Different IPs For Different Users?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a user ABC(Admin Account) and XYZ(limited user). For both of them i would like to have two different ip configuration. If ABC(Admin Account) logins he should have ip, gateway and dns1, dns2 and dns3. If XYZ(limited user) logins he should have ip, gateway and dns1 only.Is it possible to have above configuraions.

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NAS Not Being Seen By Users?

Feb 27, 2013

I have Synology DS213 directly connected to a SMC Comcast business cable modem. The IP address of the DS213 is 5.4.3.x. The cable modem is pushing out IP Address in the same range 5.4.3.x. The cable modem connects to a wireless router and switch. The users who use wireless and wired connections have a public IP Address 192.168.x.x

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QoS On 150 Users Network / How To Set It

Oct 19, 2012

i have 2 ISP, each ISP is 20Mbps internet speed.. and i connect this 2 ISP to mikrotik router,so this network will have 20Mbps + 20Mbps line and this network have 150 users..any idea how to set the QoS? i don't want the user using p2p application will use the Full bandwidth then affect the others user become slow browsing and i want reserve some bandwidth for some user for gaming.

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Check The Users That Logged Into PC?

Mar 27, 2011

Some1 browse my PC via LogMeIn Hamachi, so i need 2 know who did that , how 2 see the log list?

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Can't Seem To Unshare Users Folder

Nov 5, 2012

I have a desktop pc, and a laptop both connected to wireless internet in a house with about 5 other computers getting internet off of the same wireless router.A while back I had figured out how to share my printer which is wired to my desktop, with my laptop but without sharing any files and figured i had done it.Today I had to figure out why the printer had stopped printing from the laptop and i noticed that in the network area of the explorer I could see my users files on the desktop from my laptop and vice versa. I have been trying everything that seems to be there to disable sharing these files, other then disconnecting from the internet.

On my desktop I can right click on the users folder and choose share>share with nobody. I did that.I also went into the advance sharing options on both devices and tried disabling everything but network discovery.From what I gather discovery is just letting me browse, and not actually showing me that things aren't available to share. So with everything else turned off, like file and printer sharing, all that other stuff, I can STILL see and move and use the files that I have "shared with nobody" even regardless of the fact that I have disabled printer and file sharing. Both machines are running Windows 7

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How To Check Which Users Are Using IP Printer

Mar 4, 2013

How to check which users are using printer. so that i can see which user are using more printer.

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Administrator Can Get On The Internet But Other Users Can't

Jun 24, 2011

I have a laptop running Windows 7 and it is on a wireless network.The trouble I am having is, the Administrator account can get on the internet with no problems, however, another user cant.It was originally just a "User" account, however, I changed it to Administrator to see if that would resolve the problem. it didn't.

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How To Remove Users From Wifi

Aug 5, 2011


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Checkpoint Vpn Server For 500 Users

May 3, 2012

I want the vpn device for about 320 users

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LAN Printer To Be Seen On All Users Domain?

Mar 19, 2012

We have almost 500 users and theres a network printer which people have to add eachone of them if they want to print and thats a procedure and takes time to show everyone all the steps. I wanted to know because we are using a domain which all pics are connected on that domain also the printer how is it possible to make it that the printer is shown on all automaticly?

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2 Internet Users On One Router?

Jun 9, 2012

i have a dsl modem tht is also wi-fi and has multiple ports to connect to internet. I want to be able to use a cable to connect to net on my desktop while allowing my bro to connect to net on his laptop through the wi-fi. Right now, we have to disconnect from the net on one to be able to connect on the other. Is there a way to do so without disconnecting?

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Routers / Switches :: Shared Users On A PC

Feb 1, 2011

Trying to hook up to my blu ray player for a internet connection, but the blu ray is telling me to check the pc for a shared users so it can connect!

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Cisco :: Limit Certain Users On A VLAN?

Jan 8, 2013

what would be the best method to limit some users/workstations from accesing the internet on a vlan that has access to the internet?

I was thinking of just creating a whole new VLAN for those few workstations that doesnt access the internet or using ACLs on the ASA.

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Logon Script To Add Printers When Users Log On

Mar 28, 2012

I'm running a VB Script from the logon script to add printers when users log on.The Colour printer is added no problem but the black and white printer was working but now wont.The print share names are correct and the server name is correct.

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Way To Share Certain File To Some Network Users

Aug 27, 2012

I am using Compaq Presario CQ41. OS Windows 7. I am connected to other PCs via LAN. My computer name is "Compaq" and the ones that I connected to are named "NEXT" and "TESTING". I am able to access data to "NEXT", "TESTING" and vice versa which means that the LAN is working. I want to share a certain file to "NEXT" but I want that file not to be shared by "TESTING".

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Cisco :: How To Remove Users In Nm-cue Module

Jun 28, 2012

I know to add a user in the service engine is (config)#user Aileen create but how would you remove it. I tried no before user to negate the command but i do #sh users and the username is still listed.

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Iomega STORCENTER IX2-200 Can't Access Users

Oct 19, 2011

I have a STORCENTER IX2-200 CLOUD EDITION in my office with 3 machines hooked up via the router. I cant seem to access users when I enable the security. If i disable security i can get in. This is happening on Windows XP and 7. I've tried Iomega support and it all has to be done via email which is annoying.If i enable security I get the following windows error: \iomegakate is not accessible. you miht not have permission to use this network resource. access is denied.all the machines are logged on as administrator. I did fix this problem although only for a few hours after speaking to Iomega. They advised to use the Net Use command and delete all connections. Ive forgotten what it was now as they remote accessed in.

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U-Verse ISP Users Can't Connect To Server?

Dec 6, 2012

I run a webserver that has worked fine for a while. Recently, I've been getting calls from people who say that the page is no longer pulling up. There were several reported cases, but no specifics. Finally I talked to someone today.He said they changed their ISP to AT&T U-Verse and that's when the problem started. When trying to go to our webpage, his browser times out. He has tried in Firefox, IE and even on the iPad, so it seems to be a router and/or ISP problem.I thought it might be a DNS server problem, but I changed it to Google's public DNS server,

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Restrict Internet Access To Particular Users?

May 28, 2011

got myself the Netgear internal PCI wifi adapter today & it works just fine on my Windows XP SP3 desktop.

The only problem I have is the question of restricting access to kids @ home. If it was an external USB adapter, I could have just taken it away but the concern is the device being an internal & always available one. The user configuration on the PC is such that there is 1 main administrator (The actual windows "administrator" account) that no one uses. Apart from that,

- 1 user with admin privileges (me)

- 1 limited account for the kid

- 1 admin privilege account for the kid again (for purposes like installation of games which require an admin account as mandatory)

I would like for the wifi PCI card to work only when I login to my account. There must be someway by which I could disable the device or make the internet inaccesible in the other accounts,, (but pls bear that 1 of the account that the kid uses also has admin privilege)

I tried disabling the device from control panel but in vain.. (tried something like the sys admins do in corporates ..) disabling the usb ports on the PC's in my office..!

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How To Allow Certain Users / IP Addresses Access To Website

Dec 21, 2012

I want to create a website but only allow a certain user or group of users access to that website. Assuming that user or users will be from the same location, and likely the same static IP, can I throw a firewall between my internet connection and web server and only allow that specific IP address access to my web server by a rule?If there is a better way to handle that,

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Temporarily Lock Out Remote Users?

Dec 30, 2011

One of our accounting administrators will be working in our server this weekend from his home remotely. He wanted to know if there was a way I could temporarily lock users from remoting in a few days to prevent them from messing up his work.The only way I could think of was disabling the accounts in Active Directory and then re-enabling them once he was done. Server is running Windows Server 2003 with the users remoting in via RDP. They all have accounts in Active Directory.

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Want To Share Data Usage With Users On One Pc?

Oct 25, 2012

Not sure if I should be here or software but I'll start here. My question is I want to split my data plan with users on one pc, eg 3 users on windows 7 giving them 60gb each then shuts off when it is reached? I have tried looking online but seem to only find stuff about timelimits.

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Separate Server Traffic From Users?

Jan 22, 2013

I run a small software development firm with around 15 network users. We currently have broadband DSL (only thing available in our area with decent up/down speeds - 2/20 respectively). We have 7 development (Win 2008/2012) servers and 4 sales people that tie up bandwidth with video conferencing/movies/music/etc..We aren't running a DHCP server (the modem/router handles DHCP) or exchange (we use gmail). We essentially have the broadband modem, a cradlepoint mbr1400 router as AP, and a 24 port unmanaged switch, a few wireless printers, and of course each employee has at least one other device connected via WIFI.

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How To Control Number Of Wireless Users

Apr 24, 2012

I have a question regarding the number of computers connecting to a single wireless router. I want my internet connection at home to be used only by my laptop. I have my connection secured by password and etc, but I was wondering if there is a setting I can use to control the number of computers connected to a wireless router?

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Time Restriction For Guest Users?

Feb 16, 2013

I am a restaurant owner and have a wireless network set-up via DLink DSL 2730U router. Now some times I get customers who demand to use the network and they use it for free which I find irritating. I have found one solution of 'Guests/Virtual Point' but I need to limit the time (say 15 minutes) for which they can use the network.

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Sharing :: How To Boot Users Off The Network

Oct 24, 2012

I would like to know how i can boot other users off of the wifi network temporarily. How can i do this? Ive tried adding their mac address to the router admin, not sure if ive done it correct though, its a dlink login.Failing that is there any programs that can do this?? Ive come across one called wifijam but its only available for mac.

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Can Users Of Second Router Access Information Of First One

Apr 1, 2012

I currently set up two LAN networks. But one of them (Router 2) will be open (no password). Will this create a security compromise? Can the Router 2 Users access information of users of Router 1?

Modem WAN > Router 1 WAN
Router 1 LAN > Router 2 WAN

The router 1 and 2 are broadcasting different networks and SSID.Is there any setting that I need to change, or this configuration is perfectly safe? both of them have DHCP enabled.

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Building A Wireless Network For 130+ Users?

Apr 8, 2011

designing a wireless network for an apartment complex. The complex is shaped like like an rectangle, fairly small, maybe 100 feet on the ends and 300 feet long on the sides. There are 130 people that we are assuming may have about 3 devices each that they will connect to the wireless network, potentially simultaneously, as this is in a college environment. We have plenty of bandwidth and down/up speed. We are running 30 megabit down and 10 up. I am planning on having a router with two access points centrally located in an apartment and extending the network out with antennas in each direction from the access points with Omni directional antennas. The Access points that I am planning on using are Cisco WAP200 with maybe a Linksys router, as the router should not have more than 10 connections on it. I need something that will not crash after 10-15 users connect to it because it jams up from overload.

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Users Are Getting Dropped From The Internet And Email?

Apr 7, 2011

They are all on the same domain but some of these users are getting dropped from the Internet, and email. Once they restart there PC it works for a couple of hours than it drops again. We also tried updating the network driver after doing that it works ok for a couple of hours after that they start lossing connection to the Internet and email again. We have tried several different things but have not being succesful in finding the issue.

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Setup A Network With 30 Users Mostly Using Windows?

Oct 6, 2011

I'm looking to setup a network with 30 users mostly using windows. Would you recommend me getting a router and then a switch to hoook up all those LAN connections ?

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Monitoring Users Web And URL History With Utilities?

Oct 10, 2011

How can i monitor users web and URL history with monitoring utilities?i am using solarwinds orion but i don't know how can i monitor web and URL histories.does this software have this ability or not?

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Wifi Network Setup For 200 Users

Jan 2, 2013

I want to setup a wifi network in my office that can support 200+ users at a time. I'm trying to but I have very limited knowledge about networking. We currently have 2 5MBPS internet leased lines. The total office area is around 2000sq ft, all open, separated by glass walls only. I'm thinking about buying a powerful load balancing router and a switch, then connected 4-6 wireless router to this switch and give single wireless SSIDs to all routers. I want to keep one single network for all the users. Is this the right way to do?

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Restricting Internet Access To Particular Users On XP?

May 28, 2011

got myself the Netgear internal PCI wifi adapter today & it works just fine on my Windows XP SP3 desktop.

The only problem I have is the question of restricting complete internet access to kids @ home. If it was an external USB adapter, I could have just taken it away but the concern is the device being an internal & always available one.

The user configuration on the PC is such that there is 1 main administrator (The actual windows "administrator" account) that no one uses. Apart from that,

- 1 user with admin privileges (me)

- 1 limited account for the kid

- 1 admin privilege account for the kid again (for purposes like installation of games which require an admin account as mandatory)

I would like for the wifi PCI card to work only when I login to my user account. There must be someway by which I could disable the device or make the internet inaccessible in the other accounts,, (but pls bear that 1 of the account that the kid uses also has admin privilege)

I tried disabling the device from control panel but in vain.. (tried something like the sys admins do in corporates ..) disabling the usb ports on the PC's in my office..!

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