firmware and go into router settings and it shows it's sending a wireless signal to Xbox.  I have it connected via Cat5 cable.   

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Picky Router Acts Up When Mac PowerBook Is Connected

Oct 11, 2011

My D-Link655 is 6 months old. Liked it so much that I bought one for my sister in-law, and my mother/father in-law. Whenever my son's Mac PowerBook Pro (latest Mac OS) is on the network (WiFi) the router intermittently stops working. It loses connection for both WiFi and Wired (at the same time).  The intermittent issues seem to disappear when he disconnects the MacBook Pro.

-Current Firmware Version :1.32NA
-Current Firmware Date :2009/07/09

Perhaps it is coincidence, but it seems when the Mac is connected, the router fails every so many minutes (both WiFi and Wired). When the Mac is disconnected, the intermittent issues are gone.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Computers Connected To LAN Through Switch Could Not Access Internet

May 8, 2011

My Dlink DIR-615 had worked flawlessly for almost 7 months now.But since last week it started showing problems.All the computers connected to LAN thru the switch could not access the Internet but the Server( which is connected to the DIR-615 could connect to the internet.the above screenshot was captured thru a laptop running Win7 Ultimate connected to the DIR-615 thru WiFi-n.Even after repeated Reloads the same error cropped up in the browsers in the computers connected thru the switch.The computers connected to the switch could access the Internet after I restarted the router.

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D-Link DAP-1522 :: Can't Access Admin Screen After Connected

Nov 30, 2011

I have a Netgear WNDR3300 Dual-Band and is setup to use both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz to achieve 300 Mbps connection.

On the DAP-1522, I use IE (not Firefox or Chrome) for configuration as follow:
- IP address: STATIC
- Wireless config: using Wizard
- Wireless security: WPA2 / AES
- Mac Cloning: disabled

I tested this by connecting a Windows 7 desktop AND laptop via Ethernet cable and both laptop can obtain IP address dynamically, so my DAP-1522 is talking to the WNDR3300 (it has DHCP). Both Win 7 machines can also access the Internet.The problem is, I can NO LONGER access DAP-1522 admin screen, even by typing the static IP address assigned to it. The ONLY way I can re-access it is:

a). Reset DAP-1522

b). Shutdown the WNDR3300 wireless router, assign a static IP to the laptop, connect via cable to DAP-1522

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D-Link DIR-600 :: Access Point Via Laptop Connected To WLAN?

Dec 31, 2011

my network isn't the most optimal at the moment. Starting from the router, it's a Thomson TG789vn my roommate has set up in his room. The service is DSL. I've connected my laptop to said WLAN from which I connect my access point turned DIR-600 to the internet and share it to my PC and Xbox 360.It works pretty well most of the time with 28 ping to a ~150 miles far server, yet sometimes I lose connection overall, or partly. For example, the Battlefield 3 beta stays connected to the internet while 3 different browsers are unable to load a single page. It seems like ongoing connection are unaffected while new ones don't work. The problem is usually fixed in a few seconds when I disconnect and reconnect the WLAN on my laptop.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: IPv6 Marked Connected But Can't Have Real Connection

Oct 14, 2011

I have a d link dir 615 "ipv6 ready". My internet provider give tome a native ipv6 /48. I configure the router with my ipv6 /48 address the internal propagation of the address is good.

On the status ipv6 page all seems OK marked "connected" but I can't have an ipv6real connection and my provider say to me that i am not connected.

Is there a known problem of connection between an public /48 and the internal /64 and if so could it be corrected.

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