Setup Two Wireless Networks Using One Cable Modem?

Mar 1, 2011

How to establish two different routers with seperate networks to a single cable modem?

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Setup Two Wireless Networks On One Comcast Cable Modem?

Apr 7, 2013

We have kids in the house and I'd like to limit their internet access to certain times of the day but because of the great amount of devices they use (phones, tablets, laptops, etc.) the only way I could think of doing that easily was to set up two wireless networks: one that the adults could use 24/7 and the other that the kids could access during certain set hours.

Here's the equipment I'm working with:

DLink DIR 615 wireless router
DLink DIR 515 wireless router
Motorola Surfboard cable modem S85101U

I plugged the DLink 615 in, set it up for DHCP client and plugged it into the cable modem. I lef the default IP address for the device. On that router, I also reserved the IP address and assigned it to the DLink 515.I also gave the DLink 515 device the IP so I could administer it.I set the DLink 515 to static IP and made the IP and the default gateway plugged the DLink 515 into one of the LAN ports in the DLink 615.I set a schedule on the DLink 615 to shut down internet access to the DLink 515 at a certain hour and turn it back on at another time.Everything seems to work ok, but at least once a day we have to unplug and plug the routers to reset them.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610n 2 Networks From 1 Comcast ISP Cable Modem

Jan 12, 2010

I have a need to have 2 seperate networks from my comcast cable modem.I was hoping to plug a 5 port hub into the cable modem and then plug both the wrt610n and the wrt54g into the hub. Seem that only one of the routers will get an ip assigned from Comcast.Is there a way to have one ISP cable modem and create two different home networks with the two linksys routers, thus two separate independent networks?
-Network 1: public household use and family (Jane's wireless laptop, household PC's etc).

-Network 2: private household/company use and separate from the public family network (company wireless laptop/company PC, un-secure media server).

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Two Separate Networks On One Cable Modem

Feb 5, 2012

We are a small office currently running a regular network (9 wired, 2 wireless) and also using the "guest" feature (7 wireless) on a Linksys E2000. We have a switch to connect our wired equipment to the E2000. If "A" is our regular network, and "B" is our guest network, is it possible to have 2 routers on 1 cable modem and still prevent network "A" from seeing Network "B" and vice versa?? We are looking to do this because we will soon be exceeding the maximum guest users (10) allowed by the E2000. We have another Linksys router in storage, I think it is a WRT54G, that we would use if this is possible.

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Routers / Switches :: Create 2 Networks On Same Cable Modem With A Firewall?

Sep 14, 2012

how do i create 2 networks using 1 cable modem and 1 router and i would like to add a firewall thinking of using xywall usg20 for the firewall..... the issue is i have a small business with 1 point of sale and1 back office computer.(network1) and i would also like to use an air port wifi to offer wifi to my cleints on a seperate network(network2) not allowing access to network1 and i want a firewall on network 1 to protect the back office and pos system

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5505 Setup As Firewall Connected To Cox Cable Modem And Wireless AP

Aug 27, 2011

I have two ASA 5505's.  One is currently setup as my firewall connected to the Cox Cable modem and wireless AP.  I have another ASA that I would like to use, I have an idea that I could set that one up as a VPN unit, but not sure how I could do that.  If that is not an option, can you provide the command line instructions on how to setup the VPN via the console cable. [code]

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Cisco Wireless :: Setup To 2921 Router Connected To Cable Modem

Apr 21, 2013

I have one interface setup to a Cisco 2921 router connected to a Cable modem.DHCP is on the 2921.when I connect to the ssid for my guest i'm redirected to the authentification portal .i'm putting valide credential and when pressing the submit button .. it just go anywhere.
I have setup another SSID with a psk and it's working fine.. getting ip and able to browse internet.From what i have read... it's apparently DNS issue on my router.. but what should I check.

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Motorola VT2442 Router / SB6121 Cable Modem - Connecting Two Networks?

Apr 22, 2012

I have a network connected to Verizon FIOS via Actiontec MOCA / router. I also have a network connected to Comcast via Motorola VT2442 router (used for Vonage) and a Motorola SB6121 cable modem.

Each network has it's own gigabit switch connected to each router. The two networks are physically separated but switches and routers are physically side by side.

What is the best configuration to allow devices on network to communicate with devices on the network (share printers, NAS, etc), but still have each network served by it's respective ISP, and each device still get it's dhcp, dns, gateway, etc from each respective router?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2000 Setup With Motorola Surfboard Cable Modem

Jun 10, 2011

I recently switched from dsl to cable. I have a e2000 router that I would still like to use. The modem I have is a Motorola Surfboard SB6121. It has no options that I can modify. The modem has a built in DHCP server. However, I can't modify it and I don't like the ip configuration it uses. For the time being I have the modem connected to a switch which is working fine. What I would like to know is how to configure the e2000 to use the modems connection. I used PPPoE for DSL and had login information.

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How To Disable Router In Cable Modem Setup

Jun 13, 2011

I've been having problems with the router portion of my cable modem router. I have a brand new router that I would like to use rather than the crappy router that is part of the cable modem.The problem is that I'm not able to get online no matter how I set the settings. I have disabled DHCP in the cable modem router and am connecting this to the router thru the internet port of the router.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: Can't Seem To Setup WAG120N Modem

Nov 27, 2011

I can't seem to setup my WAG120N modem.I kept on getting the error "your ethernet cable does not appear to be connected properly" even though I have connected all the cables correctly. I can access the modem through the browser via though.I thought the setup is supposed to be simple but I have wasted few hours.

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Setup Cable Modem / Router With Printer Attached To One Of LAN Ports?

Jan 25, 2012

Im trying to setup a cable modem which is also a router that has a printer attached to one of its lan ports. From there it connects to another router which connects to other clients from there i have another router with a VPN connection with other clients. I would like to be able to see everyone on the network. How do I setup the routers in particular the router with the vpn which is the last router. Also the vpn router is connected through its WAN port to the router ahead of it at its lan port so it can use its VPN connection.If it makes it easier lets ignore the cable modem as router and ill find the printer another way of connecting but essentially i need the two other routers for two ip addresses. One for the first router with my regular IP and then the other is for VPN IP.

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Dlink Dsl-520b Dls Modem And Wireless Router On Different Networks?

May 12, 2012

my dlink dsl-520b dls modem is using and is plugged into the WAN port on my dlink wireless router.the wireless router is (these are both in the main building which is remote from my shop).Then i have a netgear wireless access point This spreads the signal properly, and I can get connectivity on all my computers -although i do have to specify a default route on the computers on my shop side of the access point.I noticed that the internet light on my modem is red which indicates no internet connection. I am still able to access the internet fine, but i would like to be able to log into the modem from my network. I was able to do this before by setting a computer with a netmask of

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Actiontec Q1000 Modem - Can't Connect To Secure Wireless Networks

May 10, 2011

So we just got a new router for our higher speed internet. The modem is an Actiontec Q1000 from Qwest. We used to live out in the middle of nowhere, so we never needed to secure our internet. Now we live close to neighbors and we need to encrypt the wireless. When I try any encryption, however, I can't connect at all. I have tried temporarily having it unlocked and I could connect without a problem. It also works fine when I'm using my Ethernet cord.

Heres my IPCONFIG.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Owner-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :


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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2000 Separate Networks On One Modem / Two Routers

Feb 27, 2012

Using a Linksys E2000 and Linksys WRT54GL (both flashed to most recent firmware), I am trying to set up Network "A" and Network "B" on one modem. I do not want either A or B to be able to see each other for security purposes. Both are secured networks for the wireless connections and have different SSIDs.
After online research, and the inability to find my exact question answered, this is what I did and I'd like to know if I'm missing anything to keep A and B completely separate. Or, if I've done anything that will cause any problems on my network. [code]
I disabled the ability to change settings using wireless connection on both routers.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: Atlanta 2100 - When Installing Driver To Use Usb Cable Modem Does Not Recognize It

Dec 13, 2012

I have a modem Scientific Atlanta 2100. I just installed windows 8 pro 64bit and when installing the driver to use the usb cable modem does not recognize it and simply not installed. I wonder if it is possible to use my usb cable modem or simply incompatible with my windows 8 64bit pro.

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Linksys Cable / Dsl :: Cable Modem Dpc3825 - Hook Up To Smart Apps Wifi?

Apr 23, 2013

With this modem, can you hook up to the Linksys Smart Apps WiFi?

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: BEFCMU10 Need To Install And Get Cable Modem Working

Mar 24, 2011

I inherited a BEFCMU10 v.3 cable modem from my boss who switched to FiOS and I would like to use this with my Comcast connection.All I received from him is the cable modem and power adapter, what do I need to install and get this cable modem working? My router is WRT-54G.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: Can't Get A New IP From ISP When Cable Modem EPC3925 Is Set To Router Mode

Mar 23, 2012

I can't get a new IP from my ISP when my Cable modem router(EPC3925) is set to router mode, i have tried factory restore, unplugged etc..but still no luck. It changes each time i reset it when i set it to bridged only mode but then i won't be able to connect other devices to it since it doesn't uses DHCP in bridged only mode. It changes back to the IP i had when i set it to router mode. I don't want to change my router settings to bridged only because it would disconnect the other devices in my house. Why my ISP assigns the same IP address when it's set to router mode but assigns different IPs when it's set to bridged only, how is this possible ?

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Broadband :: Connect A Modem / Router To A Cable Modem?

Feb 7, 2012

I have a cable modem installed to my property but want to use my modem/router to go wireless. The proble is my cable modem output is a RJ45 and the router input is RJ11.

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Two Separate Networks On One DSL Modem?

Mar 29, 2012

how I can setup two separate networks on a Westell 327w modem/router. I know this question has been asked to death and I've utilized the search function, but I still don't know how to make this work. I have a computer that I plan on using for important business and my sibiling has my other computer that he uses for gaming and downloading stuff. His computer is connected wirelessly to the Westell 327w. My computer has no internet access at this point. I would like to have both connected wirelessly to the internet, but keep them completely separate and as secure as possible, as he downloads some questionable things.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG320N And Cable Modem Connection?

Jun 4, 2010

some reference material about configuring my WAG320N to use my cable modem via Ethernet port 1. I've seen it mentioned that's its possible, however I've been unable to sort it out myself.
And before you ask, I've brought the DSL router as I'm moving in the next 12 months and my new base will not have access to cable internet and I'll be reverting back to DSL.

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How To Setup 2 Networks On One Router

Oct 28, 2011

I want to set up 2 separate network with one cable modem for my restaurant. we wants to provide WIFI access to its customers, but wants to keep their internal network separated.

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How To Setup 2 Networks On A Router

Feb 15, 2012

I am tryign to setup 2 networks for my company. I need 1 network for the first room and another network on the second room. Each room can't access another room's computer. I have setup 2 workgroups for each room but it seems that the workgroup can't setup passwords. Every computer is in the same subnet with static ip. They all connect to a switch -> router -> modem.

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Setup Multiple Networks On One Rv042?

May 19, 2012

We have 36 cctv cameras slowing down our oracle network pc's all in same subnet. I want to remove the dvr's of cctv to a separate network to improve performance. How to accomplish that with a Rv042 linksys router? Or is there any other better way around. 5 Users access the cctv cameras all the time.

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How To Setup Multiple Networks On One Router

Aug 3, 2011

How do you setup multiple networks on one router? Is it as easy as changing subnets?

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Why Router Work With DSL Modem But Not Cable Modem

Jan 6, 2013

I'm switching to cable internet service instead of DSL. My Netgear router will not work with my cable modem; but it works like a charm with my DSL modem. Is it a problem with the router setup? Good thing I still have the DSL service.

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Use Wireless Computer With Cable / Modem?

Apr 30, 2012

My son has a modem that can be wireless or cable. He mostly uses it via cable, but can I set up my wireless computer to use the modem at same time or would he need to have the modem set to wireless? Failing that, could I set up a second modem as a wireless one just for me?

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Use Cable Modem Cg3000d As Vpn Wireless With My Dsl?

Nov 22, 2012

I have quest dsl internet service. in the rural area i live it's the best i can do. I have a leftover netgear CG3000D cable modem. can I use that netgear somehow to wifi my home for my android phone, using the quest net service?

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Setting Up Wireless To Cable Modem?

May 4, 2012

cable company connected cable modem to computer, and left us to do the wireless set-up. during this process, we had to disconnect the ethernet cords and reconnect at correct locations. Now, no internet period. The cable modem is not showing a send signal

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Best DD-WRT DOCSIS3 Wireless N Cable Modem?

Jul 24, 2011

I want the best, most super-kickass Docsis 3, Wireless N Cable modem there is. It should come with DD-WRT or something better (if it exists) or be easy to flash to it.

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Setup 2 Wireless Routers With 2 Static IP's 1 Modem

Feb 16, 2012

My adolescent son wants to create a server to host video games. We, the parents, want to separate our computers and files from all the crazy security risks my son and his friends take, while allowing them to learn by their mistakes.I want 2 separate networks, or does this make sense? Would love to have our computers (assorted PC's, Macs, both laptops and desktops, running Vista Ultimate, Windows 7, OSX 10.5 and up), ipods, TV's, Blu-rays, wireless printers, etc. isolated from our son's computers, ipods, TV's, XBox, Blurays, wireless printers, (as well as the digital stuff his friends bring over).Since security is the reason for this, would love any tips over and above Brian Posey's article on Tech Republic (5 common security mistakes people make on setting up wireless networks, or something like that)We have Optimum high speed (testing up to 65 mps) internet service and 5 static IP addresses to work with.

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How To Access Via Remote Desktop Of Other Networks Same Modem

Mar 12, 2011

Modem >> switch router1 >> switch >> computer

same Modem >> same switch >> router2 >> switch >> computer

Now I want to access computers from router 1 to router 2 computers.I opened the router 2 web page and forwarded it. I put service port no. 3389, ip address of a computer of router 2 network. Now I can access the specific computer via remote desktop from router 1 computers using public ip .But what I need is I want to access via mstsc all computers of the router 2 network. using service port, ip address of one computer, I can access only one computer.

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